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Shushi In SHIberspace
The North Wing
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blog @ AdoliZone
Monday, 26 February 2007
Your ship has come in
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Pirates of the Caribbean Theme
Topic: The North Wing
There's a new portal open within The North Wing and it leads out to sea! If a trip back in time to seafarin' adventure be that which ye seek, plot your course to The Port of the Ancient Compass. Sorry, adventure star/ hunky hero not included.

Posted by Adoli605 at 5:31 PM PST
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Thursday, 15 February 2007
Yay me!
Mood:  special
Topic: Neopets
I <3 Neopets!!!! I've been online there for 10mths, I finally got a Neohome on Island Crescent, Mystery Island that I've always wanted, and Dali605 is a level 8. It's awesome!

Oops, sorry if I got all self-important back there, acting all n00b-like and whatnot, *apologizes to all*

Posted by Adoli605 at 10:52 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 16 February 2007 10:19 AM PST
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Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Shushi In SHIberspace
I loaded up the video that I made a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away and finally watched it for the first time in a long time and realized it needed a *whole lot more content*. Sorry to those of you who were expecting something really cool -D'oh!- :(

Someday I hope to resume production on my little epic. Until then, please check out "Anakin Dynamite" from It is sooo funny!

P.S. Look up the Napoleon Dynamite commercial for the Utah State Fair OMIGOSHlol! I added it to the ND page from Shushi In SHIberspace.

Posted by Adoli605 at 6:55 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 15 February 2007 11:44 PM PST
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Hello from Adoli605
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Blue (Da Ba De) by Eiffel 65
Topic: Welcome to AdoliZone
Hello peoples! This is my new blog for AdoliZone. Please join in and share the love for AdoliZone!

Posted by Adoli605 at 6:40 PM PST
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