Part 5
They all say basically the same thing in pictorial/symbolic language as this Hittite “Golden Arch” Stone found North of Israel. I.D. of material: Hematite Stone (Bloodstone) Est. period of history, 2,500 B.C. The official first published book about this ancient Seal and Covenant was in 1895 ‘Graven in the Rock’, by PhD. Samuel Kinns, London, Limited Volumes I, II, Library Editions. 4,000 Sets. In 1895, the location of this “Golden Arch Seal” panel impressions were in Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England.


All “Little Horn” Rulers are bound under this covenant. Satan presents his “Golden Arch”
(This Eagle Seal was small and worn by the King) (This is McDonald’s Today)

Separate reports on this Seal presented and published in England/London Museum papers and College lectures, and the Society of Biblical Research and Oxford by Prof. Sayce. One paper and presentation was to Queen “Victoria” (her secret) of England in 1895. (Kinns and Sayce did not relate this covenant to the Masons, to the United States, or obviously to Germans and the Throne of England). Sayce was quoted that nothing like it (in a covenant) had ever been brought to their attention. The (5) panels done in symbols with no writing, was not understood by these Oxford Scholars. (It is only through Yah’s Spirit that total understanding was given to us of this Covenant)

Panel (1) Eagle God Nisroch has the Aryan Hittite King pledge an oath to “plant his seed”, and for his seed to build his world order temple of worship, or to finish his Tower of Babel. This has been done in Washington, D.C. and the “X” at the top of this tower is lot 666, the Temple of Zeus on Capitol Hill.
Above the King is the Great Eagle who shall protect his Eagle Son Ruler. Below the king is the Son of the Sun Orb used in Egypt by Pharaohs. The “three arrows” grasped by the King are given to go conquer Satan’s Kingdom and “Golden Arch’ is the Seal of the Covenant between them. (See Dept of Defense Arrows). The phallic at the end of the shaft coming from the Eagle is now the Washington Monument.

Panel (2) Satan reveals himself as the ‘big horn’ with his three power rods and “marriage ring”. The King is deified as a Little Horn Eagle-Serpent “Spike buck”, married to Satan, and thus receives his power rod. The Son of the Sun Orb has also changed under the seat to a Black Goat, and indicates that this King is to rule over the goats of Satan. The king is drinking out of a thin gold cup as a toast to seal the agreement. This precise design of the “Little Horn” and “Big Horn” and the tower is now in D.C.
(All you have to do to verify this truth is look down on any central city grid map of Washington, D.C.)

White House U.S. 666 Capitol “Nisroch” Over Goats 666 Tower “Marriage”

The Son of the Sun Orb under the Aryan Hittite King’s chair is also used again and again in Egypt by the Pharaohs in their worship of the Sun and the Eagle. (Note that the King also has a serpent on his hat, which Canaanite Kings wore, as well as the ancient “Little Horn” Babylonian and Assyrian Kings)

The incredible part of panel two, is the “Marriage Ring”, which is shown again and again held out by the Babylonian and Assyrian and Persian Kings, and also this same “Marriage Ring” is held out by Ashtaroth (Ashtar) and numerous other sex goddesses throughout history. Where do you think that the custom of the “Marriage Ring” came from in marriages across the U.S. and Europe? The evidence is overwhelming that these symbols and prior Masonic rituals and the Eagle in religion(s) representing Iesus, and other Gods, especially that of the Germans, goes back to this covenant.

A death penalty for violating it: one reason why Bush must obey Gore. Quote: “President C.G. Finney, a Mason, characterizes Masonry as follows: “Freemasonry knows no mercy, but swears its candidates to avenge violations of Masonic obligations, even unto death.” p. 554. M.W. “In the oath, the candidate acquiesces in his own murder, should he betray its secrets.” P. 552-3. M.W.

Panel (3) Is the deception of how to pull it off without the rest of the world knowing: using the Eagle as the Symbol of (Satan and Son): worshipping Iesus in ignorance. It is called: “Sleeping with the Enemy”. Also, keepers of the covenant are to act (pretend to be) shepherds of the earth, and, at the same time to walk in Eagle Beak shoes, and serve only him. The seat of the prophet of Satan is the Catholic Pope today. He also is marked with the Eagle. Note the Aryan Hittite servant has long braded hair’.

Panel (4) The last Eagle Son World Ruler is over all of Satan’s Goats (as these are sheep killers, and have all intention of having the world for themselves. The Bowtie (Red) is the symbol for “Budweiser Beer”, and that is why they have the saying today: “This Buds’ for You.” Satan is to ascend to the northern heights, but as written in Isayah, he shall be brought down to the sides of the pit. The Directors chair design is popular today, and is the design of the chair of “King Tut” of Egypt. As with numerous Eagle Son rulers, this deified “Little Horn” ruler holds out the Eagle, the sacred symbol and mark or seal of the covenant. Al Gore now fulfills this covenant over goats, not George W. Bush or anyone else.


Walking with Eagle Worshipping Eagle Last Eagle Son Ruler Satan ascends
(Eagle Beak Shoes) (Catholic Church) (Al Gore today)
(Over Goats)

Panel (5) (Shown below) All are bound by the Serpent and all goats are under his “Golden Arch”. (McDonalds). This covenant is now fulfilled with Al Gore Jr. as Satan’s number eight son in 2001. Do not be deceived into thinking that Yah and Yahshua (or even Gore) have greatly extended that date. These Masons and army of demons and Eagle soldiers (who are the dogs) are ready to be turned loose!

U.S. Department of Defense Eagle Seal The Symbols of this 666 Covenant Today

Panels one and two are clear in D.C. Maps German Masons have an “Arch Degree”

If you think this is a joke, or a theory, then simply examine any down view grid map of D.C. and look at the picture of Hitler. Do you see what is behind his pose? Panel of Eagle Son “Ruler of the Covenant” holding out the Eagle God. Hitler was a Mason and thought he was the Number Eight of the Covenant and the “German Iesus Messiah” to rule the world (This is verified in Speer’s book. Gore is the real number eight, and he will do even worse things than Hitler, and already has with Govt. AIDS virus).

“Under the Masonic Covenant, its obligations are perpetual. Once a Mason, always a Mason.” P. 536. The covenant permits, inculcates and enforces dishonesty, deception, unchastity, and all kinds of vice.” P. 538. “What is the essence of the Masonic covenant? It is a disguised, veiled, and allegorical form of the ‘ancient phallic oath’, in which men swore by placing the hand upon the phallus.” P. 508. M.W.

If you will be open minded, and also pray that Yahovah will give you understanding of this incredible covenant, you will quickly see that it answers thousands of questions over thousands of years of history that would be impossible to cover in this prophecy. However, the conclusion is obvious to anyone that studies Masons and these covenants. The fulfillment of this covenant is now, and the man of the hour is Gore.

This covenant is real, the people are real, and the goats and lions it represents are real and all are still under their Great Eagle God Nisroch. Yahovah shall now wrap up his program despite their vain arguments, and despite their rejection of truth and rejection of obeying His Voice, and His Commandments.


Eagle Son “Sheep Killers”
Hitler helped prepare for Gore
Conquering the New World under the Eagle
Hitler was the Bear with the second Rib

(Panels one and two are easily identified in a down grid map view of central Washington, D.C.)
(Same three arrows of the Hittite King and Eagle God are now on U.S. Dept. of Defense Seal)
(Same three arrows are held by Eagle on numerous early U.S. “Liberty Eagle Goddess” Coins)

Under the Eagle Son’s chair is the Divinity Sun Orb. Over him is the Eagle to go and conquer the world as the Lion King Savior. There are thousands upon thousands of pieces of other documented art, seals, statues, bas-reliefs, and 20 ancient covenants that verify again and again what is portrayed above. Identical elements and symbols are in all of them. Today, two Hittite Lions are in most towns, the E-W LION'S CLUB seal. The same Hittite lion's head was carried by Germans as their banner to conquer the world in WW II. Mason’s “G” Triangle Symbol is also on most city’s plaques.

German Anglo-Saxon Royal families all over England, Europe, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal have their Eagle God and lions. The Royal shield/crest of many have the ‘stand up lion’ as described by Apostle Peter. German Crown and throne of King/Queen of England has all of the items in (Rev. 6:2).

Examine the items (in addition to the lions). A bow and crown: “Behold a white horse (embroidered in German Kings of England jackets) and he that sat upon him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” Him = the seed in his loins. Gore comes from this ancient conquering Germanic seed line. German King George V of England was the illegitimate father of Alexis Romanov, the German Prince and Russian Tsar Romanov No. 7 of Revelation.







Lions of Hittite “Little Horn” King “2,000 B.C. Hittite Conquering lion”
(In most U.S. cities today) (Used by the Germans in WW II)

(Yahoshua [Joshua] 23:7) After Moshe died, Yahoshua continued Yahovah's warning(s) against these Hittites (Canaanites) and again strongly warned not to serve, or bow down to their God(s). Their "Eagle God" is shown again and again in the symbol-sign language in their covenant. See historical reference books on Hittites that are full of illustrations of their ancient Eagle God. Their Royal Empire rulers generation after generation used Eagle God Seals, as it represented their number one god they served, their Empire, and their people: the same Eagle God Seal that all of the United States Presidents and Vice Presidents and all American people are under today. Who will repent of this great sin?

Remember, (Yahoshua 24:9) "BA'LAK THE SON OF ZIP'-POR, 'KING OF MOAB', AROSE AND WARRED AGAINST ISRAEL, AND SENT AND CALLED BA'-LAAM THE SON OF BE'OR TO CURSE YOU." Scriptural Note: Ba'lak the son of Zip'-por: translated, means "the son of the bird", which refers to "BA'LAK THE EAGLE'S SON” and Egypt-Hittite-Moabite 'EAGLE GOD OVER THE LAND', the bird (Zip'-por) they worshipped. This is parallel to Gore over the land today.

(Yahoshua 13:22) describes "Ba'-laam the son of Be'-or" as a 'SOOTHSAYER' (known regional prophet at that time working for the Moabite's Eagle God). Soothsayers today are on Christian TV and Psychic hotlines 24 hours a day! (Jere. 2:8, 23:1-2, 13, 21, 26-27). The world is also full of false Astrologers and fortune tellers, as in “Dione War-Wick’s” demonic crystal ball/tarot card readers making “much gain.” (Acts 16:16). These Eagle soothsayers-astrologers were in (Dan 5:7). Because Israelites did not obey Yah's Voice to destroy the Aryan Hittites (Canaanites), Yahovah said thus:

"That you come not among these Nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of 'the name' of their Gods, nor cause to swear by them*, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:" (Exod. 23:13, Josh. 23:7) Note: Includes Zippor God of Moab (Numbers 22:2)

"I will not drive them out from before you; but they (Hittites) SHALL BE AS ‘THORNS IN YOUR SIDES’ (as Shaul later complained having one by his side), and THEIR GODS (as Eagle) SHALL BE A SNARE UNTO YOU." As it is today. (Judges 2:2-3). Worshipping and serving 'The Eagle God' and its Son has always got all of Israel into trouble, and brought devastation, and death with Yahovah to this day. Do you understand the trouble Israel is into by entering three (3) Covenants with Eagle God Gore through Clinton? Why do you think in 1995 Israel Prime Minister Rabin was struck down by Yahovah? He was a Mason, and signed a “Ba’-lak son of the Zippor * Covenant abomination with Aryan Hittites, who are the Germans (Bavarian) Masons today. (Deut. 8:19-20) Nothing is by coincidence!

Son of the “Zippor” (bird), means Son of the Eagle God (Numbers 22:2)

These ancient Aryan Hittite symbols are still with us today. The ‘heart’ in their Eagle God is Valentine’s Day
Swastika was used in their jewelry and on pottery, and represented opening up the ‘Square’ to conquer.

As the world is doing today: "They forsook Yahovah… and 'followed other Gods', of the gods of the people that were round about them (Eagle Nisroch), AND 'BOWED THEMSELVES UNTO THEM', AND PROVOKED YAHOVAH TO ANGER. AND THEY FORSOOK YAHOVAH, AND SERVED BA'-AL* (an Eagle Son King-Ruler) AND ASH'-TA(r) - (w) ROTH." (Judges 2:12-13) They must now serve “Ba’-al son of Zippor” over the land: Gore is this Eagle Son today!

* Ba'-al = "Great Eagle Son Lord over the Land" and Ba'-al worship = Eagle Son worship.
* The Lord That Flies, i.e. "…The Prince of the Power of the Air" (Ephesians 2:2)

“THE LORD (Baal of the Land) THAT FLIES” is also “Iesus”, a Cain Eagle Son of Satan. Cain’s “Eagle Mark” is “set on the head” of both German women and German men of war. Proof again and again that the original “Mark” set on Cain and his seed by Yahovah was the Eagle. Where do you find multi-millions of Eagles throughout Israel and inside of Jewish homes and synagogues?

Germans have used the “Bunny Rabbit” as a “fertility” female symbol for 2,500 years. Where did this custom or tradition come from? Not from the tribes of Jacob/Israel! Rabbits were also used extensively by the Aryan Hittites (Canaanites) from 2,500 B.C. to 500 B.C. and the Egyptians even had it put on a pole in a “square” as one of their major standards for worldwide perpetuation of their race in 3,000 B.C.
Today’s German Hefner of the extremely popular “Playboy Magazine” uses thousands of Satan’s sexual “star” women for the same purpose. Millions more do not mind at all being “sexual bunnies” anywhere today, and tens of thousands of them are sliding up and down Egyptian-Hittite “bunny rabbit poles” each night across the United States, Canada, Europe, England, Russia, Greece, and the Netherlands.


The pleasures of the flesh, the exposure and exercise business of the flesh, the entertainment of the flesh day and night, exotic vacations and amusement of the flesh, and women’s make up and clothes industry making the flesh appealing for sex, and the movies of the flesh, is a multi-trillion dollar per year business. What has this promotion and love of all the things of the flesh have to do with Yahovah and our Yahshua, who said that “flesh profits nothing.” Paul said that “even exercise of the flesh profits little”.

500 B.C. German Eagle Fertility Goddess 300 B.C. German Eagle Son Warrior
(From “Celtic Wine Vase” with four lions) (Helmet with Son of the Sun Orb)

Note: “Ashtaroth” Goddess translated, literally means "A-STAR-OF-THE-wROTH-ONE". "A (sexual) “Playboy Bunny”: sexually attractive “star women” of these seeds of Cain" (idolized as 'fertility women Goddesses' that Canaanite men and women worshipped and ‘watched’ to be sexually active and stimulated, and to have many children). U.S. multi-billion dollar “porno business” of this same thing today in videos, movies, adult entertainment, strip bars, and night clubs, and millions of magazines, is not of King David!

Satan’s “BUNNY” women: hippity, hoppity, “ASHTAR” (Bunny) is on her way. The more sexual stimulation to arouse interest between men and women, the more active they were throughout the land day and night. “Strip-teasing” and “nude women pole dancing” on raised squares were popular to excite men for sex (as it still is today with these same Aryan Hittite Germans across the U.S). None of these wide spread sexual customs or ancient Hittite Eagle God covenants are ever discussed by these so-called groups of “Germanic Israelite tribes”. Why? Their lie of being Jews would crumble to pieces. Even the mini-skirt, cross-my-heart bra, and “Barbie dolls” (idols) came from the Hittites!

German named "Sex Stars" and 'xxx' Stars of Hollywood and Las Vegas are still popular: Why? For PERPETUATION OF THE (seeds of Cain) RACE TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF EARTH. This is why Yah commanded the Israelites to destroy all of their men, women, and even children: who were born out of sexual lust, rampant fornication, orgies, and continuous adultery. All of them worshipped Satan, in the disguise of their Eagle Nisroch, his Eagle Goddess, and his many Baal sons. (Read Ezek. Chapter 16).

Jacob/Israelites were warned not to whore around or “mix their seed” with Canaanites and Assyrians. They did not obey Yahovah and His prophets, and “mixed their seed” with them UP TO THIS DAY.

These ancient customs of violence, raw sex, drugs, and vulgar dancing (Rock and Roll today) were not the customs and traditions of Israelites. Anybody with eyes can see all of this in abundance in the world today. These visual trips back into the past should be enough to know why Yahovah wanted to destroy Hittites. Their bastard* sons and daughters, if allowed to live, would continue the same process as their sinful fathers and mothers, and would corrupt Israelites to be just like them! Hebrew Scripture records, ie. In 'The Book of Ezra', this is precisely what happened again and again within all Israelite tribes: marriages and affairs, and having many children with Hittites (Canaanites), including King David's Aryan Hittite (that other) woman of ‘adultery’ and scandal, and murder, of which he then repented, after this great sin.

(Guarding the ‘Isis’ Sacred Egg) (Roaring Lions with Breastplates of Iron)

How did Hittite men wear their hair? “Hair was usually worn long, hanging over their neck and shoulders, or arranged in a pig tail”. (Same as today) ” p. 81, ‘The Hittites’, by J.G. MacQueen.

“And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were, crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had ‘breastplates’, as it were, breastplates of iron…” (See knight above and their Eagle son jouster: a movie to honor this 2001)

“And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of Jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” Rev. 9:7-17. Apostle John is describing “German Crusaders” and German Knights in different periods of ancient history, not Jacob/Israelites.

They always fought under their Nisroch (Roc) God (considered their ancient king) (Rev. 9:11) “And they had a king over them…” Satan’s black hand with the ancient cross of Ur is also in shields. Aryan Hittites (of the North) became known as the Ger-men (German), especially were called that by Romans German Phoenix Eagle on the left (with the egg) is traced back to Ur, the Hittites, and the Egyptians.

This (red and golden) “bird” the size of an Eagle is the symbol of “The Rising, Regenerated Sun” and is said in records of Heliopolis by Herodotus to be from Arabia. Physiologus said it is from India. It is the same as the “Anka”, the “Roc”. It is also the Rukh, and “Garuda” (Gar = Gore) of the Hindu.

One thing is certain: this ancient worshipped Phoenix-Eagle God is not from Jacob/Israelites (Jews) or of King David. The illustration on the right of the long haired German Knight with an Eagle on his head and holding a shield with a Lion, is straight from a poster of German fest held in Pennsylvania in the 1990s to remind Germans in that state of their ancient “Heritage”, which is not of Jacob/Israel. The insert is also an Anglo-Saxon conqueror riding the sacred “White Horse” to go and conquer the world. (Rev. 6:2).

Canaanite women caused the sin of Solomon through a 'Hittite wife's God' and also other wife's Gods. Thus, what Yahovah said again came to pass: and later said the prophet: "Israel has mixed the Holy Seed." Who today tries to find seed not mixed? * (Hebrews 12:8) “If you are not partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons.” (Yahovah does not change in these matters) These truths strongly rebuke German groups today who say they are Israel, and England is King David’s Throne.

German Queen of England’s “Chaldean-Canaanite” Ashtaroth Shield (right): from which came “Alexis-Gore” of the DNA of German King George V (Cousin to German Tsar Nicholas II)

The Great Goddess Diana of the Ephesians (Ephesus 19:34) Statues (Idol not shown) made in the time of Apostle Shaul has the same two lions above (one on each shoulder of Diana). i.e. As “Princess Diana” that the whole world recently worshipped, even after death. Masonic lists of “British Royalty”, Lords, Dukes, and Earls and even their Princes, prove who they serve and worship. Earlier Germanican England Kings had "long hair as the hair of women" (Rev. 9:8) and they rode their sacred "White Horses"; sewn into their Royal vests and clothes. (Rev. 6:2). (The “white horse” has been sacred to the Royal Germanican Kings and tribes of Europe before the first century A.D., where a giant 370-ft. ‘White Horse’ was carved out into the hills of Oxfordshire. Before that, they were sacred to Greeks).

* Ref. to “him” in prophecy (Rev. 6:2) means plural, as in ‘his seed in his loins.’ The false Messiah came direct from this DNA bloodline (Chaldean-Canaanite) seed to rule the world, and has nothing to do with King David or Yahshua! France's Napoleon was also an Eagle Son conqueror under the "GOLDEN EAGLE" and its covenant for the goats. As did Fuhrer Hitler after him, Napoleon surrounded himself with Eagles. He had a pure Golden Eagle made as the God of France. (See Coins of France).

His name without the "N" (what Assyrians called their Nisroch Eagle to avoid his name) is pronounced "APOLLEON" (Man of Death and Destroyer) or “Apollo the lion” King ruling over them. These Cain rulers had nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua, and definitely were not Jacob/Israel (Jews). Note: Throughout History, many wicked German rulers rode on “White Horses” to kill and to conquer the world for themselves. They brought ‘great violence’ into the world as days of Noah.

President George (German) Washington of the United States (blood related to German Aryan Queen Elizabeth) also "rode a white horse", and he was also a Grand Master Mason in Washington, D.C. He approved the LeEnfant (Child) Masonic plan for their Zeus “Capitol” to be built on lot 666.

It is stated that only two U.S. Presidents in the history of the U.S. were not Masons or elite members of affiliated groups with the Masons. These were Lincoln and Kennedy. Both made the same critical mistake in their EO’s (Presidential Executive Orders) concerning legally (Constitutionally) forcing the Masonic U.S. government into “printing their own money”, instead of the German/Masonic Banks and London/German World Order Masonic Banks and Federal Reserve controlling all of the U.S. money.


370 ft. “Sacred Great White Horse” of the Germanicans and Celts and Phoenix-Eagle
Oxfordshire White Horse: done in 1st Century A.D. (Rev. 6:2)

Note that the shape and image of the British Seal (right) is exactly the same as the one in Ur. The ‘buds’ from Satan’s tree of goats in Ur are incorporated in the Crown of England and Seal. “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him (and the seed in his loins): and he (and his seed) went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

(Germans considered their white horse sacred). The German Throne of England Shield has ‘three bows’, (used twice in shield) to go and conquer, ‘nine’ red lions (number of the Eagle) two golden lions (same as Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, the Hittites, and ancient Ur-Mesopotamia) and a crown was definitely given to him (Germans and their crowned Kings of England and all over Europe and Russia). Not the Israelites.

(Rev. 9:11) Napoleon the Great thought he was this "LION" to conquer the world, and gave the Masonic "HIDDEN HAND OF POWER" sign in his vest. He rode a "WHITE HORSE" (Rev. 6:2) as did Wilhelm, Bloody Conqueror of Germany, Frederick the Great, a Master Mason, (German) Tsar Nicolas II of Russia, Wilhelm's cousin, and also DNA blood cousin of England’s King George V., and others.

