News Update 16 February 2007.
Australian Work Place Agreements..Unfair dismissal laws
Here is something to think about in as far as our young workers are concerned in that STILL they are and have been
under paid for years.
If we have a look at just what our younger work force persons gets paid in real wages is one thing but to now have them
ripped off completely by our own Government is yet something else.
We all have been hearing a lot about wages or as we know " The Lack off them " and what about working for the dole but what
about now hearing how hard its been for employers to employ any one over these many years ?.
Is that right !.
We are now hearing that by abandoning the " Unfair dismissal laws " its aim is to help employers to hire more
So lets get a few things right here about our so called POOR enbattled Employers.
The fact is and has always been for many many years now that ALL EMPLOYERS get paid a lump sum in placement FEE and
ReTraining FEEs from the Federal Government up to $6.000 for each employee that they hire and then on top of that they also
get TAX relief as well.
So I fail to see how we can call our Employers having a poor deal in this event.
This money is and had been paid to ALL Australian Employers by Centrelink for many years along with this we have seen many so
called Job placement agencys jump on the band wagon too in that they also having got moneys paid to them by Centrelink for so
called placement of employees into the work force.
This all sound Great ...if it was not so sick.
The fact is that all these younger persons pay scale is just about nothing in real terms but ALL are expected to do an ADULTS
job and pay ADULT TAX and yet they all get paid poorly for do so.
This is the bottom line.
The fact is that at 16 years of age you get less than half what an Adult wage is but you pay FULL ADULT TAX !.
These pay circumstances do not change right up to the age of 21 where by one has to be then paid as an Adult thats if you
ever get that far ?.
Whats odder too is the fact that a lot of younger persons have qualifications which they are not being paid for and we can
also look on the fact that a lot have got the skills and perhaps not the experience as they would not be employed in the
first place if they did not have the skill that the Employer was looking for in the first place.
But what of these Employers?.
Lets see then what all this means to the average Australian in them now being sold out by their own government yet once more
to which these young wage earners are ( paying adult taxes ) and yet are not getting an adult wage from what government of
the day is in power.That now the government is selling out their constitutional rights under " the Unfair dismissal acts " to
Whats left of our Australian industry seeing how most have gone off shore that now there is NO rule of law for
Australian workers in them too seeing there is no resolve to have matters of Unfair dismissal or abuse addressed.
This now leaves the door wide open for more employers to abuse not only our Australian system but also our Australian workers
in them being employees.
Yet for years we seen and heard these facts as most of us having took our own son's and doughter to the first job and we have
also seen the fact that their pay packets being so light and we have all seen, heard and read our own governments wages scale
for all young Australians.
We also know that all our young work hours are the same as that of an adult in which they are expected to work fully in doing
a full adult job.
And yet we reward them with crappy wages and high TAXES.
Now then we have all this information and all these statistics to refer to which also has been carried out and done by the
Federal government and all their relevant departments such as Centrelink showing just how many times an employer has RIPPED
OFF the system in them having OFF LOADED employees so as to keep themselfs qualifying for more government subsidies.
Yet we hear the Government say that the Employers have been getting a raw deal ?.... come on get real.
I dont see Nothing about these facts let alone the impact that this trading in employees has caused to these persons life
being ex employees.
Just as long as we keep whats left of all our so called Australian Employers happy.
Is that what the government means concerning Australian rice bowl wages ?. In there is no protection in place for these
workers regardless of age.
What do you think !.
Bye for now.
This is the Battle CRY of Australian Employers ..So Why are we still letting our young workers being abused.