Part 4
Another favorite of Lucifer is St. “Louis”, named after him, as “Louis = Lucifer”, and why many past kings and others have that name. Gore and Clinton kicked off their last “re-election” under Lucifer’s ancient Hittite Arch of the Covenant in St. Louis (Missouri). These names, places and words and their Masonic meanings and hidden messages are continuous. This insight into their “hidden language” is a gift from Yahovah. Why? That we not be deceived any longer by them and as Yahshua promised: “Fear them not: THERE IS NOTHING COVERED, THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; AND ‘HIDDEN’, THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN”. (Matthew 10:26)

* “He is What was, and is, but is not, yet is”… Yahovah’s 666 Riddle of Revelation.
(With Gore’s Jewish choice as V.P., the majority of world Jews still trust him!)
* WORLD'S NUMBER ONE EAGLE (Eagle Son of Nisroch, (Isayah 37:38)

Note: Within Crystal City, Washington, D.C. is a unique C.I.A./FBI operations, where the combined confidential and open records of all U.S. Citizens has been put on file in an incredible computer database. This base is connected to law enforcement agencies across the U.S., such as the FBI/CIA/ATF and others.

GORE = "ABOMINATION THAT MAKES DESOLATE" GREAT EAGLE SEAL TODAY. Bush is the political pawn and the “herald” to usher in terrible trouble for Gore, and doing it all in the name of his “Iesus” and for his “God”. Quote: from Americans United, Barry Lynn, “Ironically, Bush quoted Thomas Jefferson both in his inaugural address and his Day of Prayer Proclamation (to God who is Gore). Jefferson was a staunch advocate of church-state separation.”

Thomas Jefferson was a Mason, and was a deist (Lucifer and ‘nature creator’ worshipper), an adulterer, had sexual fornication with his slaves, illegitimate children, and did not ever worship Yahovah or Yahshua Messiah. No wonder Bush used Thomas Jefferson in his speeches, to make sure that all the elite Masons know where he is coming from today. At least with us, his message is clear. Benjamin Franklin (Son of the Right Hand of Frank, El’s “N”) was also a vulgar Mason.

John Quincy Adams said: “I saw in Masonry lawless oaths, and barbarous penalties of death. Such are the laws of Masonry… a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many” P. 555-56 M.W.” Many men have warned of the Masons, but few have taken them seriously. Now, it is entirely too late. The wave of death under Gore will be sudden! Gore is the same as Caesar, a Romanov God Tsar, and Asshur-Nazir.

(U.S. Great Eagle God Son) (U.S. Great Eagle God Son)

The Seeds of Cain of the wicked one carried their Eagle God and caused great destruction.
The Babylonians carried their Eagle God abomination and caused great destruction.
The Assyrians carried their Eagle God abomination and caused great destruction.
The Greeks carried their Zeus Great Eagle God abomination and caused destruction.
The Romans carried their Jupiter Great Eagle God abomination and caused desolation
(Especially in 70 A.D. in Jerusalem and total destruction of Yahovah’s Temple; many Jews).
The Goths used their Eagle as the ultimate symbol of power and fought their wars under it.
The Roman Catholics have slaughtered and tortured multi-millions under their Eagle God Seal.
The Roman Catholics under “Hapsburg Eagle God” slaughtered many and caused destruction.
The Germans in WW I killed (rib one) millions and caused desolation under their Eagle God.
The Germans in WW II killed (rib two) 6 million Jews and millions more under their Eagle God.
Masons verify in their Mackey Dictionary that their “Eagle” represents “Jesus”.

"CARNAGE", "SLAUGHTER", "BUTCHERY", AND "MURDER". Why do you think the new movie came out called: ‘The Gladiator’, with all of its violence in the time of Rome and fighting campaign with the Germanicans? Eagle warriors are back! Then “Return of the Mummy”(Gore)

Note: Heed these last three words, as this is what Gore shall now do in the world. These DEFINITIONS from the synonym finder, p. 467: noun, "Number One” (Which is what world Bavarian Masons call their God, Satan or Lucifer: "Number One"). Gore shall certainly be responsible for the death of billions.

GORE = Verb (Number One) "HORN" (as horn of a bull, ram, and goat) as "BIG HORN"
(Satan) and "LITTLE HORN" (Satan's Son). "BUTT" as does 'the goat' or ram.
"HOOK", as the Grim Reaper, and the famous Sickle and Hammer of Russia.
‘TO 'PIERCE', (with a horn, sword, lance, or knife) TO "PENETRATE", and TO
The Assyrians, named after Asshur, their Eagle God-man, were great slaughterers
and were the dreaded enemies of Jacob/Israel. (Assyrians are the Germans of today)

GORE = TO 'SPEAR' (Spearmint), 'LANCE', 'STICK', 'PINK' (Mason Code: Pink Panther)
TO 'IMPALE' (as did ancient Assyrians, and Romans to their victims) and 'SPIT'.
TO 'PRICK', TO 'GOUGE', 'STAB', (i.e. MAC THE KNIFE), Mac means Death and
the son or sons of death = MACDONALD = Mac (son of death) Don (Lord) ald (old).
McDonald’s “Golden Arch” is the actual Seal of Satan’s 3,800 B.C. Covenant.


world shall become a slaughterhouse. (Imitating Yahshua Messiah as described in
Revelation) Gore shall have his garments 'soaked in blood', and he shall do as he is
predestined to do as the World's 'Man of Blood' (Number Eight of Revelation).

GORE = 'GORGE' = 'GEORGE' i.e. The Georges: as German King George V of England and
George Washington, George Bush. Both were (prior German) Presidents of the U.S.
Gore will 'gorge' Himself in blood in his hour of Cain and his seed's wrath upon the
World. George (Gore) Wash (Eagle) ton (2000). Hamilton = Ham (dark one) il (El) 2000.

GORE = PIG, SWINE, HOG, BOAR, used as one of the Roman Standards and the Zeus sacrifice.
Promoted as “THE OTHER WHITE MEAT”. See mountains of pigs consumed in U.S.
today. What does Yah think of this? Multi-billions of dollars in destruction by Hurricane
Floyd struck the Carolinas and killed (drowned) over 100,000+ pigs and released many
massive holding ponds of millions of pig's urine and horrible waste into Carolina drinking
water, wells, rivers, killing millions of fish and polluting the farm land. More swine are in
N. Carolina than people. What does this have to do with Yahovah’s warning signs today?

(Mark 5:13 and Matthew 8:32) YAHSHUA KILLED about 2,000 ‘PIGS’ BY
DONE BY YAHSHUA? Christians in the U.S. want to blame it on their ‘Mother Nature’.
They cannot see Yahovah’s wrath and warnings being poured out in incredible proportions.

GORE = "TO DEVOUR" (as the Eagle and birds of prey are described as doing in Scripture)

their German One World Order are now doing. They control the buying and selling of
mammon through NAFTA, APEC, AND GATT World Trade Agreements-Contracts.
'GORGE' = TO EXCESSIVELY CONSUME OR HOARD: "they hoard away their
wealth and mammon for these last days, woe unto the rich" (said Apostles)

GORE = GORDA = "VAN A ARMARLA GORDA" They'll raise (make merry) with devil.
GORDA = DEVIL = SATAN = LUCIFER (German Bavarian Masonic God).

