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Empress of Scotland
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From November 12-17, 1951, Empress of Scotland had the privilege of carrying their Royal HighnessesPrincess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on deck. (click to enlarge) the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh from Newfoundland to Liverpool, at the end of a Canadian tour. The voyage, which received significant media attention, had originally been planned to be abroad Empress of France, but due to a late change in the timing of the tour, the return journey was switched to Empress of Scotland.

For the present Queen's first ocean voyage on a passenger ship (the Royal Yacht Britannia did not yet exist), a private, three-room royal suite was set up. This was situated on the starboard (sunny) side of A deck, and was specially decorated and furnished for the occasion. Despite exceptionally rough seas throughout the five day voyage, the Princess apparently enjoyed the experience, utilising some on-board amenities including the cinema, and spending time on deck each day. The royal couple did however graciously decline an invitation to dine at the Captain's table in the First Class dining room.

At the end of the voyage, their Royal Highnesses expressed appreciation to the Master, Captain CE Duggan, and presented him with monogrammed cufflinks and a signed photograph. The Princess received two dolls as gifts for the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne, which were presented to her on behalf of the ship's crew by George Newcomer, senior bellboy. Two years later, whilst still Master of Empress of Scotland, Captain Duggan was to have the honour of attending Queen Elizabeth's Coronation service and procession, in his capacity of Royal Naval Reserve Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty.

Captain Duggan presents the officers to HRH (CP photo) - click to enlarge HRH receives gifts for her children (CP photo) - click to enlarge
HRH meets members of the crew (CP photo) - click to enlarge HRH meets members of the crew (CP photo) - click to enlarge


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