3rd Adventure Walkthrough

Mission 16

Read Dossier. Go to Kurtz's Camp. Read the diolog. Now then you have to beat the Gutter Punks in a particular order to get them all jailed. These are my findings from FBHW. However it will be different to you. What you will need to do is go to them 7 locations a take notes (either on notepad or microsoft word or anywhere) who is at that location and who
they contact on the walkie talkie. Then start off attacking the punk without a walkie talkie. Then work backwards so that the punk they are trying to call is already in the big house. Here is just an example:- Wellness Clinic = green contacts no one Candy = purple contacts green toy = orange contacts purple soup = blue contacts orange 7/11 = black contacts blue Wal = red contacts black Liq = yellow contacts red Therefore if it worked out like that you would go to... Wellness Clinic > Candy Store > Toy Store > Soup Kitchen > 7/11 > Walmart > Liquor Store. That's the last of em. Head over to the Big House! Mission 16 Complete!