Part 6
(over the world’s goats) holding out his Great Eagle in his hand. Masons are to celebrate their covenant completion in 2001-4.

Alexander's Eagle God Covenant is confirmed again in Alexandria Egyptian Papyrus (in British Museum) that he was a world "son of the sun" ruler. 325 B.C. Alexander thought he fulfilled this covenant: but later, at the time of Yahshua/John's Revelation prophecy in the 1st. Century A.D., was the worshipped No. 6 Eagle Son (deified as God) Augustus Caesar. Later (1900s) was No. 7 Alexis Romanov (Eagle Son of New Rome was fatally shot in the head in 1918), thus fulfilling half of (Rev. 13:3) "I saw one of his (Rev. 13:1 one of the seven kings) heads as if it were wounded to death…"

ANCIENT CYPRUS, ITS ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY, by Casson, Greenwood Press, Publishers Westport, Conn., 1970, U.S.A. LCCCCN 70-95086 and SBN 8371-3080-8 Original from 1937 by Methuen & Co., Ltd., London (Ref. Great Eagle God Son's Royal Scepter). There is no difference in the covenant behind Eagle Son World Ruler Scepter, than the Horus Egyptian-Hittite Eagle Son Scepter, the Ur-Chaldean and Assyrian Eagle Son Scepters, Persian Eagle Scepters, Roman Scepters, than today's 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900s German Romanov Double-Headed Eagle Son (God) Scepters and other Cain Ruler Scepters used in German Dynasties across Europe. These are not of Jacob/Israel (Jews).

They are seeds of Cain-Esau: German King's names reveal who they serve: "Richard the Lion" and “King Louis” (Louis/Lou, Lewis, and Lew, Lucy, and Luther, and Lucent Technologies names have the ancient root of Lucifer, as St. Louis, Missouri = Satan and “Miss Ur”).

These ancient rulers had many mistresses, committed fornication, adultery, murders, and even had many ‘illegitimate’ children. German Mormons promoted having many wives under their “German Masonic false prophet”. (Psalms:58:6) “Break their teeth, O Yah, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Yahovah”. (Psalms:17:12) “Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places”. “Their poison is like the poison of a serpent”. (Psalm 58:4)


(Sinai Red Sandstone Relief of Eagle Son) (Perpetuation of the Race)

Satan’s Eagles (German ruling seeds of Cain) have went up against other Eagles many times in history, and in the German (Bear) World Wars I and II. Yahshua said: If Satan fights against Satan, he is divided against himself; then how shall his kingdom stand? (Matthew 12:26) Most remember the deaths of the Great European Eagle Dynasties (Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, and Romanovs) because of these wars, but Eagles have united in a different form today under the U.S. German Roman Eagle God.

“ASSHUR EAGLE SON KING OVER GOATS” (Ezekiel 32:22, 23 and Hosea 14:3). Asshur (Assur-Nazir) was the Assyrian Eagle Son God accepted by scholars of Scripture and history as having 'divinity status' in his Empire and held Satan's 'double tree' crosses of "GIANT CEDAR PINE CONES", representing seeds of Cain and planting Satan's seeds. Sculptures of other Eagle Son Rulers (as the 3rd. Dynasty King of Egypt) show the Nisroch Eagle God perched over the square with an Eagle Son in it. (Pharaohs wore Eagle over the square on their sides) The cut-off Nimrod-Osiris phallic, flag, the Son of the Sun symbol and other abominations show their lives being consumed in “planting seed” and phallic worship. Cedar pine cones are shown again and again in these fertility covenants. (Ezek 17:22-24).

