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Plot Summary

  • Billy Budd centers around a merchant sailer who enlists in the British Navy in early July of 1797.
  • Billy is stationed on a merchant ship named the Bellipotent.
  • Billy is an extraordinary sailor. He is esteemed by his fellow sailors for his amiable looks and authentic uncomplicated personality.
  • Billy flourishes in his new ship. His new shipmates quickly approve of him.
  • The ship's captain's name is Fairfax Vere. He is an astringent man who is highly educated and alludes to history a great deal. He seems to be very distinguished but is not popular with the crew.
  • John Claggart holds a new position known as the "Master of Arms" which basically means he monitors the crew. Mutinies are common on British ships causing Claggart to stay on high alert
  • Billy is wrongly accused of mocking Claggart by a corporal. This defamation causes Claggart to observe him attentively . Claggart pretends he has not been told anything, but when Billy is told about the lie he is in disbelief.
  • Captain Vere is told by Claggart that Billy is threatening and bound for mutiny but Vere disagrees.
  • Vere stages an intervention between Claggart and Billy and commands Claggart to implicate Billy in person.
  • Billy is abashed and when ordered to talk he strikes Claggart in the head. The blow kills Claggart.
  • Vere is consequently discombobulated and beckons for a panel of officers to analyze the offense and decide on an appropriate sentence. Despite the fact that some thought it unintentional, Vere states that murder on a ship , premeditated or otherwise, is still murder. Billy convicted and is sentenced to death at sunrise the next day.
  • Billy is executed at the main mast as the sunrises. A few sailors believe Billy dies even before the rope had contracted. The official navy report pronounced that Billy had stabbed Claggart and purposely killed him.
  • The correct story events survived only in a song sung by sailors everywhere.

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