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OOC: I decided to write this rp on a serious note, because of the serious content which will be discussed within it. Michael Corvin, Michael Edwards and Jason Wirght are three of the reasons I write this rp without the usual sarcasm… This rp’s in honor of the battle we all are about to partake upon. A special thank you to Michael Corvin for the respect you’ve shown my character… The same will now be shown to you.

Reflections… Two lives, one body.




These are all a part of the whole wrestling experience… An experience that has culminated an entire chapter of my life… A book that has been written by two authors. The first author is the joke-cracking angel, trying to reclaim a part of his humanity by forcing himself to pay the penance for his past injustices. As for the second author… well… he’s written many chapters in my life, most of them in blood. Jack is undeniably a part of me… A part of me that I want to keep hidden, deep within!

The cold floor seems to draw the very heat from my body. Starting with my hands, palms outstretched on the floor as I push out another excruciating push up. Pain becomes the only constant as my mind drifts to the countless atrocities and triumphs I have committed in my life. More atrocities counted for than triumphs… I see the face of my victims, or should I say Jack’s victims…

Arch: Corvin.

The name whispers through my lips in a puff of smoke in the cold warehouse. I force myself to do another painful push up. I’ve found in life that a sort of uncontrolled focus is the best way to destroy a threat. Aggression at times can be your greatest ally. However! Aggression stems from pain, heartache and suffering. Until you have suffered you will never know true anger…

Arch: Corvin.

I have suffered, but it is only a penance that I pay for countless lives I have caused to suffer… Am I repentant for the sins I’ve committed? Most definitely! Would I ever admit to it? What good would it truly do? So in the ring I go to be subjected to the anguish I have caused to others… Some would ask why I don’t just lie there and take the beating in order to pay my penance… The answer is simple. No one is above judgment! That includes the people I face within the ring.

Arch: Corvin!

Its becoming unbearable now to push myself from off of the cement floor. Each inch is another muscle that groans for me to stop… But I refuse! Corvin’s been working out for weeks now in preparation for our match…. ME… Heh! I’ve been scraping up dog shit in the living room.

Gentle Jack: You’re pathetic… ( laughter) On the ground like some dog.

My muscles give way as the familiar voice caresses the back of my mind. I look around the room wide eyed, expecting to see the face that goes along with the uninvited voice… Could it be? Is he back?

Arch: (Timidly) Hello!

My voice echoes within the warehouse eerily… My ears ring from the blood that’s coursed through my body from straining. The doctor told me not to exert myself, or the part of my ass that was sown to my face might pop off… But for now the only thing that I can think about is the pumping of my heart and "His" voice… Forcing myself to stand up, I look nervously around the warehouse, nothing but four cold steel walls and exercise equipment. The beating of my heart slows back down to normal and I close my eyes forcing out the memories of the atrocities Jack help me to commit. Sometimes you have to confront your demons in order to excel, but in my case… my demons are coming to confront me.

Priest: Remember me Arch?

I open my eyes at the emergence of that familiar voice… My mind starts to run as wildly as my eyes around the room! No one is there! Am I going crazy? Nah! Been there done that… You can’t be any crazier than you already are Arch… But why am I hearing things? Turning around I finally set myself at ease as the pain from my aching limbs reminds me that I’ve been exercising for six hours straight.

Arch: (Talking to myself) You’re just exhausted old boy.

Hearing my own voice snaps me out of my paranoia and I steadily walk toward the shower room. Each step thuds a little heavier as the toll of my workout hits me. Corvin had better appreciate it when I introduce him to a whole new world of pain… I worked hard for it. I start to think about Priest now as I slowly trudge to the shower room. I remember our history vividly... He was after all the man who tried to kill me.


Arch: What have I done?

Clapping sounds from behind me catches my attention and I spin around looking toward the source of it. From the shadows emerges a tall, dark haired man. His hair is cropped short and well groomed as well as the rest of his appearance. Wearing all black he pulls a cigarette from a tin in his left pocket and lights it. He’s a handsome man in his mid thirties… and… a priest’s collar strikes me as odd as I gaze upon this interloper.

Priest: Bravo… Bravo!

Arch: Better start talking cause you’re running out of time!

