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Thailand Amulets


Luang Ta Pan, Wat Bang Khun Phrom

Somdej Phim OK Vee

B.E.2502 to B.E.2507




The above rare Somdej was given by the abbot of Wat Arun, located in Bukit Merah, Singapore, many years ago when a friend donated a sum of money to Wat Arun. This old uncle has been keeping this amulet in his drawer for more than twenty years. Now, in his retirement age, he likes to tell us his many experiences and stories in his younger days. And this amulet is related to one of his adventures in the horse racing circle (bookie)… how he made tons of money and how he lost them over night. Left with only happy and sad memories plus this Somdej


This Somdej was made by Luang Ta Pan from B.E.2502 to 2507. Commonly known as BKP2502 and believe to be made from materials of old Somdej fragments by Somdej PhraPhutdhacharn(Toh) contained in the main Jedi of Wat Mai Amataros (BangKhunPhrom). An amulet as good as Somdej made by PhraPhutdhacharn(Toh).


For more details, please click Wat BangKhunPhrom B.E. 2502







Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”