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Recent GM games (#7)

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  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

(All games - Code initially generated with the program,  ChessBase 8.0.) 

Everyone knows who Judit Polgar is ..... but she just recently won a tournament in Spain. 
She has been idle for a while ... and has not played that much. But this result shows she 
has not lost any of her talent or tactical flair.  She played good and hard-hitting chess 
throughout the entire event.  A result that should please my friend, Stephen Davis. 

  (al_af-2_rgm7-hdr.gif, 12 KB)

  (al_af-2_rgm7_news1.gif, 09 KB)

   A pretty lady ... who plays a mean game of chess.  (al_af-2_rgm7_j-pic.jpg, 07 KB)

   Judit wins a great game of chess! {Part I}  (al_af-2_rgm7_news2.gif, 09 KB)

   Judit wins a great game of chess! {Part II}  (al_af-2_rgm7_news3.gif, 10 KB)

DOWNLOAD  (or read)  this annotated game, in PGN format. 

  Read more of  IM Malcolm Pein's  reports in  THE WEEK IN CHESS.  

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This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .

   Copyright (©)  A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved.