Vaniel, My Heart
Summary: This story begins at the end of the Third Age, some years before the War of the Rings, and ends after the death of Aragorn II, known as King Elessar. Haldir is called to rescue an elleth from the clutches of the Wild Men. Doing so proves to be the greatest trial of his life.
This is the story of one such love, which drove unhesitant into the soul of an elven warrior whose spirit had hardened beyond the sweet call of another's heart.....or so he thought....
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sex and violence.
Pairing: Haldir/OFC, Original characters..
Setting: Middle Earth
Timeline: Third Age - Fourth Age
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Disclaimer: All familiar characters are owned by JRR Tolkien and are used without permission. No monies are being made from this work.
Graphics copyrighted Cari Buziak
Banner artwork from Ophelia by JWW Waterhouse.