Asshur Nazir and Kings who followed him were also keeping the title of (Osiris) “God of Fertility”. Assyrian kings for generations after him carried his name “Asshur” or “Nazir”, still a popular “Egyptian-Moslem” name. Masons use these identical symbols under their Eagle God and have placed giant pine cones on tops of lampposts across from the German Federal Reserve in D.C. They incorporated many Christmas tree pinecone bas-reliefs on U.S. Government and State buildings. World Bank is across from the White House in D.C. It is run/owned by elite German Aryan stockholders, not by Jacob/Israelites.
German Roman Catholic Pope (High Priest over a billion goats) carries this identical pine cone scepter, revealing to enlightened ones that he is the World's (False) Prophet working for Gore today. Do not mis-understand, we are not for abortion: Catholics are encouraged to usually have very large families and are against abortions (not understanding that the elite Illuminati Masons above them support elimination of millions of misfits and non-Germans, to make more room for their kids (goats).

The Pope also wears the Ur-Assyrian Eagle Son of the Sun Cross, and gives the Masonic “Goat Hand Sign” of Satan, as do other “Masonic Christian” ministers, as “Gorman”, who teaches 7,000 preachers today. Despite these truths, as others have partially presented, German CATHOLICS and GREEK AND RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS REFUSE TO REPENT!

(Compare Eagle God on right holding the world’s ruling scepter with the Russian Romanov’s Eagle)

3,100 B.C. Ur “Eagle God” over Goats: Cain’s seed continues Satan’s Sons as Rulers.

There are many Eagle God Royal Seals over goats. Two on the left are male goats facing East-West, and underneath them are ‘seed’ or ‘egg’ symbols (men born of the purple). The ‘four seeds’ together are to cover the four corners of the world. This theme is repeated in Greece. Nisroch God holds a world ruling scepter for his son over the goats. Hitler used this identical “Son of the Sun Spot” in his military cap. He knew who was his father and mother, and he was an elite Masonic ruler over millions of “goats”.

Ref. PLATE FIVE. 3,500 B.C. Isis 'sacred egg' (of woman) which also represents Satan's seed (of goats) is fertilized in that egg, to bring forth an Eagle Son. Those of the chosen eight (Satan's Star), inherit all of Satan's worldly kingdom and rule over all goats. (See same ‘egg’ with German Queen Nefatari). Greek and Chaldean-Babylonian women who also held out this same abominable egg in sculptures and seals.

This same ‘Eight Pointed Star’ (Rev. 17:10-11) over the Eagle (left) and in front of the Eagle Son (right) holding a ruling scepter, is also on the cover of this prophecy with the “Griffin” man. (Satan, as Eagle God, holds one of his ‘golden eggs’ to bring forth one of his ruling Eagle sons)

(Masonic Goat and Eagle) (Masons worship the Phallic of Osiris)

Left: goat has its 'right knee' down in submission to Eagle God: precisely what the world's Masons must do to get their 32nd degrees. The Eagle guarding its 'sacred egg' is also found in German Shields of Royalty; on ancient German king's belts, leading up to the famous German-Romanov Alexis Family Egg collection of Russia and world famous "Easter Egg Hunts". Tradition of this "Isis" and Osiris-Iesus Sacred Egg Hunt is also continued at the White House, Washington, D.C. each year. Ref. No. Plate 5 of Volume III, "Eagle God Goat Seal" from the book: 'Excavations at Gozlu Kule, (Hittite) Tarsus', by H.Goldman, U.S.A. Princeton U. Press 1963. LC Card 50-7066.

Right: Satan’s "EAGLE MAN GOD" PLANTING 'HIS SEED' . (“This Buds for You” Bowtie) Same theme in Ur-Babylon, Egypt, and Aryan Hittites to bring forth Eagle Son No. Eight) Ref. Scripture: …(This) ‘seed of the wicked’ shall be cut-off. The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell therein forever.” (Psalm 37:28-29) “The transgressors shall be destroyed together.” Eagle-Goat seals are powerful documents of what seed they represent.

Ref. Swedish Expedition, Res. 157, partial rendering of Seal of Eagle Covenant: CWK. Gleerup-Lund 1966 Printed in Sweden, Tafeln, Die Architektonischen Terrakotten Kleinasiens. "Sun-orb bowtie with legs and feet" is also used in Aryan Hittite Seals and Satanic phallic symbol in Egypt 1,300 B.C.