The true Jacob/Israel (Jews) are still in bed with the Hittites (Canaanites) and amazingly most trust them. Yahovah gave this prophecy to Moshe: “This people (Israel) will go a whoring after the Gods of the strangers of the land… and will forsake Me, and break My covenant…"(Deut. 31:16). Moshe commanded all of Israel to obey Yahovah and to avoid foreign Gods: do not remain ignorant thinking that these Canaanite 'Gods' (as their Eagle Gott and Goddess) are no longer an 'abomination' today:

"THE GRAVEN IMAGES OF THEIR GODS (as the Eagle God of all Hittites, Amorites, Moabites, Elamites, Canaanites, Assyrians-Babylonians-Chaldeans, Greeks, Romans, and today’s Germanicans) SHALL YOU BURN WITH FIRE: YOU SHALL NOT 'DESIRE THE SILVER OR GOLD' THAT IS ON THEM, 'NOR TAKE IT UNTO YOU', LEST YOU BE SNARED THEREIN: FOR 'IT' IS AN 'ABOMINATION' (evil and cursed thing) TO YAHOVAH" (Deut. 7:25)

Do you realize today that if you have an “Image of an Eagle” (idol) inside your house, or on it, that it is an abomination to Yahovah? If you are of Cain’s seed, then what can be said of this Eagle (God)? You may rid yourself of this ‘visible mark’, but that is only the start to turn to Yahovah and Yahshua.

Note: Did Moshe speaking for Yahovah mean what he said in Torah? The Jericho "accursed thing" in Yahoshua was "The Great Eagle God" the Canaanites worshipped. Its Sacred built Temple was also an abomination unto Yah. Therefore, the Eagle Son's ruling robe taken that was part of the “accursed thing” he worshipped, and gold and silver taken, was what got all of Israel into trouble.

The "ACCURSED THING" (Eagle God) is an ‘ABOMINATION’ in (Yahoshua 6:17-18, 7:1, 7:11-15). The Israelite caught with the "accursed" Eagle robe, stolen gold and silver in 'his tent' was stoned to death; burned with fire, along with his children, animals, and all that he had: Why? He was "cursed" and all he had suddenly became an ‘ABOMINATION’ to Yahovah. (Yahoshua 7:24-26) Having these abominable 'Gods' (as the Eagle) in your house then or today, or displayed-attached on your house in simulated gold, silver, bronze, metal, wood, stone, plaster, or even plastic, take heed again to what Yahovah says, for He does not ever change in these matters as the true Jacob/Israelites should know:

"NEITHER SHALL YOU BRING AN ‘ABOMINATION’ (as the Eagle God Image) INTO YOUR HOUSE, LEST 'YOU BE A CURSED THING LIKE IT': BUT YOU SHALL UTTERLY DETEST IT, AND YOU SHALL UTTERLY ABHOR IT; FOR IT IS A CURSED THING*." (Americans now have millions of 666 Great Eagle God “images” of “Al Gore”, the “Little Horn”, in and on their houses. Does this not again help to prove the majority of them are seeds of Cain with Cain’s “mark” and multi-millions more firmly “adopted” into their Eagle God “Little Horn” covenant? They repent not!)

AL GORE JR. ‘His Life and Career’ 1992 p. 110. “Riding his Horse”
ISBN 155972-159-6 Revelation 6:2-8

Gore said in his 2000 campaign, “I AM WHO I AM”, while in California. He is “God” and “Iesus”, as was Alexander the Great riding on his white horse. If there is an image of “Iesus” in your house, then it is an “image” of Osiris-Gore. This sounds shocking and incredible, but it is the truth.

"It shall be, if you do at all 'forget Yahovah’, and ‘walk after other Gods’, and serve them, and worship them, (as the U.S., World's Great Eagle God) I testify against you this day that 'you shall surely perish'. As the nations which Yahovah destroys before your face, 'so shall you perish'; BECAUSE YOU WOULD NOT BE OBEDIENT UNTO THE VOICE OF YAHOVAH…"

*Yahovah defines 'abomination' as 'cursed', or 'evil', and rejected by Yahovah. (Deut. 7:26). Thus, it is clear that Yahovah means what He says, and even gives harsh examples of His punishment. Moshe the prophet also then declared to all of Israel the certain severe penalty from Yahovah for disobedience; especially concerning the worship of these Aryan Hittite-Canaanite Gods in (Deut. 8:19-20)

Now let us reason together: as pointed out in the Bush vs. Gore 2000 campaign, no “Jew” has ever been President of the United States and no “Jew” has ever been even a “Vice” President. Is it not strange that TV announcers and reporters say this truth in this manner? Since they would never say the truth this way, we will: “Germans and German Masons have totally dominated positions of Presidents and Vice Presidents and majority of political positions in America on down to even Justices of the Peace.”

We now say to you and strongly warn you in His feared Name, as once did Moshe and other prophets after him (this last time before many of you shall be severely punished with double portions of wrath and many of you shall soon meet Him face-to-face), that The United States Eagle now over all of the World by law through NAFTA, APEC, and GATT covenants, is an ‘abomination’ to Yahovah of Israel.

Gore’s Eagle Son Hittite Seal, and all of its covenants, its statutes, its Nimrod Masonic Constitution, and all of its people today that pledge to it, and swear oaths to it, that now willingly serve it, and worship it today (knowingly or unknowingly), and now have it in and on their houses, organizations, clubs, religious temples, Jewish Synagogues, and many thousands of Christian world churches, clubs, and many world businesses, are all an abomination unto Yahovah! They are all cursed and defiled (rejected by Yah)

Their husbands and wives, and, yes, even their young children and everything they now have, are now an 'abomination' to Yahovah. What? WE HAVE REPEATED YAHOVAH'S “LIVING WORDS”, AND THE WORLD SHALL NOW BE JUDGED BY THEM! As written in Revelation, they shall be sorely punished; then destroyed by fire. Yahovah is the same Yahovah yesterday, today, and forever. Woe now unto the world until He says from His throne: “IT IS DONE (Finished)”! (Rev. 16:17)

“In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of Yahovah should be finished, as He has spoken to His servants the prophets”. (Rev 10:7). How the world now hates and rejects what you are reading and when we give this Gore “Little Horn” prophecy: it is even rejected by those with Yahovah’s and Yahshua’s Names! They say no one knows these things presented in this prophecy, and that no one knows Cain’s Mark, etc. etc. It never occurs to them that this prophecy is not our idea. It is easier to reject it, than to examine it, and accept it, but they are not Yahovah’s.

Many Jacob/Israelites and others have waited on this message: to turn the hearts of the children to their Abba, (Yahovah), to teach truth, and clarify that which is the Righteous ways of Yahovah and Yahshua. Most now totally reject His truth and doctrine! Therefore, SWIFTLY COMES YAH’S TERRIBLE CURSE UPON THE WORLD (Mal. 4:6). With this prophecy given in Jerusalem, and sent out around the world, the first part is now fulfilled. This is not a “generic message” that makes the world rejoice.

We have been accused of judging people, but it is Yahovah and Yahshua’s Words spoken and written that is already judging them and shall now judge the whole world. If anyone is therefore upset and angered and disagrees with these Words, and even at us for presenting these last day warnings, then they are upset or angry at Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah, and not at us. The truth is: if you wait to now see all of this prophecy come to pass before you react, IT IS TOO LATE!

Ref. To this sign given again for today: (Ezekiel Chapter 27)

Yahovah's Word has come again today through His Spirit of Truth in me, and He thus said, go and say: THUS SAITH YAHOVAH: A SWORD, A SWORD IS SHARPENED, AND ALSO IT IS POLISHED! Yahovah's Spirit then took me to look on top of a German Government building, and there was an image of a woman on top of it holding a sword recently sharpened and it glistened in the sun. I wondered, what does this mean? Who is this woman with a gleaming sword? And the answer came forth from Yahovah's Spirit, as was once given to Ezekiel the prophet: “It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter in the world; it is furbished that it may glitter… Yahovah has given it to be polished that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to now give it into the hand of the slayer!” (666 slayer, the destroyer with a sword, is Eagle Gore) A color picture appeared of this slayer of men in the paper with a full moon behind her Sunday Feb. 18, 2001. (Levy missing in D.C. a sign)

Ancient Greek partial Bas-relief and Greek “Zeus Eagle God” Warrior’s Shield
(Where do you think the Caesars and Hitler came up with their deity of worship?)

