Part 2

Clinton and his family are not Jewish, or of Jacob/Israel, and neither is George W. Bush’s family. They are elite Germans connected directly to the German Throne of England and to Germany. The five, six, seven, and eight pointed stars, worn by Royal Germans, also have nothing to do with Jacob/Israel. Israel’s “six pointed” Star is also not King David’s, according to Jewish scholars.

Name Ashtar combined with Roth (Ashtaroth), means a star of Cain (the Roth one), not Abel or Seth. (Genesis 4:6). Ashtar, in early illust. Bible Dictionaries, says it means “A-Star”. The question is, “a star” of who, and of what? Ashtar or Easter (of East-Ur) is where the bunny rabbit sex symbols come from, especially the black, white and “chocolate bunny types”. To see who these women stars are today and what they still represent, see Hollywood “stars” and hopping Playboy “bunnies” across the U.S.!

Female bunny is Ashtar and her (Little Horny) “fertile women” in the world. (Clinton symbolized male rabbit in the square Standard for Egypt and Hittites) Ashtar’s “eggs” to be fertilized are hung on Satan’s Christmas trees. ‘Round glass balls’, even have images of ‘kids’ (goats) already born. The “Red” and “Green” balls represent Nimrod-Osiris and his elite seed, “Blue” balls are Ashtar-Isis (for more moon women), “Yellow” and “Gold” balls represent more ruling “Sons-of-the-Sun”, and “White balls” and “White Stars” are Satan and his “fallen” star(s), “lost angels” (Los Angeles). German name “Roth”, and “Rothschild” (means Cain’s child). “Roth” = “Cain”, the wroth one. Red, White, and Green Bowties on these trees and presents represent worldly “gifts” from Satan to his seeds that they share together.

Satan’s elite gift is his seed, and gift wrapped packages with ribbons/ bowties are in Egyptian paintings, and shown with the Goddess Ashtar-Isis and five pointed stars. Those observing Christmas say these commercial trimmings, presents, and Satan Claus, have taken away from the true spirit of “X” mass and their “Iesus” (Jesus). They are wrong: it has added to the spirit of “X” mass and their “Iesus-Osiris” Pharaoh who once tossed the plebes gifts! They dramatically lose on all counts. Why? Christians are still under this Eagle God Beast and “Little Horn” Eagle Son’s “sexual-fertility” covenant of death!

Ya‘akov/Israel were to avoid entering into any existing covenants or making agreements with Egyptians, Canaanites (Hittites), and Chaldeans-Assyrians. Why? These Gentiles (nations) worshipped Satan and his consecrated Baal Little Horn Eagle Sons-of-the-Sun under different names, and also worshipped their fertility mother goddess appropriately named “Ashtaroth”, over their sexual rituals. Masons are active keepers of Ur-Cain-Esau-Hittite-Chaldean-Assyrian covenants for exclusive perpetuation of their race: “The Great White Bavarian Brotherhood”, as stated in their books. See if the Masonic Temple in your city sets up a Christmas tree and puts wreaths on their doors. Their “X” phallic covenant is fulfilled in 2001-4. Their crowned Double Headed Eagle Son World Ruler No. “8” is over the world’s goats. He is their real Bavarian Prince over their Christmas: he is their reborn “Osiris-Iesus” for today. (Rev. 17:10-11). This ancient Eagle God and Eagle Son Satanic covenant dramatically impacts you and your family.

How? Upon examining history of Masons and their religion, you should conclude what covenant they still keep the world under, and how long this Luciferic covenant has been in existence. As authors show paths of how to come out of Babylon, they soft-peddle “Iesus”, Christmas, and seldom mention Bavarian Masons and their leading role as enemies of Yahovah and Yahshua. Why? For starters, most of today’s Jesus Christ Churches of God (where Christmas is celebrated) were founded by German Masons! (not Jews!) We rebuke another lie being promoted that says these “Illuminati” (illuminated ones of light from Lucifer, who come among us as deceivers of light) is a Jewish started and controlled world order conspiracy, and responsible for the ‘1776’ corruption of the U.S. and the world’s Bavarian Masons.

This is garbage: Masons were corrupt and evil before Abraham and Jacob/Israel existed in the flesh, long before Jews were invited to join “their” covenant, and long before Yahshua. Bavarian Masons created violence and spread evil across Europe long before 1776! German Mason workers lie, deny, and point at, or even pretend to be real Jews, to put public focus on Jews and not Germans! (a great deceptive ploy).
(Remember characteristics of Cain: a murderer, a liar, and pointing at his brother to cover up his deeds)
53 founding fathers of the United States were Bavarian Masons, and none were Jacob/Israel (Jews). In joining Masons then or today, any Jew or Jacob/Israelite, or German, that bows his knee to Baal, gives up his heritage with Yahovah and Yahshua! Yes, there are Jews in Masonry today, but the majority in the world are Bavarian-Anglo-Saxons, and it is exclusively their ancient covenant, and dominated by them for cornering the world for their race. (See Masonic lists in Europe, Germany, England, and U. S.)

These enemies of Yahovah and Yahshua cannot open their books, or reveal ancient secrets to the public. Why? “All” Masons worldwide, “All” Masonic Christians, and “All” Masonic Ministers are Yahovah’s enemies. They put out incredible amounts of damage control disinformation (lies) about themselves to cover up the truth behind their ancient religion. They have corrupted Yah’s truth to make Him rejected by most. (If you know little about them, it will be difficult to understand their major role in prophecy today)

But, to know who is the world’s last “Little Horn Ruler”, you must understand at least the basics behind Masons, and their phallic “Covenant of Death” they keep today. Because they work for Satan (world’s “Master Architect”) as Satan’s “Master Builders”, they enjoy the leadership roles, materialism, and monetary rewards throughout Satan’s Kingdom. All you need to know is this basic truth: all of them are Lucifer worshippers and the enemies of Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah and all of His sheep. Through Yah’s Spirit, you are now given illustrated documentation to know what is said about them is truth.

God of Masons Serpent of Masons “Christmas Tree” Hand shake of Masons

“Great Eagle God and Serpent” over East and West of “Satan’s Tree” to walk in all of his ways.
(2,500 B.C. Aryan Hittite ancient symbols are verified at Oxford in England and by the late Professor Sayce)
“Golden” symbol above Eagle, serpent, tree, and arm means “God”, as translated; proven by Sayce and others.

Symbols above are also used by Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and Assyrians. The Eagle God was placed inside the square and over the square. Pharaohs wore these symbols to indicate “who they worshipped”. Satan’s Double Serpent is shown again and again on the Eagle Winged Son of the Sun Orb in Egypt and Assyrians, and Ahura Mazda Ra. Mason’s Hitler used the Eagle (his God) and also used the Son-of the Sun-Spot, or Great Eagle Son Winged Orb. (One of his favorites is in a British Air Force Museum)

(Read this Covenant symbol translation right to left) “I, your (Eagle) God over the ‘four corners of earth’, present my ‘ruling scepter’ over East and West, and divide my kingdom with you to rule over ‘my seed from my sacred tree’. You shall walk in my ways, and are ‘bound’ to serve only me. You are my ‘master builders of my temples’ of worship ‘East to West’. My seed is my ‘gift’ (bowtie) and you shall ‘plant it abundantly’ that it ‘brings forth’ (this buds’ for you) ‘new fruit’ (Eagle sons and daughters) and taught to ‘walk in my ways’. Look to my ‘eternal flame’ to ‘light your way’ and ‘my hand’ shall be over you in my worldly kingdom.” (These covenants in libraries and British Museum). Did not Yahshua say: ‘an enemy has done this’ (Satan planted the bad seed)?