(Psalm 37:38-39). These (evil and good) things hidden in mystery (hidden truths) shall be revealed and understanding given. Why? That they not remain or be deceived any longer by these “Goats”. (Luke 8:17) These incredible ancient plates, seals, and covenants are proof of Satan as the actual father over all the goats, and illustrate what is written of the 'tares' in parables by Yahshua Messiah.

"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: but while he slept, 'his enemy came and sowed tares' among the wheat, and went his way…so the servants… came and asked him, sir, did not you sow good seed in your field? From where then did these tares come from? He said, ‘an enemy has done this’. The servants said to him, will you then (order) that we go and gather them up? But he said: no, lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles 'to burn them', but gather the wheat into my barn." (Matthew 13:24-40). What Christian ministers ever talk of this verse today?

That it was fulfilled which was spoken of by the prophet: "I WILL UTTER THINGS WHICH HAVE BEEN ‘KEPT SECRET’ FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." (Matt. 13:35) Yahshua declared to the Apostles the answer to the parable of the 'tares' of the field. "He that sows the ‘good’ (Yahovah) seed is the son of man; the field is the world; the ‘good’ (YHVH) seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; and the enemy that sowed them is the devil * and the harvest is the end of the world…" (Matt. 13:37-38)

* Seals reveal that Satan’s Eagle men still plant his seed to bring forth many Eagle sons and daughters to perpetuate his “Master” race to the four corners of earth (TARES and GOATS). Yahshua made it clear they are ‘cursed’, and shall be destroyed. Who then are the goats who worship the phallic (Osiris-Iesus)? Who are those still worshipping the Madonna “Eve-Isis-Ashtaroth-Venus-Nike-Juno-Victoria” vagina?

“Dragon” and Phoenix-Eagle God “Belgium Lion’s Shield” (Rev. 9:8)
(Germanicus Bull on Bloodstone) (Hand sign of all the Goats)

“Satanic Goat Hand Sign” used by Russian Troops to pledge to their German God Tsar, used by Boy Scouts in their pledge, by Bavarian Masons on their 33rd. Degree Pin, used by the Pope and many rulers. This “hand sign” is on the Masonic Goat and on millions of icons and portraits of Osiris-Iesus Christ! (Left) The Dragon and Eagle Beast of Revelation, Egyptian Germanicus Bull, and Ur Cross are obvious.

All Jewish men* “adopted” into this (Bavarian) Masonic World Order Covenant have given up their heritage of Jacob/Israel, and turned their backs against Yahovah, as once did Cain and then Esau.* Rabin of Israel, was a Mason, and signed Oslo (toilet seat) covenant with "Death" (Gore) in D.C. His penalty was a swift death. What? Yahovah/Yahshua do not change in these matters. (Hebrews 13:8)

(Matthew 15:13) Yahshua said: "EVERY PLANT, WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HAS NOT PLANTED, SHALL BE ROOTED UP." Goats shall not make it into Yahovah’s kingdom. Note: These common names today as Wood, Root, H. & R. ‘Block’, Clint East‘wood’, ‘Wood’war-d, Hollywood (Satan's Stars of his Holy Wood). Knot (cut off branch of Satan's tree) as in TV "KNOTS LANDING" series, and “Twiggy”, “Small Twig” from Satan’s “branch”. See Playboy Hittite Bunnies dressed up for “Ken” (Cain) as Hittite “Barbie Dolls”. They are “Isis” women, and on cat walks (Victoria’s Secret) parades; even on CNN News, and many world programs for the last time.

