Chapter 1 the meeting. One day in the world of pokemon a young charmander skipped along the path of an Bright green forest. His name was Blare he didn’t know the area so he was looking for Some friendly fellow pokemon to get to know. “I wonder where all of the pokes at!!” he said cheerfully. Blare was by himself one day his mother just up and disappeared when she was scouting for food and never came back for one hole day he sat in their cave they lived in. But being as young as Blare is he didn’t know better so he waited until he remember something his Mother told him in case of danger. FLASHBACK. Blare was sitting in his corner of the cave happily using small round rocks to play marbles. As he put his thumb behind the rock as he held it in his hand. As he launched in at a nice speed it skillfully hit one then two and three as it hit shaping a triangle order. “I’m the best no one can beat me.” Blare announced. “Son I need to talk to you.“ His mother said as she stomped over towards him also bending so to see him better since she was a charzard and he was a charmander. ”okay” he replied simply. As he looked up at his mother. She grab’s him by both arms to keep his attention but slightly hurting him from her powerful grip and claws. “If one day I don’t come back from gathering food I want you to leave the area in case of a trainer or…worse….”. Blare was confused “But what if I can hel…”. “NO!! you will do what I said UNDERSTAND!?!?” she ordered. “Y-yes mother I promise…”. end flash back Blare looked down a he played this in his mind did he make the right choice. (no I don’t want to know what happened it better that way It’ll just depress me more.} As he continued down the path he noticed something in the distance…..something Purple. (That must be another pokemon…maybe if I hurry I can asked it about the area.) Intended to catch up to the unknown pokemon he began to speedily run as his flame swung side to Side as his foot paws treaded down the path at a quick pace. The purple figure was infact a female Espeon witch was getting her dinner. “I am more powerful than these sold called males.” she said as she bit into the apple. “I can’t believe I ever let him put me down like that I’ll never forget it.” flash back I was outside our home a cave perfect for a small family but that was the only thing that was near perfect . I was waiting for my parents to stop mating with each other of course it was fucking to me since my mother had to do it. I knew it was over when I seen my so called father walk out with a grin to me…fucking flareon. “Your mother to tired to move anymore …no wonder females get raped so much they’re so weak”. he said that as if it was nothing the bastard. “YOUR WRONG SHE’S JUST AN ESPEON!”. I yelled he just laughed and said “She just another bitch..” I lost it after that I tackled him the best I could I knew it was good because I heard his exhale from the force of it. When I looked up at him I saw his right paw in the air and strike me in the nose . I flew an inch and rolled a bit farther it felt like my nose was broken and then darkness…. end flashback. “I’ll never let any male outdo me in anything ever as long as I live” FIFI said as she as she threw the apple at the right of her. “huh? what’s this? While looking in this direction she noticed a charmander heading towards her. “what?!?! Do he think he can take me on?!?! Well see about that!” She said as she got into battle stance. “So you think you can take me on the over confident male.” She said as her eyes and jewel began to glow as she concentrated her energy. As blare got close he began his little speech. “Hey there I Waaahhhhhhhh…” was all he got to say as he was levitated and throw against a tree The Espeon smirked as blare wiggled to get free. “H-hey w-whats going on!! It’s hurts!!! Blare cried Feeling an weird internal pain. Espeon was confused at this one’s behavior. ”What are you talking about you Attacked me you Idiot!!!” she yelled. “What do you mean!? I just wanted to meet you so I can know the area better and who you callin an idiot!!!!!” FIFI cursed herself “well next time you shouldn’t run towards somebody Like that! They could think your attacking them!! She yelled angrily as she Lowered him to the ground. “OK!” he said wanting to get down. Blare relaxing a bit walk over to the attacker and held out his paw. “Greetings my names Blare what’s your name please”. Blare said with respect and manors. FIFI simply scoffed and turned her shoulder to him. “The names FIFI.” she simply said. Blare put his paw down and replied “Ok…so…can you show me around the area?” he asked nicely. FIFI was definitely was going to say no but she thought. (I did sorta attacked him on accident) “ok you can come with me BUT you have to be quiet ok.” “no problem.” he replied simply. FIFI look up into the sky it was about 7:00 so they had to find a spot to sleep. “Ok we need to find a spot for the night it’s not a good idea to sleep on a path.” Blare simply shrugs and replied “You lead the way”. As they started to travel to the north blare started to whistle very loudly or that what FIFI Thought as they jumped over a log she couldn’t take it anymore. “STOP… THAT….DAMN…WHISTLING!!!!!” She said glaring at him with the intent on doing something …painful. “Ok danm!!! he said fearfully as he backed up some away from the angered female. “gee you don’t have to be a bitch about the hole thing”. Blare said under his breath. FIFI almost snapped “WHAT YOU SAY!!” she said as she turned around and gave him a death stare. Fearing for his life Blare smartly said. “I said you look good in the moonlight that’s all!!” he said holding up his paws in defense. FIFI just turned around and kept walking. ”yeah right.” when she stopped she turned and said “you stay on your side and I stay on mine.” She said simply. “Fine!” Retorted Blare as he laid on his back in the nice soft dirt. As an hour passed blare was soundly asleep as a bubble was Floating from his nose. But FIFI was far from sleeping as she waited For the little headache to sleep. “Took long enough” she mumbled as she walked a bit Farther away from the fire type as she made her way to a Private spot. “I have been waiting for this .” she said as she laid on her back and reached down with her paw to her slit. Then she slowly used two fingers to spread her pussy lips as she enjoyed the cold breeze on her pink hole as she starts to produce more juice. As she slowly starts to rub the sides of the lips moving up and down she uses her other paw to pinch her now revealed nipples. Pretty tired of just rubbing she plunges two fingers into her pussy but just enough so she can rub the bulb at the just above her pussy. This combination almost is too much for her. ”YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!” She screamed as she came pouring white ooze on the ground from her satisfied pussy making a puddle on the ground.(I..can’t…stay here but I don’t want to move. But…Ican’t sleep here.) Even trying not to fall asleep she just couldn’t stay awake as she slept under the stars. Thank you for reading!!!