I would like to tell you about a very nice rip off that is being presented and carried out by the NT Government Health and Community Services.
I am sure that a lot of Northern Territory residents got this following information delivered to their letter or post box but for the moment I would ask WHAT has your Commonwealth pension information that being administered by Centrelink got to do with NT Government Health and Community Services anyways?.
Such is the case with myself as today 20-July-2004 an item I had received in my mail box looked innocent enough on the surface of it all but on looking at things closely there were many hidden indiscrepences asking me for my personal information that was to be distributed to seemly other Northern Territory affiliated agencies and there was no assurety of confidentiality or privacy what so ever stated.
So just why is your personal information being sold off by Northern Territory Government or more over as to WHY its even involving itself into your business.
First of all there is NO DATE on the letter or form what so ever that the NT Government Health and Community Services sent out!.
Secondly the local City of Palmerston Office did not know anything about this letter or form what so ever let alone the illegal hand written ID number that had been penciled in on the consent form!.
Thirdly there is the matter of the WRONG phone number for their head office of NT Government Health and Community Services at Casuarina!.
On I having eventaully made contact both with The City of Palmerston and their Casuarina head office about this letter and their proposed consent form both offices seem to not know what letter was posted in that their official reason given for these their errors was " we dont know what letter or form you are talking about " ?
Hell they are asking for information from us and they dont know what they are doing even concerning their own mailing and phone numbers !.
As to why the NT Government Health and Community Services at Casuarina which is their head office did not know their own telephone number was odd but what was even more odder is the fact they did not know or want to accept responsibility for this their letter posting ....don't you think this is just a bit odd!.
But as to WHY NT Government Health and Community Services also keeps refering to Palmerston as palmerston is odd seeing how the fact is that its a CITY and has been since 2000 so it should have been acknowledged as the City of Palmerston... is this too much to ask for seeing how there are only TWO Citys in the whole of the Northern Territory and we do pay Taxes as a City so can we now ask for a rebate ?.
What this then means is that anything you say to NT Government Health and Community Services is now being passed around to " every Tom, Dick, or Harry.
I would have to ask here WHY does NT Government Health and Community Services think it has the right to administer anything to do with your personal information in relations to any Commonwalth matter least off all gathering more information concerning your personage and passing it around which we all know one had to be on a Centrelink benefit before you can get ANY pension or Unemployment benefit let alone any CONCESSION so this matter is right in the Centrelink domain as concerning just a NT concession card scheme well as I have stated you have got to be on Centrelink books first of all.
So just what is the NT Government Health and Community Services up too in even trying to hold and pass this information " YOURS " on to other departments such as Centrelink, Department of Veterans Affairs, Australian Customs Service, Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Power & Water, Local and Community Government Councils, Motor Vehicle Registry or its agents, Contracted Optometrists, and for DHCS.
This consent is on going untill you withdraw it ?...Good one as one cannot even contact them to start with !.
One cannot even contact the manager of NT Government Health and Community Services here in the NT ...it seems she is always out ?.
Perhaps I am just one of the lucky ones after all ....but I will not hold my breath.
Peter D.Giles 20-July-2004.