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Neighbours Girls

Rosetta Cammeniti _ Natalie Saleeba - 2006

Home / Up / Rosie Hoyland-Maggie Millar-2002-2003

 (Born 1978 in Perth, Western Australia) is an Australian television actress. Saleeba's resume consists of guest appearances on Always Greener, Stingers and The Secret Life Of  Us. She played the starring role of  Jessica Singelton on All Saints from 2004 to 2006.

Growing up, ( Here) she was always the good girl and her sister Carmella was always the rebel, but when Rosetta arrived in Ramsay St, a role reversal seemed to be on the cards. The lawyer, who was still living at home with her mother in her late twenties, moved out, broke up with her fiancé and set out to start over.

Family: Father  Rocco Commenitti / Mother Lucia Commenitti / Sister Carmella Commenitti / Cousin Teresa Commenitti


You asked... February  2007

What was it like changing characters from a nurse in All Saints to a lawyer who lives on Ramsay Street?
Well, I have a bigger range of clothes! No, I actually have lots of friends who are lawyers, so I spoke to them. And I bumped into this guy the other day, at the Prahran markets, and he used to be a lawyer. He'd been watching Neighbours and he said he knows lots of lawyers like me. He then said, "She's not a very nice character."

Do you still catch up with your previous co-stars from All Saints now you're on Neighbours?
Well, considering that they live thousands of kilometres away, I don't. But I occasionally speak to some of them on the phone.

Was it hard to move from Sydney to Melbourne? What do you miss?
No. I miss my friends in Sydney and I miss the beach, but I love Melbourne.

Was it good that three other new cast members started on Neighbours at the same time as you? Were you sad that Christian Clark left?
Yeah, it was good, because we had some allies, coming into a new cast. We were all in the same boat, being the new kids, so it made it easier. Christian was great fun, but he's gone off to do his thing.

I read that you used to do gymnastics and circus skills. Did you want to be a gymnast or join a circus when you were younger? Do you still do anything like that?
I actually did gymnastics for 10 years, and I did want to be a gymnast when I was younger, but I was too tall. So I gave it away when I was about 14. I did artistic gymnastics, so it was vault, bars, beam and floor. But the asymmetric bars were my favourite. I have broad shoulders and strong arms. Circus skills? Well, one of the first acting jobs I got was as a circus performer. I did a film called Under The Lighthouse Dancing, with Jack Thompson and Jackie McKenzie, and I played an acrobat. So yeah, I did dabble in circus skills, and I would like to have pursued it, but it never really happened.

What's your favourite TV show to watch?
Last year I really got into Thank God You're Here. I would love to be on it, but I'm not sure how well I would go. It would be so nerve-wracking!

Home / Up / Rosie Hoyland-Maggie Millar-2002-2003