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Recent GM games (#15)

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  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

GM R. Ponomariov - GM F. Vallejo-Pons

Ever hear of an "Indian Sign?" Or the well-known battles between Fischer and Bisguier?

Everyone who has ever played chess knows what I am talking about. Just about every 
active player in the world has experienced an opponent who is difficult to play against, 
or maybe seems to  ...  'have your number.'

Here, the current FIDE World Champ continues his inexplicable dominance over Pons. 
A well-played game, and one that students who play either side of the "double d-pawn" 
openings will definitely want to study. The tactics here are also quite nice. 

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  Read more of  IM Malcolm Pein's  reports in  THE WEEK IN CHESS.  

This game is in the issue, TWIC # 448. 
(Go to their downloads page by clicking here. Download the game in your favorite format!) 

(All games - Code initially generated with the program,  ChessBase 8.0.) 

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This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .

  Copyright (©)  A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 