I lunge forward toward the man but fall limply on the ground before him as if all of my strength was just sapped from me. The man ignores me altogether now and walks over to the edge of the cliff looking down at Nemesis’s body.

Priest: Couldn’t have done it better myself Arch… Thank you! I’ve been trying to get rid of you two for a very long time.

Arch: Who are you?

Priest: Priest.

Arch: I didn’t ask what are you I asked who?

Priest: My name is…Priest… You see Arch; we are whom we make ourselves out to be. Nemesis was told he was an unstoppable Juggernaut… Now he’s yesterday’s trash. You were told that you were an angel sent to judge men’s sins. Now you’re kneeling before a man who’s going to judge your sins. Ironic huh?

Arch: Well bloody get on with it then! I’ve been to hell once and I still haven’t used my frequent flyer miles so this ought to be a cheap trip.

Priest: (laughing softly) Arch… You always were one that made me laugh. That’s the reason I saved you for last. That’s the reason I used you to kill your brother. I knew you would be more inventive. Killing you would be a shame.

Arch: Killing you wouldn’t.

Priest walks back towards me in my helpless state and flips my body over so he can see the face of his prey, there we are face to face. Taking a long drag on his cigarette Priest finally finishes it and throws it into the snow. Reaching into his trench coat pocket he produces a gun and points it at my head. A smile comes across my face.

Arch: But it’s only the first date love!


Smoke flows out of the barrel of the gun and Priest scowls a little looking down at me. He shot a little to the side of my right eye. The damage to the brain would leave me comatose, but as long as help arrived soon I would live. Putting his gun back into his trench coat he pulls out a cell phone and dials a number.

Priest: Yes… 911… Someone’s been shot on Independence St. next to the courthouse…. Yes…… He’s hurt badly please send help soon!

Hanging up the phone Priest pulls out another cigarette and lights it over my unconscious body.

Priest: It would be to good for you to die just now.

Flashback Two

3:00 A.M. Saint Peter’s Catholic Church

I walk into the cold marble filled building with a new stride to my step… It had been a long time since I’d been to church… Too long in fact. The gargoyles perched above the entrance look at me warily as I enter. I stare back into their eyes and smirk… In olden times long ago gargoyles were placed onto churches in order to ward off any evil that might come through the churches sacred door. They gave people reassurance that within the confines of this building they were safe… Pushing against the oak doors of St. Peters I smile as the hinges groan as they open. Walking past the double doors into the light of the sanctuary and look around unharmed… I guess they weren’t expecting this kind of evil. The light of the holy sanctum falls upon my blond hair given me an angelic aura in the bright atmosphere of the church. It was fairly empty… Guess there’s not many sinners out today. A shame.

An alter boy was nearby lighting the lamps around the outside wall of the sanctuary. His unsoiled, unspoiled clothes a symbol of the purity within this place. Walking forward I catch his attention and he turns smiling at me in greeting.

Alter boy: Hello there brother! May I be of any assistance to you?

ARCH: Yes… I’m looking for a priest… He’s tall, dark hair, charming and has a bad habit of smoking. Do you know if he’s here?

Alter boy: Why yes! You must be speaking of brother Jacob. He’s taking confessions right now.

Pointing toward the confession booth the young alter boy didn’t realize how far his betrayal had went. I gaze upon the humble box where my prey sat, anxiously awaiting the confessions of sinners. Little did he know that it would be his sins that were to be judged tonight.

ARCH: Thank you.

I bid adieu to the innocent youth and walk toward the confession box. Pulling the curtain I can smell the familiar smell of Priest’s cigarette pouring from the adjacent box. I remove the knife from its sheath underneath my leather jacket and sit down pulling the curtain shut behind me.

ARCH: Forgive me father for I have sinned.

Priest: When was the last time of your confession?

ARCH: It has been ten years since my last confession.

Priest: That’s a very long time my son. What brings you here now?

ARCH: I have had impure thoughts father. I’ve tried to push back the urge, but I don’t know if there is any hope for me.

Priest: Now, now my child… There is hope for all of us in God’s sight. What impure thoughts do you speak of?

ARCH: Murder.