2,300 B.C. HITTITE (Canaanite) “EAGLE SON-OF-THE-SUN COVENANT” over the goats. (Translation from a stone detailing out their covenant) See ‘Hittite Art’, 2300-700 B.C. by Maurice Vieyra, Pub. 1955, Tiranti LTD., London, England W.1. After examination and study of these older covenants of Ur-Chaldea-Hittites, you should know who the goats are in Yah’s prophecy. See 1000 B.C. Double Headed Eagle God Hittite Relief “Herald’s Wall” at Carchemish: Ankara Museum. Majority are still walking according to ”the Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:1-3). Masons use this sacred “East-West Double Headed Eagle God” in their temples, and it is displayed in the center of their 32nd and 33rd Degree pins. They proudly serve Lucifer and the world’s “goats” under them, and are soon to be destroyed. Why? They are not of Yahovah or Yahshua, and are the enemies of Jacob/Israel!

A continuous line of German England Kings, Windsor Princes, “Anglo-Saxon” Dukes, Lords, Bavarian Kaisers (as Frederick the Great), and most U.S. Presidents, were documented “Master Masons”. (These “G” Masonic lists are available in Europe, Germany, and England’s history books). Other German “G” Royal Dynasties throughout Europe used this same Eagle God (Single and Double Headed), stags and lions as Ur, Canaanites, and Babylon-Assyrians. 1994: Russia went back under their Crowned Double Headed Eagle God of Ur and it cannot be used unless they have a living “German” (Romanov Son of New Rome) God Tsar. Who is their German World Order Tsar today over East and West? You shall know in this prophecy. “The Star Buck” (Hittite King on the Stag) stops in Washington, D.C., not St. Petersburg, or Moscow, Russia, or at the Chaldean Throne of England. (See ‘Star Buck’ coffee today)

2,500 B.C. HITTITE DOUBLE-HEADED-CROWNED “EAGLE GOD GOAT COVENANT” * (Used by Masons) Berlin, Germany Collection: I.D. Plate 28,4 of Bittel and Guterbock. Eagle Hittite Seal from Boghaz-Koy. Great Eagle Son rulers, such as German’s Royalty Romanovs from 1613-1918 in Russia, utilized this Royal Eagle Seal. German Mason’s ancient Double Headed Crowned Eagle is directly associated with “goats”. Albert Pike, Mackey and Hall, are fluent writers for Masons, and their books verify history of their Eagle God over the world’s goats.
* Note: Other Eagle God covenants of Ur/ Egypt date to 3,950 B.C. in British Museum. Excellent books showing covenants are available in libraries under Hittite, Assyrian and Egyptian History. These covenants represent the ‘adversary’ and his seed, and have nothing to do with Yah, Yahshua, Jacob/Israel, or King David of Israel.


Cain’s “Mark” (Seal) and his Eagle Son ruling seeds in his loins begins in (Genesis 4:7-15). Workers of iniquity (including Hebrew scribes), have altered Scripture-English and “other translations” to conceal this truth spoken by Yahovah to first-born Cain, and then written down by His prophets. That you may understand, we are not changing Hebrew Scripture whatsoever, but certainly, through Yahovah’s Spirit of Truth, we are using once again what numerous ‘workers of iniquity’ have taken out and altered or mis-translated in corrupt ‘Bibles’ (as NIV) used today--- especially His Name* in 2000 years.

We use modern English from Hebrew translated into English from the (1611) King James Version. Major exception is elimination and substitution of the only Hebrew Name (YHVH) of Salvation. (Psalm 3:8 and 27:1) “Salvation belongs to Yah”. “Yahshua” = Yah's Salvation, through His Son, who came only in His Name. “KJ” is certainly not perfect, but is still a better English translation of Scripture than most, even of the Torah. Yahovah’s Name (YHVH) in today’s “Bibles” was not “translated”.

It was eliminated and replaced with the word "LORD" (meaning a ‘Baal’ Eagle Son Ruler over the land), and the English word "GOD" (origin from German worshipped Eagle-Odin "GOTT" King, or in Sweden, called "Gotts-a-Gore-man", the Teutonic Eagle Son Little Horn King over their land). In 1700 A. D., the Greek-Latin name of Iesus, (Eagle Son of Zeus) became the hybrid name "JESUS". How? It was used only after the addition of the letter “J” to the alphabet, even after the 1611 “KJ” version. (That is considerable condensed history to understand about “Iesus-Jesus”, so we will go slowly)

Many books have (unknowingly) heavily researched and documented the ancient Gentile history behind today’s “Iesus” (Jesus) and (knowingly) revealed considerable behind German-Roman Catholic Church and Madonna (ancient Mother-Child theme of false Messiahs). We only present (repeat) a few examples in this prophecy. You should already know most of these illusions and deceptions of Satan and his deified son(s). Some were well known false Messiahs in history, and his Isis “star” women were worshipped as Goddesses with many names (as Satan promised to Eve, his first sex ‘star’ woman of sin, in the garden).

“Hittite Mother-Child” “Minerva Goddess” “Ashtaroth Eagle Goddess”

2,000 B.C. ancient “Aryan Hittite Madonna and child” has an “Eagle Son Little Horn Ruler” in her arms, and he holds the “Eagle God”, with the Arch Seal covenant underneath. He has the Hittite symbol for “God” over his head, holds a ruling “Eagle” scepter, has four Eagle feathers on his cap, and wears a golden “Square” necklace, representing the world. (See German Eagle Gott and Eagle Son ruling Scepters/Seals used in their dynasties across Europe, Thrones of England, Russia and U.S.)

“Minerva,” another worshipped Eagle Goddess, was popular in Greece/Rome. The worshipped Eagle “sex” goddess Ashtaroth (of Assyrians, Persians and Canaanites) is also perched over the “Square”, which represents her over the “four corners” of the world. (Ashtaroth illust. is from an early 1930’s Bible Dictionary). ‘Two Babylons’, p. 20. ‘Baalti’ in English means ‘My Lady’, and Latin’s ‘Mea Domina’ is today’s corrupted name ‘Madonna’. (See “sex” star vulgar and cursing “Notre-Dame” Madonna on MTV as millions of “young screaming goats” idolize and worship her).

In Greece and Rome, she was known as Juno, Diana, Hera, Athena, Venus, Minerva, Victoria, Isis, with the titles of ‘Queen of Heaven’, or ‘Mother of the Gods’, and ‘The Lady’. See also Wilkinson, Vol. IV, p. 285. U.S. Statue of Liberty is addressed as ‘The Lady’. By glancing at these goddesses, you should understand what is (Osiris 666 evil child) behind “Victoria’s Secret” being promoted today.

(This is not Yahshua Messiah) (These are consecrated deified Eagle Sons)

Nimrod-Osiris “black phallic” symbol is around the child’s neck. (Origin of neck-tie that a billion men wear each day, unknowingly walking in the image of Osiris-Iesus) Pope wears this “black tipped” tie today! It is difficult for men to give up ties, or repent of Osiris-Iesus of Egypt. He is the “Eagle’s child” (see Eagle feathered skirt). Nimrod-Osiris was a Son-of-the-Sun deified Eagle-Serpent Little Horn Ruler, and as an Eagle Son (of Zeus), was called “Iesus” by Greeks, who traveled to Egypt. They associated him as one of their worshipped “sons of Zeus.” Yahshua thus said to those into this garbage: “You worship you know not what: we know what we (Jews) worship (Yahovah YHVH).” (John 4:22)

(See New LaRousse Encyclopedia for Greek bas-reliefs). Mother and Child of ancient Babylon are also perched on a square (over world). This is not of Jacob/Israel, and it existed in Ur-Babylon. 3,000 B.C. Enki (Ea) of Sumer (Chaldean) was known as ‘The Lord of the Earth’, and ‘The Lord of the Sacred Eye’ (Nimrod-Osiris Eye of Masons in their Capstone). He was also a ‘pretender’ of Yahovah and was worshipped as ‘Creator.’ (Isis-Osiris Masons put this in their Bill of Rights and Constitution, but it has nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua). Enki God was also represented as a ‘Goat’. p. 56 L.E.