Multi-millions of Germans today are the last “x” generation of the seeds (goats) of Assyrians, Hittites and Chaldean-Babylonians from Ur. They also carry the sword of Yahovah's wrath and the (hidden) “hand of the slayer” is Gore. Their great army of Eagle Son warriors are well trained and ready to execute their plan of slaughter upon flesh. THE “ARENA”, THE “WORLD STAGE”, IS NOW SET. Gore is the “La-Mac-Arena”, the song that went around the world. (La =The, and Mac = the Son of Death). Masons that rule the earth shall become angry and full of rage at Yahovah taking away their rule, as in Revelation: until “the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” (Daniel 7:22)

Praise Yahovah that He has at least let me live long enough to see the beginning stages of his certain righteous judgment and wrath begin to fall. Yes, praise Yahovah! Why? Because His Word is all Truth. Because we can trust in His Word that He is always going to do precisely what He says He is going to do.

“They shall TAKE AWAY HIS (Gore’s) DOMINION, TO ‘CONSUME AND DESTROY IT’ UNTO THE END.” (Daniel 7:26) “THE NATIONS WERE ANGRY, AND YOUR WRATH HAS COME…” (Rev. 11:18) "The prince of the power of the air: The spirit that now works in the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). This evil spirit is definitely hard at work today.

“THE WHOLE WORLD WORSHIPPED THE BEAST AND ITS IMAGE." 4th Beast described in (Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14, Rev. 4:7). Yahovah gave a commandment not to make any graven image, or ANY ‘LIKENESS OF ANYTHING’ THAT IS IN (His) HEAVEN ABOVE…" (Deut 5:8-10).

Did the world obey Yahovah’s commandment? Or did all the Gentile Nations worship the Eagle? The verdict is in: the world worshipped Cain’s Eagle God under many different names. Moshe said: you saw no similitude of Yahovah in the burning bush and warned not to make “any image”.
The gigantic temples, shrines, pyramids, and many cities have been built around the world in honor of the great Eagle and it was worshipped accordingly. Enough has been presented in this prophecy to show that United States also worships the Eagle under “Gott and Iesus”. Do not be deceived by Gore (the Cursed One) or by his Masons in these final days. They manipulate more than most will ever know. World shall now follow Gore (the 666 Rejected Cornerstone) straight to the pit.

These two German Coins (1929 and 1915) sum up their intent to conquer the world.
(Eagle God with the 8 pointed Ur star, and Cain with his sword and Druid oak shield
with his “Eagle Mark” and “Roaring Lion” of ancient Assyria, Hittites, and Ur.)

EAGLE GOD OF CAIN, 1st BORN SON…………….(Genesis 4:15) No.One "Mark-Seal"
(Cain established Eagle 'Sign' as his God) (Cain was Number One Great Eagle Son)

EAGLE GOD OF UR-MESOPOTAMIA……………….1st Dynasty of Ur, used on Royal Mark-Seals
(Over All Kings) (3100 B.C. Double Headed Great Eagle)
EAGLE GOD OVER BAAL COVENANT …………….Ur Dynasties-Empires under Eagle God
(Jesus is Lord – Baal Today) (Baal is Eagle Son of the sun worship)
EAGLE GOD OF (Eve) ISIS and OSIRIS ……………..1st Dynasty of Egypt, known as Seal of Horus
(Masonic worship of Phallic-Vagina) (Number Two Eagle Son was Nimrod)

EAGLE GOD 'SON OF THE SUN' TOWER……….…. 1st.Tower of Baal; also Tower of Babel

EAGLE GOD OF BABYLON-CHALDEANS………….1st Dynasty of Babylon and over Nineveh

EAGLE GOD OF KING ASSHUR-NAZIR …………… Number Three Eagle Son Assyrian King
Eagle known as 'Nisroch' Isayah 37:38)

EAGLE GOD OF NEBOCHADNAZIR……………..… Number Four Babylon Great Eagle Son
(Nazir, Nesser, Nesher all mean Eagle)

EAGLE GOD OF ALL PERSIAN KINGS…………….. Eagle God 'Son of the Sun' was Mazda
(Giant rock sculpture at Persopolis)

EAGLE GOD OF THE KING OF TYRE ………………"Baal, Son of Zippor" = son of the bird
(On 30 pieces of silver-shekels of Judas) (Yahoshua 24:9 and Numbers 22:2, 10, 16)

EAGLE GOD OF ALL CANAANITES…………………1st Dynasty Seal of the Hittites (Germans)
(Numerous covenants to build a tower) (Moabites, Amorites, Jebusites, Hivites)

EAGLE GOD OF ALL PHARAOHS. ………………..Number One God over all of Egypt
  (Images of Osiris-Iesus) (Over 746 other Gods and Goddesses)

EAGLE GOD OVER ALL GREEK KINGS…………….Number Five Eagle Son World Ruler
(Known as Zeus) (Alexander the Great) "IESUS"

EAGLE GOD SON OF ZEUS (IESUS) ………………Iesus Kristos 400 B.C. (Jesus today)
(as Apollo, Hercules, Dionysus) (all sons of Zeus, are the sons of Satan)  

EAGLE GOD OVER ALL CAESARS………………….Number One God over all of Roman Empire
(Augustus Caesar deified, consecrated) (Number Six Eagle Son World Ruler)

EAGLE GOD OVER POPES OF ROME ………….. Number One Seal of Catholics/ Jesuits
(The False Prophet of Revelation) (From 3,000 B.C. Ur Satanic Covenant)

EAGLE GOD OVER ALL KAISERS…………………..Over All German Dynasties of Europe *
EAGLE GOD OVER ALL KINGS OF ENGLAND……All German Royalty consecrated from Eagle

EAGLE GOD OVER ALL TSARS……………………..As the Romanovs of Russia for 300 years.
(Nike has six white horses) (Number Seven was Alexis Romanov)

EAGLE GOD OVER S.A. AND MEXICO……………..Number One God of their "blood sacrifices"
EAGLE GOD OVER N.A. INDIANS…………………..(See on top of their wooden totem poles)

EAGLE GOD OVER ALL ARAB/MOSLEMS……….. “Al Nesser”, their great protector and provider.

(Golden Eagle on 2000 One Dollar Coin) (Number Eight deified Son is Albert Gore Jr.)

German, Prussian, Romanov, Habsburg, Hohenzollern, and House of Windsor Empires to U.S.A.

(See the Covenant Eagle-Serpent and Egg) (And Yahovah set a ‘Mark’ on Cain…)

Refs. Numerous Aryan Hittite covenants are at Oxford and the British Museum. Other documents and excellent books on ‘Hittite Covenants’ under their Great Eagle God: Carchemish Part I, Introductory, Woolley and Lawrence, 1914, Reprinted in 1969, Great Britain Uni Press Oxford, Pub. By Trustees of the British Museum ISBN 7141-1001-9 Carchemish Part II, ‘The Town of Defences’, 1921, Reprinted 1969, ISBN 7141-1002-7. The serpent border on this belt buckle comes straight from 2,300 B.C. Tarsus Seal. (Credits, authors, publishers as Part I) Museum books are illustrated with scholar comments.

The same Hittite Double-Headed Eagle of ancient Ur in 3,300 B.C. represents Mason's U.S. /World God and it’s people: under which the U.S.A. was created, its Constitution was written, and today's Masonic H.R. Bills/laws passed. Since Gore was “consecrated” in 1993, there has been a flood of laws to turn power over to him. Gore fulfills their ancient Hittite Tarsus Eagle God Stone Covenant, of which there are other versions found of it in Ur, Babylon, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Persia, and Assyria.

“It” was over Great Emperors and Kings of the East. Two-headed Crowned Double Eagle: Spain, Austria, Prussia (representing Germany) and “it” was over all of the God-Tsars of Russia: Ivan Basilovitz 1472 (his) through “marriage” to the niece of Constantine XIV. (West Head of Eagle) direct succession. Charlemagne, was crowned the “69th” Emperor of the Romans from Augustus Caesar (Died 14 A.D.) Romanovs used it from 1613 to 1918 A.D. and its back again.

Augustus was the first deified (made into a God) “Caesar” of the Roman Empire. He was the Great Eagle Son World Ruler number six of the eight Kings in (Rev. 17:10-11) The East head of Eagle represented Byzantine Empire Kings. Western Eagle Head represented the Holy Roman Empire. See Reference: 1993 Brewer Dictionary, pp. 398, 399. (Eagle: is the Most High God image of Zeus-Jupiter).

Satan and his sons of Cain made certain that for most of the history of the United States,
everyone has carried, bought and sold, collected, and received in their hand “his” mark. What? This is what prophecy says: that Cain’s sons and his last “Little Horn” ruler shall cause all to receive his ‘Mark’ in their hands. They cannot “buy or sell” without it.

Eagle (God) on Satan’s “Almighty Dollar” and in all U.S. pockets today: and over 50% of Nations. Prophecy given in 1993: All U.S. German World Order circulated money will have the Eagle Beast’s “Mark” on it. Year 2000: This has come to pass. All new Federal Reserve Money printed now has the Eagle God (Gore’s 666 Mark/Seal) on the left side: 1996 $100, 1997 $50, 1998 $20, 1999 $10 and $5. The 2000 Golden Eagle One Dollar (that few like) is in honor of 666 World GodTsar Gore.

Eagle - God on U.S. Military branches, National Guard, police, Sheriff’s departments, and men of war trained in Eagle’s “Beast Barracks” at West Point and other Eagle God military academies. Eagle on law enforcement agencies and over Insurance: “Nationwide Eagle is on your side”

Eagle - God highest awards to “Little Eagle” sons and daughters: “Eagle Scouts”. Cain’s Future Farmers of America “Eagle” FFA Awards. (Cain: became a tiller of the cursed soil) Tubal-Cain is gifted in all manner of “metal works”; music instruments: as Conn (Cain) “Sax” & “Tuba” of Tubal-Cain. (Patches and medals by multi-millions with different Eagles on them)

Eagle - God on millions of Eagle trucks and vehicles and “Distribution” Companies: as “Navistar’s” Number One “Eagle” in a “Square”, and their Orange opened “Square”, Stevens Transport (Eagle), Crete Transport, “Covenant”(Eagle) Transport, and Eagle Freight boat carriers. On the number one U.S. motorcycle: Eagle wings of Harley-Davidson. Nicknamed “Hogs” (of Cain). Japanese copying Eagle motorcycles and forming “Zeus” Jupiter Eagle Son clubs.

Eagle - God over Cain-Esau’s 666 Roman-Greek law U.S. courtrooms and Cain’s army of 700,000 lawyers with Golden Eagles, Silver Eagles, and Bronze Eagles, the same as ancient Rome. Appeals shall be useless in the Masonic Serpent infested courts under Osiris-Gore 2001-4.

Eagle - God over Cain’s public-private schools, and U.S. Flags usually topped with one. Hundreds of U.S. schools sports programs and teams are called the “EAGLES”. The Seal over all Roman Catholic schools in the world; most Colleges; and Jesuit-Masonic State Universities. Eagle over Jesuits, the Pope/Vatican and all German Roman Catholics, German Masons and Rosicrucians. Eagle “Knights of Columbus”; and Eagle “American Legions”; over all active Eagle sons in the U.S./NATO/UN Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and all retirees and “Eagle Clubs”. “Red, white, and blue” colors came from ancient Egypt. The Eagle God is shown frequently in their tombs, hieroglyphics and carvings. (Ref. The Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.)

Eagle - God “Sacred”, “protected U.S. Bird”: heavily enforced laws, fines, property confiscation; imprisonment: $5,000 fine or more for damaging one (1) Eagle “egg” as government pays multi-millions to murder over 35 million women’s “eggs” of undesirables in the U.S. alone. Law enforcement prosecutes and jails protesters. (Many Cain-Esau seed support world abortions)

Eagle - God “right of eminent domain”: wherever an Eagle in U.S. decides to make a “nest”, the government can restrict or even confiscate the property for “its” unlimited use. Farmers have been fined and sued for killing, or harming an Eagle’s brood. God and Eagle son “sacred image” (as one) is pledged to by Congress and Senate in Capitol. (as they did to Gore) Nebochadnazir Great Eagle Son of Babylon made all do it throughout his Kingdom. (Daniel 3:1)

Eagle - God over Las Vegas, Nevada “Strip” (Vega’s Eve stripped naked) a large animated Eagle in Color over Satan’s “Sin City” world jewel where 24-hour sex, prostitution, organized crime, lust entertainment and gambling for U.S. and world. “Iesus” (Baachus) is a big draw in Vegas.

Eagle - God on all major U.S. German Volk Beer brands. Osiris-Cain made beer under Eagle in “mother Egypt”, Canaanites, then Germanica; to U.S. By German Hittites. Quote from the German Beer Industry Chairman: “We have been making Beer for 5,000 years.” (Cain’s seed) never to confuse a vulture with their Eagle God. (Christian Bibles see no difference in Eagle or vulture)

Eagle - God on medical, hospital, clinical labs and Doctor’s offices. On “pharmaceutical” medicines with Eagle winged Sun-son orb and staff with the serpent. Patients depend on Eagle drugs, yet over 40 million have no insurance. “Drugs” used in Ur, Babylon and Egypt by “wizards”, sorcerers, priests, and during fertility sexual rites. “They repented not of their (sorceries) drugs.” (Rev.)

Elite “Seeds of Cain” (Co‘cain’e) of the German Worldwide Mafia, are over 400 billion dollars worth of illegal drugs per year coming into the U.S. “uncontested”. Gore promised elderly over 140 Billion in “legal drugs”. Bush also promised over a billion in legal drugs! National Rx Drug Stores and prescriptions (Rx name came from the Eagle God Jupiter).

Eagle - God symbol is fallen Lucifer’s “five pointed stars” found throughout all of ancient Egypt. This five-pointed Osiris Blazing Star is used today by millions and one “Pytha-Gore” Star was used in election 2000 campaign of Gore. “Pytha-Gore” means: “the serpent’s murderer”.

Eagle - God of Napoleon the Great: his “golden image” and Eagle son “Standard” for all of France: “N” is for Nisroch, and Apolleon, is also the Apollo (Iesus) Lion-Eagle Son name in Revelation.

Eagle - God used to consecrate German-Royalty Kings and Queens of England (golden Eagle and golden Decorated spatula now in Queen’s Jewels. Royal Europeans all have same DNA German blood: Kings, Queens, Dukes, Earls, and Princes wear Cain’s “Eagle” mark of Royalty and “star”.

Eagle - God (double headed E/W Eagle) Masonic-Rosicrucians: is their “sacred” Master Lucifer’s philosopher’s sacred crystal stone. The reason why inside D.C. is called “Crystal City”, where CIA German Eagles have centralized computer data base information on all U.S. Citizens.

Eagle - God on all of Cain’s Federal, State, and local Post Offices; trucks, jeeps, mail boxes, billions of envelopes, packages, money orders, and also used on printed postal stamps and standard print (Esau Red) on mechanical envelope stamps. U.S. Post Office’s famous “Zip Code” numbering system (from “Zippor”, the bird, the “Baal Eagle Son” in Scripture) Satan makes sure you receive his Zip Code, Eagle Stamp and his son’s Barcode in your hand every time you mail or receive a letter today. Look at the ‘Red’ (Esau) Eagle Stamped machine designs.