Silence filled the nearby compartment where my enemy sat. I could almost here his heart skip a beat. Sitting there holding the knife in my hand I remember him standing over me with his gun smoking his cigarette. A smile was stretched across his face and at that moment before he put a bullet in my head he knew he was in charge… It’s ironic how the table’s turned.

Priest: Murder? What would bring you to having thoughts of that nature my son?

ARCH: Let’s just say I had a while to think about it in my hospital bed.

Priest: Who you’re going to murder… they put you in the hospital am I right?

ARCH: Yes… Is it wrong of me to want to gut them like a fish? I mean, it’s almost like I’d be doing the world a favor. You don’t understand father… this person parades around like he’s a righteous individual. Can you actually believe he is thought of in our world as a man of the cloth… Nothing like you your eminence… This man is a stain on society, a false prophet and I would be doing humanity a great justice by sending him where he tries to condemn others.

Priest: (nervous quake in his voice) Arch?

ARCH: Call me Jack.

Thrusting my hand through the wooden barred window I shatter the inside wall of the confession box. Steel shimmers against the fading light of Priests eyes as I bury the blade of my knife deep within his throat. Warm, sticky crimson covers my hand as Priest’s eyes turn slowly around in his sockets and finally fix upon me… his judge, jury and executioner… I smile, he doesn’t… Gagging up blood Priest tries to gargle out a scream and I can’t help but chuckle as I twist the blade in deeper into his throat… AH! Sweet retribution.

ARCH: Priest… know now that the last face you see on this plane of existence is that of the one person you failed to kill… Remember this face as you drift into eternal darkness. The face of the man you put a bullet in. The face of hatred… The face of justice! You tried to control the uncontrollable, use the Librous Mortem to secure for yourself an immortal warrior… But you failed, and with your failure so goes your life. You have been weighed and found wanting. Sleep now, for when you awaken you will suffer like you have never suffered before!

Fear… That is what shown through his pleading eyes. Fear of what? I do not know. Maybe the fear of death… No… Not this man, he knows what lies beyond the grave and has forsaken it. But it has not forsaken him. Pulling the blade from his neck my smile fades a little and a sorrowful _expression comes across my face. Blood runs down his torn neck and he gasps for air vainly. I have done what I came for… I will not be totally consumed by the monster growing within me. For if I loose all humanity I loose what an artist needs the most… Empathy. With his last few gurgles I finally hear the air totally expend from Priests lungs. His death throes quiet down and silence fills the broken cubicle. Reaching into my pocket I remove two gold coins and place them over Priest’s eyes.

ARCH: For the ferryman… May the river Styx be kinder to you than it was to me.

I open the curtain and step outside of the cubicle. The young alter boy’s eyes are affixed to mine as I emerge and I can see deep within him… His innocence, purity and most importantly… ignorance. Naively he stares at me half smiling, not knowing the scene hidden within the confession booth.

Alter Boy: Is everything alright sir? I heard a loud noise.

Tucking the blade back into its sheath behind my back and under my leather jacket I smile and shake my head.

ARCH: Everything’s fine… The Priest wishes to be left alone to meditate for a while.

A full white smile spreads across the boys face and he nods an answer of “certainly.” Turning back to his duties he forgets the past few moments entirely, unwilling to think such horrors could happen within this sacred place… This Safe place. I walk toward the door with my shoulder and head held high. A tremendous burden has been lifted from me. When I get to the door I stop and call out to the boy…

ARCH: Here! (Reaching into my pocket I remove a quarter and a nickel and toss it to the floor of the sanctuary) You’ve earned you thirty pieces of silver.

Confused he tires to question but I loose his words with the rushing wind from outside. It’s cool breeze washing away the last bit of fatigue I felt earlier that night… Before I had been reborn.

End of Flashback

Shaking my head I try to forget about the blood on my hands. Priest deserved everything he got... Didn't he?

Opening the door to the shower room I look around the room just to make sure there isn’t anyone waiting for me… Shaking my head I laugh… What the hell are you doing man? You’re acting like a fucking pussy! Getting back my courage and cockiness I throw off my sweat covered clothes, a white t-shirt with “Fall From Grace,” on it and black sweat pants. Covering myself with a towel I walk toward the shower to rejuvenate my ravaged body. Entering the shower I turn the rusted handle on, letting the cold-water splash down onto my face. Closing my eyes I once again start thinking about the battle I’m going to undertake only a few nights from now.

