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They said it was a terrible Accident but we know now it to be Murder of a Young School Boy in a so called Safe Environment.... So just how much is your Child worth !..

The Safety, Security and Care of Children in our Northern Territory Schools but now that concern has turned into indifference of a Child and the loss to a family " Complaint of Commitment ".

News 5-May-2008.

Some what a more honest description of just what these Children and Northern Territory residents put up with.

Notes and Updates: 5-May-2008.

Do you remember the young boy called ( Aidan Bott ) of 9 years old who was murdered in his own school yard in 2006.

I sure do hope that the The Federal Minister of Education does as well.

It was all portrayed on TV and radio along with news papers in 2006 as an terrible accident in that it was reported that a tree had fallen on this young 9 year old boy and killed him while he ate his lunch under a tree in his own school yard.

That at least here in The Northern Territory was some what of main story that was portrayed in our NT News paper and indeed was shown to be on TV in that even Clare Martin our chief justice minister got in on the act.

Indeed thats all it was an " Act " as the NT Government was indeed in damage control to save in budget pinching and did not care about the death of a child or of the loss and pain it caused to that family in one of our Northern Territory Schools yet once again.

Yous all must remember how Clare Martin came across on our so called Local TV News in that she stated it was a terrible accident this was even echoed by her some weeks later on the ABC TV program ( NT Stateline ).

It was clearly seen that what every one was out to down play this matter and did so outstandingly but what we did not hear or see was why such school insurance was not paid out to this child's family as I believe the standing insurance of a child going to school is $1.000.000 but this fact we have not heard anything of let alone the further trauma that has been inflicted on this family over the past 2 years nor have we heard from our so called Northern Territory Minister of Education ( Marion Scrymgour).

Thats the Department which is not called up hear The Department Education but rather has called itself " The Department of Education/Training and Employment " you know the one that has that many tickets on the door one is hard pushed to find any person there at all let alone not hearing her investigations imput on these matters seeing too she is also Minister for Child Protection at present.

Odd that ( Marion Scrymgour ) having the same porfolio as being DEETA ?.

Deputy Chief Minister Minister for Employment, Education and Training Minister for Family and Community Services Minister for Child Protection Minister for Indigenous Policy Minister for Arts and Museums Minister for Women's Policy

Parliament Office: Parliament House Darwin, NT, 0800 Tel: 08 8901 4102 Fax: 08 8901 4110 Email:

Postal Address: GPO Box 3146 Darwin NT 0801

Electorate Office: Ground Floor, CML Building 59 Smith Street Darwin, NT, 0800 Tel: (08) 8981 7055 Fax: (08) 8981 7515 Email:

Postal Address: Ground Floor, CML Building 59 Smith Street Darwin, NT, 0800 .....................

But what of the Family of this boy ( Aidan Bott ) and that of his mother ( Robyn Hunt ), what of their closure and compensation rather than this extended trauma that they have been sujected to over these last few years what do they get other than more heartache. As we later found out that the said tree that killed ( Aidan Bott ) was marked for removal some 6 months before hand and some $3000 was put to one side for this in it was to be cut down and removed but this was not done at all and we have now lost a precious young life being Aidan Bott.

We also see that the NT Catholic Education Office has also gone into damage control in minimising their liability in this case let alone having done so in the suicide of a child some years ago all of which is Not a very christian act coming from the NT Catholic Education Office.

What of the Principal " Tony O'Brien " and all of " St Mary's Primary school " Admin section along with all teachers why have they not been charged with murder of this child along with having endangering others children at this school who also did not do something about it all in the first place in they all just stood by with total disregards to " Child Protection ".

No matter how much moneys may be paid to the school for the removal of that tree it should have been done but it was spent on doing something else other than the saftey of Children.

We have to hope that all ( Parent & Parents ) of youg childern in any Northern Territory School do take notice of their childrens safety in them also even being correctly insured as we have seen this not having taken place in other schools here in The Northern Territory.

No matter how much money that is paid to a ( Parent & Parents ) it can never bring back that loved one only that it will help them to move on.

We all indeed have to wonder just how much more " Bull crap " we have to all put up with coming out of our so called Northern Territory legal system and insurers as we have seen and read such " Crummyism " coming out of Darwin courts and our so called justice department for years such as seeing the " teeters " coming from Mr Cavanagh over these many years.

Along with just how much more have we got to take from these so called Northern Territory Government officials and its so called Ministers seeing to of the fact that this ( Mothers ) further distress has been compounded by the manner in which legal representatives of the school and the Catholic Education Office along with Northern Territory Government officials went to in some lengths to persuade the public they had no relevant knowledge as to the risks by the tree in the school yard.

We all can see clearly they can't do their job correctly in any form and in so having done so cannot even provide any such controlled environment for children in any school yard in relation to their ( Safety, Security and Care of Children ) in any of our Northern Territory schools let alone anything else as we have seen this not happening over the past years and also the fact that this Northern Territory Department of Education woops rather " The Department of Education/Training and Employment " does not want to know .

Perhaps its way past time for ALL parent/ parents to remove their children out of all these Northern Territory Schools as they seem not to have any insurance on your child what so ever let alone not even caring for your child what so ever.

So the loss of your child in....just how much is your Child worth has to be asked !.