Ninki, Enki’s companion, was known as ‘Lady of the Earth’, and Great Spouse (wife) of the Lord (as Juno is to Zeus). The root name of “Nike” (Ninki) is an Eagle Goddess of Greeks and Romans and also used by Catholics. She is still known today as the ‘Lady’, and still their “Great Mother Harlot” over all goats. This same Lady (exact replica of 735 B.C. Juno) now stands in the New York City Harbor.

Catholics say these ancient “Mother and Child” images are not who they worship, and “Protestants” and “Christians” reject this evil “Mother and Child” as having anything to do with their “Iesus”. In reality, something is very wrong, and they are totally deceived, because these are actual images of “Iesus”!

See book ‘Two Babylons’, by Rev. Alexander Hislop, Reprinted 1989, pp. 19,20-22, (Illust. Figs. 5 & 6 “Mother Goddess and Child”). ISBN 0-7136-0470-0, also Ref. ‘Kitto’s Illustrated Commentary’, Vol. IV, p. 31. pp. 20-22. India “Mother and Child” (right) was called “Isi (Isis) and Iswa-ra (Ra).” This “son” of Satan was known as ‘Brahma’ (Black Bull) and named ‘Bacchus’ (Iesus) and more commonly known as ‘Tammuz’ (Nimrod-Osiris-Iesus in Genesis 10:8-9) The Eastern “Eagle-Serpent-Son-of-the-Sun God” (Ezek. 8:14).
Hars’-Iesis (Iesus) is ancient Greek rendering of Egyptian Falcon-Eagle God Hor-sa-iset (Horus the Younger) i.e. ‘Iesus, Son of Horus’, was known as a ‘Son of Zeus’ (Iesus) in Greece. Infant Horus (Harpokrates) is represented as a ‘nude baby’, often seated (or nursing) on his mother’s lap. (L.E.)

WHAT YAHOVAH STILL THINKS OF ALL THESE “ANCIENT GODS AND GODDESS” “Yahovah said unto me, ‘Go in (to Yah’s Temple) and behold the wicked abominations that they do here…every form of creeping things (serpents, scorpions, lizards, dung beetles) and abominable beasts, (as Eagle-lion-bull men beasts) and all the idols (gods and icons of the Goy-Gentiles) in the House of Israel, ‘portrayed’ (illustrated or done in bas-relief) upon the wall.” (Ezek. 8:9-10).

“Turn yet again, and you shall see greater abominations that they do… Behold, there sat women weeping for ‘Tammuz’ (Nimrod-Osiris-Iesus, “God” over flocks/crops). Behold, at the door of the Temple of Yahovah… were about ‘25’ men, with their backs toward the Temple of Yahovah, and their faces (were turned) toward the east; and ‘they worshipped the sun towards the east’… lo, they put ‘the branch’ * to their nose.” (Ezekiel 8:14-18). (A symbol of Nimrod-Osiris and the God Asshur Nazir of ancient Assyrians. Asshur was the Eagle God of War; also God of Fertility over Satan’s Tree). He is represented by “budding” branches, and his attribute is a female goat. p. 57. L.E.

* Note: This does not refer to Yahshua known as ‘the branch’ of David, but from ‘the branch’ of Satan’s Eastern tree, and false Messiah, or “Osiris-Iesus”. ‘Tammuz, was known as the Son of the Lord of the Wood of Life (from Satan’s tree, his Son). In this legend, ‘Ishtar’ caused Tammuz’s (Osiris) death, and presided over bitter lamentations of weeping men and women. This tradition was done each year in the hot summer sun, as the death of ‘Tammuz’ was bewailed. p. 61. (L.E.) These same scenes of women weeping are found in Egypt. Figure 6, India origin of Yale University’s elite German Nazi “Skull and Bones” Club (from the womb). Prior President George Bush is a member. The ‘Griffin’ (Eagle-Lion), and India woman is shown with a false Messiah in her lap. He is also known as the Lion King, with his (mother) Madonna, and was continued in Greece. Do you think that Yahovah shall overlook all of these abominations still worshipped in the world, and especially across the entire U.S.? He shall not!

(Left) Let us see how this “Iesus” name was used in Greece, and decide if it has anything to do with Yah or Yahshua. All Greek Gods and Goddesses were associated with their Eagle God (Zeus). Greek women in statues are holding out ‘sacred eggs’ (round or oval balls) to bring forth another “Iesus” son of Zeus.

(Job 39:27-30) “Does the Eagle mount up at your command, and make her nest on high? She dwells …on the rock… ‘SHE SEEKS THE PREY’, and her eyes behold afar off, HER YOUNG ONES ALSO ‘SUCK UP THE BLOOD’: and WHERE THE SLAIN ARE (the dead bodies), THERE IS SHE.” See also Yahshua’s Eagle end-time prophecy warning in (Luke 17:37).

Obadyah’s prophecy is against all men “who exalt themselves as the Eagle”, as Edom-Esau. See the prophet (Habakkuk 1:8) and also see how the Eagle’s son is used by the prophet (Hosea 8:1) as a warning to Jacob/Israel. “He shall come as the Eagle…” (Also read of the “Eagle” in Esdras II)

“Iesus” (Dionysus), is described as a son of Zeus in most history books and Encyclopedias: from the Serpent’s tree (oak used here). The Eagle (their God’s symbol) is usually portrayed as a “killer of sheep” and worn by German Royalty over their hearts across Europe. See Spain’s old “Coat of Arms” with the Eagle, Serpent and same Greek “dead sheep.” 400 B.C. “Iesus”* Greek Bas-relief: Anointed Child Of The Eagle-Serpent’s Tree. ISBN 0-600-02351-6 p. 154. What is illustrated is Greek’s little “Jesus” [Iesus-Apollo-Dionysus] “Christ Child” that the world now loves and celebrates on Christmas day.

* “Jesus Christ” used by Christians originated from 600-300 B.C. Greek "Iesus Kristos" * and replaced Yahshua’s Name. “Iesus” was in the first printing of the 1611 King James Version. The descriptive Greek expression word ‘Ie’, (son of), combined with the Greek ‘sus’, (Zeus) ancient name, became ‘Iesus’ (Jesus). It is used to describe all of the sons of Zeus (Satan). There is no translation of the son of Zeus description ‘Iesus’ into Hebrew that means ‘Yahshua’. ‘Iesus’ Christ name has a direct connection to the ancient Christmas Tree of Satan. In truth, the “birthday” of Jesus (Osiris-Iesus) Christ is celebrated on Christmas. But, “Ievus-Apollyon” (Jesus) is not our Yahshua Messiah.

Christian song: “Jesus, Jesus, there is ‘something’ about that name” is a warning to check it out. A billion Christians at Christmas with his “tree” are worshipping the “wrong one” with the “wrong name”. Some authors and ministers try to lead people out of this great deception, but they stop short of saying that “Jesus” is the name of the deified son of Satan. We are blunt about this truth, as its deceptive use has already taken a tremendous toll over thousands of years. As believers, we will not compromise, or soft-peddle, or debate, or argue, or open a crack for the enemy to work! “Ie” = son of, and “sus” = Zeus. (Masons know this mystery, as millions are faithful Iesus Christians).

There are so many Masons that are Ministers, and “mixed” into the membership of Southern (G) Baptist Churches (Gore is a member), Jesus Churches, and other Churches of God worldwide, it is an impossible task to force them out. This would be as difficult as stopping Rev. Billy (Wilhelm) Graham (Gray Dark Ham) from his Revivals: June 2001, 190,000 attended only one! He is reputed to be a Mason, respects the Pope, and by worshipping Iesus, he is a Mason! Throwing Masons out of these churches is not the answer, as Christians also worship the same “Iesus”. What is the answer? Remove/separate yourself (and family members) from these dens of iniquity that are full of serpents. Repent of worshipping Isis, Satan, and Satan’s son with them! If not, you shall remain under Yahovah’s terrible curses as written.