Corvin is one of the greatest wrestlers to grace the XPWA with his presence this year. I talk a lot of shit about every wrestler normally and give little respect to any of them, but I truly respect Goldy Locks. He’s definitely more of a technical wrestler than I am. He’s probably forgot more than I’ll ever learn about chokeholds and reversals. Always he brings to the ring an attitude of “I’m going to win!” This attitude has worked against him in the past against Patrick Glenn, a thorn in both of our sides, and Michael Edwards. But he isn’t going into our match with that “I’m going to win” attitude… No … Instead he’s going into it saying, “there will be blood!” Heh! There will be blood Goldy Locks. Both of us are going to be blood brothers after our match. When the red crimson smears across our broken and battered bodies, I will take a piece of you with me and you will inevitably take a part of me with you. I just hope Jack doesn’t taint your soul as he has mine.

Woman’s Voice: Tell me Doc? What’s you pleasure?

Now I didn’t imagine that! Turning around I look throughout the now steaming room as the hot water finally kicks on in the shower room. My eyes blink as I see the steam create a face for only a few seconds. The face is of my first victim. I didn’t know her name, but her face still haunts my dreams! She was a local harlot in London, no one special. Or at least that is what I thought of her at the time. I remember her laughing at my jokes as the horse drawn buggy pulled into the alley I murdered her in. She commented on my shaking hand that night and asked if I needed her to "warm" me up. I remember pushing her away as Jack whispered things into my ear. It was odd that her screams sounded a whole lot like her laughter… A tear begins to form beneath my eye. When the deed was done and Jack helped me "release" her sinful spirit. I remember looking down at her face… She was so peaceful after the torture I had just caused her. That was when I realized that I was the monster and only in death would the world be free of my wicked surgical skills. Butchery would be the more correct term for my work though. Parting, the steam disperses in the shower and I wait a few moments listening to the trickling water going down the drain.

Elizabeth: Arch.

I jump around spinning to face another illusion, but instead come face to face with my smiling girlfriend Elizabeth. She must have seen the fear on my face because the smile quickly fades away with a look of worry.

Elizabeth: What’s the matter honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!

Arch: ( I blink my eyes) Sorry… I er… Just had a little soap in my eyes that’s all love… What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t supposed to get back until tomorrow night.

Elizabeth: Plans changed. (she leans against the door frame) I missed you.

Jack: I missed you too Arch.

My knees hit the floor as Elizabeth just stares at me confused. My eyes roll back into my head as the now burning water rolls down my body. The screaming I hear from in my head I realize is in all actuality ringing within my ears from my own lips. Elizabeth runs into the shower falling to the tiled floor. Tears roll down my face as she holds my head within her arms, cradling it like a baby. I see her mouth moving, but I can’t hear her speak! Visions run through my head of the harlot’s ravaged body I left to rot in the gutters of London. The face is different though… The face is Elizabeth’s!

Jack: You can’t push me away much longer old boy! I’m itching beneath your skin!

Arch: NO!

Jack: I need blood to satiate me Arch! Maybe I’ll start with your little tart of a girlfriend!

I toss Elizabeth from me with a seemingly super human strength. She thuds against the wall of the shower shattering the tile behind her. Her body falls limply to the shower floor… What have I done? Jack you bastard! Leave her out of this!

Woman’s Voice: I didn’t have a choice governor.

Closing my eyes I push another of my victims voices out of my mind. Crawling on the floor to Elizabeth I pick up her head and check to see if she’s still breathing… A faint wisp of air hits my face from her lips. She’s still alive! Picking her limp body up into my arms I take her into the locker room and lay her across a nearby bench. Running to the phone I dial 911.

911 operator: 911! This is Jack what’s your emergency?

Arch: There’s been an accident at Brick Solid warehouse on 1st street! My girlfriend… she’s been hurt and is unconscious!

911 operator: Calm down sir… What’s the extent of her injury?

Arch: I don’t know, I just pushed her… and… Get someone over here!

911 operator: Tell me… Did you enjoy pushing her? Ridding yourself of her taint?

Arch: What?

