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Chess Books (2)

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  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

           BOOK # 1.)   "The Art of Positional Play,"  by  GM Sammy Reshevsky.
           (One of the reasons I chose this book, was I borrowed this book from a friend 
            in the 1970's. I spent several months going through it. I have several students 
            who have asked me about this book, so I thought it would be interesting to go 
            through it again as a Master.  Also, some people have great difficulty with the 
            descriptive notation in this book, so .... I have converted the games to the 
            more modern algebraic notation. Get the book, and use this  SOLELY  as an 
            aid to your studies!! Enjoy.  I'll try to do one game a week. 03/2002.) 

  I will eventually continue my Chess Books page here.  
 (To avoid too much scrolling.) 

  BOOK # 2.)  "Great Short Games of the Chess Masters,"  by  Fred Reinfeld 
ISBN: # 0-486-29266-5

A favorite book of mine. Full of brilliant and wonderful plays. 

Some of the greatest ever short games by the great masters ... of by-gone years. 
And they are carefully chosen and annotated by the great writer himself. 

This is a wonderful book. I just got a new copy about a week ago. 
(My old copy fell apart from over-use, it was also like 30 years old.)

The only flaw in this whole book is that it is OLD (English standard) Descriptive Notation.

   Click  HERE  to go to first game,   # 1.)  Discredited Opening.    

Book Three (# 3.) 
"Modern Chess Miniatures,"
  by  IM Neil McDonald. 

I had no interest in doing this book, but a big fan of my sites said he really wanted me to do a very brief analysis of each game. And as he is willing to pay for it, and the first check already cleared the bank  ...  I guess we start yet another project!! 

Click  here  for  Chapter One. (# 1.) 

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This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .

   Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved.