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Chan Chan


The city of Trujillo was founded in 1534 by Diego de Almagro as an express assigment ordered by Francisco Pizarro. He founded the city on the Moche River Valley to take advantage of the political prestige of its Caciques. Thus, the Chimor Valley has preserved its cultural hegemony, since the beginning of our era. Despite the Saint Valentine earthquake in 1619, the fertility of the valley and the determination of its people have contributed to its development. 

Nearby the city, its located the biggest Mud City in the World called Chan Chan, which belonged to the Chimu Culture (XII-XV Century ) The Incas, after finding great resistance, they conquered this kingdom in the XVI Century.

The valley is a rich artistic province and a Republican Viceroyalty. Due to the limitless cordiality of its people and its unceasing intellectual activity, Trujillo has not only become the "Respite of Travellers", but the "Cultural Capital of Peru". It is enough to mention: The International Spring Festival. The National Marinera Competition, The Caballos de Paso (typical Peruvian Pace Horse) Competition, the Totora Raft Exhibition, the Contemporary Art Biennial and the International Ballet Festival, among others.

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