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Yet Another Ciabatta


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It was supposed to be baguettes this week but my son remarked that he loved Ciabatta best. I had badly wanted to try out a new couche but decided to humor him as I was feeling that the turning point in the battle to change my children's taste in bread has arrived. The biga for the Ciabatta was a good 24 hours old as I was away for a family gathering and there was no way I could have made the Ciabatta. Luckily some time in the fridge helped to slow it down.

I experimented with a new transfer method and a new baking regime. The result was less mess in the kitchen and 4 loaves of golden brown Ciabatte. The loaves were feather light when they came out of the oven and the aroma was just fantastic.

Now I have to figure a good way to do justice to the loaves. Butter or olive oil deep is not good enough for these loaves.





This site was last updated 08/26/07