Part 3
With Shaffer’s band introduction of “THE PRINCE”, (for Gore) saying in lyrics: “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE RICH TO RULE MY WORLD”: Gore again came out in the Letterman “limelight” September 2000. Gore specifically said: “that breaking open the Ash Receiver on his show was the most important thing that he did in the past seven years!” They showed a replay of Gore doing this Masonic act September 8-9, 1993! Do you understand? Gore thus revealed he is Osiris-Iesus “reborn” from Egypt’s Book of the Dead, and the Giza Pyramid. Again, how does Osiris mean “Iesus” (Jesus)? Egypt’s “Osiris is identified principally with the Greek Dionysus (Iesus), son of Zeus.” p. 17. (L.E.) On the right is a close up of the White House and Egyptian symbols, which include an Osiris cut-off penis, sperm, a “single seed”, a golden egg, and a down view of the “capstone” of the Pyramid.

It does not take much to find the “New Rome” in Scripture, as the original Eastern half of Washington, D.C. land plot of 600 acres, was named “Rome”. At the North “Cornerstone” of the D.C. “ten mile square”, is the mirror image “arc” to its twin in Rome from the Roman Empire. D.C.’s Masonic Eagle God is the symbol of Zeus/Jupiter at the Capitol, and pledged to by his Eagle sons of Rome.

“Lady Bird” (Eagle Goddess Park) Island is designed as the Eagle-Serpent’s “EYE”. In Egypt, this represented Horus and Osiris, the Pharaoh Eagle Son God. This evil “EYE” is also used inside the Masonic “Capstone” on the Giza Pyramid in the U.S. Great Seal, is traced back to Ur 3,500 B.C.
Masonic work is finished, and “Capstone” (representing Gore) has been placed on the Pyramid. No new “designed” ONE-DOLLAR Reserve Note should use the Seal with the 666 Capstone not joined (with the “Gap”). If Masons did this, they would be great liars even among themselves. With the introduction of Gore as the reborn Osiris Eagle Son World Ruler in 1993, that design is obsolete. The “GAP” is now closed! (World Masonic sign for this is closing The “GAP” clothing stores!) To replace the old paper one dollar, the new (King Nebochadnazir) ‘Golden Eagle God Coin’ for 2000 now represents Gore!

“L’Enfant” (In French, means ‘the child’, a Masonic reference to 666 child to come). L’Enfant detailed the grid map D.C. design that included triangles, squares, circles, “bow-ties” (this bud’s for you), and graven images from all around the world. His plan included a Circle with a spot in it (sacred image representing Satan’s Son-of-the-Sun-Spot) under the White House. This spot became the “Egg of Isis” (with a ground Zero Stone). Note: A “virgin woman” in 1948 did give birth to ‘Satan’s 666 child’.

For 200 years, other Masons expanded on L’Enfant’s design, and then added multi-layered figures and symbols and images of numerous gods and goddesses: some in perverted sexual acts. 666 Capitol and White House Temples were established by Celestial measurements of the Sun, Moon, and the ancient “mystic” Star charts. (All of this; more is documented in the Washington, D.C. Library of Congress)

Satan’s “evil child” is shown in different stages growing up (in grid maps) into the last “Little Horn” World Ruler. “Rock (Eagle) Creek Park” gigantic goat rears up against a Pyramid and faces the “Naval” Observatory where Gore lived as “Vice” President. “Oxon Run”, “Back Lick Drive”, “Eagle Street”, “Lover’s Lane” Walkway, “Dumbarton Lab” (Imitation Son 2000), “Scott (Great Masonic) Circle”, “Highway 66” (Satan and Son), “Cherry Hill”, “Kennedy Playground”, and thousands of names and places have Masonic codes and meanings that reveal Isis, Satan and Son. Mason’s plans reveal their German World Order in code and the elimination of all those “classified as misfits” and not “goats”.

The “CORNERSTONE” Square in a Square (symbol of Pharaoh’s throne seat) of L’Enfant’s Tower of Babel design was finished in 1996. It is East of the White House, and completes Federal “Triangle” Project. Today, it is the Ronald Reagan World Trade Center housing NAFTA, APEC, and GATT. This Tower of Babel “Cornerstone” (13th. Street) and Mason’s “Capitol Temple” reconsecrated the new “sacred 666 Cornerstone” Sept. 18th, 1993. Both represent the Mason’s Number One: Gore.

All of their efforts behind these incredible demonic designs are for “the perpetuation of their race”. What? The seeds of Cain-Esau (their DNA blood and heritage) are alive and well in the U.S., and the plan for their domination is all contained in D.C. Engraved above the U.S. Justice Department it reads in stone letters: “WHERE HER TEMPLE STANDS…PROGRESS FOR OUR RACE”. The Great Masonic Temple North of White House has been designed in the D.C. grid map layouts to precisely represent the heart of Nefatari, Isis of Egypt, their Aryan Hittite worshipped ‘fertility’ Mother. “Alas for them (these Bavarian Masons and their followers). Because in ‘the ways of Cain’ have they gone, and in the error of Balaam’s (Eagle son’s) wage have they run riot…” (Yahudah/Jude, verse 11)

D.C.’s Arlington Cemetery is designed as a “Bust Image of Isis”, and the “Lady Bird” Island leading over to it was once named “Mason’s Island.” There are over 40 Egyptian “images” alone in Arlington’s Isis bust. The name Arlington (also used all across the U.S.) is a Masonic Luciferic code that means through ‘word’ phonetics: “Our Link to N” (N = Nisroch, the Great Eagle God of ancient Ur and Assyria). One coy Mason said that it was too late for the people to understand their many Masonic (coded) symbols and names. He knew all about the McDonald’s Golden Arch, the Eagle, and Al Gore! He repented not!

Heads of “Zeus/Nike” abound on buildings in D.C. Isis is in grid layouts and in bas-relief sculptures of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses from one end of town to the other. The ancient story unfolds of Satan’s first child (first-born Cain) and his first Great Eagle Goddess, who was “Eve” (Isis). This Isis “Queen of Egypt” is the worshipped Madonna with Child (Isis and Osiris) for today’s German/Roman Catholics and others. Why do they worship these abominations? Why this obsession with this woman?
Without Eve’s “original sin” with Satan, there would not be seeds of Cain. What? Few ministers of even Yahshua Messiah ever bring this subject up. It is too upsetting to most. Cain’s seed also worship their father Satan, and use his Eagle God symbol (Mark) in all world ruler covenants! German word “GOD” (Gott) describes Satan, not Yah! Despite what thousands of minister say, they have been duped.

Saith Yahovah: Do you now remember My strong warnings to you about all these wicked things?
“TAKE HEED TO YOURSELF, lest ‘YOU MAKE A COVENANT’ (agreement) WITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND WHERE YOU GO, lest it be a ‘SNARE’ in the MIDST of YOU.” (Exodus 23:28-33 and 34:12-16) Jacob/Israel (Jews) came to U.S. by the millions: they are under this 666 German Masonic ‘covenant of death’ and are thus “mixed together” with multi-millions of German Aryan immigrants from Germanica-Europe, and the “Babylon-Egypt” establishment of Freemasonry.

Completion is the 2000 Election! “Out of Chaos” comes Gore, and his 2001-2002-2003-2004 world order violent reign with full power. (Rev. 13:5) (He does not have to be visually in Office of President as he already is the real 666 World President). Masons will keep on schedule without your “religious” beliefs, arguments, or total rejection of Yah’s truths. The irony is that Christians, Masons, and Gore, are fulfilling 100% of Yahovah’s will and prophecy! Yah has the over powering terrible plan to take away and consume Gore’s kingdom, and punish kings of the earth, and people, as in Daniel and Revelation.


Giant Statue of Zeus over the ‘Square’. (L.E.) There is also a Naked Statue of Zeus in the U.N. Lobby. Identical Eagle Scepter used in Capitol. Who do you think is their God in U.N./D.C.?) (“Two single arrows” make sure you know she is to bring forth a ‘Little Horn” One World Ruler)

Cain-Esau (Bavarians) have no intention of repenting from their ancient covenant with Satan, nor from worshipping “Iesus” (Jesus), which means in Greek, “the son of Zeus”. ‘Ie’ = son of, and ‘sus’ = Zeus. Ask a fluent speaking ‘Greek’ person. German Masons are full of Christians and “Christians are full of Masons”. They both worship Jesus (Iesus) Christ. Do you see something wrong with this picture? “German Masons” recruit German Christians, and “German Christians” recruit German Masons!

Therefore, there is no difference between a Luciferic Mason who worships “Jesus”, or a Christian who worships “Jesus”. They refuse this truth from ex-Masons themselves, and the startling information in Masonic books. Some German Christians think their Iesus will appear in the U.S., and he already has! Yahshua shall descend where He ascended: in ‘Yah’s Place’, which is His Jerusalem in Israel.

(Again, the major deception in the world begins with the elimination and the rejection of Yah’s Name!)
As written:“O you priests that despise My Name!” (Malachi 1:6) “You are cursed” (Malachi 2:2)
See? Thousands of Christian ministers and priests that despise/reject Yah’s Name are already cursed!

Masons worship Zeus and Iesus. Many converted Messianic Jews are worshipping “Iesus”, the wrong one, which also means “Apollo” * and “Apollyon” (of Revelation). * Remember NASA “Apollo” 1969 Eagle Mission to the moon? We call all worldwide to quickly repent of “God” and this “Iesus” now!
We send this long letter with documentation that you know for certain Yahovah will not overlook this!
Another reason Christians and Jews find it hard to accept that all Masons worship Lucifer, is because their father, brother, grandfather, or neighbor, is a known Shriner or Mason, and proudly wears a 32nd or 33rd. Degree Double Eagle God pin. They argue that someone that worships “God”, “Jesus” on Sunday, or a Jew actually keeping Sabbath and worshipping “G-d”, could not be worshipping Lucifer and his son! (This evil“G-d” is the same God for both: it means Lucifer! “G-d” or “God” does not mean Yahovah!).

As most Christians are today’s patriots, they also argue that 50+ founding fathers of U.S. Constitution were Masons, and could not have founded the U.S. on Lucifer as their “God”! An Encyclopedia states one in twelve men are Masons. They are scattered among all men: “mixed clay and iron” (Daniel 2:41-43). Through Yahovah’s grace, we now shame ourselves to speak of things these evil Masons have done in darkness and out in the open. (For if we did not now reveal at least some of their completed evil works, how would you know for certain that they have already deceived and totally snared the entire world?)

“Have no fellowship with the ‘unfruitful workers of darkness’, but rather reprove them.” (Eph 5:11-12) Consider this message as a final ‘rebuke’ of all Masons (Christian, Jewish, or others) and the world’s Rosicrucians and Jesuits. Let them deceive you no longer: “For because of these things comes the wrath of Yahovah upon these children (those adopted today into their covenant) of disobedience! In knowing their evil, be not partakers any longer with them (have nothing whatsoever to do with them) (Eph 5:6-7)

“If there comes any (person, angel, or spirit) unto you, and brings not this doctrine (Yahovah and Yahshua’s doctrine), ‘do not receive him into your house’ (do not invite him in), neither bid him Yah’s speed (in what he does): for he that bids him Yah’s speed is a partaker of his evil deeds.” (II John 1:10). (Many Ministers are Masons and united with Masons in churches, government and businesses).

These seeds of Cain hated Jacob/Israel when Yahoshua slew the Canaanites (Cain’s brothers and sisters), Yahovah bringing Israel out from under their Eagle God in Egypt, and back to the beginning when Cain hated and slew Abel. World Wars I and II proved that Germans (seeds of Cain-Esau) were trying to take over the world strictly for themselves *, and eliminate Jacob/Israelites, Jews, and many others.

*German World Constitution, World Court, World United Nations, FEMA and NATO/UN Army and Isis, Satan, and Son Religion(s) are established for their own kind and those “adopted” into their huge ranks. Illuminati, CFR, Council of Rome, Rockefellers, and (Cain) Rothschilds are manipulators. Tolerance and hatred of Israelites and being mixed among them in the world has come to an end. The code Masonic reason behind Clinton’s bold announcement June 27, 2000, of “Opening the Book of Life” in decoding DNA: they can determine for certain who is German (Cain-Esau) and who is “Jacob” (Israel). In ‘Nuremburg Trials’ (July 2000 Movie), Goring said a major reason behind Jewish hatred and violent German persecution was (G) “Freemasonry”. This is a twist of truth: Masonry is not from the Jews, but from “Bavarian” Masons and their Jewish hatred!

This old war against Jacob shall explode again under Gore. (Why it is called Jacob-Israel’s Troubles). The hidden plan to do all of this evil against Jacob-Israel is contained in D.C. Even before 1790, the Western portion of land where D.C. was built was named “Hamburg”, after Hamburg, Germany, the founding 50+ Masonic father’s Bavarian Reich “father land”. Established German Corporations and Trusts by the Masonic Trustees of: Virginia, Maryland and New York and others, selected “their” U.S. Capitol seat of their Luciferic Government in Washington, D.C. In an Act of Congress, printed right on their Masonic D.C. 666 “Master Plan”, (surveyed and original 666 lot plotted map) it plainly states:


Their Masonic government was never for everyone to begin with: especially those of lower plebe rank and of the wrong bloodline. Their Constitutional Electoral College and Election laws even allow for ‘them’ to appoint the Masonic President of their choice! (As G. Bush Jr., but Gore shall prevail). This well planned movement towards ‘their’ World Order is not new. Major thrust behind it all along has been “perpetuation of the Aryan race” of Cain-Esau (Hittite Bavarians from 13 tribes of Germanica).
(Some Jews are not ignorant of this truth! They reason: “If you can’t fight/stop them, then join them!”)
As it was in ancient European-Germanica, and all over the Eastern Empires, they also firmly established their “GOD” (Gott), which is not Yahovah of Jacob/Israel. The German word GOD is not in Hebrew. Where then did “God” come from? We startle people by telling them we can answer that “mystery” question. The word “G-d” (Gott) came from the 13 demonic and Teutonic (Titan) tribes of Germanica scattered throughout all of Europe and even into England. It has been in use for over 2,000 years.

THEY ALL WORSHIPPED THEIR “GREAT EAGLE (God) GOTT-MAN”, who was also their King, known as Wodan or Wooden. (Wednesday). For short, the German tribes called this Satanic father figure their “GOTT”. In ancient Sweden, they called him their “Gotts-a-Gore”, meaning, their “Gott (their Lord-Baal) over the land”. This “Gotts-a-Gore” is “Albert Arnold Gore Jr. today!”

When “Christianity” came, they did not change who they called on, but convinced themselves and the world, their German “GOTT” was the same as the Hebrew “YAHOVAH”! They modified how they worshipped their Satanic Gotts-a-Gore. (They put their “Gott and Lord” and“Jesus”, billions and billions of times in almost all Bibles. Sickening also is that Jews from Germany also began to use their “G-d”)
{If this truth does not cause today’s Rabbis and Jews to repent of this, and use Yah as commanded, it is over!}

Greeks did the same thing, and convinced themselves that Zeus was also the same as Yahovah! Now we say to you again, that Yahovah of Jacob/Israel is not the “GOD” (Gott G-d) of the Germans, or the Zeus of Greeks. He never was, and never shall be, no matter that a sea of German Christians, Jews, and Rabbis and Ministers now say differently. Behold! Yah is Yahovah: there is only One Yahovah! *

There are many “Gods”, but only One Name of Salvation, and that is Yahovah. Masons already know these great truths. In fact, to make absolutely sure that all in the U.S. are under their ancient German “GOTT”, they made it the law of the land and the U.S. Motto by law in 1965: “IN GOD WE TRUST”. It is now on all coins by law and on Federal Reserve Notes, and pledged to each day. * We could quote ‘His Name’ in Hebrew Scripture almost 7,000 times to show that Yahovah ‘YHVH’ alone is ‘His Name’.

