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Various Games of Mine


  (Click  HERE  to go to my {actual} page for "Chess DownLoads.")  

  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

This page will be devoted to various games I have played; both slow, serious 
U.S.C.F. games played at normal time limits ... and games played at faster time controls. 


   If you would like to see more of my games, click  herehere,  or  here

I have played in several of the Dos Hermanos Blitz Qualifying Tournaments on  ICC  the last few years. (Last year, I scored many fine wins, and lost only one game in one section ...  my only loss being to a Top GM ... who won our section!!)  While never winning one of these qualifiers,  I have usually always managed to win (and lose!) my share of games. (This year {2002} I played in virtually every one of these!) 

  I usually managed to win a nice game or two, and even sneak in a few upsets.  

Here is one game:  IM Garbaranza - NM LifeMasterAJ  (2002) 

Here is another nice game:  NM Goldsby -  IM Champbuster  (2003) 


I have played many games on the Internet where a fan will say: "That was a great game! Why don't you put that game on your website?" So I have decided to start doing just that.

Stay tuned for more games. 

This is a game I didn't even do. I was not one of the top prize-winners for the tournament, but I did win the  BRILLIANCY PRIZE  at the  2000 "Space City Open." (Huntsville, AL)

My twenty-first is a  VERY  unexpected stroke ... indeed the player sitting next to me literally fell half out of his chair when I played this move. Several lower-rated players began (almost instantly) talking in loud tones, and even discussing possible moves (!!!) but they were quickly escorted out of the playing area by the assistant Tournament Director.

My twenty-first move  (21.Nf5+!!!)  is extremely unexpected, it is late in the day, and many of the minor pieces have already been exchanged. A lesser player would have been mated, but  Rick Aeria  rises to the occasion, plays unbelievably fantastic defense, and nearly stops the attack cold.

Now I have managed to reach a clearly superior ending, and I play one of the best Rook-and-Pawn end-games of my whole life. One of my all-time best games!

I deeply annotated this game for the State Magazine, "The Alabama Chess Antics." To be honest, I don't even recall if they printed this game or not.  Click  HERE  to see my annotations of this great game. One of my all-time best games!!! 

  There is no site map, but you can click  here.  

This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .

 Copyright  (©)  A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

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