(Matthew 25:33, 41) Yahshua said: "He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the 'goats' on the left. Then shall the king say unto them on His right hand, come, you that are blessed of My Father (YHVH), inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Then shall He say also unto them on the ‘left hand’ (all goats and the tares), depart from Me, you ‘cursed’ (goats), into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil (Satan-Lucifer) and his angels." This verse is real and shall soon be fulfilled. (The vast sea of wicked seed are now going to be greatly punished)

GREAT PHOENIX-EAGLE DIVINITY OVER THE LAND (Cain’s Mark Royal Seal) of his name: (Revelation 14:11) Ref. Book: P. DIKAIOS ENKOMI, VOL. III, 1969, Plate 187 "Royal Seal” 21 (25) from plates 1-239, Excavations 1948-1958, Printed in West Germany. Also Saggs: Great EAGLE GOD OF ANCIENT UR-Mesopotamia-Babylonia 2500 - 2300 B.C (Ancient Ur Seals of Royalty).
Ref. Stele of The Great Eagle, ‘Lagash King holding out his supreme deity’. p.62/ Illust. 35/ Saggs)

Quote: "… Etana and the Eagle must have been of great antiquity, since early ‘Cylinder Seals’ (of Royalty) depict a (hero) King borne by an Eagle." p. 152/ illust. 72. Babylon/ Kish and 1st. Empire of Sargon 2371 B.C. Ref. PEOPLES OF THE PAST BABYLONIANS, H.W.F. SAGGS, 1995, Pub. For The Trustees of the (German) British Museum by the British Museum Press. ISBN 0-7141-2094-4.



These symbols reveal basics of the Bavarian Mason’s covenant: (right to left), “Four corners” of the earth is divided, and Satan’s (God’s) “Golden Eagle Scepter” is presented to rule East and West. “One Arrow” of Nisroch Eagle God (Isayah 37:38) is over his kingdom, and he binds those in this covenant to go and build his “tower” (temple) and to “walk in his ways”. German Romanov Kings of Russia had the Double Eagle God and German and England Masonic Kings are consecrated under this same “Golden Eagle God”, and also carry the same “Golden Eagle Covenant Scepter”.

“Griffins” are outside the German Federal Reserve in D.C. Announced on CNN December 13, 1999, "IT APPEARS THAT A ‘GERMAN’ (Goreman) WILL BE APPOINTED TO BE CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND." It is written in Daniel: He (Gore) shall have all (be over) the precious things of Egypt (over the world) Norwest (German) Bank and Wells Fargo Bank have consolidated over 4,000+ banks in eight years. The Deutsche Bank of Germany is one of the largest with covenant "square" divided symbol of the ancient Pepsi-Pharaoh (Gore today is over all the money).

Latin: “ANNOUNCING THE BIRTH OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER”: Put there soon after Hitler took power. Will Gore now “stand in Jerusalem”? His symbol, the abomination of desolation, and symbol of Caesar, is already placed there. Yahshua spoke these words: “For then shall be ‘great tribulation’, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.” (Matt. 24:21-22). There is no “pre-tribulation rapture”. (Christians are also here when Yahshua returns). How can this be proven? Yahshua says when He shall return:

“Immediately after ‘the tribulation of those days’ shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And ‘then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven’, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and ‘they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” (Matt. 24:29-31) See? Did not Yahshua Messiah say when He shall return? We do not know the ‘day or the hour’, but we do know that it is immediately ‘after’ the tribulation; not immediately ‘before’ the tribulation.

We pray in Yahshua’s Name that you heed this message, and be quickened in Yahovah’s Spirit to quickly overcome the things in this prophecy and know that other messages as this are not forthcoming, as you shall soon meet Him. Yahovah has now fulfilled His promise to you in receiving ‘His Living Word’.

“Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and ‘repent’, and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly, and will remove your ‘candlestick’ out of his (its) place, except (that) you repent.” (Rev 2:5) This is your reason to now overcome these wicked things: “…to him that ‘overcomes’, will I give to eat of the tree of life…” (Rev.2:7) And, to you that unknowingly defile yourselves ‘by eating things sacrificed unto idols’ (Gods) …’repent’…(Rev 2:14-16). Remember therefore how (and what) you have received and heard, and hold fast, and ‘repent’. “If therefore ‘you shall not watch’, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.” (Rev 3:3)

We charge you, as did Shaul, to read and share this message among our brothers and sisters in Yahshua, who have waited for His Living Word. It is delivered! Yah once sent a famine in the land (of His Word) among Jacob/Israel. (Amos 8:11-14). It is the Gentile’s turn to have a famine of His Living Word. The hope and joy is that every Word Yahovah spoke, and His Word delivered by His prophets and our Yahshua Messiah, shall come to pass! Thus, we can trust in Yahovah and wait on Him!