(Al Nesser, ‘Great Protector’ and teacher (Sculptures in ISBN 0-600-02351-6)

“Iesus” (left) in this ancient Greek sculpture is an anointed “son of Zeus”, a son of the Greek’s “Eagle God”: long before Yahshua! Bas-relief, (approx. 400 B.C.) “Iesus” as a young man, is handed Satan’s (Zeus) power rod and Cain’s pine cone scepter to rule over his worldly kingdom. (It represents Cain-Esau’s seed carried by Sargon, Asshur-Nazir-Pal, and many other “Little Horns” of Assyria-Babylon).

Masons use this same “pine cone” in D.C. as decorations on their Zeus buildings, statues, and on tops of lamp posts across from German’s private owned Federal Reserve Building. This dark guarded secret of the Mason’s Eagle God, their “Iesus” (J.C. Penney) and “pine cones”, are great deceptions for today.

Pope at the Vatican over United German Catholic/Lutheran Church also has a pine cone on his “Iesus” abominable shaft, indicating “who” he works for as the “Iesus” false prophet. Millions of Nimrod-Osiris “Little Horn Christmas Trees” are topped off with Lucifer’s “Five Pointed Star” and millions of round son-of-the-sun door wreaths with pine cones. “Iesus” is also the Greek’s Lion King Savior written of by Plutarch. “Iesus” is in books as Iesous, Iesos, Esous, Esus, Essus, “Dionysus”, and many Greek cities actually end in ‘sus’ (Zeus) and ‘Iesus’, as ancient city Eph-‘esus’ centuries before Yahshua. Thus, “Iesus” (Ievus) in the 1611 KJ Bible had nothing to do with Yahshua . Despite defensive lies coming out of tens of thousands of (G) ministers today, they cannot change these historical; well documented truths.

If this truth offends, and you demand more than what is presented, you can have it. Go get it in public libraries, museums, and in coin books. We will not argue or have endless debates with those who have intentionally avoided this truth for thousands of years: they can remain with what is worshipped today, be cursed, and be destroyed because of it. What is presented is more than enough for Messianic Jews and Yahshua’s sheep. Goats who continue to worship Iesus and repent not, are to get their terrible reward. They can try to argue with our Yahshua Messiah when He comes with His angels. As written, the “fifth angel” of Yah shall soon pour its vial out on the Masonic Apollyon Lion King “Osiris Iesus” 666 seat of Gore’s worldly kingdom and Isis throne seat and temple now firmly established in Washington, D.C.!


Alexander 320 B.C. Alexander the Great Antioch, Otho 69 B.C.
(Iesus, a son of Zeus) (Long Hair Iesus) (Iesus, a son of Zeus)

Alexander the Great, the Greek world conqueror, became a living “Iesus”, an Eagle Son-lion King ruler, a real deified Son of Zeus. He was actually called “Iesus” by those who knew him, and his deified image was Iesus, the son of Zeus, enthroned. This is clearly shown on his ancient coins! The movie Alexander the Great, starring Richard Burton, shows “Nisroch God” in Assyria and has scenes of Alexander praying to his father, Zeus, and elite citizens in Greece proclaiming him a “God” (Iesus).

Thus, incredible as it first seems, when you now see over a billion and a half devoted Christian men and women and their families on Television programs, filling stadiums for “Iesus” revivals, attending giant contemporary cathedrals of “God”, and old ones of the Catholic church on Sunday, and raising up their hands singing, crying, worshipping and praising “Jesus is Lord”, and “Jesus is King”, they are actually worshipping a dead Pharaoh (Iesus), a dead Alexander the Great (Iesus), a dead Tammuz-Nimrod-Osiris (Iesus) a dead Augustus Caesar (Iesus), a dead Asshur Nazir Pal: even a dead Alexis Romanov God Tsar and today’s (Iesus) Gore! It should be clear the deception of the world is finished. It’s a done deal.

Alexander considered himself a “God” (Iesus). World Book Encyclopedia shows a bust (center) of Alexander with “long hair” that is done in the image of Zeus. (Compare with Zeus popular figures in Washington, D.C.). Many “Little Horn” Iesus rulers followed centuries after Alexander the Great died, as “Antioch, Otho”, 69 B.C., and all were anointed Eagle Son Iesus “images” of Zeus (Jupiter).

(Coin on right has a standing Zeus Eagle God on reverse, not shown). All were considered ruling sons of Zeus (Baal-Iesus). To deny this truth, is the same as saying that “Alexander the Great” was only a figment of imagination and ‘these great and small Iesus rulers of the purple’ who persecuted and then slaughtered worshippers of Yah/ Yahshua never existed. One thing is certain: many across Europe, U.S., England, and Russia named their “kids” after Alexander, and Alexandria for the past 2,200 years.

Caesars carried the “Osiris left hand” of Satan’s power and rod of his 3,800 B.C. Ur Chaldean-Egyptian covenant, and used pine cones on Roman Standards (indicating the seed line and ancient tree they were from, and what they ruled over by wearing the Ur-Chaldean purple). The Nike Eagle Goddess “wreath” (wrapped around lion) was on the Standard of the Roman’s Jupiter God and was worn on Caesar’s heads and other “Baal” rulers. Zeus (Jupiter) Standard bearers dressed up with lion skins and led Eagle Son warriors. Yahshua’s enemies thus worship Osiris-Iesus “with teeth as the teeth of lions.” (Rev. 9:8)

It is frustrating to try and explain the evil that Christians and Messianic Jews are doing in the eyes of Yahovah and worshipping the “wrong one” and refusing to repent. If a “Christian” is put in our path by Yahovah, and asks for truth, then we give it freely and in abundance. Few today are ever quickened. You should do the same, but will find most become angry and reject it. Why? Yahovah decides who receives His Blessed Name, His Living Word, His Gift, and His truth, not us, or you, or anyone else on earth.

Why reveal this truth? To let true believers in Yahshua know why un-repenting “Christians” and billions of others are to be punished and destroyed! They stand convicted. This is not what even Yahshua believers want to hear today. But, you are to have patience and endurance to the end. Again, be thankful you have been called out by Yahovah and Yahshua and repent of these things that greatly anger Him. You are put under His grace. As Yah once said to Jacob/Israel, “Do not think that I destroy those now before you because you are so righteous: Nay, I shall destroy them because they are so corrupt, and continuously wicked.” (The wicked of the world [Jew or Gentile] do not see themselves as being evil, or doing anything that is worthy of Yahovah’s curses or His death penalty!)

Alexander the Great’s “Egyptian Covenant” “Iesus” (Son of Zeus) Enthroned
(Read these pictorial symbols right to left) (Many ancient coins with this image)

To reveal some of these mysteries, Yahovah has given us the gift of reading Egyptian “symbols”. If He blesses you, there should be no problem in reading the above Eagle God and Eagle Son (Osiris-Iesus) “covenant”. It is not necessary to examine 100 more ancient Satan and son covenants, but to see the obvious in these presented (phallics have been covered). They are not of Yahovah, or Jacob/Israel.

Again, the symbols, as the Eagle, Lion, Square, Hand, and Noose, are utilized in Freemasonry today. This is what it definitely means, through the simple “pictorial symbols” (reading right to left):

“I, Nisroch (Great Eagle God), who sees all things (eye), I, Nisroch, over the ‘four corners’ of the world (solid square) do extend my (left) hand in this covenant, and bind you (rope or noose) as my ‘chosen feather bearer’ (Eagle tail feathers) to ‘conquer over the plains as the lion’. I now give you ‘double portions’ of my power (two feathers), and all of my kingdom (solid square) for as long as you live as my ‘Eagle son-of-the-sun’ of the horizon (Egypt son of the rising sun as an Osiris-Iesus).”

