Its also even odder then indeed that such a broadcasting network would indeed capitulate not to report on real local content of just what is happening in our own Northern Territory seeing how we see so much flag waving coming for so called local goverment being ( Northern Territory Proud ).
As for your Ch 9 broadcasting network being so " Proudly Australian " and the fact is we are" NOT Americans "and the fact is that we Australians do have our Australian Constitution in that too few Australians now a days
seem to know what our Australian Constitution stands for.
The only thing that is now openly missing here in Australia is a Dictator or El Presidentee but here at least in the Northern Territory we have now our own " Claire Martin " Cheif Justice Minister for the Northern Territory and she could not even get the building height code correct and would fashion our Northern Territory Capital along the same lines as that of Singapore and run it all just like Irland...its as if there is no Australian originality left in Australia any more ! .
However more on that later so since I am an Australian Citizen and have been so well before it was a legal requirement for any of our own Australian MP’s to be Australian Citizen I am also a resident of The Northern Territory and I would like to ask you a few questions since yous have come to the Northern Territory in just recent times as to Why your " channel 9 TV station " has not been fully acknowledging all these facts concerning our The City of Palmerston when yous having been just refearing to the geographical placement of Palmerston rather than calling our " CITY " a CITY in your reporting of activities in or about " The City of Palmerston " area.
I would point out to you that as of 1999 and in 2000 that indeed what was geographically known as "Town of Palmerston " and the name of Palmerston was on some maps but as for why your broadcasting network keeps insisting in NOT calling our CITY of Palmerston a city now some 7 years its beyond belief when it was declared and proclaimed as a " City " so could you please use the correct terminology for The City of Palmerston .
As in viewing your broadcast of the 12-March-2007 in having viewed and heard your news broadcast in which I seen land marks pertaining to our CITY of Palmerston and yet failled to refer to our CITY of Palmerston but
rather yous referred to these land marks as " Satellite City of Palmerston " there is NO such satellite City of the North in any geographical placement in or around our City of Palmerston and there is no such current reference of any other Palmerston in Australia protesting to have such a Satellite City let alone even being in the North that I can find since 2000.
As for your seemingly attitude and stance on this matter of your Ch 9 broadcasting network in even down playing our City of Palmerston I find this stance more than just disturbing in coming from your local TV Network let alone
your broadcasting network and indeed as what bearing would it have in law since the lawfull facts have been declared and proclaimed.
Seeing too how we residents and tax payers pay tax's as a " CITY "and pay them to " The City of Palmerston
Council ".
Even all this flag waving of your own broadcasting network in being supposedly so " Proudly Australian " and concerning just being Australian and yet we dont even have the Australian Constitution being touched in our schools.
Is seems due in part to mostly all of the crap thats been shown and heard on your broadcasting Network over so many years along with a lot of other so called Australian TV and radio stations here in Australia in that your CH 9 TV Network has to take part blame of whats been shown on our TV in yous have been broadcasting and supporting such " Americanizing " of our way of life and that of our Australian culture done by supposedly a " Proudly Australian TV Broadcaster " and lets not forget for one moment your internet multi media feeds along with your email server which generates " spam Mail " in which all this has also given our own Children the wrong values as supposedly being Australians.
I would point out to you that you will comply with all declared laws and lawfull acts and use and apply then in accordance with all declared laws and acts pertaining to our City of Palmerston.