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I.                   Composition


1.      Chairman - College Librarian

Mrs. Maria Merconi Fermanejo



2.      Members - Faculty from different subject areas:

Mrs.Charlene Lagyap -         English Teacher

Mrs. Analyn Tacuyan-       Filipino Teacher

Mr. Raphael Padua-       Math

Mr. Kiev Alvarico-         Political Science

Ms. Suzane Dacilo-       Accounting



II.                Functions


1.      Formulate a written policy in selection and evaluation of library materials.

2.      Select and evaluate books, other reading materials according to the standards of the selection:

2.1. Materials to be acquired should meet high standard of quality in content, expression and format.

2.2. Select books, which tend toward the development and enrichment of life.

2.3. Select books that represent any endeavor aiming at human development, mental and moral.

2.4. Select books or subjects in which individuals and group in the community have an interest.

2.5. Select and evaluate materials that can provide for all the people in the school, not merely for people who are enrolled as borrowers, but as well as for school administrators, and faculty and staff.




Selection and Evaluation of Books and other Reading Materials


       Every library should have a Written Statement of policy covering the selection and maintenance of its collection of books and non-book materials. The functions of the library determine the character of the book collection. Materials should be selected, retailed and discarded in connection of the objectives of each library. The Writer Selection policy should be formulated and proposed by the librarian and adopted formally by the members of the Library Committee.












   I.      Composition


3.      Chairman - College Librarian

Mrs. Maria Merconi Fermanejo



4.      Members - Faculty from different subject areas:

Mrs.Charlene Lagyap -         English Teacher

Mrs. Analyn Tacuyan-       Filipino Teacher

Mr. Raphael Padua-       Math

Mr. Kiev Alvarico-         Political Science

Ms. Suzane Dacilo-       Accounting



II.                Functions


Selection and Evaluation of Books and other Reading Materials


       Every library should have a Written Statement of policy covering the selection and maintenance of its collection of books and non-book materials. The functions of the library determine the character of the book collection. Materials should be selected, retailed and discarded in connection of the objectives of each library. The Writer Selection policy should be formulated and proposed by the librarian and adopted formally by the members of the Library Committee.


Criteria for Selection and Evaluation of Books and other Reading Materials:


1.      Does the reference materials very informative to the students?

[  ] Yes               [  ] No

2.      Does it possess high standards of quality in content, expressions and format?

[  ] Yes               [  ] No

3.      Does it represents any endeavor aiming at human developmental or social?

[  ] Yes               [  ] No

4.      Does it provide materials representing all points of view concerning the problems 

      and issues of our times, international, national and local? [  ] Yes               [  ] No

5.      Does it secure advantages for knowledge and information, for power and inspiration, for amusement and recreation, either now or in the future?

[  ] Yes               [  ] No

6.  Does it provide professional development for the administrators, faculty and staff?

[  ] Yes               [  ] No











I.                   Selection and Evaluation of Non-book Materials

Non-book materials should be integrated part of the collection and within limits of the availability and the usefulness, should be provided by the same degree of range and inclusiveness s books.



                   Criteria for Selection and Evaluation of  Non-Book Materials:



1.sScope or content

a) Does it have an organized, well-balance presentation?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

b) Does it relate to the needs of the students?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

c) Does the content  satisfy the demands for current subjects?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No


                  2.  Look for authenticity

a) Does the medium present accurate facts and up-to date information? [  ] Yes     [  ] No

b)      Are facts presented impartially?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

c)      What are the qualification of the author or producer___________________


      3.  Appropriateness

      a) Is the medium appropriate to the subject matter?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

      b) Are the vocabulary content, concepts, theme suited to the intended user? [  ] Yes     [  ] No


4. Interest

      a) Will the message contained in this medium draw the attention of the user?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

      b) Is it stimulating? Imaginative? [  ] Yes     [  ] No


5. Organization

      a) Is the medium arranged in pertinent sequence?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

      b) Is there balance in use of narration and dialogue? [  ] Yes     [  ] No

      c) Is there balance in use of Music and sound effects? Background elements? [  ] Yes     [  ] No


6. Technical quality

a)      Is there quality of production sufficient-format, audio-visual qualities, ease of handling, use of     

      color?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No


7. Library potential

      a) Will the message contained in this medium draw the attention of the user?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No

      b) Is it stimulating? Imaginative? [  ] Yes     [  ] No



8. Selection aids

      a) Does it recommend evaluation sources?  [  ] Yes     [  ] No







II.                 Acquisition of Books , other Reading Materials and Non-book Materials


III.               Organization of the Collection

Our materials are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification (LC) and Deliver Decimal Classification System (DDC). Each book is given a call number which is printed on it.

The call number tells you the topic on the subject of the book.


                             --► LC and DDC--►



IV.              Library Filing Procedures

                                  --► pp. 4-7 (CVSU)




V.                 Mechanical Processing of Books


VI.              How to locate books and other library materials

                                     --► p. 46 (PNU)



VII.            Periodical Indexes

A good source of up-to-date materials on a subject would be the current and unbound issues of the periodicals available on the open shelves of the Periodical Section of the library.

How would go about finding magazines with the articles you could use on the magazines with the story you require? The easiest way to find what you need is to consult the Periodical Indexes.

             --► Copy pp.22-23 (PNU)


VIII.         Lending Procedures


1.      Sign book card and fill-up borrowers card under the space provided for such as call no., accession no., title and author.

2.      Present to the librarian / desk assistant duly accomplished books card and library card.

3.      Librarian / desk assistant counter-checks all filled-in information against book and stamps due date on both card and date due slip and found at the last page of the book.


IX.              Return Procedures

1.      Present the book to the librarian at the circulation counter.

2.      Librarian pulls-on from changes the book card

3.      Librarian discharges book/s, stamps returned date and signs on the borrower’s card.


X.                 Procedures in Securing and Library card from the library.







XI.              Procedures from Outside Resources

1.      Present school / office I.D and referral letter to the Circulation Librarian.

2.      Payment should be presented to the Cashier’s office for researcher’s fee.

3.      Official receipt should be presented to the Circulation Librarian upon payment.

4.      A Library Visitor’s permit good for one whole day use of CVSU-CCC library material will then be issued to the researchers.



XII.            Policy on Library Clearance

Clearance for students is secured from the Cashiers office. While clearance for faculty and administrative staff is secured from the HRD office.