“He who endures to the end shall be saved.”

Yahshua again says: “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book…. My reward is with Me to give every man according as his work shall be. I Am (alpha and omega) the beginning and the end, the first and the last… I Am the root and the off-spring (seed) of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Revelation 22:7-16)

We are only doing the will of Yahovah in delivering this ‘Jerusalem Prophecy’ to but a few, not many. (Matthew 7:24, Isayah 24:6) We have been asked: Where is the hope in this terrible message that includes Yahovah’s curse (Malachi and Isayah) upon all the world? We say to you again that all of this news was delivered and given openly to all of His people more than 2000 years ago: by Yahovah’s prophets such as Moshe, Isayah, Ezekiel, Jeremyah, Obadyah, Daniel, Hosea, Malachi and others. It was delivered again and explained in greater detail by Yahshua Messiah and all of the blessed Apostles.

Note: We are watchmen: all of what is contained in this prophecy was given freely and taught by Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah, and the talent already furnished to bring it to you. It is not for sale, or done for profit (as the adversary works). It is not copyrighted, or protected under any law other than Yahovah’s, and it is not found in today’s bookstores, or in the world’s many libraries.

If you have received this prophecy, it is by Yahovah’s will, and not ours. You are free to reproduce original artwork and have permission to print, photo-copy, put on internet, multi-media, CD RM disk, or other means, to share it freely with other Yahovah and Yahshua believers/brethern as yourself. No permission is given to alter these words and meanings, or to replace and mix it into other‘s prophecy or works for a ‘profit’. What is contained belongs to Yahovah and Yahshua.

This is only a partial list where more documentation can be found of that which was revealed by Yahovah's Spirit of Truth exposing the One World Order and its ancient Masonic history connecting it to the fulfillment of evil covenants. These books only point towards finding the truth for those given eyes to see and given His understanding. The time for Yahshua’s second coming is now extremely close.

THE KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE Translation/Authorized Version: with no interpretations in it, if possible. Satan‑Eagle, Cain, and his seed, begins in Genesis. Tubal‑Cain, Hittites‑Canaanites are in Torah. If you have a NIV (New International Version) World Order Bible, compare Scripture and words in V verse NIV to find errors, numerous changes and even deletions. King James is not perfect, but a better English translation: you must correct “Iesus, God, and Lord”.

THE COMPANION BIBLE, from The Authorized Version of 1611 Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501 Note: Recommended for those wanting detailed historical Greek‑Hebrew references to Yah's Word in Scripture [Ex. as Supreme Zeus‑Jupiter: "Eagle" god of ancient Greeks‑Romans in the time of Apostle Paul, and extensive Word meanings.

STRONG'S CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE, World Edition, 1991. (Hebrew-Greek meanings)


References to Illustrations of Satan’s “Master Architect” designs and Masonic work done in D.C. AAA CLUB DETAILED GRID MAP 1993 of Washington, D.C., (2) U.S. ATLAS GRID MAPS OF Washington, D.C., and Standard 1992-93 TOURIST GRID MAP(s) OF D.C.; several Library Edition “Shot” Maps, and U.S. Travel Maps (close ups) of Washington, D.C. [In most public Libraries] Remember, that Masons built all of Washington, D.C., and are proud of it.

REVELATION OF THE GREAT EAGLE: (Apocrypha., ESDRAS II Segment). No question whatsoever what the Eagle is in prophecy: why it was removed from the V Bible. All Kings of England are consecrated under the Great Eagle God.


