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Rocky with one of our puggles.

Rocky with a future stud, Otis! Can you believe he's that small and four months old! While Rocky is almost a year and 83 pounds!!

The new addition! Coffee beans at three weeks old!

Coffee at 6 weeks old! She's a little chubby!! Baby fat!

Four months old! Still a baby!

Trixy playing with Coffee!!

Rocky joining in on the fun!

Otis, Coffee and Daisy!!

Nap Time!!

Miss Kitten loves the camera!

Getting ready for halloween!

Coffee playing with Kitten!

Kitten getting back at her!

Coffee saying she's had enough!

Playing King of the hill!

Group shot!!

Let's dig another hole in the yard!

After a long day!

Heading to the mall! Otis at two months!

Daisy and Otis at two months!

Patsy's ready for her closeup!