As if that is not enough bad news to hear (what Masons have done with millions of others) promoting their damned German “Gott as Salvation”, and “Iesus as Salvation”, they have already German “marked” almost everything and everybody, and brought every nation under ‘their’ Gott’s abominable Great Eagle Seal, which is the (German Gott) “Mark of his Name”. Do you understand? If you are written in the Book of Life, then you shall understand these things as written. (Rev. 14:11) All Seven Kings of Rev. 17:10-11, and Gore, their eighth, have all had the ancient Eagle God as their Mark and Seal!

The German’s Great Eagle Seal or “Mark”, is the same Great Eagle “bird” abomination once over ancient Egypt and still over Egypt and all Moslems/Arabs today. “746” Gods and Goddesses are engraved in stone in Egypt, and guess what was number “747” over all of them? Their Great Eagle God, known also as the “Shadow of Egypt”, the Fowler, the Griffin, the Nesser, the Nesher God is also called “Zappor” (the bird), and in Daniel and Matthew, it is correctly described as: The Abomination of Desolation, and in some translations, the “Abomination that makes Desolate” (causes great ruin-destruction).

God is described as the “Firebird”, “Red Falcon”, and “Roc” Eastern Multi-colored Bird. Satan’s workers named millions of products after their Gott: “Zippo” Lighters, Zip codes, and “Roc” products.
“Mazda” and “Eagle” vehicles are everywhere, and many Eagle brands, as “Birds Eye” food products.

This truth is greatly rejected by Germans in their One World Order, and by German Christians who have bought the lies, and illusions of those over them and in their many churches and synagogues. Their Cain (wroth) arguments are understandable: Their majestic “Eagle Gott” has been over them as their sacred standard for 6,000 years. The identical German Royalty and Masonic Double Headed Eagle God is traced to ancient Ur’s 1st. Dynasty on Royal King’s Seals dating to 3,800 B.C. (Masons do know their God)

However, if this “Gott” and its “Mark” is not rejected and repent to Yahovah for worshiping the wrong one, the Beast and its image already has you. “He (Satan, the Eagle God), had the power to give life (blood DNA) to the image of the Beast, that the ‘image of the Beast’ (Satan’s last Great Eagle Son) should both speak….” (Rev. 13:5). Unknown to the world, the first part of this prophecy is already done through Albert (6) Arnold (6) Gore Jr. (6), and the last part is already here in front of you.

Yahovah says once again: “YOU SHALL NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST”! This is not our idea, interpretation, or personal command to you, but, we agree with it, as it is from Yahovah. We were not there in the flesh we now have when Yahshua spoke His Living Word to John in Revelation.

We were not there when Yahovah spoke to Moshe, after bringing His chosen Israelites (of Jacob) OUT FROM UNDER “THE EAGLE GOD OF EGYPT” AND DELIVERED THEM ON ITS WINGS UNHARMED. (Abomination of Egypt in Exodus 8:26 is their Great Eagle God). However, we are here now coming in His Name and with His same Living Word and His Spirit that never changes since before the beginning and forever. He gave us this understanding. We now strongly repeat what Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah said in numerous ways that you should clearly understand today to accept or to reject:


Billions now worship and serve it, pledge to it, and take its (Gore’s)“Mark” in their hands every single day. As Yahovah’s prophet Hosea warned Jacob/Israel, so do we once again: Behold: because you have transgressed against Yahovah and His covenants, he (Satan’s Last Eagle Son World Ruler, who is Gore) shall come against the house of Yahovah as the Eagle. (Hosea 8:1) The penalty for worshiping his man image (Iesus-Jesus, who is Gore) is the same penalty as taking his name, his mark, or the number of his name. (Rev. 16:2) This is shocking and incredible, but Gore is God that Christians worship!

Saith Yahovah again: You shall not make any image (similitude) whatsoever that is in the heavens (as the Sun, Moon and Stars) or on the earth (as the beasts of the field and men and women or animals), or things that are in and below the sea, or under the earth, or that which walks, or that which flies in the air, (as the Eagle Beast now at Yahovah’s throne), or crawls, (as the serpent), and neither shall you worship, or bow down, or serve any other deities before Me, and neither shall you bring these abominations into your houses (see now throughout the U.S.) nor shall you ever make them (of gold, silver, bronze, stone, wood, or clay) with your hands. (who could count the endless Eagles in U.S.?)

If you do these things, you are under My curse, as written. I Am Yahovah and jealous. Read My first and second commandments that I wrote for you to obey with My finger. And, did not Moshe tell you again and again? Did not My other prophets also strongly warn you again and again? And did not My Son, Yahshua Messiah, define My Commandments, and say again to you that on two of My commandments hang all of My law (Torah) and My Word from all of My prophets?

If you will not quickly repent of your ignorance and your great sin against Me, you will surely join billions to receive double portions of My righteous wrath for making, worshipping, pledging, and serving an abomination, and receiving its name, its mark, and the number of its name. My Word is all Truth, and therefore, the penalty for all these transgressions is already written.

The “golden image” of the Eagle is an abomination. You shall not ever enter into covenants with Hittites-Canaanites (Germans today) who worship an abomination. See? It has come to pass as Moshe witnessed against you in these last days. Shall you remain in this sin or now turn to Me?
(Many Jews have married many Germans, taken their names, and even now many worship their G-d!)
Yahovah shall not repent of it. You will now see Yahovah has not changed His Living Word to suit your religious traditions and customs, your ignorance, your opinions, arguments, or your many pleasures and liberties of life and vanities under G-d. Cain, Esau, and Ishmael’s billions of seed, have continuously violated Yahovah’s Covenants and Yahshua’s Doctrine coming straight from Yahovah as written.

Yahshua has put them in synagogue(s) of Satan as He promised in Revelation. Cain-Esau and Ishmael’s world leaders, especially Masons, have violated Yahovah’s Word. Their Eagle God Popes, Pharaohs, Caesars, Kaisers of Germany, Tsars of Russia, Eagle Son Kings and Queens of England, and Eagle Masonic Presidents of the U.S., are all worshiping their Great Eagle God. Woe to all of them.

Yahovah is over all things, both good and evil, as written in Isayah. Yahovah alone allows Satan and his seed to destroy. Yahovah created the waster to destroy, as written. Yahovah alone builds up Cain’s rulers to have their mammon, their power, and ‘their appointed authority’ in Satan’s worldly kingdom for His pleasure and His purpose. Therefore, what is about to happen to U.S. is thus all Yahovah’s will. Satan’s “son of perdition” was revealed to the Masons on David Letterman Show, Wednesday, September 8-9, 1993 as “their chosen Savior”: “their number one” world king of kings. He has already received their “Golden Double Eagle” God-Tsar (Roman Caesar Kaiser) Scepter to now rule the world.

We warn using “World Order” (NIV) newer Bibles as references to Hebrew Scriptures: International Bibles (ancient Eagle sun Goddess “Byble”) are an abomination. Satan’s workers have added, changed, eliminated, and substituted numerous “words”. Their interpretations are built upon lies to eliminate Yah’s truth and His “Name”. To receive Yah’s “Living Word” and gift of understanding of his mysteries (Luke 24:45) can only come from heaven. He selects who to “feed His sheep.” (John 21:15-17) and (1 Peter 5:2) written in our hearts; quickened by His spirit (John 6:63) even with all that are called by His Name to this day. (John 6:39-40) What minister teaches today that you must be called by Yahovah’s Name?

Man cannot understand Yahovah’s “Word” on his own. Man has tried in vain. Why? “Yahovah alone gives His Spirit; teaches those that are His and calls (John 6:44-45) and those He appoints to deliver His prophecy and who He gives different gifts.” (James 1:17) It is also written: “man receives nothing ... except it be given to him from Yahovah.” Thus, by receiving Yahovah’s gift of Salvation through our Yahshua Messiah (when you are called out by Yahovah) you may have eternal life. (John 6:51)

How many really believe this truth today? Most men and women think they “earn” what they have and receive in this world, and they are in control and decide what they want out of life. For those as ignorant as us of 6,000 years of history and “Satan’s Covenants” * of Sumerians, Ur-Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Canaanites, (today’s DNA German Aryan Hittites) Cretes, Persians-Assyrians (Aryans), Egyptians, Greek-Romans, European “Germanicans”, German-Russians, and the U.S. Germans today, it is too late to present volumes of truth never taught in Cain’s Universities, Colleges, and public schools with German Aryan Nazi communist NEA World Order agendas today. Do you now lack wisdom and understanding of His Truth? Repent quickly, and turn and ask Yahovah as written. (James 1:5)

* Ref. of 3,800 B.C. Ur Mesopotamian and Egyptian Covenant that is the same as the Assyrians. The Hittite Covenant is in England Royalty. G.I.R. (“Graven in The Rock”) Volumes I-II. Kinns 1895 (Hittite Tarsus Stone Eagle Seal Covenant, British Museum. To Masons, it is the Golden Arch Covenant of “Nisroch”: Idol of Ninevites (Nineveh) of Babylon-Assyria, was their God in sculptures with a man’s body and Eagle’s Head. Nisroch means Great Eagle. 1993: (Brewer’s Dictionary, Wordsworth Ltd. ISBN: 1-85326-3001)

This is Yahovah’s last call from His Spirit to quicken “those that are His” and call on His Name to be saved as written. The wicked, and those now pretending to be Yahovah’s chosen Jacob (Israelites-Hebrews-Jews) when they are not, will soon receive their “reward” told in (Rev. 16:10). You are either written in Yahovah’s Book of Life or out of it. Nothing shall stop His sheep from calling on Him. Praise His Living Word that is all truth. It is not anything that you have ever done or can do to deserve such love; mercy our Abba (Father Yah) now shows to His chosen sheep scattered throughout the world. Our Master of Righteousness Messiah Yahshua does not need multi-billions of dollars to quickly contact “those that are His sheep”! His Spirit is now at work and in His chosen sealed vessels to quickly do His work before His door is slammed shut, and then He returns with all reigning power as written.

“Where Master will these things (end times, which is now) happen?” Yahshua, our blessed Master, replied: “where the body is (those spiritually dead or fallen away, yet alive and active in their flesh as) “let the dead bury their dead” (Matt. 8:22), the Eagles (Cain’s Eagle son rulers, leaders, and Eagle warriors under their Eagle God) will gather themselves together.” (Uniting all together to suddenly and viciously attack their chosen prey... without any warning. This is imminent 2001-2004) (Luke 17:37)

Who are these “dead bodies” under “the Eagle Gott”? Lucifer worshiping Jesuits, German/Roman Catholic Papacy, and Masonic-Rosicrucian elite now under “their Eagle” and 3,800 B.C. Ur Hittite Covenant. German Catholics and Lutherans, German Mormons and other “Jesus Covenant” churches. In case you have not heard, Gore announced his favorite verse in Scripture was (John 16:3). Look it up. Even Israelites, are “adopted” into their ranks. Millions of German Nazis (Eagle soldiers) are also under this covenant, and as they once had Mason Hitler as their Eagle, and today it is Gore. “Mercenaries” shall also execute their plan (trained; expendable, hired “Gomer” bands of murderers).

They are now in their places: Satan’s Eagle warriors are prepared and organized. This was done by other “little horn” Eagle sons under their Eagle God: Nimrod-Osiris, Nebochadnazir, (Nazir), Pharaohs (Horus), Asshur-“Nazir”-Pal, Alexander the Great, Napoleon the Great; Cain’s long series of German Hittite European King rulers: as Frederick the Great, Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany’s war man), Ivan “the Terrible”, Russia’s Stalin-Lenin “butchery” and then Fuhrer Hitler’s holocaust of six million Jewish victims and 50 million others died. Now, Cain’s Eagle Son warriors under Gore, their ruler, shall feed mightily on the warm blood of unsuspecting prey. They now “lie”, they “deny”, and try to “cover up” their wicked deeds (works), as Cain first did to Yahovah after he murdered Abel! (Genesis 4:9)

Washington, D.C. is their world headquarters. Southern part of the Square is “Alexandria”, Virginia, named after ancient Alexandria, Egypt. It does not take much to understand what the root name of Virginia is: “VIRGIN”. As the prophet said: Sit down in the dust O ‘Virgin Daughter’! There is no throne for you! And, you shall no longer be called “THE LADY of the nations”. Nike, the Eagle Goddess on top of the 666 D.C. Capitol, has crowned her last evil son for this perverted generation!

Most Americans and others are also in denial of the fact that ALL U.S./ WORLD “MASONS”. (Freemasonry) are LUCIFER WORSHIPPERS (by choice). Their many sons and daughters are rightfully “sons of a Lucifer worshipper”, or “daughters of a Lucifer worshipper.” * Another way of correctly describing them is “SONS and DAUGHTERS OF ZEUS”! This truth is flatly rejected by their families. Unless they now repent, they are all to remain under a “terrible curse” from Yahovah.
(Remember in ancient Israel, some sons and daughters repented, and were accepted in the sight of Yah)

* This is not a small number of people in United States and the world. Because their wives “are as one with them” according to Scripture and Yahovah’s Law (Torah), their number almost doubles. Their children under age (seed from their loins) are also as one with them, and then this number escalates. There are over 100 affiliates connected to these Masons worldwide, as the “Skull and Bones” and Jesuits. Yahovah shall show no mercy on them, for these men are the “darkest workers” of Satan and his Son today. (His final warnings have started!)

Masons are also in most of the Christian Churches today in many prominent positions: from directors, preachers, deacons, elders, board members, and trustees. The Southern Baptist Church and Church of Jesus Christ, Methodists, and Lutherans have considerable in their midst. To date, we have not met one Mason who has totally repented of Masonry and accepted only Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah to serve and to obey: they must also repent of (Iesus) “Jesus Christ” and their Germanican Eagle “God” (Gott).

"Satan’s 666 World Order Government", the Federal Reserve 666 banks, Savings and Loans, major Corporations, tens of thousands of businesses, restaurants, and learning institutions are now controlled 100% by German Masons --- including control of Branches of the Military; Federal, State and local law enforcement and U.S. Court Systems. U.S. leaders reap rewards from over 400 Billion dollars worth of ‘protected’ illegal drugs that enter into the U.S. per year. They repent not of their sorceries (drugs). Gore’s Book, ‘Reinventing Government’, Sept. 13, 1993, reveals considerable codes of who he is today. Gore’s cover has Satan's "8" inverted pentagram (PYTHA-GORE) five-pointed Ur Goat stars:

Number Eight of (Rev. 17:10-11). GORE'S Eagle Seal grasps only "One Arrow". It means: Satan’s Eagle-Serpent Son One World Ruler with power. The “One Arrow” power symbol of authority was also carried by many ancient Assyrian Kings and Pharaohs who followed after Asshur-Nazir. CNN Sept. 1, 2000, a 1789 “One Arrow Eagle” was used again on a flag behind Clinton for Gore!

