Anarchy in the UK hit as everyone knew that could only mean one person. Their Assumptions were Correct as "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon walked out onto the stage. He was carrying something in his right hand. It appeared to be a flag of sorts. As he unrolled it, and raised it in the air waving it, it was black with a Red Anarchy Symbol in the middle. He waved it as he walked to the ring. He walked up the steps and climbed into the ring going to the corner and climbing up on the second turnbuckle and waved the flag some more to a chorus of boos.. He jumped down and draped the flag over the ropes so the cameras got a good shot of the Anarchy symbol while he talked.

"The Anarchist"Arik Cannon: If I was a betting man, I would say you all thought I wouldn't come out here alone. You all thought I'd bring Petey Williams and Montanna with me. Well Surprise, Surprise, the Anarchist came alone. See I gave Williams and Montanna the night off, as the Leader of AMP I have the power to do that. I had something drawn to my attention the other day. An EBWF fan walked up to me at a local eating establishment where I was sharing a dinner with someone who will remain nameless, and this fan said and I quote.."You don't stand a chance with John Cena, nor will you last in the EBWF, Go Back to IWA." Well I looked at my dinner guest and then at the fan, and did what Any Anarchist would do. I stood up got the manager's attention and had him throw them out on their ass, thats how that works. *He laughs* See thats how unimportant that fan was to me, Not even worth me getting my hands dirty. So we finish eating our dinner, which was also not worth my time as it was the worst food I have ever tasted. However in True Anarchist Form, I left a little something special on the table for the waiter.. Thats not important though, because as I stepped outside, I was attacked. No not physically attacked, because they knew what would happen if they wanted to get into a fist fight with me. I was verbally assaulted by the same fan who had gathered up some of his friends. At this time my dinner guest and I had parted ways and and approached the group of very rude and un-intelligent fans of the EBWF. I have yet to meet an EBWF fan that is worth talking to. Anyways I approach the fans and allow them to get in all their wise cracks, which they thought were getting to me. John Cena this, and John Cena that. They seemed rather impressed that John Cena was in the EBWF and was going to kick the Anarchist's ass. Well I had to set them straight. I thought to myself this is going to be difficult, I don't think I speak idiot, but I gave it my best effort. I told each and every one of them to watch Raw on Monday Night, watch what "The Anarchist" Does to their beloved John Cena. I said it slow and made sure they could understand. Of course they wanted to rag on me even more. However I just turned and walked to my car and drove back to the safety of my hotel for the evening. I'm sure they are here tonight and spreading the rumor that Arik Cannon is a chicken shit, but thats fine by me. Tonight when its "The Anarchist" vs. John Cena, they'll see exactly what I meant when I said just watch and see what happens.

"The Anarchist"Arik Cannon: John Cena, tonight I'm taking you to school. You may be the leader of the chain gang, Anarchy is so much greater than that. Cena I'm not new to the game, I've been around. Allow me to give you a little history of "The Anarchist".. I started training in late 2001, early 2002. I've held the MPW Cruiserweight Title 3 times, in fact I currently hold that title. I also hold the 3XW Cruiserweight title. In 2003 I was voted MPW's Wrestler of the Year. I defeated my Own partner Petey Williams in IWA MidSouth to capture the IWA World Heavyweight title at the 2004 Ted Petty Invitational, then I was stripped of that title in October of 2004 due to an Injury I sustained at the hands of a man called Austin Aries. He broke my Clavicle, for you idiots in the audience thats your collarbone. Then I was ranked Number 354 in the PWI Top 500 of 2004. Once again in 2004 I was named Wrestler of the Year in MPW. Also in 2004 I was the Most Improved wrestler in IWA Mid South. And most recently in 2005 I was ranked number 283 in the PWI top 500. So many more to name but I wouldn't have time. Back on track, I never take opponents for granted, I take the time to study each and every one I face. See I know you are more than just a horrible Rapper John, I know you are a credible wrestler and are in fact one tough mother, well you know what finishes that phrase. Anyways, John Cena is not going to be taken lightly, I am prepared for this match and I can and will defeat John Cena, showing everyone why I am all those things I said. When I hit Cena with the Glimmering Warlock, and he is laid out for the 3 count, I'll go back to teaming with Petey Williams and AMP will continue to thrive in the EBWF and we will one day be the EBWF Tag Team Champions, one way or another.

His music hits again as he grabs the flag and climbs out of the ring walking up the ramp waving the flag and dissappears to the back. As he was walking he ran into Ryan Cruz. He stopped looking at Ryan.

"The Anarchist"Arik Cannon: I didn't get a chance to tell you this. Your match with Jeff was excellent. You did good kid. Everyone will remember your name.

Ryan Cruz: Thanks, Tonight I face Jericho.

"The Anarchist"Arik Cannon: Just go out there and do what you do best. Thats Wrestle as Ryan Cruz. You are talented Kid, You'll do great. You've already impressed me, keep it up. I still think you need to get just a bit more agressive, take what is yours.

He slapped Ryan on the back reassuringly and walked away..

OOC:Going out for a bit..wanted to post this atleast if I couldn't get back in time to write more..

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