The square shown ‘divided’ is the normal covenant (dividing of Satan’s world kingdom) for “Little Horn” Eagle Son rulers. Square is shown in Egyptian and ancient Aryan Hittite writings. The “solid square” with the Eagle on it was worn by the Pharaohs, and obviously worshipped as their Supreme God over all of Egypt. The “dividing of the square” under the Eagle is shown again and again in numerous books on Egypt, and especially those that show covenants and names of the world kingdoms of many Pharaohs.

Alexander’s Son of Zeus “Eagle God-Lion” (Apollyon) Covenant (Rev. 9:11) is the same with all Eight deified “Little Horn” World Ruler Kings in (Rev. 17:10-11). It is recorded in the Egyptian and British Museums. Egyptian “pictorial symbols” represent words, and these are translated through Yah’s Spirit. Moshe (Moses) knew all about them. Pharaohs were also under this covenant, with exceptions of the amount of power given, and dividing the square (Satan’s Kingdom). Alexander and the other seven kings of (Rev. 17:10-11) receive “the whole square” (the world) as Iesus (deified sons of Zeus) world rulers.

“All knees shall bow to Yahovah” (Isayah 45:23, 63:12,14,16, and 64:2) Not to “Iesus”! Yah still has a remnant that have not bowed to “Baal” (the Lord, the Son of Zeus, the Son of God). “The grace of Yah that brings (His) Salvation has appeared to all men” (Titus 2:11). “Iesus” Jesus has brought death and destruction when appearing under the Eagle God Abomination of Desolation. “Iesus” has not brought anyone Yahovah’s Salvation. Before Greeks used the descriptive ‘word’ and ‘name’ Iesus, it came from Assyrian “Baal-Essus”, or the “Baal Son of Zippor”, meaning “Son of the Bird” (Numbers 22:2).

The first (Iesus) “Son of the bird” was Cain. After the flood, came Nisroch Eagle God of Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Moabites and Aryan Hittites (Isayah 37:38) It is used again and again with the “conquering lions.” (Rev. 9:8) Nimrod-Osiris, King Asshur and Sargon were deified as “Iesus” (Sons of Zippor) still under Cain’s Eagle God. (See the ancient relics and seals of Nineveh-Babylon and Ur).

Zippor-Lion “Moab Baal Eagle-Son” Ruler “Esus” of ancient “Celts of Europe”
(God of Moabites and over all Canaanites) (See Eagles and lions on their crests)
Document. ‘Dikaios Royal Cylinder Seal’ 5 (1591) Countries, counties, towns and family tribes
Plate number 185. Also worshipped by Cretes. of Anglo-Saxon-Celts use these across Europe.

Ancient Celtic/Germanican tribes also worshipped this blood thirsty “Esus” (Iesus-Jesus) long before Yahshua ever rode into Jerusalem on a colt, and afterwards. They sacrificed children in the fire, and bundled together and burned their enemies in cages- sacrificed to this Esus (Iesus). Celtic Druid high priests of this Esus Eagle God kept them in line, and guarded the mysteries. The Nike wreath worn by the “Esus” (of Celts) helps to confirm he is the same ancient God as the “Iesus” (of Greeks).

These are the same traditions and customs of “child sacrifice” of Persians under Ahura Mazda, the Eagle firebird Son of the Sun God, and the Baal (lord) of Canaanites. Caesars and Senate of Rome considered Celtic-Germanic acts of worship shocking, but also recognized their Roman ‘primary gods’ (as Jupiter-Zeus, the Eagle God, and their Iesus) were similar to the German’s Wooden (Odin) Gott and Thor.

Celtic Druid’s number one symbol of their ‘God’ and ‘Iesus’ was the Eagle. Anyone that seriously studies ancient history should soon discover the path where the majority of today’s anti-Messiah and anti-Jewish (anti-Semitic) customs and pagan religious traditions began. Those who marched under the Eagle Gott caused violent wars, torture, brutal mass murders, many beheadings, hangings, theft, barbaric sex orgies, adultery, lewd fornication, rapes, gluttony, use of drugs, and “excessive” use of beer/alcohol.

Upon beginning to act a little civilized (similar to established Greeks and Romans), instead of attacking and plundering them, German European Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Goths, Franks, and the rest, evolved into worshipping a more loving Iesus Christian Greek Saviour, but on their own violent terms, and keeping their barbaric habits! (as German Lutherans fighting German Catholics in their 30 year’s Iesus war). Forced Christianity swept Europe through fear and many wars by the German-Roman Catholic Church. By 1095 Pope Urban II initiated military adventures of Iesus Crusades, which was “a tale of horror for the Jewish communities (and others) along Europe’s highway to the East.” p.5 ‘Germany’, Cohen.

Who can deny millions across all of Europe, Spain, Portugal, England, France, Prussia, Russia and even into Jerusalem, were not slaughtered, raped, tortured, burned at the stake, beheaded, put in prison to rot, and plundered by German barbarians, and all authorized/ done in the name of their Iesus (Jesus)? The deceived today quickly brush aside these incredible brutal acts of the Catholic church, and even by other Iesus “Christians”. They refuse to admit the truth that all these men with their 3,800 B.C. “Cross”, their “Eagles”, “Lions” and their “Iesus”, were not of Yahovah or Yahshua! They were not then, and guess what, they still are not today, even standing in their “Zeus” suits and Sunday “Easter” dresses! (How quickly the world forgets their violence and destructive past. A few are ashamed, but most change not.)

To German crusaders, the only acceptable Jew was a dead Jew, if they did not immediately accept their “Iesus”. Read history of German Crusaders to verify these truths. (Popular Judaica Library, ‘Germany’, by Steuart Cohen, Pub. Keter Books, 1974, ISBN 0-7065-1393-2) Spain also forced conversion of Jews.
There are lighted signs now in the Old City Jerusalem inside of a “destroyed” Synagogue with only walls standing, that describes violent medieval days under Iesus: called “German Crusaders” (from the North) on the signs. Most Jews will not forget what happened under German crusaders in Yah’s City of Peace. Still today, German (Iesus Crusaders) Missionaries, especially from United States, walk the streets of Jerusalem, and say to some Jews as they pass by: “Our God is your God” and “Jesus loves you too”.

No, Iesus does not love Jews! Their “God” (Gott Odin) is not Yah, and is the true enemy of Jews, and yes, to all Gentiles, especially to Germans. Why? They worship the “wrong one”. They steadfastly refuse to repent of their “God” and “Iesus” and accept only Yahshua and Yahovah. They would rather ignore the truth and go on with their deception. Therefore, what choice do these proud, arrogant, and stubborn headed German Aryans leave Yahovah? (They shall be cast out of Israel by Yahshua!) What the world is about to find out is this last Iesus German Messiah (another Hitler) shall take with him a horrific slaughtered mass straight to the pit. Yahovah shall soon show them no mercy whatsoever!

Celtic Eagle God in their “Iesus” Religion “Sheep Killers” under the “Eagle God” and Lions
(Taught falsely as an Apostle’s ‘mark’) (Old Coat of Arms of Spain; similar to others)
Notice the Red, White and Blue of Egypt Notice the Red, White and Blue of Egypt

Thus, it is an incredible promoted lie for descendants of barbaric Anglo-Saxon-Celts today to proclaim they are of the 10 lost tribes of Jacob/Israel. Under their “Iesus”, they killed most of them! Who would call “Iesus” ruthless murderers, greedy for gold, power, land, and absolute authority, especially under the Spanish-Germanic Catholic conquerors, “Israelites”? They used the “stand up conquering roaring lion” of ancient Ur, the Babylonian-Chaldean “bud of the goats”, Satan’s ‘ancient serpent’ and Eagle God image, Ur “bow tie” symbol of “gift of Satan’s seed” and 3,800 B.C.“Cross of the Covenant” Coat of Arms.