'GOR-RA = 'TO SPONGE ON PEOPLE' (What Gore’s Masonic D.C. politicians do)

GORE = (Mexican-Spanish) 'GOR-RINO' * = 'HOG', AND 'FILTHY PIG' (see U.S. movies of
Gorky: "The Talking Pig" and "Flying Pig" and TV “Pig” Commercials in the U.S.A.)
* U.S. Attorney General “Reno” (Rino) is one of “Gore’s filthy pigs”; her part in Waco, Texas!
It is not by coincidence that Janet Reno and the Pope have the same ‘shaking disease’.
Do not think Rino’s replacement is any different: he is a devoted worshipper of God!

GORE = 'GOR-DAL' = FAT AND FLESHY (What Cain's seed have and love as their worldly
inheritance: "FAT" of the gut, feeding the ‘God of the gut’, and FLESHLY desires)
(OVER 50% OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT: 25% of the ‘kids’ are also fat)
(Lev 3:17) Perpetual Statute: Jacob/Israelites forbidden to eat “Fat or Blood”
'GOR-DANA' = ANIMAL FAT. ("Dana" Corporation, a major N.A. Drug Distributor).

i.e. “Talking Pig” Movies, and TV Pig and Bank and internet Commercials (Gorky)!
Why? “Gorki” is a “Pen Name” of a Russian “Alexis” (Ref. to number seven).

No. 50 (Enlil Eagle God of Chaldea/Babylon’s number) on his “basketball” uniform at his
St. “Albans” High School. Satan has been with his chosen and anointed son all the way:
even before his "virgin" birth in D.C. Arlington, Va. March 31, 1948. This is the location
of Egypt's "Isis" cemetery; burial site of Elite Eagle Son Soldiers. Gore is from the dead,
over the dead and “collects the dead”. (Gore said he collects “Stiffs” on Letterman 9/8/93).
(Update: Gore announced that he will still be living in Arlington-“Our link to N”.)

GORE: Designed his own campaign poster on a Presidential jet, and used only one sweeping five pointed blazing star that means his name: Osiris “PYTHA-GORE” (serpent’s murderer). This particular photograph was ‘intentionally posed’ with Gore as “THE OSIRIS SHADOW” or the “INVISIBLE MAN”. He is the man behind the scenes of the Masonic Illuminati’s U.S. and world “Shadow Government” and is Satan’s man of the hour, the “Hidden One”of evil to the end.

(Matthew 8:22) Satan and Gore now mock Yahshua: “Let the Dead bury their Dead”.
The walking dead are ready for Gore’s arrival. They are as M. Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ people.
One of the Gore’s favorite ‘Roc’ (Eagle) bands is the “Grateful Dead”. (Think about that)
Followers were known as Dead Heads! Garcia means “Gore will see ya”! (very soon).
‘The Grateful Dead’s number one song: “A friend of the devil is a friend of mine”!

GORE = ALBERT (1819-1861) = Name of German Aryan bright Prince of "SAXE-COBURG"
GERMANY, who married Queen Victoria (1819-1901). The name “Albert” means
Al is (El) and Bert is (Bright) "THE BRIGHT SHINING ONE" (II Corin. 11:14)
(Satan comes as an “angel of light”, and obviously, his son also has this in his name)

GORE = Al is short for ‘Allah’, and the Moslems worship ‘Al Nesser’, meaning “the Eagle”.
Arnold = "The Great Eagle With Power", Gore's "Mark" today (Rev. 14:11).
Arnold = ancient root/pronunciation phonetics. “UR N OF OLD” = Ur’s Nisroch of Old.

Satan's Number Two Sun Spot. MURDEROUS, CRUEL, BRUTAL, SAVAGE.

GORE: June 4th 1994 Presidential Executive Order* (EO) from U.S. Executive Branch (Clinton Gore) Concerning F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management-'Military' Action) giving "ABSOLUTE POWER" (BY LAW) to execute orders for U.S. in the event of "Martial Law", an "Internal National Emergency", or even a threat of International Terrorism** or Inter-state Crisis. This "Umbrella of Power" covers all military branches, National Guard, FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, city and state police, and all deputized law enforcement, and mercenaries (foreign or otherwise).

Prior (EO) *Executive Orders give FEMA 100% power over all utilities, U.S. resources, transportation systems; airports: basically everything: ESPECIALLY ALL PEOPLE. (Reviews of these Executive Orders can be done through the Inter-Net. You will be surprised) ** Gore-Clinton issued unprecedented 347 (EO's) since being in office 1993-2000. (Setting the Stage)

GORE: 1995 Oct. AL GORE actually dressed up as "THE BEAST" at a Halloween party
at his home. Pictures of this “Beast” appeared in many Magazines (Rev. 13:4)

GORE: Letting his army of Mason demons know precisely who he is, and making a joke of it!
He is also “Frank”, as the (German) “Frank”enstein, and the (Jolly) “Green Giant” Monster.
“Green Mask” over his “Green Belt” and “Green Money” (Green = Osiris trademark color).
See Sept. 2000 TV Commercials of “FRANK” on computers, and “FRANK” in hotels.
The question that TV Frank’s (Gore’s Isis mother image) wife asked him is appropriate:

Gore is over “World Population Control” Gore is the evil “Jack” in the Pumpkin

Gore addressing a 1993 National follow up Conference to Rio Earth Summit in Louisville, Kentucky. 1,200 Participants were from every state except Hawaii. They received instructions on state level implementation of “Agenda 21”, a 900 page U.N. Environmental Program. That Rio/U.N. Summit document “Mandates the comprehensive regulation of all human affairs in order to achieve sustainable development.”

According to Gore, “We are on the verge of significant changes, not just in our country but in our world.” The Vice President contends that humanity in general--- and America in particular---needs to “redefine its relationship with the Earth.” Specifically, ‘growth of the human population must be reduced’. pp. 5-8 ‘The New American’, June 28, 1993. On the right: “Gore is ready to graduate” quote in 2000 Campaign. Pumpkin cartoon is demonic, if you read about Halloween and “light” in the pumpkin.

GORE = "FIERCE" (Last 'Little Horn' is described as a King of ‘fierce’ countenance)
(Daniel 8:23). Yahovah is giving U.S. and world precisely what it wants and deserves.

GORE: 1996 - He was "given 100% absolute ownership, power, and authority" over all German
Federal Reserve world-wide holdings (includes all issued notes, gold, silver; properties).
How? With his Universal Great Eagle Seal: Gore's Mark of his Name (Rev. 13:17)
Now has control “over all of the precious things of Egypt” (Daniel 11:43)

GORE: Is over other world money; properties (All Arabic) marked with his 666 Eagle Seal:
Deutsche Bank (one of world's largest) EAGLE money called: "GERMAN MARK".
Great Eagle God (German Mark) has been used for almost 6,000 years back to Ur.
All Arabic Republics; Egypt are under 'Al Nesser' (THE EAGLE) (Dan. 11:43)

GORE: “Little Horn” 1994-99: GORE Pyramid (triangular) Seal over UN/ NATO FORCES. Gore
Already honors "(the Eagle) THE GOD OF FORCE". (Daniel 11:38).

GORE: Is “Lucis (Lucifer) Trust”. The New Age Religion also uses the “Triangle”*, as well as
Inter-net’s America on Line, Ameri-Trade and many others. The point of the “Triangle”
also is the symbol of Lord (Baal) Matreya, Shamballa, and Nimrod-Osiris of Egypt. Scholars
say the Triangle is the mark or symbol of the Babylonian and ancient Mesopotamian trinity.
The Triangle is found consistently on the ancient Satanic covenants of the Chaldeans, Hittites and Egypt.
*ISBN 0-394-43500-1 “Gore” = Name definition also means “Triangle” and a Triangular tract of land.

