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The Northern Territory & World Wide News Line..... Opening up the rest of the world to a better Future.


I would ask yous to forth with comply with your licence conditions and to all matters of law and lawful acts and to correct all matters now and in the future when reporting any matters let alone concerning The City of Palmerston or it suburbs.

I would call on yous also to publicly correct and apologise to all residents of The City of Palmerston for yous having continued over the past 7 years and to date in having abuse and misrepresent them and all of the true facts concerning The City of Palmerston to be known.

However I fail to see why you have not done this yourselfs in the first instance seeing how there are only two Citys in all of The Northern Territory to which also you have shown that you dont know our Northern Territory let alone your weather news does not even cover our City of Palmerston..why is that !.

I will not behold my breath on any of these matters of concern concerning your broadcasting network seeing how your own track record is doing so well up todate but rather to say who said that you need a gun to be a Terrorist !.

I have also taken note that in all the Northern Territory phone books I have looked at I see you have posted your mailing address as being at:

Channel 9
Blake Street.
The Gardens

I would wonder what happened to the street number of your place of work along with what post code to use and indeed what city you are in, in not seeing either being posted in any phone books in which I have looked in regarding The Northern Territory .

I will now await your response to this my complaint of Customer Commitment.

Without prejudice

Mr. Peter D. Giles.