Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the NT. 1-Dec-2006.
$1.3 million dollar clean up bill so far
NT Stateline 1-Dec-2006 To Melinda James.
Its odd that now the NT is considering breath testing boat owners on the water for alcohol and yet our own quality of life has been so much impacted upon by a pest rodent such as the Queensland cane toad that seemly the NT government does not want to know now some year on.
I am a bit confused in so far as that on the 30-Nov-2006 the ABC News Darwin did broadcast a segment in its news program about the Queensland cane toad in that some scientists in darwin don't believe that there is much to worry about concerning our indigineous native NT animals being threatened by this Queensland cane toad Pandemic.!
But also is the fact which I have taken note of is the fact that NO ONE is saying who is paying for the clean up in the NT of these Queensland Cane Toads.
I would have to ask why is the NT Government sitting back and not sueing the Queensland Government under the environmental impact laws for their having bred this Queensland Cane Toad in the first place to supposedly take care of the Sugar cane beettle problem that the Queensland Government released this Cane Toad in the first instance.
Also where is the facts that their own Queensland Government environment impact studies showing that their Cane Toad was a rodent pest which was inflicting environmental damage on their own native wild life but still the Queensland Government did not post " Any bounty on that PEST RODENT " to help eradicate that man made problem but instead the Queensland Government let it roam freely.
This whole matter just makes a complete laughing stock out of any invironmental laws let alone native wild life and Now we territorians have to clean up another states problem as well as having been asked to pay for all these efforts as NO ONE has yet stated clearly just who is footing the bill for these Queensland Cane Toad Rodents.
Not only is this animal a Queensland man made pest but its also now interfering in our own quality of life for many years to come be it wild life or horticulture or agriculture and that of the lives of all our indigineous animals here in the NT or even our own water quality.
Where is the public act of responsibility and accountability of office here in the NT that is owing to the general public of all residence of the NT in that we the people have appointed public servants to act on our behalf to supposedly look after our interests and that of our invironmental laws which now looks farsical but what of the future of our children so much for the laws of the NT and that of Australia.
I would have embraced a far more indepth report with more accountability being forth coming from our own government members that should have been acting with more insight in recooping moneys for this introduced Pendemic pest into the NT.
However it seems that this would indeed be pushing the envelope of public responsibility and accountability act way to much it would seem.
Just look at the very nonechalont Darwin mayor fiasco at the present time and what has to be noted is his own so called unaccountability ...nice to see a public servent thinking he is above the law.
This matter of the Queensland cane toads will not go away and the cost to each one of our own NT people who have to now endure such a profound impact coming from Queensland where the Queensland Government did not do anything about it when the matter was in Queensland and yet it seems to be a case of OH' here we go again.
Or as we say up here She will be right mate....yep as long as we are the silly one's thats paying for it all that is !.
Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the NT follow up with .
NT Stateline 2-Dec-2006 by Melinda James.
Hello Melinda James.
My apologies to you in that I had put down the wrong date in my first correspondence to you I stated the 2-Dec-2006 when indeed it should have been Friday the 1-Dec-2006.
Just some what of a follow up with as to my written correspondence to you on the 1-Dec-2006 concerning your NT Stateline program.
I just watched the ABC TV News tonight at 6.30 pm on Saturday 2-Dec-2006 and what seems to have been a follow up done by ABC TV News in Darwin concerning these Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the NT that was first aired by them on the 30-Nov-2006.
I was pleased to hear at least some of my questions I had raised with you in my first contact with you have some what been answered on that segment in tonights ABC TV News.
But still I did not hear any facts concerning our apponted NT Government steps to re coop the $1.3 million dollar clean up bill so far that the NT has footed due to the Queensland Governments ineptitude regarding their Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic.
It will be interesting to see how things develop on this matter in so far as the so called environmental laws are concerned in respects to if indeed these laws are indeed law and as to why they have not been enforced concerning this Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic with the Queensland Government.
I do hope that our own quality of life is not impaired further and there is a way found to rid ourselves of this rodent pest in the long run thats if we still have any of our native animals left that is.
Thank you for a great " NT Stateline " program its always been interesting I just would wish that more persons would get off their seats and support their own future.
If you can please pass on my respects to the ABC Darwin TV News crew as well for that fine follow up that was presented tonight and to all concerned.
Peter D Giles, 2-December-2006
Click to Enlarge
Now tonight on your program " NT Stateline 1-Dec-2006 " I believe your program showed a more balanced view of this Queensland cane toad problem which corolates with the finding of the Queenslands own Government impact studies on their own Queensland Cane Toad problem.
As like most matters of real concern in the real world of reality that have a profound impact on all in the NT we see so much being swept under the carpet.
Its also interesting to note his so called " Legals " in there statement too that the Darwin mayor he did not have to respond to such public accountability nice to see such " legals " being transparent about the law inner workings of the law in the NT is it not !.
As this matter is just one in a lst of such illegal activities done by such appointed public servants far too long up here in the NT we have been seeing superficial window dressing on a wide range of matters done in that we all can ...as long as it looks to have be done it will do !.
Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in the NT follow up. 2-Dec-2006.