Eagle - God on millions of cigarettes: as Winston. Gore’s 666 “Golden Eagle” is on the package. God on millions of jackets, shirts, t-shirts, pants; tattooed on millions of “Eagle Beast” Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, street gangs, hired thugs, prostitutes, skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and Satanic worshiping cults. Phoenix - Eagle is on top of the pole/shaft of the “Witches of Salem.” They know all about the Eagle, and wear the exact ‘hat’ of the 2,300 B.C. Chaldean Eagle Goddess. Eagle is also the number one symbol for the God of Druids of Celtics, which is Germanic, and “Halloween” also came from them. Eagle is also the god of the Goths and their emblem.

Eagle - God “Zeus” and “Osiris-Jesus”, his son, in many thousands of 666 churches, synagogues, temples: hangs on walls of many deceived pastors, ministers, priests, bishops, scholars, and teachers: the Pope is yoked to Satan, wearing Cain’s “Eagle Son” 666 “mark” around his neck, on his back and over his heart. Pope has united over a billion and a half “Christians” going to the pit. The “German-Roman Catholic” Pope is “The False Prophet”. (Rev. 19:20).

Eagle - God images, names, symbols originating from ancient Cain Gods; Goddesses of Greece-Rome, Babylon-Egypt now on multi-millions of vehicles (Chariots in Scripture) in U.S. German Volk: Chrysler Name (originated from Eagle God Son Chrysus of Cain). “Eagle” Talon cars, “Eagle” Jeeps, “Vipers”, “Stealth”, “Shadow”, “Sundance”, the “Demon”, “Road Runner” (bird), “Voyager”; “Vagabond” (Cain described in Genesis 4:12), “Espirit”; Russian “Imperial.”

Eagle - God on Uniforms for police, CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA., federal marshals, and “private security” firms. “Zeus” (Great Eagle) over U.N. /Troops (Naked Statue of Zeus in main U.N. lobby).

Eagle - Godson Egyptian “Dodge Ram”, Imperials, New Yorkers, and Le Barons “Eagle” logos; on tail lights and crests. Chrysler Volk “Neon” introduced in Germany (1993): the “mirror” celebration of Hitler’s famous and popular Volkswagen. (Neon means: “nine”, Great Eagle)

Eagle - Sun (son) “Egypt Star” also Chrysler’s Logo: “O Lucifer, the fallen star”. The White five pointed star found throughout ancient Egypt, Hittites, and back to Ur 3,800 B.C.: Shape of pentagon and “pentagram star” above White House; Hollywood XXX stars, Isis TV soap “stars”, and sports “stars”. Five pointed star is “Pytha-Gore”, the “Serpent’s Murderer”. New Chrysler 2000 Logo “Son of the Sun Orb” with “Eagle’s wings” honors Gore, not Bush.

Eagle - God golf for German Aryan elite and chosen seeds of “Cain”: 18 (666) holes; and make a perfect “Eagle” or a “birdie”, and use a “nine (9) iron” Cain’s club. The “black super star” is “Tiger Wood”, and he is the man of the Wood, from the “East Wood”: from Satan’s tree.

Eagle - God consolidated on Cain-Esau’s national; world food chains, distributors; food brands: on billions of goods and vegetables. “Cain was a tiller of the (cursed) ground” as written. “Eagle” Country Markets since 1893; Gordon Foods, and “Eagle” Brand potato chips; nuts, Eagle “Birds Eye” (Eye in the Capstone) Food brands and references to other Eagle Sons as the “Jolly Green Giant” (shown in Egyptian paintings as Nimrod-Osiris, the “Big Foot-Green One”) and other “Cain and McCain” Food (German) brands, even distributed in Israel. Dean Cain hosts Ripley’s “Believe It or Not”, and he is a Chal-dean Cain, believe it, or not.

Eagle - Son God on General (German) Motors with Satan’s Isis blue “square” and tau “bow tie” with “Eagle wings” for Chevrolet’s logo. Older Cadillac has “Eagle wings” on tail lights and uses the ancient Ur to Greece and Roman wreath of the World Ruler Emperor in its unique logo. Pontiac (Eagle chief) “Firebird”, “Sunbird”, Buick “Skyhawk”, “Phoenix”, “Mazda.”

Eagle - “ROC” GM has correct song for the U.S. German Aryan Volk under Gore, their “Eagle’s Son”: “its the heartbeat of (Satan-Cain’s) America”. “Roc” in the East means “Eagle”. I-Roc (I am an Eagle Son) Camaro and Chevy Truck song, “LIKE A ROCK”, have Masonic meanings.

Eagle - TV’s “All of My (Satan’s seeds of Cain) Children” (many millions of Germans): blue eyed blondes/brunettes always doing sexually perverted things and committing adultery and sin, demonic message behind this show: “Come: be like one of us: join us in our many sins.”

Eagle - Ford vehicles: Egypt ancient “Cobra” Mustang, and the Ford “Falcon”, “Thunderbird”, “Aerostar”, “Mercury”; Isis “Cat” (Cougar). sacred blue egg of Isis in Ford’s logo (FOR “D”). Ford was a Mason, and a known Jacob/Israel hater (Anti-Semitic). Son God Japanese vehicles also have names honoring (sun) son’s image under the “red” circle (Eagle’s Son) sun flag. A-“lexis” (Lexus) was no. 7 Eagle son of (Rev. 17:11). The chrome on “Lexus” is Gold.

Eagle - God son on millions of vehicle tires: Goodyear Eagle GT. Firestone “Firehawks”. 1960s: Goodyear Ur, and Hittite Double-Eagles. Update Note: August 2000, CNN News announced Firestone Tires having major problems and causing accidents and over 100 deaths, recalling 6 Million tires. (Yahovah is using this as one of His warning signs to the wicked of the Eagle)

Eagle - God gold; silver coins replaced with sandwich Eagle coins. Gold; silver intentionally stolen; hoarded for Cain-Esau’s seed (Rothschild = Cain’s child). Note: Eagle God of penny when Yahshua said: “Show Me a Penny. Who’s subscription and who’s image has it?” They replied: “Caesar’s”. Augustus was a deified “Great Eagle Son” under “Jupiter” (Zeus). “It” was certainly not the image of Yahshua on that penny. J.C. Penny stores today are Satan’s joke of this with Masons. Jesus (Son of Zeus) Christ’s Penny. Founder of J.C. Penny was a U.S. Lucifer worshiping Mason. Letterman sheet says that “Gore will enjoy his new role as a model for J.C. Penney”. (Meaning he now enjoys his new ‘teaching’ role as Jesus Christ!)

Eagle - God entertainment: Rocky I, Rocky II, Rocky III, “Rocky Horror Show”, the “Rock” of Big Time Wrestling, deceased gay man, “Rock” Hudson, many “Rock” and Roll Stars, and numerous other “Rocky“ Marciano names, refer to the “Roc” (which means Eagle). Satan took John Denver, to promote that he and his son were now on a “ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH”.

Nike - Is the Greek-Roman Eagle Goddess that crowns Satan’s Eagle Sons to rule the world with the Greek-Roman wreath, especially Caesars. Nike ”has crowned Gore the last “Roman Caesar” world ruler. Nike “Swoosh: Logo is the Eagle God and Goddess swooping down and up again over the Head of their chosen anointed one. “Eagle Stars” endorse “Nike”.

Eagle - Son (sun) God 666 names-images-symbols now on trillions of products: as gas cans, shovels, rakes, lawn mowers, toys, boats, camper tops, trucks-trailers, hardware, motels-hotels, glasses, advertising; names of towns, places; items too numerous to mention in U.S. “land of Eagles”.

Eagle - Goddess CBS “Eye of Isis”; “Sun” day Eagle son symbols and NBC’s “the bird”. Germans Ted Turner and CNN (see in Ns News), and millions of others are under “666 Osiris covenant.” One might ask, then what is “Reebok”? That name appropriately means the “RETURN OF THE GOATS”. (Yes, they are here and they will follow Gore straight to the pit)
Millions of Eagle sons and daughters work under and for today’s Great Eagle Son in the land of “Nazir” Eagles. They read Eagle “Sun” Times or Phoenix “Sun” Journals as mail is delivered by an Eagle Scout. They drive Firebirds or Thunderbirds from houses with Eagles. Their children ride an “Eagle Bluebird” Isis school bus. Millions live in Eagle suburbs on Eagle lakes and drive on Eagle roads in Eagle talon cars with custom Eagle GT tires and custom Eagle (with the sun) environmental license plates.