GORE: “Triangle” (another Lucifer symbol) also incorporates the “Universal Mother Goddess.”
See “phones” and other items with “Lucent (Lucifer) Technologies” 666 identity today.
(Isayah 14:12-15) “Lucifer (Gore) shall (now) be brought down to the sides of the pit”.

1993-2000: U.S. Congress/ Senate have also "given power to him" in H.R. Bills that compliment E.O’s (Executive Orders): U.S. Crime Bills, RICO; Anti-Gun legislation 100 plus gun types illegal to own. Police, swat teams, sheriffs, delta force, ATF, and FEMA can legally round up guns; make "selective" arrests: this escalates under Gore. The coming of a German blitz (ethnic cleansing) is imminent.

GORE: Has another army of multi-millions of German Masons scattered throughout the U.S.
and the world. Useless appeals in all of the U.S. Court Systems: as the majority of over
700,000 lawyers/judges/police/sheriffs and even justices of the peace are Gore’s Masons.

1998: Gore given (future) dictatorial Presidential powers through EO 13083 issued in force
May 14, became law on Aug. 14, 1998: known to some Christian Groups and on Inter-net.
13083 also issues dictatorial Executive powers to enforce “TRUST OBLIGATIONS”.
This refers directly to Rockefeller Trusts, Rothschild Trusts, and the (German) Federal
Reserve (Money) Trust. Because of these trusts, and the fact that most citizens owe them
over ten trillion dollars in U.S. National debt, the Government is legally bound by the
terms and conditions. They own the flesh of millions in debt, and can now collect!

GORE: Already chosen as the one to receive power. 1948! Christians thought Clinton wanted more
power, but Clinton is out. They refuse to accept the truth that all evil powers of darkness
in Satan’s kingdom are now following Gore. Christians and most others know not it is a
final preparation for "100% GORE POWER" in the year 2001-2-3-4. Yahovah has revealed
and warned 8+ years that GORE is the one of (Rev. 13:5). He has been "GIVEN POWER"

Christian Ministers and World Order Preachers cannot be on the TBN and Christian
TV multi-billion dollar Networks (as German Pastor John Hagee) without putting forth the
Pre-tribulation rapture false doctrine, that came into existence in the past 200 years
1993-1999: Israel signed Masonic covenants* with the 666 great Eagle God and its' son of
German World Order. Entering these "agreements" is forbidden by Torah / Yahovah.
*Oslo I, II, and WYE covenants between PLO concerning dividing Jerusalem and Israel land.
Clinton during all of these signings, was only an ‘elect’-ed "representative" for GORE.

Note: Today, there are numerous Jewish Men "adopted" into Masons. In (Isayah 28) being sworn into a Covenant with Death will not save them when the purge (blitz) comes through the land! It is over for them and their families. Yahovah shall not ever change or compromise His Word for multi-millions of Lucifer worshippers. It makes no difference if they are of Jacob/Israel, or of German Aryan Cain/Hittite/Esau stock. See the number of Republican and Democratic Masonic lawyers today in the U.S. Congress/Senate standing on lot no. 666!


These evil men have also been appointed by Yahovah to now destroy mighty among themselves as Yahovah's righteous sword is given into the hand of the wicked until the indignation period of Yahovah is finished! (Read: Matthew 13:38-50 and Ezekiel 21:9-11).

"IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN ‘THAT DAY’ (now) THAT YAHOVAH SHALL PUNISH THE HOST OF THE HIGH ONES THAT ARE ON HIGH, and THE KINGS OF THE EARTH that are UPON THE EARTH." (Isayah 24:21) Note: Eagle Sons over Satan's kingdom. Gore's day is finally here! (Rev. 17:11). Their rulership shall be taken away from all of them as written in Revelation. They shall curse and be extremely angry at Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah towards the end.

“Pytha-Gore” Satanic Ring Masonic Capstone of ‘Osiris’ is completed
(Millions now wear Gore’s Star) (Millions now wear Gore’s Osiris-Iesus Cross)

Albert Mackey 33rd Degree Mason wrote of this Pythagoreas Signet Ring. It dates to Ur in 3,500 B.C. This ‘five pointed star’ is Gore’s star, the murderer (Cain’s son). Gore used Osiris five-pointed star in campaign 2000. These things mean nothing to the deceived. (left fig. From M.P. Hall’s 33 rd. Degree Mason Book)

GORE: IS THE ‘CAPSTONE’ of the Cheops (Giza) Pyramid. It represents OSIRIS, THE SON
OF THE SUN REBORN Eagle-Serpent World Ruler. THE "X" PHARAOH (PEPSI)
IS GORE. “PEP, PEPI, and PEPSI” are all from the throat of The Serpent of Egypt.
“You are in ‘X’ Pepsi Generation, coming at you loud and clear!” Do you understand?

'He shall have understanding of 'dark sentences'… His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power." (Daniel 8:23:25) Mason's talk in 'dark sentences' and hidden 'hand signs' and symbols. Gore's "power" has been given him: he did not fight to get it. He is copying Yahshua, "given all power and authority over all things". GORE is the final lie to the goats and King over the goats: many are now comfortable with their lives and in their "worldly tree of death" (Satan's tree of death, thus imitating Yahshua’s "Tree of Life"). Capstone is the Assyrian Little Horn Seat. (White House) The fifth angel in Revelation shall soon pour out his vial upon the 666 Seat of the Beast; and his (Gores) Kingdom was full of Darkness; they gnawed their tongues for pain… and they repented not. (Rev 10: 11-11)

When they say “peace and safety”, sudden destruction shall come upon them. (1 Thess. 5:3) Yahshua Messiah was not talking about the Jacob/Israel Jews in Jerusalem before 70 A.D. They never had much of a prior feeling for ‘peace and safety’ in Jerusalem with Roman soldiers around them.

The damage has already been done in Oslo I, Oslo II, and WYE covenants with the Beast, who is Gore. This prophecy is for today. Beware of the “Peace and Safety” today in the U.S. Beware of any more Israel Prime Ministers making any U.S. Masonic Covenants for “Peace and Safety”.

McDonalds (Son of death of the God of Old) is “Pepsi”, from the Serpent
(Multi-millions love Pepsi and McDonald’s “Happy Meals” from Satan)

Thus Saith Yahovah to U.S.: O Virgin, you 'Daughter of Egypt'! In vain have you multiplied remedies, healing there is none for you! Put to shame is your 'Daughter of Egypt': for against Me she has violently rebelled, and violently will she be brought down! She is delivered to the fowler, your adversary. Go! Turn to your lady Queen and your chosen 'God', and his son, and let them see if they can help you now in your time of trouble. (Jere. 46:11). Their Jesus Christ shall not prevent Yahovah’s terrible wrath on them! Their “Pepsi” (Gore) and their Masonic “McDonalds” (Covenant) shall not save them! Woe to these rebel goats who eat “Happy Meals” under their Golden Arch!

