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Skeleton in a Closet

Facts and History of the Human Skeleton

Hi our names are Tina Pechanec and Kristiana Hooks. We go to Otis Bison Middle School in Bison, KS. Tina is 14 going on 15 and I am 14yrs. old. We are doing this skeleton project in order to educate people about the human skeletal system. The mascott of our school is a cougar which is an animal we love and cherish.

Below, you should see a picture of a skeleton. As you can see, Tina and I have been researching the human skeletal system. Here are some very cool and important facts that you might find interesting.

Did you know that when you were first born, you had 300 bones in your body? You lose these bones once you finally grow into adulthood.The skeletal system also supports other parts in your body. The bones work together to communicate with other muscles and organs in your body.Your bones are joined together at the joints to allow you to move. All I can say is I didn't know half this stuff until I researched a little bit.

OK Now Here Is A List Of Some Of The Important Bones In Your Body That You Use And Function With Every Day.

  1. Cranium:Your head
  2. Pelvis: Hip bone
  3. Phlangies: Your finger and toe bones
  4. Knee cap: hard bone near your knee

    As you can see skeletons in our body have many uses and many functions. If we didn't have this skeleton in our body we would probably wouldn't be typing right now. On the page that is linked to this one, Tina has created a page about more of the human skeleton

    Skeleton in the Closet Part ll skeleton in the Closet

    Hello this is Tina and Kristi's 2nd webpage that has more info about the skelton

    This webpage is designed by the lovely Tina Pechanec. The human skeleton is made by joined bones that are supported by muscles and all sort of things like that. Skeleton changes compostions over a lifespan. A baby is born with pockets of cartilage between particular bones to all it to further growth. Sacru is the bone at the base of spine which has about of 5 bones which that is separted at birth. It grows back between the ages of 13 and 18yrs of age. Not all bones are interconnected directly of course. The hyoid bone that is in the neck but doesnt connect to any other bones in the body. You need to drink milk because is can be released by disolution that is a bone tissue under a control of dihydorxyvitmanin D during the periosd of the low of calcium. Now Im going to tell you how many bones there are in certain parts of the body.

    Skull: 22 bones
    Ossicles(bones of the middle ear):6
    Hyoid bone in the throat: 1
    Vertebral column: 26 bones
    chest:25 bones

    Shoulder girdle:4 bones
    Arms: 6 bones
    Hands: 54 bones
    Pelvic girdle:2 bones
    Legs: 8 bones
    Feet: 52 bones

    If your wandering what the terms Vertebral column, Shoulder girdle, and Pelvic girdels.

  5. Vertebral column: the spine
  6. Shoulder girdle: the shoulder
  7. Pelvic girdle: stucture that supports the organs

    In this picture the male is at the left and the female is in the right.