I do hope that perhaps it not a case that " if you keep on saying it long enough pepole will belive it " perhaps
even Monkey HEAR, Monkey SEE then Monkey DO.
Thank god that history keeps better records than you do it seems.
Here are another few ideas to get yous started if you know the difference any more between ( National News ) and that of ( World News ) and thats what ( Ch 9 Darwin does in mixing up all the news with just about NO Local News at all ).
1) The Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the Northern Territory.
Just what is our own appointed NT Government doing to take steps to re coop the $1.3 million dollar clean up bill so far just for the Darwin City and Palmerston City area so far in just the last 3 months that the NT Tax payers have footed due to the Queensland Governments ineptitude regarding their Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic.
2) Australian Water, Bills , Tax and the GST too NT.
Isn't it odd that we don't hear about " ALL " the moneys that each one of us have paid to our own state water authorities over these many years let alone this fact we also having had now in the past 10 + years having to also pay " GST TAX on top of our water bills " too ?.
I would have to ask then just where has ALL these moneys gone to !.
After all the water authority in each state are supposed to be looking after our infrastructure in that the expansion of our city's and towns are in their domain along with the fact we have a " census " to supposedly cover this fact which again the Australian Tax payer has paid for to be done.
There for WHY have state and local government not been using this money that they have been collecting from us so as to have put into place new dams and water filtration units over these many years since the cost of water has gone up markedly high during these past years too and house hold allocation has gone down ?.
As to the " GST TAX " well this seems to have also fallen down into a black hole as NO one seems to know exactly where this proportion of the money has gone either !.
I would look to seek an Audit done in to having it carried out on these Local and Government water Authority's in each state in that they are all suffering from the same lack of forsight in which they have all done the same thing
...nothing !.
Metropolitan Citys of Palmerston Burn's ...So much for the clean air act!.
Where is this clean air act ? we are told we have to observe and pay for and we are thinking about banning smoke in
the NT.?
Where are the members of parliament gone to up here as you can never find them when the " shit hits the fan " so
what the hell are we being bull crapped into this time over about this clean air act! and we want to ban smoking its a
As just like ever year that come around just as the cooler weather has just come around we smoke up the Northern
Territory Yes its back again and its called " Back Burning " time once again and here in the City of Palmerston its
early days as we burn with in the Metropolitan areas of our Citys as yet once again them small red trucks are out and
running making fires in our city.
So just look at whats going on in The Northern Territory right now let alone the fact that there has been none or little
reporting about this Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the last 2 years prior to just recent events as its only been now that most of these matters have come to light due only in part to them having made in roads into the city of Darwin so what about the rest of The Northern Territory in the previous years prior to this current event ?.