They shall be piled in heaps too many to bury under their Masonic ‘Golden Arch’ Covenant of Death. "THE SAME (little) HORN 'MADE WAR with Yah's chosen, and PREVAILED AGAINST THEM; 'UNTIL' THE ANCIENT OF DAYS (Yahshua) CAME…" (Daniel 7:22) This verifies Shaul's "LAST TRUMP". Regardless of numerous false ministers telling the deceived they will escape tribulation in a pre-tribulation rapture, 'THE TRUTH IS the CHOSEN OF YAH ARE STILL ON EARTH and in TRIBULATION'. Christians will strongly argue that their “God” (their German Gott) would never allow them to suffer, and is going to remove them in a rapture! Such hypocrites and arrogance!

They forget what is written of the real Yahshua Messiah: “It is a faithful saying, if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us.” (II Timothy 2:11-12). (See the billions who deny Yahshua’s Name today).

Their “God” is Satan! Yahovah allowed His prophets and people to suffer and be killed and punished and tried. Yahovah allowed His only begotten Son and Apostles to suffer and be killed. Why is it that Christians today think they are “exempt” from the world’s persecution and its tribulations? Saints of Yahovah shall greatly suffer and be killed (Rev. 6:11, 14:13, 17:6). Christians and others in the world will also be killed. How? Saints at the hands of GORE, and the wicked at the hand of Yahovah's wrath and angels! Yahovah’s two “candlesticks” shall also be killed (Rev. 11:7) then destruction of wicked who destroy the earth! (Rev. 11:18) Praise Yahovah! Christians refuse all of this truth.

GORE: Shall be "the last Eagle Son Little Horn World Ruler" until the coming of Yahshua! Now with this bold prophecy, and after what happened in November-December 2000, the whole world now thinks it is false! Woe unto the deceived who laugh at this truth. It is over for them.

(Daniel 7:9) "beheld until the Ancient of Days (YHVH) did sit on His Throne…" (Daniel 7:11) "beheld then because of the voice of the ‘great words’ which the (little) horn spoke: Daniel then beheld (given spectacular future vision of the end) "even until the Beast was slain, and his (Gore's Eagle Beast) body destroyed, and given to the burning flame" (repeated in Rev. 19:20). When shall all of this happen and lead up to the destruction of GORE, the false anti-Messiah? (Daniel 8:17) has the clear answer.

"Understand, O Son of man: for at the time of the end (now) shall be the vision." Again in prophecy foretold in (Daniel 8:23) "IN THE LATTER TIME OF THEIR KINGDOM (World Order) WHEN THE TRANSGRESSORS ARE COME TO THE FULL. We are telling you who these transgressors are, and you are now without excuse. (When world’s Masonic workers of Satan complete their plan against Yahovah and Yahshua and Yah’s chosen, which is now). Who understands their daily dark sentences on TV and News?


During his entire two term(s) as U.S. Vice President, Gore has been called the "STIFF ONE", and "WOODEN" by the press, by himself, and especially on the Letterman Show Sept. 8th 1993. There can be no excuse "by the world's deceived" that Gore and others (especially Masons) have not told the world over seven years precisely who he is in prophecy: 'THE STOUT' (STIFF ONE) and WOODEN (Odin-Wodan), which is the Eagle’s “Gotts-a-Gore” Man. As ruler over Germanican 13 tribes, Gore is to lead “these goats” to a world victory. Even during the beginning of his 2000 campaign, TV reporters still called Gore the “Stiff”. Jokes of Gore as the “Stiff One” continued on Leno and Letterman.

(Daniel 7:25) "He shall wear out (persecute) the chosen ones of the Most High (YHVH) …and they (separated out ones) shall be given 'into his hand' (Gore's 'hand of power') until a time and times and the dividing of time." (Daniel 8:24) Confirms that Yah’s called out ones are to suffer here on earth:

(GORE) 'HE SHALL DESTROY' WONDERFULLY, AND SHALL PROSPER (Success in his evil doings), AND PRACTICE, and SHALL DESTROY THE MIGHTY (Gentile rulers and any world leader, even with a military) AND 'THE HOLY PEOPLE' (Yah's chosen and His called out ones)."

* Example: American (Eagle) Airlines has just negotiated a major buyout of TWA. Quote: The International Monetary Fund Chairman will be a "German" (a Gore-man = Gore) Doc. Announced on CNN 12/12/1999.

GORE "BY (prosperity) ‘PEACE’, (HE) SHALL DESTROY MANY" (Daniel 8:25). U. S. has enjoyed prosperity in "building, buying, and selling", low inflation; low unemployment, partly due to U.S. Federal Disaster Loans and Private and Corporate Insurance money pumped directly into the entire U.S. economy for "rebuilding and replacing" $$$ multi-billions destroyed in Yahovah’s 9,000+ warnings in 8 years across the U.S. Elite Germans are also buying up, major merging of corporations, and taking over stocks, banks businesses, and injecting billions in economy for tighter control of their World Order *.

GORE: “SHALL (now) DEVOUR (consume*) THE WHOLE EARTH, AND SHALL TREAD IT DOWN (march under their Eagle; Warriors/sons conquer world) AND ‘BREAK IT IN PIECES’ (divide it up among themselves for $$$ gain and consume/ destroy its vast natural resources)." (Daniel 7:23)
At the same time, Yah has released angels: who shall consume Gore’s kingdom to the very end!

Hittite Relief of Zippor “Phoenix-Eagle God” at Hilani-Tell-Halaf 1000-800 B.C. British Museum
Little Horn Arch (right) is Gateway to the West in St. Louis, Missouri. (See Pine Cone in Eagle)
* Note - 50% world’s forests already 'consumed'; 30,000 varieties of wildlife near extinction. Also, 1/3 of world's fish and frogs has already disappeared, and 1/3 of the world's grass already burned up. Many raging fires are in West, and one hard hit was Montana. “Bitter Root” is a direct reference to Satan’s Root, and “Hamilton”, a reference to the seed of Ham’s El 2000, who is Gore. How about the “Devil’s Tower”? “Devil’s Playground”; Towering Inferno in U.S.? (Rev. 8:7) Wicked in U.S. only yawn.

(Ephesians 1:1) Greek City Eph’-e-‘sus’ was NAMED after ‘IESUS’, a SON OF ZEUS! Why do you think Shaul had a rough time there? He was not preaching ‘IESUS’, but YAHSHUA! Do you remember what Shaul said almost 2,000 years ago? “This you know, that all of them which are in Asia have turned away from me!” (II Timothy 1:15) Yahovah, in His Master Plan, has united Satan and his many son(s) and daughter(s) of Cain, Esau, and Ishmael (of the bondwoman), under the same Eagle known as "THE GOD OF THIS WORLD". Now does it make any difference to Yahovah or Yahshua? (II Peter 3:9) What choice do they all leave Yahovah? What can He do but fulfill His Word as written thousands of years ago? Why? They repent not, and plug their ears.

They have had numerous opportunities to repent and turn to Yahovah and Yahshua, but they choose not. Why? They are not written in the book of life--- by their own choice, instead of choosing eternal life, they have chosen self-satisfaction and avenues of the world---the short-term of "life in the flesh", and living it to the full. Satan has given his kids (goats) a 24 hr. incredible menu of 100% sin to choose from, saying "JUST DO IT" and singing “DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY.” They cry: "live and let live", and "we must respect everyone and their religious beliefs". They love their freedoms from Yahovah.

The deceived serve Satan and son while consuming all that life has to offer: then, death comes upon them and they leave what they have to their off-spring to start the same cycle over again. Many have created their own 'Gods and Goddesses' and various forms of salvation instead of Yahovah and Yahshua, and say they are the ones with the correct religion(s). Many (as Masons) have openly chosen their father Satan.