Hanging (Greek) “Dead Sheep” represents what they are in Yah’s prophecy: “Sheep killers”! They have killed millions. They are the goats, and called today “Reeboks” (return of the goats). Thousands living under their blood thirsty “Iesus” were also burned at the stake all across Europe. See? In Russia, ruling Germanic Teutonic land “lords” went on killing-torture sprees lasting years: wiping out entire cities!

Germans later killed many families of real Jews and worshippers of Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah who kept the Sabbath commandment (because of the death penalty decree by the Catholic Pope). This cost many lives. Barbaric German Catholics scattered across Europe, and even early German Lutherans, did not stop to distinguish between a “Jew” who worshipped only Yahovah on Sabbath, or “Jews” who also worshipped Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah on Sabbath. Has all of this incredible violence against Yahovah’s chosen sheep gone totally unnoticed by Yahovah and our Yahshua Messiah in Heaven?

“And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of Yahovah, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Yahovah, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on them that (now) dwell on the earth?” (These were millions of slain sheep crying out) “And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, ‘that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and ‘their brethren’ *, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” (Rev. 6:9-11) (Does this sound like a rapture for Yahovah’s real chosen sheep?)
Today, Jacob’s continuing Troubles shall come as a total shock to Jews, Messianic Jews, and sheep! Jews are again going to be taken in a great number: they refuse to believe another Hitler is here!

World shall also feel the wrath of what is written in prophecy thousands of years. Time table under Gore begins 2001-2004. (42 Months or 3 ½ years). Yah’s seven vials (double portions) will then definitely end it all. Yahovah will then say (as written) from His blessed Heavenly Throne: “It is finished!”

* Brethren, as defined by Yahshua, are only those that worship Yahovah and obey His commandments, and believe on the Name of Yahovah and Yahshua. Few across Europe/U.S. worshipped them! This truth tears down the incredible promoted lies of who the U.S. “Masonic founding fathers and pilgrims” represented and ‘what’ they actually worshipped. Their God (Gott), Lord (Baal), and their Jesus (Iesus), and their German-Roman Catholic “Nike-Isis-Madonna” (Ashtar), have nothing to do with Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah.

Luther tried to convert Jews to his reformed “Catholic Iesus”, and was flatly rejected! Then Luther did evil/ persecution against Jews in German dominated countries. He did everything except light the fire in the furnace for Hitler! “Concerning the Jews and their Lies”, Luther’s Title Page, he said: “Drive the lazy bones out of our system.” (Wittenberg 1543) Luther exhorted followers to “Burn Synagogues and banish the Jews”. p. 11 ‘Germany’, Cohen. Lutheran name on German churches in Jerusalem is still not liked! In late December of 1999, the German Catholic/Lutheran Family finally reunited back under the Pope: a Hitler ‘goal’ quoted in Speer’s Nazi book. (Hitler was a German Mason and a Catholic)

For being sheep killers, Yahshua has put the majority of them in “Iesus” churches, or German Catholic synagogues of Satan Rev. 3:9 It was the Spanish Portugal German Catholics under their 3,500 B.C. Ur-Mesopotamian “Cross of the Goats” under “Iesus”, discovered the Americas, brutally conquered and slaughtered Mexican and South American Indians, raped their women, stole billions of dollars worth of their gold, gave no mercy under their Double Headed Eagle of Germans, and gave the women European “sexual” and fatal spreading diseases: all in the Latin name of “Iesous”! The Bavarian settlers all over North America were no better to Indian tribes, and broke 95% of “peace covenants”. True is Yahshua’s Words, when even the Indians said “peace”, sudden destruction came upon them. “GO WEST YOUNG MAN, GO WEST”: According to ancient Egyptians, the (wild) West is “the place of the dead”.

They brought their God/Iesus, “lawlessness”, prostitutes, fornication, saloons, beer, violence, murders, and greed for gold and land. (Their legacy is now in abundance) Spanish explorers took sworn oaths to Popes and Catholic Kings and Queens (as Isabella of Rev.) to establish Catholic Religion wherever they went. They did their job well over Mexico and South America: over 90% today are still Catholics, and Mexico still remains under their Eagle God, which it had before they came! Mayas already worshipped the Eagle-Feathered Serpent God named “Kukulacan”, as did other South American Indians. (National Geographic Mag., March 1990, Vol. 177, N0. 3., pp. 88-101) Regardless of over one billion Catholics in world today, not one (without repenting of God, Iesus, and Eagle Goddess Nike of Victory Ashtaroth-Isis-Madonna) shall be saved: a tragedy of incredible Scriptural proportions worse than days of Noah!

Do not be deceived thinking Yahovah and Yahshua have changed Torah for them. Do not be deceived thinking their altered Scripture with their God, “Jesus and Lord” shall save them! They can jump up and down all they want, but no salvation is in “Jesus” or “Nike”. They can pay and pray for their dead and their living relatives, and even sprinkle chicken blood, and scream that it is not fair, but all their excuses shall fall on the closed ears of Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah. It shall soon be over for all of them!

Yah’s Judgement * swept Central America and killed 10,000 Catholics as a warning: now giving them rats! In Mexico, one of their largest volcanoes has become active. No son or daughter of Yah or Yahshua shall remain in “Iesus” or “Catholic Churches”. Portugal, Spanish, German, French, Irish Catholics are not of Jacob/Israel, and are real historical “Sheep Killers”! ‘The Celts’, First Masters of Europe, 1992 New Horizons, Pub., p.114. “Esus” (Iesus) image. ISBN 0-500-300348. * Yah also gave a terrible warning to India killing many thousands, who worship rats, monkeys, and cows and repent not!
(Even to worship absolutely nothing is denial of Yahovah and Yahshua, and they too are condemned)

Past scholars* at Oxford and Jewish scholars have known for generations that "Iesus", worshipped by Celts and Greeks centuries before Yahshua, was never the true Hebrew Messiah. They state “tradition” as the main reason the Greek ‘Iesus’ (Assyrian Essus) is worshipped, instead of the Hebrew Yahshua. Satan alters these truths to deceive, and has done this with Yahovah’s and Yahshua’s Name.

Workers of iniquity (liars) and deceived say they both mean the same “Savior” sent by the same “God”, and that it makes no difference which name is used. Masons teaching in their Temples say that “God” (deity) is the same for all. Christians say it is only what is in your heart that counts. But, Yahovah gave no such compromise, or ever changed His One and Only Name (YHVH) for your Salvation.

*As Prof. Sayce, a widely quoted England scholar. His comments are in Companion ‘Bibles’ and Dictionaries. In one of Sayce’s 1890s books, he explains “the exclusive use of the Name Yahovah, which was unique to the ancient Hebrews”. Translation of verses found on ancient stones and in Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls/Scriptures confirm the YHVH Name.

The difference: there is only one Name of SALVATION written almost 7000 times in Hebrew! For centuries, others have presented this basic truth and they too were rejected, or killed. Why? The world then and today is full of sons and daughters of Zeus, and they love their Eagle Gott (God) and “Iesus”.

Greek God Zeus, “Eagle God” of the Masons Roman God Jupiter, “Eagle God” of the Masons
(Source: Greek bowl in Smithsonian, D.C.) (Source: 1930s Dictionary of Philadelphia Bible)

Zeus and the Eagle is the established God of the Masons and U.S.. If anyone doubts “The God They Trust” in D.C., look on Masonic built buildings: “Zeus” is everywhere, as other Gods and Goddesses of Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome! Under “their” Masonic Constitution and law, they have the freedom to worship and “praise the old gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.” (Daniel 5:4) Those who love U.S. want documentation. Source: ISBN 0-7172-4574-8 The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary, (Encyclopedic Edition) N.Y. 1972-1989, p. 146. Capitol: The Temple of Jupiter (Zeus). Capitoline Hill: one of the seven hills of ancient Rome, especially the summit of it, on which the Capitol stood. (Olympian Zeus Temple). See? Founding Bavarian Masons knew precisely what they were doing in 1776, and in 1791-93. Washington, D.C. was built on ‘seven hills’, and thus today you have “The Temple of Zeus on Capitol Hill.” What can be more plain than that documented truth?

