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Australia Post Sure Dont Deliver!! come on Aussie cut the crap.

I would like to tell you about a very nice rip off that is being presented and carried out by Australia Post & the US Postal Service.

Since this story was first published there has been a further two instances which are some what similar concerning Australia Post at least so for your information I have given you their contact phone numbers ...which by the way there phone system is some what benign also don't hold your breath in getting anyone with some brains in their head or that can even work their own computers! as here are my reasons why for saying this so here is just but a few brief points.

First Complaint.

Acknowledgement of Complaint Reference Number: 3 388 509 Ms Kaye Mader for Manager ph 840264256
GOP Box 4555
Adelaide SA 5001

Ms Kaye Mader.. smart mouth did not follow through.

Second Complaint.

Acknowledgement of Complaint Reference Number: VH782079
Phone 03-92047171 <<<< that's a Melbourne phone number perhaps some dark basement number at Head Office!.

Ms Lucinda.. smart mouth & sleeze also did not follow through.

Ms Susan... Helpful but also did not follow through.
I will post?..hahahaha...more up to date news about this second complaint ( Complaint Reference Number: VH782079 ) as it keeps going on along with the costs keep on coming down the line...tick tick tick.

Odd to see also that its mostly women that have done this stuffing around here and they just keep on coming!.

I am still waiting on them to follow through from head office in Melbourne too on both counts and as you can see there has been some time that has passed now so we sure see that they dont deliver even to ones front door hell they cant even get out of the van and walk up the drive way and deliver an item and yet we sure pay yous good money to have that item delivered to the front door! that sure sounds like a good deal for you's too.

So first off we have the following as such was the case with myself as of today 6-February 2004 an item I had sent off to the USA months ago which was back on the 26-September-2003 by way of first class insured mail to another Ham Buddy of mine in the USA was returned after 6 months of having been supposedly lost! .
Not even Australia Post or the US postal service knew where it had gone and then one day I gets a call from the Palmerston mail exchange telling me that " You are not going to believe this but that parcel you have been looking for to the USA " well its back here!.

It seems after many months in that at both ends of the world that I and my buddy had been doing all the looking around and searching for this item The US Postal Service did not even deliver the item at all but in that it turned out to have been the case however what is more than just interesting to the reason given for its return !.

The official reason given for the return of this item back to Australia is that :

US Post
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However does this mean that the US Postal Service is NO LONGER accepting insured items that are being sent to the USA ....don't you think this is just a bit odd!.

What this then means is that anything you send to the USA has to be " UNINSURED " which leaves any Australian customer wide open to being frauded by this rip off..but what has Australia Post got to say about this....good question!.

So this now " rip off " means that when Australians send items to the USA normally we are told by " Australia Post " that we can insure our goods that we are posting off against any loss or damage.

So good deal on this now in that you can't insure your goods let alone even them knowing where the goods are as both Australia Post and US Post offices could not even tell us where this item was at all.

Also is the fact which has sure been presented to us if in in fact that anything does go wrong should an item get lost ,stolen or just is not even being delivered there is NO redress or NO Insurance given to the customer to replace the cost of the item or indeed even the cost of the postage that you paid for the delivery of that item let alone the cost of phone calls to Australia Post and to the US postal service in trying to get them to do their job that you paid them to do but in this case thy even had us trying to do their work for them as they don't care a damn.

Along with many hours that one puts into trying to find your own item and just remember you paid for insurance on this item in the first place along with the cost of posted etc which was all at an extra cost and yet both postal services don't know where your item has gone...good deal or what ...what do you think !.

Sure good to see the false advertising in that Australia Post sure delivers ..don't you think!.

The fact that no one knew where this item was is one thing and the fact that no one cared to know after the fact is something else but what has to be told here is that through out all this extra paper work and traveling back and forth to the post office and filling out more paper work and believe me there was mounts of it along with the phone calls back and forth to Australia Post " Head Office " down in Victoria who really did not give a damn as even their own words did thy did not even honor their own statement in getting back to us let alone even following through on our complaint this is what we have seen for ourself's first hand in what they have done.

We are still waiting for a few letters from their head office concerning this and that has not even happened to this date they have not even put these facts on their computer as some silly woman tried to sweep it under the carpet here in Australia down in Victoria so...go figure that one out!.

We also know that the US Postal Service has got a major problems at the present time too within their own Postal Service in what appears to be a ring of thieves that are working within the US Postal service to which even mail to a locked bag has gone missing and no one wants to know! you can understand why now that they are NO LONGER accepting insured items!!.

US Post
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So by this statement done by the US Postal Service is it a step on their part in trying to eliminate their responsibility to any customer World Wide that is thinking of using the Postal Service to send mail to the USA so be warned you could be leaving yourself wide open to being ripped off big time or even feeding a postal ring of thieves!.

This along with the US Postal Service costing you more money as well as giving out false advertising as this INSURED GOODS to the USA as having been posted on their own web site as being the best method of sending goods to the USA to this very day 7-2-04 so how do you explain that one !.

However the US Postal Service seems to be also now being able to just walk away with the cost of what ever it cost the customer to send their items in the first place which they paid hard earned cash to them in supposedly having their items delivered let alone having the customer spending more money in trying to find out where that package has gone to which still is costing the customer.

Which now the US Postal Service does not even have to accept any responsibility or accountability at all is in short this is just a sham and an outright rip where are you Australia Post.


I have to ask as to why would the shard done by The US Postal Service after an official complaint was laid here in Australia and the USA with fax's sent to all concerned in them concerning the non delivery of an item that was posted why did the US Postal Service & Australia Post deem it to be lost when it presumably has been sitting on a shelf for 4 months!.

Why then did the US Postal Service go through this shard with Australia Post and why did Australia Post do this to its own customers as well as myself along with the recipient in the first place in even no contacting the recipient when obviously it was in your possession all along!.

Perhaps this item was just one of the lucky ones after all in that it did make it back so there may be hope out there for the other items I have posted to the US and Austraila last year after all!....but I will not hold my breath.


Peter VK8PDG