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Alt-Ch Skywing Country-Ways Affair AKC/ASCA CD, CGC
Hanna's very first conformtion show she won WB at 9 months old!
Zachary and Hanna (18 Months) in Boise. This was Hanna's second major. We had a 10 hr drive so we didnt wait to take pictures with the judge.
Hanna's first major!She was 18 months old.
 When Hanna was just a week shy of turning two she recieved her third major making her an Alt-Champion. Zachary was one happy boy.
Zachary sharing a sucker with Hanna. Yuck I say but not to a 11 yr old.
Hanna's dad "Fletch"
AKC/ASCA Ch Taycins Stonewashed Blues
Hanna's Sister "Maddie"
 Hanna came to us when she was 6 months old and she was a perfect match for Zachary. We were very lucky she made the PERFECT first aussies for him. Thank you Kim Buffum /Nina Ellis for this amazing girl!