Gore was introduced to Masons as their "Number One" Eagle Son to be given Satan’s POWER ROD over his WORLD KINGDOM (CBS “Eye” TV Letterman Show) 9/8/1993. Gore is Eagle Son (Daniel 7:20-21). (Little Horn – the Stout-Stiff One). Gore said his "Vice" (EAGLE) Seal reads: "President of the U.S." in "his" Top Ten Countdown. Is this true? His Seal (mark) is the Eagle! Gore introduced himself in "Gore's Reinventing Government" 9/13/1993 as the “number one” Eagle son of the U.S. This was not Clinton's book: his role has been only the chosen Masonic "mouthpiece" for Gore. Gore quoted Fuhrer Hitler 's Nazi German One World Order "final solution" for all of Jacob/Israel (Jews) today:

"WE MUST REWARD 'THE PEOPLE' AND 'IDEAS' THAT WORK, AND 'GET RID' OF THOSE THAT DON’T." (Direct Al Gore quote. Do you understand this dark coded message?)

Note: One Arrow Rulers go back to Cain, Nimrod, Nebochadnazir, Assyrian and Persian Kings, and the Pharaohs ruling over Egypt. Eg. King Tut's chair has only "One very large Arrow" underneath it. Today’s famous 3,800 B.C. worldwide “Golden Arch” of Satan’s Covenant (McDonalds Arch) is visible in gold under this chair. Why? This young “Child” was the one to fulfill the Hittite/Egyptian “Golden Arch Covenant” as Satan’s World Ruler Eagle son. How? Rhameses II (Pharaoh of Exodus) and Queen “Isis” Nefatari (a Hittite King’s Daughter) were married as part of a covenant between these two ancient great nations. Their “first born” son, by blood and by law, would fulfill Satan’s ancient Hittite Tarsus Stone Covenant as the Eagle-Serpent “Son-of-the-Sun” One World Ruler.

PYTHA = "PYTHON SNAKE", and GORE = "CAIN THE MURDERER" (Serpent's Son). GORE was also introduced in U.S. Time Magazine on Sept. '13', 1993 as the "Gorezilla" Beast of Washington, D.C. by Masons. He is "The Fire Breathing (Green Osiris) Dragon" (Rev. 12:7-9, 16:13). GORE was also given the full 13th Minute on Sept. 13th 1993 on NBC "THE BIRD" when Rabin* of Israel was at White House (Temple) for the official signing of the “Mid-East Peace Treaty”. These codes are also found in Scripture: "That Ravenous Bird, The Man" (Isayah 46:10-11)

* "He shall come as the Eagle * (son)" (Hosea 8:1). Israel Prime Minister Rabin was a Jewish Mason “adopted” into their German (Cain-Esau) covenant, and received death from Yahovah for signing it with Satan’s son. * If Gore visits Jerusalem, Jews will roll out the (Esau) red carpet to the Mason’s false Messiah! GORE was first "given power" over all Masons in a D.C. ceremony at Capitol Hill (lot 666) on Sept. 18 (666) 1993. How? GORE was "consecrated" (made King of Kings) as "New Nimrod/Osiris 666 Cornerstone and Capstone" (of their Giza Pyramid). Masons reconsecrated this “Cornerstone” of the 666 “Temple of Zeus” to Gore. Many say Gore is out, but Bush is only a “temporary selected pawn”.

Masons imitated these verses (Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11). “This is the stone which was set at naught (rejected) of you builders which is become the head of the corner.”

Yahshua is identified as the chief Cornerstone (Ephes. 2:20, I Peter 2:6-7) The “Capstone” is joined with the Pyramid, and Mason’s great work is done to bring forth Satan’s Last Son. “Gap” symbol in D.C. Grid Map of the Cheops pyramid (done in roads) is closed. These roads are North (upside down) above the White House, and the “Gap” closed in 1995 as a “Masonic code”. This section of road, is where Penns. Ave. ran above the White House. (Very few know of these extensive Satanic layouts in D.C.)

Masons use names relating to their covenant, as “Sun” and “Lucent Technologies”, “The Gap”. “Burger King” (Gore), “Jack in the Box” (Satan the Joker), “McDonalds” (Satan’s Son of Death). Because of ignorance of what is behind today’s Masons, few today ever listen, or care. Their Masonic “666 CORNERSTONE” ceremony was live on C-Span on Public Network TV on Sept. 18, 1993.


1298 A.D. Augsburg Jewish Seal 18th Century Synagogue Decoration
(Living under the Eagle) (Eagle of Strasbourg, Germany)

Note: Jewish Seal of the Community of Augsburg in 1298 A.D., and German Romanov Crowned Double Headed Eagle Son Tsar ruler over the world and holding the ruling Scepter. Jews unknowingly use the German’s Eagle, but it is not their God. “Double Eagle” is Bavarian, Masonic, and means the same as one in Ur. Yahovah thus gave a strong warning to all Jacob/Israelites not to ever serve these “gods”, and warned that if they did, He would scatter them all over the world, and these gods (as the Eagle) would become as “snares” in their midst. Yahovah’s Word is truth! Jacob/Israel has thus been placed under this Eagle (under Satan and his son) when they have been totally disobedient. Egyptian, Babylonian-Assyrian and German Eagle sons have persecuted and slaughtered many Jews.

The reason why there are not millions upon millions of Jacob/Israelites today is the simple fact that they have been ‘put to the sword’ all over the world for centuries! (Moshe warned of this!). Today, most of those that are alive and remain in the U.S. and elsewhere (rather than return to Israel) still resist accepting their only Rabbi, Yahshua Messiah! Yahovah calls them this last time. Most Jews throughout world have been spared from accepting “Iesus”, and distorted “Christian Doctrine”.
The harvest is ready: swath of Yah will cover the world! (The sword of Satan and son is also ready!)
A horrific terrible sign to come suddenly on Jews is the disappearance of Chandra Levy in D.C. Why? Satan loves mocking Yahovah: Satan says of his slaughter: “Start at my 666 Zeus Temple in D.C.”!
(Other young women as Levy have also disappeared in this general area: who would suspect this evil?)

“Woe to the rebellious children, Saith Yahovah, that cover with a covering, but not of My Spirit, and to trust in the Shadow of (Eagle god Abomination) Egypt. Therefore, the trust in the shadow of Egypt shall be your confusion.” (Isayah 30:1-3) Yahovah is again warning all Jacob/Israelites now serving this Zippor Eagle God! (Levy was a D.C. intern) This is Jacob’s Troubles, or Great Tribulation: Yahshua left this terrible warning: (Luke 17:37) “The Eagles shall (now) gather themselves together”.

Jan. 1994 Gore given power over Russia (immediately after visit) as their "Double Headed Eagle Bavarian Prince". Russia went under Gore's World Order God-Tsar Romanov Double Headed Eagle right after Gore’s visit. Note: “Romanov” = “The New Rome and the New Son of Rome”.

(Gore took a case of his DNA blood to Russia to prove he is the Romanov heir to the Russian Throne). Double Headed Eagle God Mark is documented and traced back to 1st. Dynasty of Ur. The identical Russian Double Eagle Seal is reserved for a "GERMAN WORLD GOD TSAR" (Roman Caesar).

