Original Recipe
1 1/4 cup sifted enriched flour1 Tbsp. baking powder1 Tbsp. sugar1/2 tsp. salt1 beaten egg1 cup milk
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil or shortening
Alternative Recipe
1 1/4 cup unbleached flour, whole wheat flour, millet flour, barley flour (are some options)1 Tbsp. aluminum-free baking powder1 Tbsp. xylitol1/2 tsp. sea salt1 beaten egg (cage-free, hormone-free)1 cup organic milk or raw milk (homogenized milk is not 100% healthy, but if any I recommend whole milk)1 cup water
2 Tbsp. olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil (are some options)Mix flour with baking powder,xylitol, and sea salt. Combine egg, milk and oil. Add to dry ingredients, stirring till flour is moistened. Pour desired amount onto waffle iron or pan. Try with 100% natural maple syrup. Enjoy!
Information for YOU:
Most of these cooking ingredients will be found in a health food store or in a health food section of a store.
Ruby Ranch Dressing 4 tbsp. dried parsley flakestsp.peppertsp. salttsp. garlic salttsp. garlic powdertsp. onion salttsp. onion powdertsp. dried minced oniontsp. dried dill weed4 cups mayonnaise(home made mayo is very tasty)2 cups sour cream2 cups buttermilk or milk
Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and set aside. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and buttermilk together and add dry ingredients. Refrigerate a few hours. Makes 2 quarts.
TIP: This recipe is fast and simple and just as good as Hidden Valleys Ranch Dressing but without the MSG and other additives. Your kids will eat all their vegetables!
Homemade Laundry Detergent
Save Hundreds of Dollars Per Year Using These Recipes! Included are 3 liquid recipes, a powdered recipe, tips, and instructions about where to find ingredients. Go To: Home Made Laundry Soap
Home Made Mint Toothpaste 6 tsp. baking soda1/3 tsp. salt4 tsp. glycerin (can find at health food stores)15 drops of peppermint or wintergreen extractMix thoroughly. Should be a tooth paste consistency. Store in a container. You'll be surprised with how fresh your mouth feels.
Home Made Lemon Mouthwash 3/4 cup vodka20 drops lemon essential oil (can find at health food stores)1 1/4 cup distilled water30 drops of bergament essential oil (can find at health food stores)Combine the vodka with the essential oils in a bottle, shake well then allow to sit for 1 week. Shake once a day. When ready to use it, dilute the mix with 3 parts water/1 part mixture. Use it as a gargle or mouth rinse. Do Not Drink.
Home Made Super Cleanser for Teeth Hydrogen Peroxide (a few drops)Baking SodaMake a paste by combining the two ingredients. Use this paste on your teeth and also gently rub along your gums two times a week.
Fake Candy 1 package of dried apricots1 1/2 cups grated coconut2 tbsp. honeyChop apricots in food processor or by hand and mix with 1 cup of coconut and the honey. Form into balls and roll in remaining coconut. Refrigerate.
Penguins! datescream cheesesliver of carrotdate piecesSlice dates open vertically and stuff with cream cheese. Use a sliver of carrot for the beak and little pieces of date for the eyes. These are adorable!
Beyond Ants on a Log Main Ingredients: Celery, Organic Peanut Butter (no hydrogenated oil) or Cream CheeseEveryone knows about filling celery with peanut butter and topping with raisins. Let's use our imaginations here! Mix peanut butter with apple butter for another filling, and top with grated carrot and raisins. Cream cheese is a versatile celery stuffer. Flavor it with a little vanilla and top with granola. Or add a little Worcestershire sauce to cream cheese and sprinkle the log with sunflower seeds. Keep your busy little beavers busy thinking up more celery log combos.
Roll 'Em! veggiestortillas (see home made recipe below)grated cheese or cream cheeseTuck those veggies in a tortilla blanket and any kind of kid will warm up to them. Start by wrapping a flour tortilla in a paper towel and microwaving it for 15 seconds or (as I prefer) cook the tortillas over the stove. Spread with cream cheese, or sprinkle grated cheese all over it. Add shredded carrot, lettuce leaves, celery, leftover veggies, etc. and roll it up.
Home Made Tortillas 2 cups non bleached or whole wheat flour2 tsp. sea salt1 tsp. aluminum-free baking powder1/4 cup shortening (soft butter, lard or Crisco)1/2 to 3/4 cup waterIn a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening. Add water to form soft dough. Knead about 30 seconds. Divide into 12 equal balls. Cover and let stand about 15 minutes. Roll balls out with a rolling pin. Then cook in an un-greased pan over medium heat until brown on each side. Browning only takes a few seconds. (I use a cast iron skillet, absolutely no Teflon cookware). I think that it is important to remember that even though it takes a little more time to make food from scratch that it is still made with love. Love is the missing ingredient and value lacked in everyday processed foods. Once you've tasted home mades, you'll never want to eat store bought tortillas again. TIP: Pick a day with the family for tortilla making. Give each kid a job to help with and make about 3-4 batches of tortillas to freeze for later.
Kaleidoscope Smoothies 2 cups ice1 cup yogurtsome fruit (such as a couple of bananas, a handful of strawberries, a can of fruit packed in its own juice)1 cup liquid (such as juice or milk)Put all ingredients in a blender and mix on high for one minute. Serves 4.
Smoothie Pops
Pour smoothie mixture into 3-ounce paper cups, cover with plastic wrap and insert a wooden stick. Freeze.