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Apocalypse Pops! How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Title?

Disclaimer: In my past rp my character murdered five people under the influence of his alter ego… That was a mistake and a direction that I after consideration realized was a stupid way to go. So the events in this rp happen as if those events never took place. Let’s just say it was a bad dream. Man I love fiction. Thanks to all of you guys that gave feed back and helped steer my character away from incarceration. Shew! That was close.

Apocalypse… You hold the key to my past and have the potential to shape my future.

Beating down on my forehead, the gentle rain cascades across the sky creating a myriad of different colors as a hint of the sun pokes through the ominous clouds and shines through the tiny water droplets. In all this dark and gloomy day, hope still shines through the suns rays providing a glimmer of what a day without rain might look like. In ways my life resembles these tiny drops of water… I always seem to be trapped within a rainy day, but every once in a while a glimmer of sunshine comes through and gives me hope. Hope that tomorrow might be different. Elizabeth Star, my radiant girlfriend is one of those glimmers of light. She has been my sound and true companion for the last five or six months since I re-emerged into the wrestling industry, a shaky re-emergence if nothing else. When you’ve lived as many lives as I have you realize one thing about the world and its inhabitants, someone that loves you unconditionally is a rare commodity indeed and Elizabeth has been the only one to ever love me. Not a sob story, just the facts…

I am on the edge… An edge that I’m not willing to fall off of, which means you are going to be the one to have to fall. I’ll see to it.

Another glimmer of light in my world is my blood brother Nemesis. Sure he’s big, dumb, not too bright… Did I mention he was stupid and has the looks only a Starving Cambodian monkey would love? (I know that doesn’t make sense… sue me.) We’ve had some hellacious arguments in the past, not to mention some fights that would make sworn enemies look like bosom buddies, but he has never once betrayed my trust… Even after I ran him over with a semi and rolled his body off a twenty foot high cliff into a dumpster he never once turned on me without reason and usually I was the one doing the instigating. But Nemesis has been involved in his own things as of late. His ongoing argument with Jason Wright is just one of the many things he’s been obsessing over… And now since he found out that Rob Kaine and I share the same birth father I haven’t seen him around. No doubt he’s contemplating what this means for him as well… Soon I’ll have to answer his questions. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Holding onto your Suicidal Title you think you deserve the right to wear the belt… But as you have taken something from me, I will take from you something that you hold dear. The very gold you covet. Not because I want the damn thing, but just to see your miserable face as I drag it through the mud of rookie talent and people you would never consider giving a shot to…

Lastly the prospect of Kaine and I forming a bond because of our shared DNA is one that provides a small glimmer of hope. After all I joined the XPWA and the GWE following him, my brother, blindly trying to get a relationship that seemed damned from the start. Our mutual father was afraid of me, but not because he was a coward but rather out of fear for his current family. Not only would I remind him constantly of my mother, but I’ve been plagued by demons that he doesn’t believe exist. To accept me would have been to accept the mysticism that surrounds me… That was not a path he was willing to choose for his son at the time, but rather a path that his son must decide now. Will I reject my own flesh, cutting it from my body as a disease? Or will I accept the reality that some things in life happen without any reason and work to overcome any obstacles? The choice is one not to be taken lightly and either way I’ll understand his decision.

I hold no animosity toward you truly… In fact I wish you well on your plans for destroying the world with you band of misfits. But I want no part of it and as long as you have what’s mine I’m forced to deal with you. You will find that using me for your ends will come to haunt you in the long run because I am a vengeful spirit. Created out of hate, sorrow and torment, these things are the essence of my being and locked deep within me, is a time bomb waiting to unleash itself into the world. You think you want to see the true face of Jack… Telling yourself that he will be controllable… Not even I can control him and I’m not going to help you in the slightest! What chance do you hope you have when you open Pandora’s box?