911 operator: Why don’t you just admit it Arch? You miss your handiwork… You were so good at it too.

I look over to Elizabeth… She’s now sitting down on the bench looking at me with a worried look.

Her hair and body are no longer wet like before… What’s going on? Looking to my hand where the phone should be, I only see my bare palm… My head starts spinning and Elizabeth stands up grabbing a hold of me as I fall to the floor… I hear her melodic voice echoing off of the tile walls.

Elizabeth: Honey! Wake up! Honey!

Jack: Remember my words Arch as you drift off to sleep… I need blood! If I don’t get what I want… well… You know how I like to work don’t you old boy? Kiss your pretty tart for me tonight.

Blackness… I can no longer feel my body as the dark envelopes me! It’s peaceful… The first I’ve had for a long time.

Saint Patrick’s Memorial Hospital

I open my eyes…

Where the hell am I?

Looking around at the strange surroundings I slowly start to realize where I am… One cold room, sterilized smell in the air and various medical equipment scattered throughout the room. Either heaven really sucks or I’m in a hospital… I hear a knock at the door and a rotund man emerges from the busy hustle and bustle of the hospital hallway. The man meets my gaze with a fake smile and walks over to a hanging x-ray thingamagigger! (That’s right a thingamagigger! Sheesh!)

Doctor: Hello Mr. Angel… How are you feeling this morning?

Arch: Where am I?

Doctor: Saint Patrick’s Memorial Hospital… Your girlfriend Ms. Star brought you here after you fainted. (Places an x-ray within the thingymaggiger)

Arch: I feel fine! A little groggy but fine!

Doctor: Well, let me cut to the chase Mr. Angel… The trauma you suffered to your head two months ago seems to be more than we originally anticipated. Ms. Star said you were talking strangely before you fainted… She said you seemed like a different person altogether. Do you recall any of this?

Arch: No… I remember going into the shower and seeing… well my eyes were playing tricks with me I guess. Elizabeth came in and she fell. I carried her into the locker room and called 911, then I… went blank.

Doctor: There was no phone call made to 911 by you Mr. Angel. We reviewed the security cameras and you were acting hostile, but you never once touched Ms. Star. Have you suffered from these delusions for a while?

Arch: What? Delusions! Fuck you!

Doctor: (Raises an eyebrow) Ms. Star even commented that you believe your from… Hell?

Arch: I’m not from there you bloody wanker, I’ve BEEN there! She told you that! Bloody Hell now I have to kill you.

I try to get out of the bed but I realize that I’m strapped down. Struggling against the restraints the Doctor shakes his head and starts to write on a pad. I force myself to stop struggling and start laughing… Have to change my game plan.

Arch: Just messing with you Doc! Surely you know how I am… Don’t you watch wrestling any? Come on, let me out of here, I’m fine!

Doctor: (Looking down at me quizzically) No I don’t watch wrestling but I have heard of how you are. Mr. Angel I am prescribing you a medicine… It’s for anxiety… we’ll see if it helps any. I’m also making an appointment for you next week, so we can run further tests. Until then, you are not to drive or overly exert yourself. DO I make myself clear?

Arch: Spick and Span! May I still go and "Watch" wrestling this week?

Doctor: Yes, you may. (He undoes my straps) You’re free to go. Ms. Star is waiting for you outside.

Getting up I flash the doctor a winning smile and shake his hand… Throw it on thick Arch, You’ve got to make your matches this week.

Arch: Thank you Doc… Sorry about earlier, I was just teasing.

Doctor: (Fake smile again) No problem Mr. Angel. (Shakes my hand) Don’t worry, we’ll find out what’s wrong with your head.

Good luck! People have been trying since my conception Doc! Releasing his sweaty palm I walk outside and find myself the end of Elizabeth’s running embrace. She presses hard into me and I gasp as the breath gets knocked from me. Dozens of kisses later we make it to the car… I drive and throw my “Happy” pills out the window. Elizabeth didn’t notice… I always litter.

Elizabeth: I was so worried about you Arch? Do you even know what happened?

Arch: The juries still out on that one love…

Elizabeth: Well you weren’t yourself… You… Scared me! I only saw hate within your eyes… Like you were disgusted with me.