They follow wicked worldly ways: dealing in greed, the 'love' of money and the making and control of it, being gay or lesbian, murders, cruel treatment to their fellow man, use of multi-billions of drugs per year (legal and illegal), corruption, prostitution, adultery, seduction, 'sexual fornication', lies, theft, and great destruction, violence, and poisoning of the earth itself. (II Tim. 3:1-5) All shall be judged accordingly. Yahovah says to hate this world until He comes, and that anyone who loves this world (and the wickedness thereof) is His personal enemy. Yahovah has lots of enemies today: over five billion!

Apostles said: 'the whole world lies in wickedness'. (I John 5:19) Apostle Shaul said not to let any man deceive you: none of these types of people shall enter into Yahovah's blessed Kingdom.

“Yahovah called us (separated us out by His calling), not according to our works, but according to His (Yahovah’s) ‘own purpose’ and grace, which was given us in Yahshua Messiah before the world began.” (II Timothy 1:9) If we are separated out, do we continue with the affairs of this world, such as politics and government? “No man that wars (for Yahovah), entangles himself with the affairs of this life.” (II Tim. 2:4). Look at the Christian leader Pat Robertson, who even ran for President!

Millions still worship their adulterous mother (Eve) as a 'Goddess' under the Eagle and Satan's Eagle Son. Without Eve's (Chavah’s) sin, there would be no seeds of Cain today. Yahovah stated: “He knows those that are His”, and we can be sure that He also knows all of those that 'are not' His: "those He has not planted, shall (now) be rooted up (as tares, goats) and shall be cast into the fire." (Matthew 7:19, 13:24-30, 13:37-42, 15:13) Cain-Esau’s (Germans) seed still rule the world. They also have the majority of wealth. Ishmael’s billion seed is also still mighty with nations and wealth as Yahovah promised. Yahovah made a verbal 'covenant' with (first born) Cain long before His ‘covenant’ with Noah, or His ‘covenant’ with Abraham, or His covenant with Ishmael, and before His ‘covenant’ with Jacob/Israel:


"…UNTO YOU (Cain and his seed) SHALL BE HIS (Abel and his seed) DESIRE, AND YOU (Cain and his seed) 'SHALL RULE OVER HIM' (Abel and his seed)." (Ref. Genesis 4:7) (Major reason Cain immediately slew Abel in (Gen. 4:8) to have world for himself and his seed) It is later written (I John 3:12) that Cain was of 'THAT WICKED ONE', as his seed still are today.

Since this Covenant with Cain and his seed (his DNA German Royal Blood) no real Jew or Jacob/Israel has ever ruled (been King, Emperor, Kaiser, Caesar, Tsar) over the world’s Gentile Nations for Yah’s purpose, He has never done away with this covenant, but it is soon ending, as written in Rev.


Note: Gore’s ploy and deception to cause Jacob/Israel and Jews to trust him in his Presidential 2000 campaign, (and not to leave the U.S.) and then suffer in her coming plagues and punishment. Why is it Jacob/Israel cannot see through this trick of selecting Lieberman to briefly be in the “Limelight” with Satan’s son? (A Jewish “Joseph” shall have no power in Satan’s World Order!)

This struggle (enmity) between Cain's seed and other seed has been going on for thousands of years and coming to its conclusion. This present world belongs to them and they have taken it by force (wars), drugs, and money: it is their WORLD and “IESUS WORLD RULER” now over the goats.
One man said that no matter how many times we say Gore is President does not make it so today. He is not by himself. We again only point out and present the overwhelming evidence of what is going on and the major players behind it.

As one prophet said: IF IT BE BAAL (An Iesus Eagle Son) that can bring fire down from heaven and save all of Israel, then we had better worship Baal. But, if not, then we had better quickly repent and trust our Salvation to Yahovah and worship and serve only Him. Sounds like great advice, even for today. Yahshua said the same to Satan when He was tempted. What is your answer?

Bush has just surrounded himself with German Catholics in his “faith based” (Gore is God is Iesus) EO orders to help the needy, the homeless, the hungry, the destitute, the drug addicts, and others in need. But, with who Bush posed with, it is too obvious the German administration is joining with Catholics.

Greek/Roman Coins show “Iesus”. The one on the left clearly shows the “Son-of-the-Sun Circle” and Cross Scepter with the Goat at his feet. The “Iesus” Coin on the right is “Baachus” who is the son of Zeus over wine, and parties and sex orgies. (Anyone who thinks the “Iesus” Christian Cross above, and Egyptian Osiris Tammuz Cross of life under the chair has anything to do with Yahshua Messiah, must certainly be deceived in wearing either one.)

"All the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden (Eagle) image…" (Daniel 3:7). Compare then for today: "all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him…" (Rev. 13:8). Who is the “Baal Eagle Son” of Tyre? (Read Matthew 11:21-22)

Then and now, did the whole world actually worship the (Eagle) Beast and Image of the Beast, Satan's Eagle Son? People in Ur, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylon (Chaldean), Egypt, Persia, and Canaanites (Hittites), Greeks and Romans who worshipped the Eagle and the Eagle's (Baal) Eagle Sons (as King of Tyre) have suffered under Yahovah's wrath and their Zippor Eagle God Empires crumbled into nothing.

Those in Nebochadnazir's day also bowed down and worshipped the Beast and its Image: they were not immediately destroyed, but later Babylon and all of its people received Yahovah's terrible wrath as written. Daniel and his company were spared. Yahovah has left examples to us again and again in Scripture of answering prayers, and protecting and loving those that are His that obey Him.

As Yahovah did to Egypt and Babylon, so shall He now quickly do to the U.S. and the world. It is amazing that all of these incredible world disasters, especially in the U.S, are blamed on numerous other things without accepting that all of them are coming from Yahovah. Quickly now, multi-millions around the world shall receive Yahovah's "DOUBLE PORTIONS" of wrath as described in Revelation.

Yahovah's final punishment for all of them is severe and already told by Yahshua Messiah: "… AND SHALL CAST THEM INTO A FURNACE OF FIRE " (Matthew 13:40-50). Satan's punishment for not worshipping him and His last Eagle Son World Ruler Gore is also severe: "HE CAUSES (by law) THAT, AS MANY AS WOULD NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOULD BE KILLED*." (Rev. 13:15). Compare then (Daniel 3:5-6).

"YOU FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP THE ‘GOLDEN IMAGE’ (of the Eagle Beast) THAT NEBOCHADNAZIR THE KING HAS SET UP; AND WHOSOEVER FALLS NOT DOWN AND WORSHIPS (the golden image) SHALL THE SAME HOUR BE CAST INTO THE MIDST OF A 'BURNING FIERY FURNACE' (that they should be killed)."(Dan 3:18-30). Yahovah/Yahshua declares the same punishment back upon all of the wicked's own heads!

(Jeremyah 49:21-22). Yahovah declares His fierce anger against Moab and uses the Eagle son.

