I first wrote this back in 2003 and one thing about these so called First Of Australia's Vietnamese refugees that came to Whyalla in South Australia is when these first so called Vietnamese refugees came into South Australia which took place back in 1978 - 1979.
Along with this is the fact that all these so called refugees also got Guaranteed low interest loans of 3% for a new car etc when everyone else was paying the going rate which back then was in the order of about 18% along with this was the FACT that EACH member of their familys got a once off payment of $10.000 per person each.
Yes ...you read it correctly $10.000 per person each " NOT as per family " BUT rather as PER PERSON with in that family so if there was 8 in that family (which was normal) they got $10.000 each X 8 = $80.000...and that was JUST ONE Family what about the other 200 familys !.
The truth about all this lot was well known in and around Whyalla and through out the Eyre Peninsula at that time and was even reported on in the local news paper, and on the local TV stations GTS/BKN but for some reason did not make the National TV News or National News Papers in South Australia ..I would wonder as why not ?.
Perhaps the Government was fearing such a back lash from every South Australian if it became known seeing how the fact was that we Australians were told to tighten our belts and yet here is our own Government giving away moneys to others for free!.
These facts took a further 23 years for the full truth to come out in Canberra in 2003 at question time so go follow through on that for youselfs after reading these facts its there for all to read.
Along with many other facts there for ALL Australians to read for the first time in 2003 so as to know what was swept under the carpet back then along with whats been swept under the carpet even to this day and how our own home grown Australian's got crapped on back in 1978 and we are still doing this to this very day so talk about crappy Australian apathy... go figure!.
How odd it really is that we Australians pay all the bills for all this and we would not get the same reciprocal courtesy given to us if we were to go to their Country as refugees.
This fact has been made very clear back them and more so now over the past 23 years.
I have to ask also just where at that time was our own ( Mr Lloyd O'Neil, J.P.,M.H.R ) seeing how he was our House of Representative Member in Canberra back in 1978 so just why did it take 23 years for some of these fact to come out in Canberra in 2003 at question time !.
I am an Aussie too and I sure dont like seeing how our own Australian Government sells us out at ever turn and uses us up and also our so called Australian News Services goes along with it all for there own gain's too in them also seeing the crap put out and done to our fellow Australians and them all standing by with such apathy on their part.. after all its we Australians that paid for it all in hard cash and in turn our Australian Government sold us out our and our own familys short in doing so.
They got given FREE of charge a HOUSE, Guaranteed Jobs by the BHP, and Money all at a time when there were other Australians that were out of work not only in Whyalla but throughout South Australia and we Australians were all told to tighten our belts !.
I would say that one would even be lucky indeed to even make it to their shore line let alone being Guaranteed anything!.
Peter Giles. 2003