This artical has now been posted as of today 29-April-2007 since not having received any reply from either my email of Tuesday 27-March-2007 or to my follow up letter to Hon Fran Bailey MP Office at her Canberra Office, Parliament of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600 of the 2-April-2007 to which you can now read these two part of these artical.
News Update 29 April 2007.
Australian Tourism Minister Hon Fran Bailey MP and Ch 7 TV views abuse and exploitation of Children to be OK.
Email: To The Hon Fran Bailey MP....Tuesday 27-March-2007
Can you give me good reason as to why I should not seek an order against you for having admitted on National TV Tonight Tuesday 27-March-2007 on the Ch 7 today tonight program your exploitation and abuse of a Child.
I ask you why would you capitulate to the exploitation and abuse of an ( 8 year old Child )concerning your having been viewing her as a meal ticket !.
In that you demonstrated very clearly that you were more interested in how much money was coming into Australia in the use being made of ( Bindi Irwin ) in her being a good draw card for the tourism industry and Small Business.
Let alone that ( Bindi Irwin ) is only 8 years old and under Federal Law she has no rights and there for is open to Child exploitation in which you and the ( Ch 7 today tonight )program both capitulated very clearly to your own part in your exploitation of this Child.
I am more than disgusted that a Minister would stoop so low to use a Child as a meal ticket let alone seeing how you would use a child as being some sort of a ( commodity ) in which to trade on in only seeing dollor signs.
Fran Bailey why then would you refer to a child as an embassador if she was not being veiwed as a meal ticket ?.
However ( Hon Fran Bailey MP ) you have stated this on national TV and on video streaming on the internet along with this you now have to do some explaining to Parliament for such abuse/exploitation of this Child as well as to the federal court of australia which these child protection laws are in their domain in which I will be seeking to full have there protection
of the Australian Federal court for this child.
In having also taken note of your " Non compliance " of these laws of Australia in you having shown such contempt for any Australian Laws which having been posted for over the past 10 years concerning ( The Australian Child protection/exploitation Acts ).
I cannot see how these laws can be ignored seeing how they are ( Law's ) and you being a Minister should have known better.
It seems that no one in our own government it seems wants to taking any responsibility to ensure that these Federal laws are enforced seeing too how children can be treated as a ( commodity ) on Australian TV as it also seems to be that some are more valuable than others.
I also have taken note of the fact that your picture on the Australian industry Government web site is out dated by 3 years.
As you know its a fact of compliance that all photographic or ID's have to be up to date to show a true and correct interpretation of all persons and this is more importantly for a Government Minister to comply with such laws.
Can you please get back to me on these matters as I am sick and fed up with this double standard of Child exploitation being done and seen on our Australian commercial TV broadcasting stations.
I would want to know why and how you can get away with airing such abuse at all seeing how you are a Minister and all in the name of making a " Buck " for the tourism industry and Small Business.
I will await your reply before I take further action up with the ACMA and Child protection Services here in Australia.
Peter D Giles. Tuesday 27-March-2007
News Update 29 April 2007.
Letter and email to Australian Tourism Minister Hon Fran Bailey MP concerning abuse and exploitation of Child.
Hon Fran Bailey MP.
File Ref: 313/2007
Subject: Formal Complaint of Commitment.
To The Hon Fran Bailey MP.
Just a follow up with you since having sent you an email dated 28-March-2007 to your office after seeing that Channel 7 Today Tonight TV report of you concerning ( Bindi Irwin ).
I will now transpose all the text of that original email to you dated 28-March-2007 which I sent to you at the above email address and I would now make in writing to you a Formal written Complaint of Commitment.
I have also now made a Formal written Complaint of Commitment to The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) about your Exploitation of a Child done on National Australian TV.
Interesting to have read your own posting in that you have two girls of your own there for I would have to ask you would you have taken to Exploitation of them as Children as I having seen and heard how you are more than willing to capitulate to the exploitation and abuse of other " Children " and a ( 8 year old Child ) at that as a meal ticket is unforgiveable.
Without prejudice
Mr Peter D. Giles
Canberra Office
Parliament of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph. (02) Please Note Phone Number With Held.
Fax. (02) Please Note Phone Number With Held.
Failing to comply with the acts of compliance, Misleading, , Exploitation of a Child, abuse of the
Australian Child protection/exploitation Acts,
Contences of Complaint Email : ADDRESS WITH HELD
Can you give me good reason as to why I should not seek an order against you for having admitted on National TV Tonight Tuesday 27-March-2007 on the Ch 7 today tonight program your exploitation and abuse of a Child.
I ask you why would you capitulate to the exploitation and abuse of an ( 8 year old Child ) concerning your having been viewing her as a meal ticket !.
In that you demonstrated very clearly that you were more interested in how much money was coming into Australia in the use being made of ( Bindi Irwin ) in her being a good draw card for the tourism industry and Small Business.
Let alone that ( Bindi Irwin ) is only 8 years old and under Federal Law she has no rights and there for is open to Child exploitation in which you and the ( Ch 7 today tonight )program both capitulated very clearly to your own part in your exploitation of this Child.
I am more than disgusted that a Minister would stoop so low to use a Child as a meal ticket let alone seeing how you would use a child as being some sort of a ( commodity ) in which to trade on in only seeing dollor signs.
Fran Bailey why then would you refer to a child as an embassador if she was not being veiwed as a meal ticket ?.
However ( Hon Fran Bailey MP ) you have stated this on national TV and on video streaming on the internet along with this you now have to do some explaining to Parliament for such abuse /exploitation of this Child as well as to the federal court of australia which these child protection laws are in their domain in which I will be seeking to full have there protection of the Australian Federal court for this child.
In having also taken note of your " Non compliance " of these laws of Australia in you having shown such contempt for any Australian Laws which having been posted for over the past 10 years concerning ( The Australian Child protection/exploitation Acts ).
I cannot see how these laws can be ignored seeing how they are ( Law's ) and you being a Minister should have known better.
It seems that no one in our own government it seems wants to taking any responsibility to ensure that these Federal laws are enforced seeing too how children can be treated as a ( commodity ) on Australian TV as it also seems to be that some are more valuable than others.
I also have taken note of the fact that your picture on the Australian industry Government web site is out dated by 3 years. 0AC15987
As you know its a fact of compliance that all photographic or ID's have to be up to date to show a true and correct interpretation of all persons and this is more importantly for a Government Minister to comply with such laws.
Can you please get back to me on these matters as I am sick and fed up with this double standard of Child exploitation being done and seen on our Australian commercial TV broadcasting stations.
I would want to know why and how you can get away with airing such abuse at all seeing how you are a Minister and all in the name of making a " Buck " for the tourism industry and Small Business.
I will await your reply before I take further action up with the ACMA and Child protection Services here in Australia.
>End of Original Email Text <