Note: GORE is of the 7th. Eagle Son, who was Alexis Romanov 1918, and he is the 8th. (Rev. 17:11). In U. N. Charter (by law) and the One World Order Constitution, the (now) active world order “dictator of the military” Commander-in-Chief of U. N. 'TO BE GIVEN POWER' over all world order troops must be a Russian. GORE is of GERMAN HERITAGE DNA of Tsar Alexis Romanov. i.e. GORE was the spokesman for U. N. (U.S.) troops killed in action in Iraq in 1994 war, and was ‘quoted’ in several magazines (VFW). They do not know why this happened.


Gore gave this “Masonic Mystery Hand Sign for God” Feb. 20, 1994:
“I am the Eagle Son’s Number One Son of the Hidden Hand of Power (Satan)”

September 13, 1993, GORE INTRODUCED HIMSELF ON THE COVER OF HIS REPORT: (8) Masonic Inverted Pentagram (Pytha-Gore) Stars: “He is of the seven, and is the eighth”. Masonic “Vice” President’s Eagle Seal grasps only “ONE ARROW” (of Osiris). “Vice” does not have a dash (-), meaning, Gore is already the “Vice” (Evil) President of the U.S. and the World’s God Tsar!
Satan and son are the hidden hand of power: “transformed into an angel of light.” (Rev. 11:14) “Nimrod-Osiris” and later Pharaohs used the “hidden hand of power” symbol and so did the Greeks.
(It is too late to reveal all of the mystery behind the Mason’s hand signs and how Greek’s used them)
The Roman Caesars used this identical Eagle and used the “Left Hand” as one of their Roman Standards. See “Barcode” on the right: Gore is the “Barcode”, and this was a first on this N.Y. insert Magazine.

(U. S. National Democratic Party Symbol) thus imitates our Yahshua Messiah. Gore's "Colt” No. is
45 as he was '45 years old’ took office as the 45th No. One "Vice" (EVIL) World Order President in 1993. 45 is the "mirror image" of ‘54’, which is 666 (Isis), 666 (Satan), and 666 (Son) Egyptian Trinity. 45 and “54” are secret Masonic code numbers revealing who they worship “18” = 6-6-6 x 3 = “54”. 45 Colt Revolver and “Colt 45” German Beer were Masonic “signs” for the coming Gore. 45 “Eye” of the Democratic Convention Colt was Gore’s “Pytha-Gore” “5” pointed star. Alexis Romanov No. 7 of Russia, (shot in head 1918), is also shown riding an ancient Ur ass, “colt”. The Egyptian conquering lion of the covenant was also on the Romanov’s castle porch, of the anient Royal purple of Little Horns.

“GORDON” = GORE the DON (LORD) = GORE the GOD = 'GAR'-MAN = 'GER'-MAN *. Many know that "LORD" (Baal) in Bibles replaced (YHVH) Hebrew Tet., the Only Name of Salvation. Gore revealed more in 1999 with the help of "GORDON" TV Commercials and other TV “Gar” signs. Gore name also means: “Hero of the Triangular Land” (as UN Triangle Capstone on UN vehicles; tanks).


It is incredible that the world’s so called ‘experts’ in Scripture, and prophecy ‘clubs’, say on TV that the One World Order (coming false Messiah) dictator will take over and “consolidate” all world trade for “buying and selling”! They say he will make his mark acceptable to the world’s population by making it an essential ingredient for smoother flow and control of products, and for shopping convenience. A “sign of the times” is the fact that none of them can recognize or mention that it has already happened!

Through NAFTA, APEC, and GATT, all are required (by law) to have the "666 barcode number of his name." (Rev. 13:16-17). GATT alone weighs over 300 lbs; and contains over 26,000 pages now under (Gore's Eagle Seal). GORE'S EAGLE SEAL on his cover is “THE MARK OF HIS NAME”. (Rev. 14:11). Gore’s 666 “BARCODE” is now on International products "bought and sold". China signed with U.S. on Nov. 1999. The world cannot see that they have already been had by the Beast!

German World Trade agreements are all under Gore’s Eagle Seal. Numerous citizens and Union workers protested. NAFTA building in D.C. was approved by a Masonic Congress long before the debates ever started! They do not know the 'hidden meaning', only that it is costing jobs, income, and unfair “dividing of wealth” between rich nation(s) and slave nation(s). The China ratification is in 2000 by Congress and Senate. The greatest “world take-over” in all of world history was done without going to War!

“HE ‘SHALL COME IN PEACEABLY’ and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries” (Daniel 11:21-24).

GORE was made the "WORLD'S CHAIRMAN OF POPULATION CONTROL" in an Egypt 1994 International Conference: this is real, as Gore is "666 man of death, and the grim reaper." Gore will utilize "his power given to him" by prior administrations, Executive Orders, HR Bills, State Bills, and U.N. Charters, to bring about immense death and destruction in the world: especially to eliminate Jews and all dissidents. They shall be taken in a “large number” as written (actually rounded up by force).

Why do you think this final tribulation is called “Jacob/Israel’s Troubles”? Clinton announced “The Opening of the Book of Life”, decoding of DNA, making it simple to tell who is German (Cain-Esau-Aryan Hittite) by blood, and who are the real Jacob/Israelites to eliminate! Read of DNA in paper.

Over 35 million blacks are already being effectively eliminated in Africa through AIDS, an invented ‘population control’ virus (venom, as from a serpent) from the government labs of D.C.! Tens of millions of unwanteds in their world order have also been quietly and effectively eliminated in the U.S. through intentionally inducing (unknowingly to the victims), giving them through food and drink, fatal heart-attacks, fatal brain aneurisms, and fatal fast acting cancers, since 1933! Before 1933, when Hitler took power, the deaths from these (3) categories were extremely low on the charts. After 1933 to today, they have went off the charts! The medical statistical data proves that the “enemy” has been at work. Again, who would suspect the ‘enemy’ of getting rid of unwanted millions in this “natural” manner?

GORE'S name actually means 'THE MURDERER' and 'THE MAN OF BLOOD'. In medical terms,
(Al Gore) means "THE CHILL OF DEATH" and (dead) "STIFF" (the stout one of Daniel!)

(At Gore annual Halloween parties, he dressed up also as “The Beast”; 1998 as “Frankenstein”)

Gore as “Egypt’s Osiris” Mummy Iesus: “Make it known to My ministers”.
(At His Halloween Party) (Evil Cover of Fatima Catholic Magazine)

SWATHED IN ‘WHITE MUMMY’ WRAPPINGS.” (New Larousee Enc. 1992 P. 17)

“GORE” IS ANOTHER NAME FOR "CAIN", AS CAIN WAS MURDERER No. ONE. He is "THE HAND OF DEATH" of a 5000+ year Covenant under the Eagle God. Feb. 20, 1994. The New York Times Magazine (cover) "GORE" actually declared himself "GOD" (hidden hand of power) in an elaborate one of a kind elite Illuminati Masonic Egyptian "Osiris-Iesus hand-sign". (II Thess. 2: 3-4)
There are numerous dictionary references to the name and word "GORE" and its very ancient meanings traced back to the Aryan Hittites (Canaanites), Phoenicians and Chaldeans (Babylon and to Ur). Most of these definitions; cross/meanings are also traced directly to today's Germanican “Anglo-Saxon” (England-British) Throne, to Russia, and on to the United States. Gore is Osiris-Iesus-Apollyon! The Little Horn!
The following Gore list(s) should be enough to know that the name "GORE" is the only "NAME" OF THE BEAST AND ITS IMAGE that perfectly describes his evil character and fulfills "Little Horn" 666 man of death of prophecy described again and again in Hebrew Scripture and Revelation!

GORE = "GEIR" = "SPEAR" (Eddic Germanican Celtic-Gothic) Spear, as the "ONE SPEAR"
Gore's Special Vice Presidential Great Eagle Seal on the cover of his unique book "GORE'S
RE-INVENTING GOVERNMENT" - 9/13/1993 holds in its talon only "One Arrow".

Update: 9/1/2000. “One Arrow” 1789 illegal U.S. Gore Eagle Seal was again shown behind Clinton:
Saying he would leave decisions on defense to the “next administration.” (Gore, now in stealth)
Masonic “daily codes and signs” on Television slip on by the totally deceived of the world.

GORE = "GEIR" = (Richard) to impale, to thrust into, to gouge with a sharp shaft, a “Spearman” (warrior).
"GEIR" = "GARTH" * = "GORDON" (Gore the Don or Lord) = 'LORD' OF WAR.

GORE = GORDON = GORE THE DON = A-BAD-DON = "Abaddon" in Hebrew (Rev. 9:11)
He shall be called (Goreman) "ABADDON" i.e. "THE BLOODY GOD (Don) OF WAR"

(A Bad God) * Note: “Garth” Star Country Western Singer, “Gordon” Racing and “Gordon” Foods today.

GORE = "GAR" (Old Anglo-Saxon and Celtic-Old English-Hittite) = “GARY” = “GERALD”
"GOTTS-A-GAR" (Ancient worshipped Germanican Gott) where word Gore = "GOD"
came from in old English; used in today's Bibles around the world: replacing YHVH.

“TO RIP OPEN” = “TO SLAUGHTER” = "TO LANCE" (to put to the sword or axe)
Assyrian Axe, Roman Axe and Celtic Axe are now in D.C. and over the U.S. Courts.

GORE = “TO PIERCE WITH A HORN” (the little horn) of the "BULL, STAG, OR GOAT"

(Hittite horned deer ‘Stags’ worked into the iron decorations of Washington, D.C. buildings) Lance Potato Chips and Peanuts, etc. popular Mid-West brand. United Nations (UN) building lot donated by Rockefeller Foundation in New York City was once a "SLAUGHTERHOUSE" and the ground was made black with aged blood. This is appropriate, as a “blood (GORE) sacrifice” for the foundation Seat of Zeus Cain/Esau worshippers, Ishmael Moslems, Eastern communists and atheists, etc., and all of those now in the world now against Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah's covenant. In the main lobby of the U.N. is a large nude statue of "ZEUS" the Zippor Eagle God’s Man, as Gore, the “SPEARMAN”

THOR = SON OF WOODEN* (Wodan, Odin) GREAT EAGLE GOD of Germany

* Note: Wooden-Wodan-Odin = Zeus = Jupiter = Mazda = Asshur Nazir (connected to and
meaning the Eagle God). Gore means ‘Gott‘ (God-Deus) in 32nd and 33rd Degree Masonic pin.
Within the Standard Mason logo, is the Egypt “son of the sun” represented only as a capital "G".
Who has not heard of Washington, D.C.’s “G” Men? This “G” is today’s Gore! (Asshur and Zeus
are shown over the "GOATS" in many bas-reliefs and stone sculptures) Today, Gore is this
same ancient God, and therefore, he is also over all the "GOATS" in the world.

GOREN (Gurin) Swastika cross of the Hittites (Canaanites) and the same "GYRON"


*Iesus = other historical spelling(s) of Esus, Essus, Iesous, Evus, Iesos = “Jesus Christ”.
Note: All I.D. types of Hittite-Phoenician and Trojan Swastika Crosses are found on
ancient Britain monuments and coins. Synonym of "BURU" = "GORE'S FRUIT"
and "GORE'S FRUIT" (of the Eastern tree) = "BERRY" (popular name) i.e. Chuck Berry.
("Gore" name was in a ranking officer of Hitler, and also a prior “Gore” President of Russia.)

GORE = "WROTH" = CAIN the (ROTH) one, murderer = "HOSTILE" (synonym of Gur) =
Note: as ‘Rothman’ tobacco, David Lee ‘Roth’ Roc singer, Senator ‘Roth’ and ‘Rothschilds’.
Satan mocks with Tony the Tiger: “they are GRRR….EAT!” (Gur is Great) (Gore number 8).

GORE = “GUR”, an ancient Sumerian and Hittite name for "X" binding cross that is a symbol
representing their Ur Great Eagle God covenant *. “GUR” is a word-symbol of a “dagger”
with a wedge handle defined as 'to hew (hack) to pieces' and to 'strike dead' for the "X".
* Number One symbol of the Celtic Druid’s pagan Satanic Iesus (Esus) was the Eagle.
Will Gore and his Masons make it into Yahovah’s kingdom? Never! (Galatians 5:19-21)

GORE = "GUR" MEN and "GAR" MEN, who were vicious in battle under Satan's Eagle God
covenant of the ancient Hittites. In Roman times, they were known as the "Ger" men,
or war men, or "GER-MANS": known in WWI and WWII as the ruthless and brutal ‘bear’.
Gore means “to murder, to destroy, to slaughter”, from the Hittite word "GUR".

"Behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is." (Rev. 17:8) "The Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition." (Rev. 17: 10-11). Gore is the No. 8 King, the last King, and Alexis Romanov of the Russian Empire was the No. 7 King)

(Especially of the Lion). Gore is the Lion King of the Covenant of Egypt and the Hittites:
He is their Lion King Saviour. "They had teeth as the teeth of lions…" (Rev. 9:8)
German Bavarian double-headed "LION'S CLUB INTERNATIONAL" in most cities.

GORE = GUR (GOOR), GUWR (GOOR) and GAR: "To gather together for hostility."*
HAPPEN?" Yahshua:* "WHERESOEVER THE ‘BODY’ IS, (those in bodies that are
*(Eagle Son Rulers and their Eagle Son warriors shall gather (Luke 17:37)
GOWR: THE FEMININE. (Isis-Osiris combined to bring forth the son of the sun)

GAD = Canaanite God of Fortune. “BAAL-GAD” (Joshua 11:17, Isayah 65:11)
“Baal-Gad” in English used today by most of the world’s Christians is “Lord God.”

GORE = "GORED", AS BY A BULL, and to butt with horns, as a goat (Gore over the Goats).
"TO WAR AGAINST", "TO THRUST INTO BATTLE"… "He will make war against
Yahovah’s chosen!" (Daniel) “HE WILL MAKE WAR AGAINST YAHOVAH and
HIM TO BE KILLED. (Rev. 13:15). (Gore shall be killed at Yahshua's coming).


(Satan is the Mason's “Master Architect”, and Mason's are the Master's Builders)

Gore and Satan are as ‘One’, and revealed as such on Letterman Show 9/8/1993.
Gore is their ‘Number One’, and consecrated in Washington, D.C. 9/18/1993.
Gore wears the 'Little Horn Crown’ of Mason's German Double Headed Eagle God.
Gore is their Pyramid World Order Capstone, and 666 Baal Tower Cornerstone.
Gore fulfills all Masonic Baal (Lord) titles and names in Scripture and Prophecy:
Gore is the “Prince of the Power of the Air” Shaul described (Ephesians 2:2)
Gore is the “Baal Son of Zippor” (bird-man, of Eagle God Abomination) (Yahoshua 24:9) Gore is the ‘Abomination and Shadow of Egypt’, The Eagle God (Exodus 8:26)

GORE: 2000 Presidential Campaign theme on his banners: “AL GORE IS FIGHTING FOR US”
Why did Gore use the word “FIGHT” so many times in speeches and on his ads? Is he not boldly telling his German Volk and Masonic elite through the media precisely what he is going to do? As German World Order Supreme Commander, is he using dark sentence “word codes” warned of in Daniel? Phonetics of words is a major key to understanding what Satan and Mason’s are doing today! (II Timothy 3:13)

“I beheld, and the same ‘horn’ (Gore) MADE WAR with Yah’s chosen, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of Days came, and Judgement was given to the chosen of the Most High; and the time came that the Separated out ones possessed the kingdom.” (Daniel 7:21-22) No rapture for the deceived!

GORE: (Daniel 11:44) “…He shall go forth with great fury to ‘DESTROY’ (to make war
against) and utterly to make away many” (to sweep away). Gore is to ‘FIGHT’ and to
‘MAKE WAR AGAINST THE CALLED OUT ONES (still here on earth)… (Daniel 7:20-21)
Gore has described himself the past eight years as the ‘STIFF ONE’ (Stout One)

GORE: Makes war with Yahshua Messiah, “THE PRINCE OF PRINCES” (Daniel 8:24-25)

GORE: “Shall honor the ‘GOD OF FORCES’…(God of War)” (Daniel 11:38). A Gore
definition is a ‘Triangle’ (piece of ground). See the ‘Masonic Triangle’ and Triangle
on the sides of the (U.N.) ‘NATO FORCES’ one world order military equipment.
(Is not the U.S. Isis flag of Egypt folded into a “Gore”, at the funerals of U.S. service men?)

Let us then examine this word “FIGHT” that Gore continuously used in his campaign in Webster’s New World Dictionary, 1967, and see what he promises to do with full power in 2001-4. (Rev. 13:5)

“FIGHT” (1) Number One: ‘To take part in a physical struggle’ or ‘BATTLE’ (2) To struggle against opposition; content V.T. 1. To oppose physically or ‘BATTLE’, as with fists or weapons. 2. To struggle against, and 3. TO ENGAGE IN, OR ‘CARRY ON A WAR OR A CONFLICT’. “FIGHT” The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary, N.Y., 1989. (1) To give mutual blows (2) To ‘TAKE PART IN A WAR, TO MAKE WAR UPON’ (To declare war, and to then to engage in a war)

Based on the above, Gore has revealed to the goats and the world, (even to Yah’s sheep, that are enemies), precisely what he is going to do! He is “fighting for his goats”, for his Masonic elite, rulers, the rich and powerful, his father’s “Stars”, and mainly for continuation and perpetuation of the German Aryan race!

GORE (Satan) is in his glory over his world of goats, and many of them love what he stands for today. This is what Yah shall certainly do to all goats who love Gore, who support him, who voted for him, who now worship and serve him, and take his mark, his name, and the 666 number of his name:
“Before Him ‘shall be gathered all nations*’: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd ‘DIVIDES HIS SHEEP FROM THE GOATS’: and He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left….then shall He say unto them on the ‘left hand’, depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. (Matthew 25:32-41)

*What do you think Gore/Satan have done to copy these spoken Words of Yahshua Messiah?

Sept. 5th, 2000 on CNN, “Over 150 of the world nation’s ‘Kings’, ‘Presidents’, ‘Rulers’, ‘Prime Ministers’ and Generals ‘gathered together’ for a ‘PEACE MILLENNIUM CONFERENCE’ at the U.N. in N.Y. This is the largest gathering of world leaders in history! Gore is doing the opposite of Yahshua Messiah: divide goats from sheep and declare the sheep his enemies to be cast into the fire!

Quote a planner: “This is a meeting (planned) from hell.” To quote another: “They are meeting to decide how to eliminate ½ of the world’s population now starving to death.” (Rev. 9:15) Understand?

“To slay a 1/3 part of men” (Rev. 9:18-19). CLINTON, “GORE’S MOUTHPIECE”, addressed the world’s nations Sept. 6, 2000. Gore followed on CNN with his address from Cleveland, Ohio.

GORE = The one the deceived of the world worships and shall follow to destruction and death.
The one the deceived of the world already receives his "EAGLE MARK" in their hands.
The one the deceived of the world loves his name, which is Iesus* Kristos (Jesus Christ).

* Syrian Greek Orthodox Church verifies that the symbol of “Jesus” is the Eagle.

“Words” spoken by Yahshua are major keys to understanding how today’s demons and Masons copy them and mock and communicate with one another on TV and in Newspapers and magazines: “BY PHONETICS” and the level of hidden meaning and very real definition(s) of many “words”. Words and names that you or Masons speak from the mouth, and the ‘sound’ pronunciation of them, is not important how they are spelled in Webster’s dictionary. Let us give understanding of this and what it is based on in Scripture, and examples of how it is used by demons in daily spiritual communication.

“Those things which proceed out of the mouth (Your words that you speak) come forth from the heart; and they defile the man (Matthew 15:18). Yahshua did not say how these words are spelled, or in which language they are written, or spoken. It is what comes from your mouth! Yahshua said: “Every idle word’ that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment, for ‘by your words you shall be justified’, and ‘by your words’ you shall be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37). Again, Yahshua did not say how they are spelled or in what language, it is the words and names that come out of your mouth. (See Satan’s talk shows today of endless words from the mouth)

This is called Phonetics, and with millions of Masons, it is a ‘different language’ to keep secrets from the mass, and also to ‘entrap’ many into doing things against Yahovah. Examples in Names using this technique: “Yahoo” on the internet is Yahu (Yahovah) and it is filled with porno!! Cartoon “Yhabba-dhabba-dew” = Yah our Abba, the son, and Ruach ha Kodesh! “Clint Eastwood” = Root of “Clint” is a woman’s private sexual part, and “East” is self-explanatory. “Wood”, means “from Satan’s tree” (Woodward) is “Wood’s war for D”. “Thorton” = Thor, the God of War in 2000 (ton)= Gore!

Clint Eastwood reading of this name is: “From the woman’s womb of Satan’s tree of the East”. William Clinton = (Wilhelm) “German’s Man of blood and war from the woman in the year 2000 (ton). Note: This message in Clinton’s “name” helped to introduce Gore to Office, not for Clinton.
MacIntyre = (Macabre) Man of death from Tyre. Gold Master Card, “Master Race”, Master’s Degree, Master’s Golf Tournament, and “Master Masons” all mean Satan, “Mason’s Master”.

Arnold Schwartzenegger’s name means: “The Eagle with Power”, “The Black Ethiopian man.” Donald Trump means: “God of Old’s Trumpet” (Satan’s Trump of Sex, power, and money). Satan’s musicians say: “I AM THE GOD OF HELLS FIRE, and I BRING YOU FIRE”!

AC/DC Hard Rock Band sings: “I’M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL.” Michael Jackson sings of “demons and devils”. Others sing of adultery: “Please Release Me”, sex, fornication, and “Roc” and Roll. (Roc = Eagle). Thus, “THE EAGLES” were Satan’s choice for his band of the century. There is no difference in attending a “JESUS” SUPER STAR CONCERT than an OZZIE OSBORNE or “In Sync” CONCERT. Listen to Satan’s “Roc” bands screaming “It’s the final countdown!” “Rock” (Eagle) of Big Time Wrestling is no different than “Rocky” I, II, III, Balboa = “The Eagle-Serpent Man” and “Rocky Horror Show”. These are all very powerful “spiritual messages” now coming from Satan and his many angels.

Satan has named multi-millions of his seeds of his Eastern Christmas Tree of the goats, shown earlier. “Hollywood” Stars = “Pytha-Gore Stars of Satan’s Holy Wood”(his tree). “Warren Christopher”, means “War in Christ for Her” (Satan’s Woman). “Mel Gibson”, means “My El (Mighty One) Gibb’s Son”, who was a Canaanite. Satan revealing himself in: Mel’s “I Know What Women Want.” Virginia (Virgin woman), Maryland (Mary’s Land), Los Angeles, is big to Satan, and why Democratic Party Gore 2000 was there! It is coded “Lost Angels” (of Satan), and Gore is over them! In areas of California, it is a Mecca for gays, lesbians, drugs, prostitutes, and the U.S. major porno Capital. (Now you know why).