“Note the Hitler/Celtic Black Cross” “East-West Romanov God Tsar

“Eagle God” 666 A. D. (Egypt Relief) “Lion King Eagle God” 1666 A.D.
(What changed from Ur? Nothing) (What has changed? Nothing)

Yahovah shall cast the last Eagle Son (GORE) into the lake of fire and also cast the Eagle Beast False Prophet into the fire, which is the POPE NOW OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE. This is the exact penalty Nebochadnazir pronounced on those who refused to worship his Image of the Eagle Beast. "THESE BOTH (Satan's son and Satan's false prophet) WERE 'CAST ALIVE INTO A LAKE OF FIRE' BURNING WITH BRIMSTONE." (Rev. 19:20)

Today, there are also millions of flyers, as those now put out by the world’s “Seventh Day Adventist” group, and many others still warning the world of the Pope and practiced ancient paganism and idolatry within the Catholic Religion. There is no question the Pope is a major Anti-Messiah, and that he is an evil "false prophet" leading a billion to the pit as the prior Popes before him. How? Catholics worship the “wrong one”, the German "God" (Gott), "Iesus", and their Ashtaroth Isis-Juno-Diana "Madonna" (Satan’s False Trinity). This is why the basic “Iesus message” between Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Ken Copeland (Cain coping with the land) Pat Robertson, and the Pope today, are miniscule.

(Rev 16:13,14, 18:3,7,9,20) and throughout Revelation and Daniel and Matthew, clearly states that we have (4) four figures to deal with (1) Satan (Lucifer, the Devil, Dragon, that old Serpent), and (2) Satan's Son (which is the deified “Image of the Beast”, Eagle man-God that is Satan's child to rule the world, the last 666 Son of Perdition). (3) The World’s False Prophet (who works for both of them until the end). He shall then be destroyed by fire along with Satan's Last deified Son (who is Albert Gore).

The Pope’s certain future and what he is doing now is not pleasant to a billion world German-Roman Catholics. Why? They think they are correct and in the only correct “Mother of God” church. To tell multi-millions of Seventh Day Adventists that they are also wrong about Yahovah’s prophecy and their interpretations and identity of the Pope, is not accepted. Why? They think they are in the only correct church for today. To also tell the “Faith Based” German Mormons, German Lutherans, German Baptists, German Methodists and other German Churches of “God” that they too are wrong, is also not acceptable. Why? They all think they are correct in their “Jesus Christ” churches of “God” (Gott).

And (4) U.S. Great Babylonian Whore, who shall also be “utterly burned with fire” as written. Yahovah is still over the Beast and his last evil son (Gore) (Rev. 19:20). Long before Yahshua's prophecy in Revelation, Yahovah's prophets proclaimed His punishment by fire unto the wicked. They also warned the people of the terrible Eagle Son sent by Yahovah to suddenly come down upon them.

"Thus Saith Yahovah: BEHOLD, 'HE SHALL FLY AS THE EAGLE', AND SHALL SPREAD HIS (the Eagle Son's) WINGS OVER MOAB. (Jere. 48:40) " This is again Yahovah's Words of His Righteous Judgement upon the world: especially Cain-Esau-Hittites. Gore is the Eagle.

(See obvious Eastern Arabic-Moslem symbols) ORTH THE SON OF THE SUN RULER
Seal from the book ‘Two Babylons’, by Hislop (Chrysos of Greeks, where Chrysler gets its name)

Thus Saith Yahovah: Behold! The evil world ruler you have chosen and worship and now serve, shall spread his wings over the United States and the world. ‘He shall now fly as the Eagle’ bringing great devastation throughout his worldly kingdom. the shadow of death is over you!

Therefore has the curse (the same curse of Malachi 4:6) ‘devoured the earth’ and they that dwell therein are desolate (in ruin): Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth 'are burned' and few men (are) left." (Read Isayah Chapter 24, 13:6-13, Isayah 4:4)

Yahshua also proclaims the same penalty by fire for billions of "TARES", or "GOATS", who are Satan's seed of Cain-Esau-Hittites, and sea of the seeds of Ishmael, who have no intention of repenting. This severe penalty is for all of those not written in the Book of Life: "To go into sheol, into the fire that never shall be quenched": (Mark 9:43-48) and "the tares shall be gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be at the end of this world." (Matt. 13:40-49)

And again as proclaimed by Yahshua: "If any man worship the Beast and its Image and receive his Mark (his token, pledge, seal, or sign) in his forehead (in your temple), or in his hand… he shall be 'tormented with fire and brimstone' in the presence of Yahovah’s angels, and the presence of the lamb… they have no rest day or night, who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receives the Mark (Gore’s Eagle God Seal) of his Name." (Rev. 14:9-11). Who shall get the final victory over all of this? Satan’s workers even deny that Yahovah shall utterly burn the great whore!

(Rev. 20:4) Only those "which had not worshipped the Beast, neither his 666 Image, neither had received his Mark in their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Yahshua for a thousand years." (Christians today leave off the first half of this prophecy!)


What is your answer to Albert Arnold Gore Jr. today? The same as Daniel's servants of Yahovah once gave to the Eagle Son King Nebochadnazir of Babylon: "Be it known unto you, O King (Gore), that we will not serve your ‘idols’, nor worship 'the golden (Eagle) image' (Dan 3:1) which you have set up." Today, to give up everything, repent, and follow/ trust in Yahovah and Yahshua is not the path for the worldly (secular). But those written in the Book of Life will be willing to put their life on the line.

(Daniel 3:18) "… and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve, nor worship any deity, except their own Yahovah." (Daniel 3:28). Compare (Rev. 14:12-13, 13:15, 15:2). They 'overcome': his Eagle Image, Eagle Mark and Number of his Name. Few shall put their life on the line today.

All Yahovah believers in the Book of Life are commanded in Revelation’s message to repent and to overcome! The “Goats” to soon be destroyed shall not overcome or ever repent! "Here is the patience of the chosen: here are they that keep the Commandments of Yah and the faith of Yahshua".

(Rev. 14:12-13). (Yahshua shall come after the tribulation, as written). What shall now happen (already happening) in Gore's World Kingdom; to the world's environment of billions "who repent not, nor overcome"? "Yahovah shall break it in pieces and consume it." (Daniel 2:44)

You had better come to this understanding quickly: Yahovah means precisely what He has put in His prophecy, and He is now doing it. Yah shall destroy their evil works and the wicked seed. Apostle Peter also verifies what Yahovah said, and tells you plain and simple not to get too attached to the precious things of this world, as Yahovah is certainly going to destroy it by fire! (The same as He did Sodom)

What do you think is going on now in the United States and around the world? Has not Yah destroyed trillions of dollars worth of man’s precious works, including their vehicles of every description, buildings, hotels, many churches and expensive homes, and trillions of items? Has He not burned off millions of acres? Still, the wicked refuse to believe that Yahovah is behind all of this death and devastation.

Yahovah shall now do this to Gore’s German One World Order and all rejecting Yahshua.

Note: 1/3 of world's population starving/ suffering; over 30,000 world disasters, as the breaking up of 10,000+ Tons of Oil inside Oil freighter off France 12/12/1999. (Note: Over 35 Million Africans have U.S./D.C. German Lab created A.I.D.S. / injected by the W.H.O., the World Health Organization). 1/3 of the world’s trees and the world’s grass have already been burned off: In mid-July 2000, over 7 million acres in a few months have been burned off in the U.S. (Revelation 8:7-11, 18:8)

"THE JUDGEMENT SHALL SIT, AND THEY (The Holy Ones, and Yah's Angels) SHALL TAKE AWAY HIS (Gore's) DOMINION, TO 'CONSUME' AND TO 'DESTROY IT' UNTO THE END." (Daniel 7:26). Severe warnings of massive death and destruction have escalated over the world for 9 years. Massive tornadoes, incredible floods, storms and hail, and plagues and pestilences, major fires, and drought are continuous. Still, the deceived (goats) repent not; and "the wicked do not understand". (Daniel 12:10) 10/2000 Israel was actually condemned by the U.N. world’s Nations!

