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( NT Pensioner and Carer Concession Scheme ) Update 10-September-2007 .

Page 3 of 6.

I will state here again to you in writing so that it can be seen very clearly for you and your department to also take notice of for one last time " in that its an illegal act to pencil in any identifiable numbers or markings into any document " in that NO government department can pencil in or other wise make ANY identifiable numbering system of any kind ( OF ITS OWN ) about any clients information on any forms after they have been printed.

I would there for ask you to give me in writing such legals that were involved in all these matters in having had your department carry out its on personal and illegal identifiable numbering on these printed forms in yous having ( altered ) these forms after they were printed as being other wise to be.

This is what you have done and its ( illegal ) in that its an illegal act of yous to have done so no matter what lame excuse you have stated to me on the phone in that there can not be what so ever any so called permission given to yous to do this as what you said in that you supposedly got this permission is pure rubbish.

There for if you insist on this path I would call on you and that of your so called " legal’s " in that yous had all better tell them that they too had better look out or go back to school.

I would there for call on your department to hand over such data base to the Commonwealth Government along with yous reporting it to the police and there after for yous to destroy all such data base in yous have been illegaly acquiring such information to start with with out permission is illegal.
As for the contents of your so called " NT Pensioners Concession Scheme Members Consent Form " I would draw your attention to the wording on that form and to the fact that I do not like to be threatened or intimidated in any manner what so ever least of all by any so called Local Government department that cannot even present a legal document correctly let alone with out total disclosure other than threaten and intimidate.

Perhaps read what you and your department wrote in the first instance before shooting off your mouth.

Also its clearly noted that you never stated any " act of compliance " on that so called " NT Pensioners Concession Scheme Members Consent Form " in what section of acts does it come under if any seeing how " Administrative Acts, or Privacy or Confidentiality Act " or indeed what relevance are sections of these acts you are supposedly complying under.

You have stated NONE.

You also today stated Mrs, Eva Dahl in that you are the Manager of that department there for as such you should be well acquainted with in just what all the acts of compliance are along with just what administer acts yous come under in that you and your office should know clearly these acts as the onus is on you to know and comply with such acts along with the penalties for having distributed in also disclosing that information in the first instance to others.

I would also point out that the Privacy Act is a Federal act of Australia and no one least of all any local hick government department can just dream up something to suit themselfs.

Full disclosure has to be given on ALL documents that are tendered to the public and that of any Privacy statement has to come under " The Privacy Act here in Australia " in which it has to be specific and clearly stated to which NONE of this information was on these your so called documents to start with.

That is why I had refused to sign such a red necked document in the first place I do hope you have got that clear now.

But I have taken note it did not stop you or your so called department interfereing with my personage through out all these years of yous having done so that in intercepting, controlling and manipulation of my information in that you and your department have ruled in the first place to be yours.