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1. When you come to pick up your Puppy, call to verify time and get directions if needed.
2. Bring some paper towels and handy wipes and a towel. If you are going to let the puppy sit on your lap you will need a towel, and if the puppy gets car sick or has an accident you will need the other items.
3. Have you bought puppy food I strongly recommend Natural Choice Puppy it is made by Nutra and the ingredients include chicken and rice. Your puppy has been on a diet of Natural Choice Ultra it is 30% protein and I have not found a better food source for your puppy. Also for flea and tick control we recommend Front Line Plus we have found it to be really effective and does not harm the puppy.
4. If you decide to change its diet (which I do not recommend) your puppy could get the runs and that could be a mess to clean up. When your puppy is older and you still want to change your puppies diet please wait till it is at least 16 weeks old or older.
5. When your puppy comes home it could have a loose stool for a day or so, do not worry. Your puppy is going to be stressed and has never been away from its brothers and sisters. Only if it persists and if there is blood in it do you have to be concern.
6. Make sure you call your Vet for a check-up and you must also bring a stool sample.
7. Do not plan on giving your puppy a bath for at least a week it is under a lot of stress and giving it a bath could only give it more.
8. Do not let your puppy come in contact with any strange dogs or their fecal matter. Until your puppy has all its shots you do not want it to come in contact with an infected dog.
9. You can crate train your puppy if you want to, just do not buy one that is to big for it.
10. Your puppy loves Beggin Strips you can cut them in threes and every time your puppy does something right give him one. Especially if he or she comes when you call. or goes to the bathroom outside.
11. Now if for some reason you are worried about your puppy and you are not sure what to do and it is late at night, (I don’t care if it is three o’clock in the morning) call me and maybe I will be able to help you out. Its better than worrying all night long. 609-499-3378 or 609-560-9646
12. Last but not lease, we here at the Steffen’s residence, hope you have a long and happy life with your new member of your family, we enjoyed raising her or him for you and our biggest concern is that you get the right puppy for your family and give her the same care and attention we have given her. We have given them the best of everything and cared for them like they were our own and it seems that almost everyone who has contacted us has done a lot of research and picked us to purchase a puppy. You can be assure that your puppy has only had the best attention and love that we could supply. So let us say Thank You for choosing us and we hope you have a long and happy time with your new puppy you will not find a better friend and companion anywhere!