In the US Library of Congress are the original and approved Masonic plotted maps of Washington, D.C. (lot numbers clearly printed in divided block rows). This proves conclusively that they built their most sacred “Zeus Temple” of the entire world on lot number “666”. Understand? (Who today in thousands of “Zeus-Iesus” Christian Churches, or even in politics, openly points this fact out in public?)
None of what was founded by Masons has anything to do with Jacob/Israel or Yahovah. They also made into law in the fifties (added the pledge to their Egypt flag) “under God” (under Zeus) in ‘oath’ words.

They made “In God We Trust” the U.S. Motto in 1965 (by law). No doubt should remain “what” this God (Gott) is that Americans place their trust in today. This God was forced (by law) over America, by Lucifer’s Master Masons. They pledge to it in their Senate. All goats are called by this Gentile God, but Israelites/Jews and all those that are Yahshua’s sheep are called by Yahovah’s Name! (Deut.28:10).

Upon examination of the word God, it is the same Canaanite’s Baal (Eagle Son) and Nisroch God of Assyrians, Wodan Gott (Odin) of Germans, Allah God of Moslems, and even Dalai Lama: all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Yah. These truths should make it clear why no rejection was made in the U.S. House or Senate about separation of religion and state, when it comes to the Mason’s Supreme Gott. (Bush thus made a proclamation to bow and worship this “God” Jan. 2001)


All Ptylomies of Egypt worshipped Eagle God Zeus All Ancient “Baal Rulers” were Eagle Sons
(Ancient coin books will verify these truths) (See Syrian and Phoenician Baal coins)


Plagiarism is a serious offence in Universities, with the penalty being failure in the class where it was done, or expulsion. Yet, it is incredible that many workers of Satan for 2000 years have done just that (plagiarism on a massive scale) in their numerous interpretations and translations of Hebrew Scripture. Their motivation is clear, and they have actually got away with it: most accept what they have done as truth. Christians love the many types of corrupt Bibles done by different “inspired” authors, as the NIV (World Order) Version. It is used in "IESUS" Churches of "GOD" and the "LORD" not based on TRUTH, but on a LIE! Apostle Shaul's prophecy to all of the wicked of the world has come to pass:

"Because they received not ‘THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH’, that they (might) be ‘SAVED’ * (*believing, obeying; worshipping only Yahovah and Yahshua as their Salvation). And for this cause, Yahovah shall send them a (upon the world's billions of deceived today) ‘STRONG DELUSION’: THEY 'SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE' THAT THEY ALL (might) BE ‘DAMNED' (condemned) ‘WHO BELIEVED NOT THE TRUTH’ (given this last time before the end of this age), BUT HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!" (II Thessalonians. 2:8-12).

The greatest "LIE" and "DECEPTION" is to believe on the "WRONG ONE” and the “WRONG NAME" for salvation: Therefore, WITHOUT THEM EVER REPENTING, they are DAMNED! Authors and scribes have removed the only documented "NAME" of Hebrew Prophecy, the only “NAME” of Hebrew Scripture and the only "NAME" of Salvation. They replaced Yahovah (YHVH) (declared 50 times in Psalms alone as the only Name of Salvation) with Gentile descriptions; worshipped names that refer directly to “Satan and Son”! Christians say their Gott and ‘Iesus’ condemns nobody! (Meaning they are free to go on with their lives and not worry about condemnation) Yet, those knowing Scripture, see that Yahovah and Yahshua are consistent in condemning the world of non-believers!

Eagle is the symbol of Zeus and Apollyon Osiris Iesus. It is the symbol of Wodan (Odin) and Thor of Germans. Eagles have nothing to do with worship of Yah or Yahshua, and do not represent Jacob/Israel.
“O Yahovah our Elohim, other Lords (Baals) besides You have had dominion over us: ** but by You alone will we make mention of Your Name (Yahovah). Isayah 26:13. What did Shaul teach to both Jews and Gentiles and Germans, and by what Name? (Acts 26:6-7) “I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made by Yahovah (YHVH) unto our (Hebrew) fathers: unto which (because of Yahovah’s promise to) our twelve tribes, (I am) instantly serving Yahovah (YHVH) day and night.”
(The promise was made by Yahovah, and none other! No Zeus, Apollo-Iesus, no Wooden Gott, or Thor)
Shaul did not teach any promise made to the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel using that abominable name “Zeus” or the German’s “Gott”, or the Latin/Greek’s Iesus! (Acts 26:14-18) “I heard a voice speaking unto me; and saying in the Hebrew tongue…I am ‘Yahshua’ (Yah’s shua) whom you persecute.”

Yahshua made Shaul a minister to turn Gentiles away “from darkness to light *, and from the power of Satan (known to be within the worshipped ‘Zeus and Iesus’, and channeled through his many sons and daughters) unto Yahovah, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified (set apart) by faith that is in Me (Yahshua).” It is clear: without turning away from “Zeus and Iesus” (the power of Satan), and turning to Yahovah and Yahshua, there is no forgiveness of sins! We are also judged for saying these truths and “which the prophets and Moshe said should come: Messiah should suffer, and He should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should show light unto Yah’s people, and to the Gentiles (other nations).” (Acts 26:22-23, Luke 24:25-27)
* Sign from Yah July 5th, 2001 CNN: German Helmut Kohl’s wife committed suicide, having an extreme allergy to ‘light’.

“Zeus and Iesus” coins were used long before Yahshua, as Egypt’s Ptylomies after Alexander the Great. Eagle God (Zeus/Iesus) coins are still used today, and Zippor is on U. S. Great Seal , Money Seal, Miss Liberty Coins and over the Pentagon. Masonic buildings are topped with the Eagle God, and flag poles. Making these sons of Zeus coins and Apollo Iesus statues to worship around the world is not a “Jewish conspiracy”. Nor is it limited to the U.S. or Europe. Worshipping Moslem’s “Nasser” (Eagle) and “Ali” on a ‘White Horse’, and “Eastern Gods” is also Iesus. “White Horse was sacred to ancient Greeks.” (then to Germans and their many European kings). Viii (L.E.) (Read Rev. 6:2). (This is not Yahshua)

** Iesus Kristos also means one of Satan’s Baal Eagle Sons (Lords) appointed to rule over the land, or Empire, and ‘exercise authority’ over Gentile nations. These rulers had kingdoms under them then and today. (Most forget that Yahovah appoints all of these kings.) To verify Isayah 26:13, Yahshua said: “You know that the ‘Princes of the Gentiles’ [as ‘Prince Charles’ of England and their hundreds of Lords (Baals) today] ‘exercise authority’ over them, and they (Baals) that are ‘great’ * ‘exercise authority’ upon them (as the evil Eagle Son Baal of Tyre). But it shall not be so among you!” (Matt. 20:25-26) ie. German European Lords and Russian Romanov God Tsars actually controlled the world.
*Note Great: As Alexander the ‘Great’, Frederick the ‘Great’, Napoleon the ‘Great’, and many ‘Great’ Kings.

