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Automotive Digest

Motorsports Page Two

Welcome to Automotive Digest Motorsports. This page is dedicated to the pioneer race cars that started it all. Also to the cars that inspired what we race today. Strap in, and take a spin around the track.
"Gentlemen, start your engines!"

The 1909 Ford Model T
The 1936 Packard, pace car of the Indianapolis 500.
The 1947 Ferrari 166MM Barchetta

The Fabulous Fifties

The Fifties were were the birth of NASCAR. They were the decade where anything could be raced.
It was also the beginning of the custom made racer. The car that never saw a highway.

The Turbulent Sixties

The decade of trying times and war. Racing took on a new look and meaning. With a few laps around the track and all your troubles were behind you.
Ford took charge of racing with the GT-40
In the late sixties, the designs were becoming more aerodynamic.

Seventies and Beyond

More aerodynamic shapes and roadsters were dying off.
The late seventies brought changes even to NASCAR.
Open wheeled racing at the end of a decade.

The Eighties