A lump forms in my throat and I can’t answer, but I force myself to nod ashamedly to her. This can mean only one thing… Jack’s trying to take control once again. And he has one of only two things I care for in life in his sights. I answer as calmly as I can.

Arch: Don’t worry love… I’d never harm a hair on your head. (look over an smile) Remember… We’re blood bound.

Holding up my hand I show the scar in my palm that she made earlier this week. She looks down to the tiny scratch and a tear, drops from her eye as she smiles. Looking up at me she grasps my hand in hers and kisses the scar gingerly. My pleasure at having her here with me is dampened with the knowledge that blood must be spilled soon in order to keep Jack at bay. The rest of the ride is full of laughter and sweet nothings, but the darkness around my heart keeps my mind truly occupied. She doesn’t notice… She never knows when I’m conniving.

Back at the Apartment

Elizabeth has always been able to get things normal people wouldn’t be able to get. We have a policy much like the army… I don’t ask and she doesn’t tell. In the case of my missing minutes during my episode her skills happened to be welcome. Somehow she was able to acquire the security video of the locker room. I pop it in the VCR… Yes that crude device before the invention of DVD’s. The footage starts to roll and I watch closely.

I see myself enter the locker room and walk toward the shower casting off my clothes as before, but instead of entering the shower I stop… Leaning in closer I can’t believe my eyes at what I’m seeing. In the video I start to laugh… A heart chilling laugh and then casually walk over to a mirror. I turn up the volume as I hear my own voice… somewhat different.

Arch: (On the video) HA HA HA HA! What do you get when you keep playing the Jack in the box, but never let him out to play?

I shudder at the image of myself on the video… Turning around the figure looks into the camera and meets my gaze. Or at least that’s what I feel like he’s doing. Looking into my very soul… Am I the one truly trapped?

Arch: (On the video) You get a very irate clown…

I hear footsteps in the room and watch as Elizabeth emerges from the back of the building. She smiles and walks over to “Me.” The image of myself coldly brushes her embrace away.

Elizabeth: What’s your deal? I thought you’d be happy to see me… Are you mad because I was gone so long on my trip? I cut it short so I could see your match.

Arch: (On the video) You could have stayed a few more days for all I care… It was nice not having you hanging all over me for once.

Elizabeth: What?

Arch: Did I speak to fast for you Ms. Star? I said it was good not to have your filthy hands on me for once. I can barely stand to fuck you doggy style as it is. (Looking at her) I just close my eyes and fantasize about someone else…

Elizabeth: (Walking over she slaps me) Shut your mouth! I don’t even give a shit if you are just joking!

Arch: (Eyes full of hate but a smile stretched wide across “his” face) I wouldn’t do that if I were you Ms. Star… I don’t know if they’d let you do interviews without teeth.

Elizabeth: (Backing away scared) Why are you acting like this? (She tries to pass by).

Arch: (Grabbing her arm and throwing her to the bench in a sitting position) We’re not through yet Ms. Star. Let’s do an interview shall we?

Elizabeth: No… I want to leave!

Arch: (On video) (Blinks and stumbles backward a little) Sorry… I er… Just had a little soap in my eyes that’s all love… What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t supposed to get back until tomorrow night.

Elizabeth: What the hell are you talking about?

Arch: NO!

Elizabeth: Arch you’re scaring me… Stop!

Arch: (On video) (Grabs the air and put my hand to my ear) There’s been an accident at Brick Solid warehouse on 1st street! My girlfriend… she’s been hurt and is unconscious!

Elizabeth: Who are you talking too? Stop!

Arch: (On video) I don’t know, I just pushed her… and… Get someone over here!

Elizabeth: (Tears start to swell in her eyes) Arch please… Stop!

Arch: (on video) What?

Elizabeth: I said stop… please!

And with that I watch myself fall on the screen. Elizabeth runs over and grabs a hold of me trying to wake me up… Eventually she runs out of the room. I fast-forward the video and it shows the paramedics show up and put me on a stretcher taking me out of the locker room. I sit in the chair stunned at what I’d just seen and turn the TV off, sitting in the darkness of the room.

Arch: Jack… You want blood… I’ll give you blood… But on my terms.

Reaching for a nearby DVD I pop it in and Michael Edwards appears on the television. I watch him as he makes light work of a younger rookie wrestler from his early years in the UWA. Flawlessly he throws his opponent to the floor with a reversed DDT and taunts him down on the mat. He looks up to the crowd and waves his arms for them to chant his name… Enjoying the attention he gets for his brutality to the ill-equipped rookie he falls to the mat and covers the young man. One Two… Edwards jumps up and stops the count laughing. He covers again… One… Two… He jumps up again stopping the count and stands up making a mockery of the rookie. Finally he shrugs and puts his foot on top of the wrestler getting the three count.

Confident… Unabashed… He knows he’s good. But there’s something about him that strikes me as odd… It’s all a show to him, hell Edwards said last week on Fallen Forums that he didn’t give a damn about the adoration of the fans, but look how he plays to them. I skip the DVD to his last match in the X. He’s totally a different person. He ignores the crowd totally in his match with Michael Corvin… Sure, he may be totally consumed with Corvin, but I’d say no… He feels the crowd owes him. It’s a thorn in his heel when they don’t give him some kind of response whether negative or positive. He’s afraid… Not afraid of losing, not afraid of being hated, but instead afraid of becoming non-existent. Just a name whispered by older wrestlers and not the "Golden Boy" of wrestling… That’s his Achilles heel. I need to use it against him.

Popping out the DVD I place another one within the player. Jason Wright appears on the screen causing one of his opponent’s severe discomfort from a Crippler Cross Face. He’s intense… Probably the most intense wrestler I’ve ever known. One he has you within one of his submissions he doesn’t let you go until he hears something snap or until the ref calls it. Kacy Knight masterfully wore him down mentally, but in the end he even turned her own mind games against her into one of his own strengths. Yes, the three men I face this week are not men… They’re practitioners. Doctors of this so-called sport we call wrestling. Edwards happens to be the "Politician" of wrestling. Using his moves to further his own agenda. Wright acts as the "Executioner," Finishing his opponents once and for all so that they never wish to face him again. Corvin finally, becomes the "Doctor," picking apart his opponents piece by piece analyzing where he wants to move against them next. As for me… I’m nothing special.

I don’t use any fancy moves to weaken my opponents. I don’t go in or out of the ring with a different mindset than when I first book the match. For me it’s purgatory. But this week since Jack’s uninvited appearance, I’ll not be the one taking the brunt of the beatings. This week the "Politician" will find himself vote less. The "executioner" will be the one pushing up daisies and the "Doctor" will be prognosed inferior. This week the Judge will reign supreme over the proceedings and blood will be spilled.

Arch: You will have your pay Jack…And when you are satisfied you will crawl back to the pits you came from and bother me no more.

Jack: But we have so much fun you and I!

Arch: And you will never… NEVER! Lay a hand on Elizabeth again. Or I will spoil your little Apocalypse.

Jack: (Laughing) How are you going to do that old boy?

Arch: (I smile) I doubt having a body with no arms or legs will do much good. You could try biting people to death, but it will be one hell of a crawl to get there.


XPWA Arena

My music, "Sugar" by System Of A Down, hits in the packed arena of the XPWA and I walk through the backstage to the stage in front of a roaring audience. Looking around I do not do my normal canter of playing to the crowd, but instead walk determinedly down to the ring. The fical mob still cheers me, even though I don’t play to them… I still can’t get over how only a week ago they hated me… Heh! It’s amazing how things change. I enter into the ring and grab a mic, motioning for the crowd to quiet down… Today I’m here for business… Today I set the tempo of my match this week.

Arch: Good evening sycophants!

The crowd erupts in response to my intro on Fallen Forums.

Arch: As most of you may know, this week I have not one but two matches… Both high profile… One is for the coveted tag titles, where my brother Nemesis and I are going to make short work of Krypto and Butch. (Yawn) The second is probably the more anticipated match of the week. Here are the names in the match… Michael Corvin!

I pause seeing how the crowd will react. They explode with the mention of Corvin’s name… Sure he’s lost the majority of his matches here in the X, but it’s not because of lack of talent… Corvin has thrown himself into the biggest matches he could get, fighting against seasoned professionals like Edwards. The crowd loves him… And rightly so.

Arch: Jason Wright!