When (Rev. Chapter 16) begins, 'it is too late to repent', for Yahovah's wrath in "double portions" must be executed precisely as written. It is time to "destroy them which destroy the earth."(Rev.11:18)

Thus Saith Yahovah of Israel: Because the wicked of the world have refused to repent of their massive evil, and refused to obey My everlasting Covenants, Doctrine, and Commandments, and refused to accept and obey My anointed Son who came only in My Name, I shall give them who they have chosen over Me and My Son. The wicked now love and worship their evil father and his evil son and they repent not. Therefore, they shall join their ‘father’ in eternal damnation.

Their choice shall be to 'their destruction', for they have chosen 'evil' over good and repent not! They have chosen 'death' over 'everlasting life'. I shall send them evil and participate in their punishment and utter devastation and death until the end, for worshiping that which is an abomination. I have now spoken it again, Saith Yahovah, and I shall not repent of it!
(You had better understand that this is from our Yahovah! Praise His Righteous Judgment!)

Now as Shaul wrote to Timothy and charged him to read to the true saints what he wrote, and we also charge you to read this "TO THE BELIEVERS", as prophecy is for all believers. It shall give them hope and to know for certain that Yahovah's prophecy is true, and that Yahshua’s Revelation to Yochanan (John) shall surely come to pass. They must now repent and overcome as written! The defiant that use and know Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah’s Names and refuse this message should “think”.

They are in the same situation as Israelites coming out of Egypt. How? They have been given or know Yahovah and Yahshua’s Name and truth, and yet they refuse to obey, and to repent.

(Eagle God also known as the Shadow over Egypt)

King Tut is “Pepsi the Pharaoh” “Sun Orb” of Egypt Eagle-Serpent

The famous “McDonald’s (Masonic) “Golden Arch” is shown under the “Throne Seat” of King Tut, and proves that he was an elite born son connected to the Hittite Covenant, the son from the marriage between Egypt’s Rhameses II. and the (German) Aryan Hittite’s Queen Nefatari. The “One Arrow” under the chair, indicating he was also to be a One World Ruler over both the Hittites and the Egyptians. The Isis Egg of the Eagle-Serpent (on the right) brings forth all “Pharaoh Eagle Sons-of-the-Sun”. Do you now understand why Yahovah said to all Israelites not to enter into this (Eagle Son) Hittite-Egyptian covenant? Al Gore is directly connected to and over this covenant, as well as all Masons on the face of the earth. (The sickening part is they have snared most on the face of the earth to also be punished with them.)

Seven "vials of double portions" of Yah's wrath must yet be delivered by His Seven Angels and Seven Trumpets before Yahovah says, "IT IS FINISHED." (Rev. 8:2, 10:7, 15:1, 16:2-17). Apostle Shaul says "AT THE LAST TRUMP" (I Corin. 15:52) (Sheep still on earth until last 7th trump).

HEAR O ISRAEL: "THESE ARE THEY WHICH ARE AN 'ABOMINATION'; THEY ARE NOT TO BE EATEN, THEY ARE AN 'ABOMINATION' (1ST) THE EAGLE" (Lev. 11:13) (Here we see the Eagle called an Abomination by Moshe, as it was more than just an unclean bird). The Eagle God (Beast) is still on the Egyptian Flag, and is a "major image and Seal" on their currency.

This identical Eagle God is used throughout the Arabic Nations (Republics), in Jordan, the PLO, Iran, Iraq, inside temples and shrines, and even on a line of travel luggage, named Al Nesser, their "Great Protector".

Al Nesser = "The Eagle God". They know not that “Al Nesser” is Al Gore, their Great Eagle, as the Christians know not that Al Gore is their “God and Iesus”, their Great Eagle Son Messiah!

The WW II German word(s) "NAZI" and "Eagle NAZIS" comes from the ancient word "NAZIR": meaning an "Eagle" (singular) and "many Eagles" (plural). What German troops carried. There is no difference in the Abomination of Germany and the Abomination of Egypt. Al Nesser is sacred in world Moslem Temples and Al Nesser is sacred in the Mason’s Capitol Hill Temple* and others.

* Eagle is displayed on the top of a red, white and blue "Isis Satan and Son Egyptian Flag" inside churches, outside of homes, and pledged to by millions. Throughout European churches, a (golden-bronze) Eagle God usually holds a “Bible” (by Baal) on its wings. Every word spoken to congregations through Eagle ministers/prophets in the name of “Iesus” (Jesus) is evil. “…he that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.” (Deut. 18:20-22) A lot of these damnable ministers of Jesus Christ, speaking in that name, and refusing to repent, are already condemned.

There is also no difference in the "Egypt Great Eagle Seal" on money and the "U.S. Great Eagle Seal". In fact, this Great Eagle Seal has been used by World Empires and their rulers for over 5000 years. Major (Double Headed) “Eagle Seals” during the past 1000 years have been Germanic and Masonic. Has it been that long ago that the world has forgotten the German/Prussian Empire and their German wars under their Eagle God? Has the world forgotten Germany’s Two World Wars? “Berlin bear” has eaten twice.

GORE, BY DEFINITION, IS LITERALLY THE "N" GOD THEY TRUST TODAY. These are Eagle God / Son related interchangeable words, titles, and names, with similar meanings. Study them carefully, as they are critical keys to understanding the great deception and Yahovah’s prophecy today:

(Deus) (Deus)





Asshur Nazir was a horrible deified Eagle Son King, and Yahovah lets you know precisely what he thought of him and all of those just like him, which includes Al Gore and Masons today: “Asshur is there and all his company: his graves are about him: all of them slain, ‘fallen by the sword’: whose graves are set in the sides of the pit…which caused terror in the land of the living.” (Ezek 32:22-23).

Augustus Caesar was the first Roman Emperor Eagle Son to be consecrated/deified and made “GOD”. Alexander, the Great Greek Conqueror, was also a deified Eagle Son World Ruler, a real son of Cain.

Alexander in Arabic is “EL-IS-CAIN-DER” meaning “A MIGHTY ONE OF CAIN". One of his coins portrays him in the same pose as the 3,800 B.C. Ancient Eagle Son King of the Covenant (Zeus and Iesus) over the goats; holding out his symbol, the Great Eagle. This same pose is also shown in Greek bas-relief of Iesus Kristos, holding a “Cedar Pine Cone” Eagle Son Ruling Scepter. Thus, Alexander saw himself not only as an Eagle Son World Ruler of Cain's Covenant, but also as being Iesus Kristos (Jesus), the Greek's 400 B.C. Eagle Son Savior over all of Cain-Esau's seed. Christians think Cain’s seed are all dead and that they died out in the flood in Noah’s time. They are wrong. They think not about DNA.


3,800 B.C. Ur Eagle God and Lions (Double Headed Lions Club) and Aryan Hittite German Lion (right)

Yahshua identified to Apostle John the sea of wicked people (goats) who repent not in the latter days and are 'aggressive ones' (with teeth as lions) who work for the false Messiah(s) of the world. For those with understanding, the two (2) 3,800 B.C. Ur-Hittite-Egyptian-East-West Lions showing teeth can be traced up to today’s Germanic world’s E-W “Lion’s Club”. These same lions (not Jacob/Israel or Judah) have consistently been used to represent their people, their tribes, nation(s) and they always carried them in their wars, dressed up as lions, put lions on their coins, and incorporated lions in their crests and seals.
Ur-Assyrian-Aryan Hittites-Canaanites were "Gentile warrior people with teeth as lions". They have also consistently worshipped their Eagle God and Ashtaroth Eagle Goddess for over 5000 years. How?

Hittites (today's Germans in Europe, England, Russia; U.S.) are still under the Eagle God 'Covenant for goats'. This covenant is forbidden for Hebrews (Israelites) to enter. Serving or worshipping today their (ZEUS-JUPITER) Eagle God and Jesus are abominations. Israelites are commanded not to ever enter into any covenant (agreement) with Hittites, nor to ever serve their Gods. Every covenant signed with the Mason's Zippor Eagle God of U.S. is an abomination to Yahovah, and His wrath is now kindled.

(Exodus 23:32-33) (Hittites-Germans-Canaanites) "YOU SHALL 'MAKE NO COVENANT' (Agreement) WITH THEM, NOR WITH THEIR GODS" "FOR IF YOU SERVE THEIR GODS, IT WILL SURELY BE A SNARE UNTO YOU." (Israel now under the great snare of the U.S. Eagle God) (Exodus 34:12) and again, (Hittites-Germans-Canaanites) "TAKE HEED TO YOURSELF, IF YOU 'MAKE A COVENANT' (Agreement) WITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND* WHERE YOU GO, LEST IT BE FOR A 'SNARE' IN THE MIDST OF YOU…". And again, did not Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah warn that as a snare shall Satan take and deceive all the world?

Nike Eagle Goddess found all over the world and on Masonic court houses and D.C. Capitol.

Nike is another name for Eve (Chavah) in Garden Arch de Triumph of France is this same woman
2,300 B.C. Nike Chaldean Eagle Goddess 230 B.C. Athena Nike Greek Eagle Goddess

What changed in 2,000 years? Nothing. What changed in 4,000 years? Nothing.
(Same theme of Egypt and Hittites) (Same theme over all of Europe/ U.S.)

Eagle God (right) grasps the ‘three arrows’ in the 3,500 B.C. Covenant with Satan and Son and now these ‘three arrows’ are clearly grasped by the “Department of Defense” Eagle in the U.S.
(Exodus 23:24) (Hittites-Germans) "YOU SHALL NOT BOW DOWN TO THEIR GODS (as their Eagle deity), 'NOR SERVE THEM', NOR DO AFTER (follow) THEIR WORKS."

(Deuteronomy 5:9) (Hittites-Germans-Canaanites) Again "YOU SHALL NOT 'BOW DOWN' YOURSELF UNTO THEM, NOR SERVE THEM…"(enter into or obey their ancient covenants) Bishops of the Catholic Church that prostrate themselves in the Vatican to their “Eagle God” and “Iesus” and the “Pope”, and then take their vows, have nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua Messiah.

(German Masons and Jewish 'adopted' men into their covenant of Freemasonry are thus required to 'bow down to the square' in Mason’s degrees. Again, this is worship of Satan and serving Baal-Iesus). Again, this ancient ‘square’ represents four corners of the world, and Satan and his son’s worldly kingdom.

(Deut. 7:2-3) (Hittites-Germans-Canaanites) " YOU SHALL MAKE NO COVENANT (Agreement) WITH THEM … NEITHER SHALL YOU 'MAKE MARRIAGES' WITH THEM; 'Your daughter' YOU SHALL NOT GIVE UNTO HIS SON, nor 'his daughter' SHALL YOU TAKE UNTO 'your son', FOR THEY WILL TURN AWAY YOUR SON FROM FOLLOWING ME, THAT THEY MAY SERVE OTHER GODS." (Great trouble across Europe and Russia, and even WWII came upon Jacob/Israelite Jews who married Germans, worked for Germans, and served their Eagle God).

(The majority of all Jacob/Israelites and Judah ignored this command, even today)

2,000-700 B. C. Aryan Hittite Covenant: Notice red “Left Hands”, representing Eagle Son Rulers
(See Eagle, Satan’s Tree, many goats, the ‘one arrow’, the ‘square’, double headed serpent and more) See the ‘row of eggs’ bound up by the serpent coils. This design is used on many covenants and also decorations for Ashtaroth. Popes were buried with it. There are three Eagle Son kings (of obvious different facial features) that wanted their likeness (images) placed on this Eagle god covenant.

* "LEFT HAND" of Eagle Sons are on Hittite/ Assyrian covenants back to Egypt (3,300 B.C.) and coins of Greeks with Zeus. Coins show him holding out his Eagle. Later, Alexander holds out the Eagle in his hand on coins as being “Zeus and Iesus” enthroned. In one Greek bas-relief, Iesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) is presented the world's (rod) ruling scepter over the goats by a "LEFT HAND." (Romans also used the “left hand” as a Standard, and the “red hand” is also on German European crests).

Eagle God Ref. Also HISTORY OF CYPRUS, by Sir George Hill, Vol. I, Cambridge U. Press 1940-1949, of Greek God Zeus and Alexander the Great Coins holding out the Eagle God. (plate V. p. 117). GREAT EAGLE-LION PRIEST-KING OF LAGASH (Ur) ANCIENT EMBLEM OF HIS GOD Approx. 3950 B.C. (Partial line rendering taken from a Silver Vase of Entemena) Ref. to p. 240 and p. 36 "EXPLORATIONS IN BIBLE LANDS during 19th Century", By H.V. Hilprecht, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 38 George St., Published 1903. Note: two E-W lions, two E-W goats, and Eagle God.

“THE EARTH IS GIVEN INTO THE HAND OF THE WICKED!” (Job 9:24). These ruling seeds of Cain-Esau have deceived their kind under them and those “adopted” into their World. They prefer you believe that any individual can be a world ruler. Yahovah removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21). (Examine who Yah has set up to dominate and to rule over the world East to West).

England (German Royalty), Switzerland (German Royalty), Austria (German), Belgium (German), Russia (German East-West Eagle), Prussia (German), Hungary (German), and New United Germany. Continued in the U.S. German Volk, Poland (German Eagle), Sweden (German), Denmark (German), Bosnia (German Eagle), Czechoslovakia (German), Spain/Greece (German), Italy (German), France (German), Albania (German Double Eagle), Canada and Mexico (Eagle), Australia, South Africa (German-Dutch), and all Moslem/Arabic Republics, as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and even the PLO are under the same Eagle God as the U.S.. Moslems in the world call him their Allah god and great protector.

What shall Yahovah now do to all of these world rulers, kings? ”It shall come to pass in that day (Now) that Yahovah shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and (punish) the ‘Kings of the Earth’ that are upon the Earth.” (Isayah 24:21) Eagle - today is still considered “sacred and holy” with its many temples and shrines, as it once was in Rome. “It” was Queen Mary’s sacred badge. The Golden Eagle was also over the (German and Roman Catholic) Iesus crusades (many massacres).

As we have shown, Masons do have a covenant, but the next example of it puts everything in its place that you cannot miss what it means today in revealing the Last Little Horn World Ruler. “The Oath (of a Mason) is the Covenant, and the Covenant makes the Mason. That oath or covenant is barbarous, bloody, and breathing the spirit of murder, of atrocious acts, and of vengeance.” P. 558 M.W.