Coming to a halt in front of the church I look in through the stained glass windows. The soft light from the high chandeliers places little halo’s on the congregation atoning for their sins. No doubt most of them are petty and small. People who do the truly unforgivable sins, or at least unforgivable in my eyes, are standing out in the rain… like me… AH! Redemption! Unlike retribution redemption comes at a high cost… One that most people can repay, but not me. Turning my face from the hallowed sanctuary I walk on down the street, letting the rain embrace me with its cold wet kiss.

In our upcoming match you will in no doubt have something up your sleeve. The realization of this will give me an edge you can’t hope to understand… I have fought with kings before and going against you is little more than a walk in the park. Something must be tickling the back of your neck… Maybe it’s your Spidey sense telling you of the foreboding doom that approaches you this upcoming Uprising. When we finally meet face to face, look to my eyes, because within them there is no emotion, only the steadfast knowledge that I must destroy you to reclaim my freedom. I will not be bound by destiny anymore! You will be the first stepping stone in carving out a new life… A new beginning!

My cell phone rings… A normal tone unlike all of the hip hop jingles you hear on most phones nowadays. Raising it to my ear I expect it to be Elizabeth… I was wrong!

Arch: Hello? (I’m to in thought to be witty)

Voice: Ah! Arch… You sound so coy in person.

Arch: Well, unless the pizza delivery boy couldn’t find my house, the only other person this could be is Apocalypse… Am I right?

Apocalypse: (Laughs) Sarcastic as ever! I’ve been studying you. Ever since my interview on Fallen Forums you have been harassing my people with offers for my new found merchandise… Why is that I wonder?

Arch: You know damn well why! Although how you became privy to the knowledge eludes me.

Apocalypse: That isn’t important. Bottom line is the book is not for sale, especially to you. But I didn’t call to talk with you Arch I want to talk with Jack.

Arch: Unfortunately Jack’s not taking any calls right now.

Apocalypse: Then I’ll have to force him to take my call… CMBREA SU…

CLICK! Slamming the phone shut I throw it to the side of the street. Bursting open it becomes a remnant of the phone it once was and I stare at it in horror… He knows how to read the incantations in the book! This is not a good thing…

You seek a fight, but you will get a war! A War that I intend to win!

Think Arch think! What can you do? No doubt he will use the books incantations to release Jack when you are in the ring with him. And then he’ll be in control over Jack using him as a guinea pig or servant…. Damn! Looking back down the road I see a taxi sitting in the distance. Waving it down I enter into the back of it and close my eyes trying to think what I could possibly do in order to retrieve the book.

Taxi Driver: Where to pal?

The fat Yankee looks back at me with sleepy eyes. Great! First my souls in jeopardy and now I’m going to end up mangled in a wrecked taxi cab. Searching for a place to answer his question my eyes grow wide as I know who I must go to for help… If he’ll help me.

Arch: North Holand street.

Taxi Driver: That’s a nice neighborhood! Live there?

Arch: No… Let’s just say I have family there.

North Holand Street, 30 minutes later…

Exiting the cab I throw some money in the front seat to the driver. He smiles as he notices that what was supposed to be thirty some dollars is fifty some dollars. Taking off he’s more than obliged not to comment on the total since I adequately compensated him. Turning around I look at the house in front of me. Large, marble and too expensive for my taste… Stepping toward the large iron gates with the letters RK bronzed on the front of it I push the bottom on the side of a stone column for an intercom. A few minutes pass and then I see the camera swerve to take a look at me. A voice sounds over the intercom.

Amber: Arch? Is that you?

Arch: (lowering my head in humiliation) Is… er… I came to speak with Kaine.

Amber: Just a moment Arch.

What the hell am I resorting to? I promised myself that I would never come to him first, but allow him to come to me. But I have to do something! I need the help and like it or not, he’s probably the only one that’ll give even half a rats ass about you. Every second is like a minute, every minute an hour, but finally I hear Ambers sweet voice over the intercom and here the gates locks swing open.

Amber: Come on in Arch.

Shivering, more from fear of how he’ll react than from the freezing soaked clothes that cling to my body I take one step… two steps… and then I stop. Looking at the house I see the front door open and Kaine materializes in the doorway. Although I can’t see his facial expression I can guess what his face looks like. Probably it is shrouded with Disbelief… maybe even disgust, but his eyes hold the truth. His eyes are filled with a look of a shattered memory. A memory of his father and all the respect he had for this giant of a man, broken by a secret cleverly hidden and a brother he was never supposed to have… A look that I help create. I’ve brought enough misery to this household.

Turning around I go back into the night, fleeing his gaze. I will always be a vagabond and will always be alone… That is my fate… Unless I beat Apocalypse and retrieve the book that seals my fate. Then and only then can I have a glimpse of happiness. Until then I am nothing more than a slave to time… And the clock never stops ticking…

So you see Apocalypse… This upcoming week at Uprising you will be facing a cornered animal, not a man. I have more riding on this fight than you do… Sure you have your petty title, a sparkle of gold that gives your life meaning, but what you hold of mine is my everlasting peace. No longer will I be a tool used by dark forces to hinder mankind from obtaining its true potential. No longer will I sit idly by and let others decide my fate. Monday night I will regain what I thought for so long to be unattainable. I know you have read the passage in the Bible that states something of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. You may carry the name of the end of time, but I will chisel a new future out for myself, for I am Death and I carry the pendulum and know which way it sways. Behold! There was a pale horse and Death sat upon it… That is the line you are familiar with, but what of the story afterwards. It will be rewritten in your blood...

2:00 PM, Old Warehouse Training Facility

Rewinding the video I start it again to watch Apocalypse as he fights during his tag match last week. He’s powerful, brutal and cunning three characteristics lacking in so many wrestlers I have faced in the past. He’s quick enough but I probably have a bit more speed than he does and both of us have what some would call heart. HEH! It’s called heart when you’re one of the good guys, when you’re one of the bad guys its called survival. I watch as Ethan glowers at his companion in obvious disgust. Apocalypse shows little regard to the looks thrown at him and instead relishes in them. He thrives to be hated, feeds off the scorn others have for him. He must have something over on Ethan and his other henchmen that follow him so blindly, but now the Talbot brothers too! SHeesh! He wants me to join his army as well, but I definitely won’t go willingly.

As far as his technical ability he is definitely a veteran on the ring. Quick holds and strong takedowns, but he lacks in agility and that may be his greatest weakness. Also he seems to favor his left leg a little. It’s hardly noticeable, probably an old wound, but one that he consciously tries to keep out of the reach of others. Arrogance is also one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses. He thinks himself to be untouchable, that no one person can subject him to enough pain. I can play on this… Perhaps I’ll hold back at the beginning but allow him to think I’m giving it my all. Then later in the match when he tires a bit I’ll switch gears. I’ll have to hit him hard when I strike, because he doesn’t falter easily. No submission for this opponent… A quick three count or a KO is the way to go with him. After all, he won’t tap unless I rip his fucking leg off.

Turning off the video I sit in the dark and close my eyes… Doing something I never thought I would ever do again…

It’s been a long time since we’ve talked…

Honestly I have no idea what to say, or even how to begin…

When did you turn your eyes from me?

Heh! How silly of me… It was I that turned my back on you…

I guess what I’m trying to say is I need your help…

How long must I suffer? How long must I be reminded of my faults?

The answer to that I suppose I can answer myself…

Surely you have forgiven me…

But it is I that cannot forgive myself…

I ask this and only this, because I will not make a mockery out of your kindness….

Whatever happens in the ring Monday and whatever outcome I face…

Keep Elizabeth from harm...

Even if it means she will be lost to me as the cost.


I stand at a crossroads... One path leads to my destruction and the other leads to your own destruction and my redemption. The choice is a clear one and you will fail when you face me because I have no choice but to win. We have a date with destiny you and I… I swear to you it will be the hardest match of not only your career but your life. Be ready… Because when you try to fly with an angel, you’ll get nothing but hell! Know this and this only Apocalypse, feel the intensity of the words as they scream from the center of my very being. I fight for my very soul this week and that alone will ensure my triumph and your loss. See you round Sugar Britches!