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This is the website for Astro Data, an astronomical feature present in American newspapers for the last 20 years **********************Below you will find different examples of how this material has been used over the years from the various tear-sheets- Just click with the mouse the city and that paper's usage will appear, some quickly, some take a little more time and some of which can be expanded after opening. Thanks for your time...

Usage of Astro Data by newspapers (not all have links - in time all will) and not all newspapers are present here.

Denver, CO (RMTN News) -large file-
Jacksonville, Florida
Buffalo, New York (News)
Columbia, SC (The State)
Boulder, Co. (The Camera)
Springfield, MA
Champaign, IL
Santa Rosa, CA
Davenport, IA
Omaha, NE
Boulder, Co - Colorado Daily
Blair, NE
Bakersfield, CA
Vail, CO -The Vail Trail
Lakeland, FL
Los Gatos, CA
Nederland, CO
Ocala, FL
Dallas, TX (Morning News)
Escondido, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Allentown, PA
Wilmington, NC
Sioux Falls, SD

Newspapers and news services listed that have or are using Astrodata are without links. Not all newspapers are listed...just not enough room.
