The ASH BABY is my son and I welcome you to read my testimonial for the information I share is most important for you and your family.
With my pregnancy, came the insight to take the protocols of ASH more essential to my health than ever before. As my belly grew so did my spirit and inspiration to learn and educate which lead to the root of ASH KIDS. ASH was developed as an education program to help others learn how the body works at the cellular level. The research, facts and findings have come from the Scientific Health Community. As ASH has expanded its knowledge towards so many suffering needlessly with disease, I wanted apart of ASH to be focused towards kids in the event that the foundation would be to "prevent" disease.
What is ASH? Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) is an organization dedicated to the education and implementation of the ever expanding orthomolecular health knowledge base founded on research and discoveries of Nobel prize winning doctors and scientists.
My experience as an ASH researcher has been a discovery of truth. For starters, most families and licensed health care providers have been primarily educated throughout our lives and have become quite familiar with the Medical Mainstream health care system which is limited to the use of chemicals, radiation and surgeries.
Secondly, the Alternative Health care Community provides simple applications of remedies that offer relief of symptoms that will not cause further harm to the body's own abilities to heal itself. However, although these remedies are much safer than the medical approach they may not always address the underlying cause of the pain, suffering and inabilities of the body.
And finally, the ASH Researchers have discovered the Scientific Health Community that few are aware of. We found that application of the facts and findings from the scientific health community provided us with the knowledge of how to actually help our bodies to heal themselves. We found the reason that this community has not been readily available to health care professionals and families was that it did not have a vehicle in place to provide the essential and vital facts to those that need it the most.
The scientific community provides a basic and simple approach that allows the body to heal itself just as it was intended when it was created. Science has shown us how the body works at the cellular level. With this knowledge and application you can learn to help yourself, your loved ones and those you care for. The answer for the well being of ALL human bodies is now available and it is needed like never before. No one needs tp suffer with pain and disease.
I took what I learned through ASH, orthomolecular nutrition, the findings of nutrition against disease and applied this knowledge to my pregnancy. I felt that these scientific truths and findings were vital to my baby's life for what I did for my body would ultimately be the building blocks for his. After an extremely healthy and happy 9 months of pregnancy with zero complications I became a mother July 30, 2006 to a strong, healthy and beautiful baby boy. My son makes me feel very comforted and reassured in knowing that he is at optimal health and 100% healthy. I am proud to have an ASH Baby who is an "ASH Kid".
Thanks for your time and please help yourself to the following information, research the facts and then become your own best testimonial through application of this new found knowledge.
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