Some smoke an Eagle cigarette as they turn on an Eagle radio and hear “The Eagle’s” band play “Take it Easy”, and “Hotel California”, where you just can’t “kill the beast”. They gas up at an Eagle pride station; buy Eagle brand Potato Chips and Eagle “Sun” (Mason’s Scottish) groceries: all are purchased with the 666 Eagle barcode. They also pay with new Federal Reserve Eagle Son “Marked” money and Golden Eagle (2000) Coins. Meanwhile, a German “long hair” of (Revelation 9:8) with a “Screaming Eagle” T-shirt walks by as another “long hair” (rats tail) idolizes his new Harley Davidson Eagle Cycle and his large Eagle Marine arm tattoo. Some wear the promoted “Eagle Eye” “Sun” glasses. They use “Eagle Electric” items to fix a bad plug-in at their house. What do they ‘see’ wrong in this picture?

Going to work, they pass a Navistar Eagle truck with Eagle mud flaps, an Eagle U.S. Mail truck, and a “Red Eagle” freight truck. A policeman pulls them over with an ‘Eagle patch’ and writes a ticket. After work, they stop for an Eagle-Star German Beer (this “Bud’s” for you) meaning the “bud” (Eagle son). From the “tree” of the goats in Ur 3,800 B.C. They are invited to eat out in the “Eagle’s Nest”, Eagle’s Club, or the American “Eagle” Legion (many Eagle Demons), or at “Roc” (Eagle) “Golden Arch” of the 3,800 B.C. Covenant Arch Seal, which is today’s McDonalds. A McDonald started rapture doctrine.

McDonalds (Mc = Son of Death, Don = God, ald = old). Food dedicated to Satan and son is forbidden to eat by believers. Apostles and Yahshua warn not to defile yourselves. McDonald Insurance, McDonald Douglas, and numerous other “Ol’ McDonald” names mean Cain’s sons (and daughters) of Satan. On Egyptian Eagle’s “Eye” of Isis CBS TV, they see Albert Gore, Satan’s “number one” (sun) son spot, get off a U.S. Air Force “Eagle” Number Two plane piloted by an elite Eagle Winged son.

World God-Tsar Al Gore visited his “Mother Russia”, who went under Gore’s “Double Eagle” symbol, seal and “mark”, immediately after his 1993 visit. An Aryan blonde KGB man, loyal to German World Order goals, is East German (Vladimir Putin) selected to serve as Gore’s “puppet” to replace Yeltsin. 117 countries united for GATT under Gore. They were all ‘Marked’ (sealed) with Gore’s “Eagle”.

Millions watch sports as the “Eagles play the Falcons”, Phoenix Suns or “Red or Blue” Devils, or Wizards and Raptures, or Chicago’s Bulls: “Germanicus” is supreme once again. Millions still pledge allegiance to Nebochadnazir’s “Eagle God” image perched on the top of a United States flagpole. Patriots and Christians loyal to their Eagle, to the “Red, White and Blue Egyptian Flag, and loving their Masonic Constitution that gives them freedoms to sin against Yahovah, will not understand the simple truth that they all have been had by Satan and Son. They now serve Satan and his many son(s) very well.

German Mason's wives appropriately can join the "DAUGHTERS OF THE EASTERN STAR" (of this same Masonic covenant over goats). The Ur Royal Seals show 'their seed' to be planted around the world.

Yahshua said these worldly “GOATS” (kids) on his left hand would be destroyed. (Matthew 25:32-33). Remember, a Mason and his wife “are as one”. She receives the same curse from Yahovah. Today, look in U.S. cemeteries and see the staggering amount of millions of Masonic “obelisks” (phallics) sticking up out of the ground. Why? They secretly worship the “phallic” of Osiris .

2,700-700 B.C. Eagle God (Gott) Hittite King’s Seals and Eagle Son Orbs of the “X” covenant.

In honor of Gore over German World Order Eagle God “Son-of-the-Sun” Orbs
(See Chrysler Corporation’s New Logo) (Note the Double Sun and Tower)

Note: Ref. 'The Archaeology of Mesopotamia', by Seton Lloyd 1978, (p.185, 207), 'The Hittites', J.G. MacQueen, Pub. 1975 (plate 20) and 'The Hittites', by O. R. Gurney, Revised 1961, Fig. 16 p. 205, p. 192. "DOUBLE (TWIN) SUN EAGLE DIVINITY" (Urhi-Teshub and Tudhaliyas Seals) "X" Sun Tower completion of Eagle Son-of-the-Sun Covenant of Hittites is revealed in two Eagle Winged Double Sun Orbs. (See 2,300 B.C. to 700 B.C. Hittite Stone Covenants/Seals in British Museum).

Covenants show when "Eagle's Son of the Sun" (from seed line of the purple) has risen to power to rule the world, their covenant is fulfilled. The "TWIN SUNS" (Satan and Son) ruling over the world (AS ONE) were on an Israeli TV commercial (through graphics) on Channel 22, Israeli Network, in Oct 1999 for Mason’s "GORE". TV Commercials and movies introduce Gore.

Examine Ur and Hittite Royal Seals and Covenants over their Empire, stretching into Egypt and Babylon, and Assyria which shows "images" (idols and symbols) of their "Cain Eagle God" everywhere. It has represented their Eagle "Son-of -the-Sun" little horn Kings for thousands of years from Ur up to today’s United States Presidents (all sworn in under it. All U.S. Presidents have been little horn rulers!)

(To be saved today, you too must come out from under this damnable Eagle God and repent, and yes, you must overcome)

Yahovah brought Abraham out of the land of Ur (Mesopotamian-Chaldean-Babylon) which was full of idols and fornication: Ur people were under the Eagle God and Eagle Goddess covenant as the Hittites. Over 1,000 "ROYAL SEALS OF UR" discovered in Archaeological digs by the British Museum; Oxford, U.S. University Museums; German and other explorers, prove conclusively that their "God" over all things was Zippor the "Great Eagle". A supply of artifacts/covenants are available in most museums.

Ur people were portrayed as "Goats" of the serpent with the strength of "Lions" to conquer the world. They also used the “Eastern 5-Pointed Blazing Star” of Satan and Osiris (Gore) on their Royal Seals which now flies over 50 countries on their flags: under Satan and Son. (Ezekiel 43:16, 41:21)

Reference: UR EXCAVATIONS VOLUME III ARCHAIC SEAL IMPRESSIONS by L. Legrain, Pub. 1936, Printed in Great Britain at The Oxford University Press, Oxford, Eng. The Joint Expedition of B.M. and The University Museum, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to ancient Mesopotamia.) Ref. to ancient Ur (Mesopotamia) “Great Eagle God [Nisroch] and Royal King’s Seals”.

(Germans never confuse their 4,000 B.C. Ancient Ur Osiris Star and Eagle God with a Vulture)

AMERICAN EXPEDITION TO IDALION, CYPRUS, 1st. Report 1971-1972 by L. E. Stager, Walker, and Wright. Published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, Cambridge, Mass., Printed in U.S.A. 1974, Sawyer Co., Inc. Ref. also Alexander the Great Coin. (See Collectable Coin Books)

(Fig. 65 from Cyprus Expedition). “Alexander The Great” was the number five Eagle Son World Ruler of (Rev. 17:10-11). Ref. "of the five that are fallen (dead)" in Yahshua's prophecy. A 5000+ year Eagle Covenant (on Tarsus Hittite Stone Royal King's Seal and other Eagle Covenant Seals) show a deified Eagle God man "image" sitting on his World throne chair.

