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The Northern Territory & World Wide News Line..... Opening up the rest of the world to a better Future.

News Update 24 December 2006.

property tax thing has gotten right out of hand down this way too as it all just comes down to the greed of local councils and state governments. !.

In that 15 years ago when we lived down in South Australia our state council taxes for our $53.000 home which was done by the SA State Government Valuers General dept was taxed at $258.78 per year which were reasonable.

As housing at that time was also reasonable and still with in the " REAL WORLD " to buy too as the average new home was about $70,000 with a 1/4 acre block which was standard at that time.

But then the local city councils got into the act and they " Artificially " put all housing tax up in the area which meant there was a $230 hike in rates.

This gave us then a BILL of $488.78 per year !.

This separate price hike had nothing what so ever to do with the State Government Valuers General dept what so everit was just something that the local city councils did themselfs to get more moneys.

However seeing to how these property taxes were administered by the local city council people kicked up for a short time but like most things down this ways they really DID nothing about it all.

So it came to pass as it were.

So today the wrong message has gone out and these " Property Taxes " have just gone higher and higher to now they are right out of the ball park.

Also which has to be noted before all this crap took place is the fact one always did pay a slightly higher " Property Tax " living in the main city area but lets face it one had all the major amenities there too like Doctors, Dentist, hospitals, librarys, Vet's, rail and bus transport etc,.

But in the country area's one did pay less some several hundred dollars less infact as you dont have all these amenities out bush as it were and still dont in 2006 at least down here that is.

But all that has changed in fact the " Property Tax's " are the same whether you are some 500 miles or even 1500 miles out of a town or city in the bush as it were you will now pay some where between $1.500 to $1.800 + plus per year and lets not forget GST tax on top of that as well !.

Also the land blocks have gotten smaller to and the housing costs have gone higher so its a case of paying more for less...This is Nuts in this day and age seeing how Big Australia is !.

And as we all know living out in the county one does NOT get all the amenities that one gets in a city infact you are lucky to get a TV signal or even a telephone let alone the local power grid so why in gods name do we keep on paying these greedy " Town and City Councils " or state governments this money.

That's all on top of the fact that we here in Australia also pay a GST Tax on EVERYTHING WE BUY or on TOP OF EVERY BILL we get be it " Property Tax's " plus GST its just all to costly.

It just go's on and on and I dont see any benefit for any one at all other than just been taxed into oblivion.

I cant see the point in paying cash for something and supposedly owning it and then in turn having to pay a further " Yearly high " Local and Government Taxes on something that I own ?.

So in the end I would like to know " JUST " who owns it after all !...This is whats getting to me.