Another explosion of cheers feels my ears and I smirk. I do hear a few boos while scanning the crowd and see some die hard Anti-X fans within the crowd. Wright has chosen the AX to conduct his personal war against. A risky move yes, but one that has earned him a prominent fan base within the X. Taking on the role of general in the war against my brethren, he has single handedly set the playing field in our war. Moving first against us he tried to take hold of the momentum and from there on we’ve had a hard time regaining our foothold within the X. But now with Little K out of the picture we have no more infighting amongst us and only Wright standing in front of us.

Arch: And lastly Michael Edwards!

A sonic boom hits throughout the arena! Either everyone here is Golden Boy crazy or the Cold War has been reinstated and we’re losing… badly! Yes, it appears that Michael Edwards brought his fan base with him from the UWA here to the XPWA… And no one can say he doesn’t deserve the respect. Of all the competitors in my match this week Edwards is the one who’s blood I need for Jack the most. The blood of a hero.

Arch: So I take it you know of them?

Laughter and cheering fill the arena once again and I can’t help but laugh along with them.

Arch: This week at Overload the four of us are going to be locked in a match of a life time. Three of us have nothing to lose, but one of us has everything to lose… Which brings me to the first wrestler I’ll comment on today… Michael Edwards. (Cheering) Wait! Wait! Wait! I want to show you something before you go crazy for the “Definition of Divinity” perhaps you’ve forgotten our famous interview on television last week on my show Fallen Forums.

Pointing up at the titan tron it shows Michael Edwards sitting with Cristy Canyon in his interview at Fallen Forums.

Edwards: (On the titan tron) I could care less if the fans cheer of boo me… (Skipping through the interview) What drives me is success!

Some boos are heard throughout the audience as the titan tron turns off.

Arch: (Holding up my hands) Now, now! Don’t boo Edwards! I’m sure he has an excellent reason for saying what he did. I mean, surely you fans mean more to him than a paycheck.

Edwards: (Over the loud speaker from the interview) No comment.

I laugh along with some in the audience while other members of the audience just boo the non-existent Edwards… Arch you’re a bastard… I really do respect Edwards… It’s a shame that I have to choose slandering him over protecting the love of my life. But all in all Edwards you’re no more than any other man… Elizabeth on the other hand is life itself.

Arch: The Definition of Divinity has become so because of you… Not of his own volition, sure he’s talented but what decides whether a wrestler makes it to the top… I’d say a little charisma, a little talent and the love or hate of you people in the audience. Edwards doesn’t care whether you cheer him or boo him… So why do either? This week in our match whether or not Edwards wins will be determined not by his physical prowess or years of experience, but by you…

The arena seems almost deathly silent as they absorb what I’ve said. I don’t even know if I believe the words coming out of my mouth, but this is the only way to overtake the giant of a man Edwards… You cut his popularity and you sever his superhuman power… He is Achilles and I’m the arrow digging deep within his heel.

Arch: Also I have Wright in the match with me… A man that has proven time and time again that no amount of mind games will shatter his unshakable resolve. Well… Kacy almost had you last week Wright. She pulled off the win over your body, but was still unable to pull off the win over your mind… Don’t be worried about any mind games from me though Wright… I don’t need to weaken your mind to beat your body.

Arch: And Corvin… Corvin, Corvin, Corvin… Finally we are getting the opportunity we’ve been waiting for. An opportunity to face one another and see once in for all if your father was right about me. I respect you though Corvin, but that won’t save you from the pain I’m going to inflict to you. All of you are marked men… I have to pay a price for my past deeds and unfortunately for all of you, it will be with your blood. This week we shall see who gets the win, but all of you will lose… I may not get the pin, but I’ll have your souls. Three souls for one… I think that’s a fair trade don’t you?

Dropping the mic I leave the ring… The crowd takes a few moments before they start cheering as I exit the arena.

This week Edwards, Corvin and Wright you will be the unfortunate victims of a man bound… Not bound by hate… Not bound by the need to succeed… But bound by the power of love… You will fail because if I am not able to satiate Jack’s desires I loose the only thing that brings me joy in this bleak and miserable world… Be Ready! Be very fucking ready! Because when that bell rings an Angel will fall and a demon will rise!