DOPE, INC. written by Executive Intelligence Review, Published in 1992. Exposure and connection to the U.S. German Volk, and Bush Administration‑German British Royalty [over World Order Drugs]

MUMMIES, MYTH, AND MAGIC, E1 Mahdy, Published in 1991. (Study symbols/Masonic tie) Study of customs, traditions, and Papyrus papers, history and covenants of the Egyptians and Pharaohs

BEFORE THE REVOLUTION 1898‑1914 (The ROMANOV'S Alexis Tsar Romanov No. 7, "The Child", to inherit the world God Tsar Double Headed Eagle Throne), 1991 Iroshnikov, Shelayev, and Protsai.

ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (Egyptians‑Aryan Hittites), by Coote, 1992 (Study symbols now used in Masonry)

GLOBAL TYRANNY, JASPER, 1992, [U.N. Conspiracy and German One World Order]

THE ROMANOVS, (Russia Double Headed Eagle Tsars) LINCOLN, DIAL PRESS, 1981, N.Y.

GEORGE BUSH, Griffin, Tarpley and Chaitkin, 1992 [German-Bush family connected to Nazis; Hitler] Connected to the early slave trade in the United States, and to the major German banks in London. The Bush family is directly connected to the major CIA movement of billions of drugs in the U.S. and the world, and connected to German Organized Crime.

NICHOLAS II & ALEXANDRA (ROMANOV ALEXIS No. 7, "The Child") 1967 Robert Massie (German-Hittite Heritage). Tsar Nicholas II was a German Aryan Hittite with DNA Royalty throughout Europe, related to the Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany Examine the charts of the relatives of King George V, Wilhelm, and Queen Victoria.

THE OXFORD ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF BRITISH MONARCHY, Cannon & Griffiths, 1988 (German Aryan Royalty: The Romanov's & Alexis, "The Child" God Tsar Heir to the New Rome Throne)

50 WONDERS OF TUTANKHAMUN, (Egypt) Silverman, 1978 [Many of these illustrated works are incorporated in Washington, D.C., and done entirely by the German Masons]. Egypt rulers had teeth as teeth of lions. Rev. 9:8.

HOUSE OF SPECIAL PURPOSE, Gebbes and Trewin, 1975: ALEXIS & German Aryan Hittite Double Headed East [Russian] West (U.S.] Golden Eagle, times of Romanovs before their execution.

EARTH IN THE BALANCE, (His Sacred Mother) GORE 1993 [Gore shows his "first love" in this book] If you want to know your enemy, then read all of his books and then you know how he thinks. Gore is Osiris of the Green Peace Earth.

PRIVATE WORLD OF THE LAST TSAR (Russia's ROMANOVS) Grabbe, 1912-1917 General Alexander Grabbe & Alexis "The Child": Satan's Seventh Son was "Shot in Head" in Siberia, 1918. [fulfills number 7 prophecy in Revelation]

AL GORE, (No. 8, Great Eagle No. 1) HILLIN, 1992 (Shown riding on “his horse” as in Rev. 6:2-8)

GRAVEN IN THE ROCK, VOLUMES I AND II, Rev. S. Kinns, 1895 England. Egypt, Assyrian; German Hittite Stone: Their Ancient 3,000 B.C. "Covenant with Death" under The Eagle God; Tablet Writings of Nebuchadnazir. Also Queen Mother Nefatari of Egypt. Only 4,000 of these two volume Library Editions were printed and distributed in England.

NEW LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY, by HAMLYN, ENGLAND. 1990 London ISBN O 600 02351 6 [This volume of work unravels many of the mysteries of ancient worldwide gods; goddesses; fully illustrated. Most of these abominations are in U.S. and D.C., used by Masons in decorating their buildings and landscaping.]

KEYS OF THIS BLOOD, Malachi Martin, 1990 (Deception of Catholic Church & Papacy). An inside look at the Pope. V

EGYPT GIFT OF THE NILE, [History] Rossi, Rosen, 1992 (Becoming familiar with their symbols)

THE TWO BABYLONS, Rev. Alexander Hislop [England] 1916-1989 (Satan's ancient gods and goddesses; exposure of German-Roman Catholic Church: its connection to "ISIS", and Luciferic Eagle-Serpent son of the sun worship back to Nimrod-Osiris. Descriptions of Satan's many names, images; and cross symbols used for thousands of years.

THE SEARCH FOR ANCIENT EGYPT, Vercoutter, 1992 (Egyptian German Aryan Hittite Covenants with death and connection back to Egypt of many Masonic symbols and images used today.)

THE MASTERS CARPET, Ronayne (German Masons are exposed: Lucifer worshiping and oaths to their (Baal Eagle Son) alter: their "MASTER" Architect is Satan and they are the Master’s builders)

DUNCAN'S RITUAL OF FREEMASONRY, McKay Co. Inc. N.Y. [Three Degrees of Ancient York Rite] Scottish Rite terms: “Getting off Scott free”, “The Great Scott” and “Beam Me Up Scottie” and “Scott Circle” in Washington, D.C.
Read FREEMASONRY EXPOSED, Morgan (Ties to German Hittite Covenant and Lucifer worshiping)

THE CHARACTER, CLAIMS AND PRACTICAL WORKINGS OF FREEMASONRY, C.G. Finney (Lucifer worshiping and warnings of what the Masons were doing early in the founding of the U.S. Few listened, most ignored)

THE NEW WORLD ORDER, Epperson, [U.S. History] 1990 (Satanic German Masons & "The Great Eagle-Phoenix". Examination of the manipulation of history and the connection between Satanic cults)

ROTHSCHILD [German] MONEY TRUST, Armstrong, 1940. [Rothschild means: "Red Shield" of Rome; and Roth means Cain. Their family crest in Germany has The Eagle of Rome; Germanica. Their original (Baier) name was the German “Bayer” name in English] Hitler was both a German Catholic, and a German Bavarian Mason of the Order.

"THE WORLD ORDER" and "SECRETS OF FEDERAL RESERVE". [German Aryan Hittite Names dominating in U.S. Government, Banking, Savings and Loans, German Conglomerates, German International Structure and total control and German ownership of thousands of U.S. German Aryan Volk Companies] (Both books by Eustace Mullins) 1991-1992

THE LAST TSAR, Radzinsky, 1992 (Alexis Romanov "The Child", Number Seven of Prophecy)

GORE’S REINVENTING GOVERNMENT, [German Order] “Vice” President Gore, 1993 (His Eagle Holds One Arrow & 8 Inverted Pentagram Pytha Gore Satanic Stars on the cover.) Eagle grasping only one arrow is Shakespeare, the man with the spear, ie. The Little Horn Ruler of Assyria. The One Arrow is a Major Masonic sign for who Gore is today.

NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, FEB. 20, 1994: Gore on front cover giving a "Masonic-CAIN GUT Eagle God Hidden Hand of Power Sign" and also this was the only one with Barcode on it on the lower right side. Gore is Barcode.

MASONIC, HERMETIC, QABBALISTIC AND ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLICAL PHILOSOPHY, Mysteries of the Ages, Manly P. Hall, 1959. (Lucifer worship U.S./World Bible, History, and Practices of the Craft)

DEBT VIRUS, JAIKARAN, Glenbridge, 1992 [Exposure: fraud of illegal German Federal Reserve]

WASHINGTON THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, CAEMMERER, 1932 [Senate Concurrent Resolution 39: Only 4,000 printed detailing Rosicrucian-Mason's 200 year history of buildings in Washington, D.C.;

Gore is the Dog. 2001-2004. He shall lead and turn the “Canaanite dogs” loose. (Psalm 22:20)
Gore is still Mason’s “Number One” and Dictator over the “Admiralty Martial Law” fringed flag.

O Mighty Yahovah! Save us from the power of the Dog! (Psalm 22:20)