Ancient 3,500 B.C. Ur-Mesopotamian Eagle God Royal Seals of rulers that ‘exercised authority’ over the Goats. See Satan and Nimrod-Osiris’s “Green Tree” of the “Seeds of the Goats” to be planted. Is there any question what is over the goats? Can you see ‘seed’ of the ‘male’ goats under them? These goats symbolize people. Is this proof? Not to the goats today. No, they say it proves nothing and refuse to examine it. Yet, they will go on to study and study, and struggle with themselves to prove this or that with others, or try to search out who are seeds of Cain-Esau today: “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” See them all around you today: especially the Christians and Catholics. (II Timothy 3:7)

‘Princes over the Gentiles’ and appointed Kings over Empires with authority do not believe in Yahshua. King Agrip’-pa even replied: “Shaul, you almost convinced me”(Shaul tried to give him Yahovah’s truth concerning Yahshua, but he did not accept it.) (Acts 26). Cain’s World rulers are “the basest of men” appointed to rule over other men by Yahovah (as written and described in Job). Read KJ Genesis 4:7.
They are not of Jacob/Israel. Eagle Son “Iesus” rulers are the seeds of Cain, Ur-Babylon-Assyria-Egypt and ‘Esau-Aryan Hittites’. Yahshua said: “It shall not be so among you.” (We are not like them). If we are chosen to war for Yahshua, we are not to involve ourselves with the affairs of men, as written.

“Iesus” is descriptive in meaning: son(s) of Zeus (Satan), and Satan definitely has many sons: then and today. Yahshua explained (Matthew 13:24-42) that he who sowed the ‘bad seed’ (children of the wicked one, the goats, tares to be burned) in the field (world) was Satan. Therefore, any man (son) that worships Zeus and claims Zeus (Satan) to be his father (as Masons) can also claim the Greek description “Iesus” to his name! These are the real “Sons of Zeus” or the “Sons of Satan”, then and today.

Bavarian Masons verify this truth and worship Zeus-Jupiter* as their father God. Multi-millions of Masons today are Christians who worship Iesus, the Son of God. (G) Masons know the worshipped names behind this Iesus. He is “Cain”, “Nimrod-Osiris”, the Pharaohs, Asshur-Nazir, “Baals of Tyre”, “Baals of Persia”, Alexander, Roman Caesars, Kaisers, Russian Tsars, and Cain’s other world rulers. This is why Letterman said “Gore” was happy now in his new role as a “J.C. Penney” model. This was long after the election, and Bush Jr. (also a son of Zeus) was “President Elect”. J.C. Penney is “Jesus Christ’s Penny” (Caesar’s penny), the one our Yahshua asked to see! He asked them a question: whos’ image and whos’ subscription does it have? (Matthew 22:18-21). They replied: “Caesars!” See?

* Coin on left is a known Iesus, “Baal Eagle Son King of Tyre”, on the 30 Silver Shekels given to Judas to betray Yahshua! It was the only silver coin of purity Temple priests accepted as ‘tithes and taxes’ to be put into the Treasury. Why? It had the most pure silver content. Now you know why Yahshua turned over the money changer’s tables: they “charged extra” for the extra silver content differences in these coins. They were thieves with “high exchange rates” on Jews with lower quantity silver coins and “other” coins brought in from different countries. These abominable Tyre Eagle God coins were also put into Yahovah’s Temple! If you receive a (G) Masonic Eagle God/ George Washington U.S. Quarter, think of these Tyre coins. Iesus ‘appointed rulers’ were all in the images of Greek Eagle God Zeus * or Roman’s Jupiter (on right) then, and yes, still so today!

* Pharaohs were “Iesus”, Apollo was “Iesus”, Dionysus was “Iesus”, Caesars were “Iesus”, Kaisers; Tsars were Iesus, and on up to today’s U.S. Presidents and “Vice” Presidents. The last “deified son” already consecrated as “Iesus” to rule all of Satan’s worldly kingdom is the real false Messiah, the No. 8 King. (Rev. 17:10-11) These rulers of iniquity (sons of Zeus) also fulfilled prophecy by changing minutes, days, weeks, months, and years with their Greek-Roman-German “Calendars”: traced back to ancient Babylon, and based around the “perpetuation of their race” and Eagle Serpent phallic “son-of-the-sun” worship. Names of days/months are pagan, and refer to their gods and goddesses.

Mystery of iniquity was at work in Shaul’s time with Caesar and these Baal rulers. (II Thess. 2:7)
(Now do you seriously think that Shaul ever taught Yah’s Salvation in the name of an Iesus or a Roman Caesar? Even after this much proof, we have numerous people say Yahshua is still Iesus. They love remaining deceived!)
Ancient writers and scribes did not change or eliminate everything in Hebrew or the Greek (translated) Scripture. They came up with the simple idea and ultimate deception of giving full credit to “Zeus” (their God) and his son(s), “Iesus”, (Baal sons) as the actual author(s) of all of Yahovah’s Word!

This answers why the dictatorial Eagle son rulers of church/state, approved by law, Roman-Germanic Catholic worship of “Iesus” and “Isis” (phallic-vagina) Christianity. This answers why they passed the dreaded “Sunday” law and enforced the death penalty for all those worshipping on Yah’s Sabbath. The separation of goats from the true sheep of Yah and Yahshua was violent and more obvious in those dark days. Millions of Christians know that today’s German Catholics are a ‘house of demons’ and filled with Babylonian and Egypt Isis-Nike, Satan and Osiris traditions, but they cannot understand or accept, that they too are connected to Catholics through “Zeus”, “Iesus” and “Sunday” worship! In ‘Middle of the sixth century, well into Christian times, in the reign of Justinian, the real “Temple of Isis” at Philae was turned into a church’. p. 19. (L.E.) Did they worship “Iesus and Isis”, or Yah and Yahshua Messiah?

Greek/Roman “Sons of Jupiter/Zeus” coins prove they are Lords, Princes and rulers with authority over goats, and continue the same theme of ancient Ur Kings. One goat looks at the same “four seeds” under goats in Ur Mesopotamia in 3,800 B.C. Royal King’s Seals! If doubt remains these four seeds represent men, see them in the man’s loins! Greek-Roman-and Persian coins also show the goats directly under an “Iesus” Ruler (Baal Son) enthroned with lions. (Skeptics and doubters cannot explain away these truths) Thus, they simply reject them. As Pogo once said: “We have found the ‘enemy’, and ‘he’ are us.”

This deception worked on early and later “Christians” in Greece, Rome, England, Europe, and accepted by German Anglo-Saxons, Goths, Celts, Franks, and the rest of the world in South America, Indonesia, Africa, Mexico, Central America, Canada and U.S. As a result, long before Yahshua and after Yahshua, almost everyone has continued to worship Iesus Christ and Zeus (in a Christian way) the “wrong one” for salvation on Sunday! This obviously breaks Yahovah’s commandments: especially the First One.

Thus, Christians become eligible for severe penalties in Revelation. This includes worshippers of God. Today, most do not know Yahshua, and refuse to accept Yahovah as the only Name of Salvation. They strongly reject these documented truths as billions have done century after century after Yahshua! They are condemned with them. The deception of the world is over! * Today, Yahovah always has His chosen “remnant who have not bowed the knee” to (an Eagle Son) Baal of Zeus. (Romans 11:4)

Shaul and other Apostles met strong resistance from many Jews, and continuously got into trouble with Greek and Roman citizens for proclaiming only Yahovah and Yahshua as Salvation! They would not have had problems with Greeks and Romans by representing and proclaiming their “known” gods and goddesses as Iesus, Zeus, Jupiter, Apollo, Theos, Deus, Kurios, and Diana-Juno-Nike-Isis, as Salvation!

Scattered Jews throughout Greece and Rome and Jerusalem would also left them alone if they would have done this, but instead, they were boldly and openly proclaiming “our” Yah (YHVH) and Hebrew Messiah (who many believed had not come) to barbaric pagans and Gentiles! Jacob/Israelites (Jews) were “mixed” together as clay among Gentiles throughout Greece and Rome, even to Spain, and elsewhere. But to say these Greeks, Romans and Germans (who were also called to repentance and offered Yah’s salvation), were the real lost Israelite tribes, is again a wild stretch of imagination and a distortion of Scripture and documented history. The majority of Jacob-Israel were ‘persecuted and killed around the world’, as written would happen by Mosh

