Australian Troops invade No !...Australian Paid Mercenaries that Invade Iraq and now Afganistan YES!... 19 February 2007.
Since Australia's invasion and our descimation of Iraq and its peoples along with its resources " oil " along with the murdering of Iraqs King Hussein and his family and innocent Iraqi's we have all been hearing throughout all these years by our own Australian prime minister Mr John Howard and indeed the whole of the Australian Federal Parliament having been stating that " This War in/with Iraq " ...I would have to ask what War or Wars are we talking about?.
All I have seen, heard, and read is acts of Terrorism that have taken place and done by Australians in that like persons such as our own Australia's Prime minister Mr. John Howard, British Prime minister Tony Blair and USA President George W Bush Jr in what said right from the start by George W Bush Jr that it was supposedly Iraq that attacked the USA in 9/11.!.
This was not true at all and George W Bush Jr knew it.
In so far I would question this statement as its hard to see this being the true facts other than their invasion and rape of the iraqi sovereignty done by Australia as Australia has not and did not declare any war with iraq let alone with Afganistan.
The fact is that our Australian prime minister Mr John Howard and indeed the Australian Parliament ONLY declared war on Terror !.
This was NOT then a declaration of war on Iraq but rather it turned out to be an invasion of Iraq for greed.
There was also NEVER ANY declaration of war on Afganistan but here too we see our so called Australian troops there.
This is then TWO invasions of TWO different countrys sovereignty or as we are told its just one WAR !.
These facts have passed every one by.
But also too is the fact that Australia did NOT send in regular Australian standing troops but rather sent in " Paid Mercenaries " in Australian uniforms.
The fact is that regular Australian standing troops get paid a normal regular wage whether or not they are in barracks or are in a theatre of war ONLY Mercenaries get a lump sum payment of $60,000 for having gone to invade iraq along with now invading Afganistan such has been the recorded facts what has indeed been paid to Australian troops by our Australian Government to date.
These are fact's.
Indeed the case of these facts were aired and tabled in Parliament and the fact is that the first and second wave of so called " Australian troops " that were sent over to invade Iraq in the first instance they were paid a once of payment of $60.000 each and that was only ground troops!.
There for they cannot be seen to be Australian regular troops but rather what is fully paid mercenaries and yous have openly called this in our Australian Parliament a conventional war!.
So I would ask then who are the Terrorists here ?.
Also Mr Howard you did not inform or ask us we the people elect of Australia in that the only proviso that any prime minister under the Australian Constitution has or can use his emergency powers is if infact the sovereignty of Australia was attacked.
This indeed was not the case the fact you or our Australian Parliament did not declare war on iraq or afganistan puts you in the realms of war crimes against humanity .
I would also question the Australian Legal profession being on the home front as well as international law as to why you have not been charged for treasonable acts under the Australian Constitution or in misleading the Australian people.
Both you and the members of our Federal parliament have for years now been misleading and misrepresenting the people of Australia.
The hard fact is Mr Howard we do have an Autralian Constitution unlike that of the USA to which this fact seems to have escaped you and the members of our Australian Federal Parliament to date.
Prime minister Mr John Howard why would Iraq have to participate in any food for oil program when yous took 40 Billion US dollars in cash out of that country in the first month of your invasion of Iraq.
Dont you remember seeing the wooden palates of moneys that were found out in some desert house some where in Iraq as I sure do along with using your killer satellites to kill persons off remotely from space.
The fact is also that Australia, USA and UK were bombing on Iraq for some years prior to your invasion of its ground sovereignty and the fact too was that we were dropping ( Uranium and plutonium bombs ) on them too.
Also the main fact is that Australia, USA, and UK never did find any weapons of mass destruction in iraq that all of yous said was there and as we have all come to know was complete bull crap.
However the ( United Nations )sure found weapons of mass destruction having been dropped on Iraq by all concerned in whats called the so called coalition.
One last thing is the fact that these so called Australian Troops " Paid Mercenaries " were and are not subject to the same restraints of law as Normal Regular Australian Troops seeing how they were " Paid Mercenaries " also what has to be noted here too is the fact that our own " Australian Federal Parliament " and you Mr John Howard are liable under our Autralian Constitution along with our Australian Law for sending them in the first place let alone being liable under international law for such war crimes.
I am more than sure yous got your moneys worth.
Lets us all hope in " We the people elect of Australia " in what's to come for our current Parliamentarians in that it was all worth it for them seeing how other Political coalition partners and Parliamentarians careers are all but over or on shakey ground for having capitulated with such tyranny.
You Mr John Howard are a Liar .