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Thailand Amulets


Luang Phor Tim

Wat Lahanrai (Wat RaiWaree)





Phra PhomPhra Phom (Back)



Size: approximately 2.7 cm x 3.6 cm

(Pinkish Color)


The above is Phra Prom or 4 faces Buddha, made in Wat Kroak Keow, B.E. 2517 to 2518. LP Tim was there during the consecration ceremony and after the ceremony; he brought them back to Wat Lahanrai and personally blessed them for another 3 more months. It is mixed with Plaai Guman powder and bless together with LP Tim’s Khun Paen Plai Guman18.


Lord Brahma has 4 faces and eight arms. Two of the arms bear weapons, while the others hold sacred book of Veeda, a spoon, a conch, a rosary and a small pot of sacred water. One free hand rests on his heart to remind us of keeping our souls pure. At the back of the above amulet, read “Thao Maha Prom”, center is a Yant & Pali Khata and the below is the name of the temple “Wat Kroak Keow Wong Phra Jan”.


This batch of amulet comes with a set of three, namely Phra Prom, Phra Narai and Phra Isuan and all are Hindu Deities. Phra Prom is the most well-known among the three and probably due to the most famous celestial shrine in all of Thailand, The Brahma Shrine at Grand Hyatt. Although a Hindu Deity, Phra Prom is highly respected by Thais, Malaysians, Singaporeans and People from Hong Kong. Devotees comprised of boon-seeking students, housewives, businessmen etc. from common people on the street to Hong Kong celebrities.


Article to share: -


“It’s an ancient conviction that Brahma, who created the world and everything in it, is also the one who dictates the destiny of man. Brahma is called Phra Prom in Thai. Likit literally means to write or is a letter written by Prom. So it follows that Prom Likit is both the force and fate which Brahma writes on the forehead of every child on the sixth day of his birth. This belief caused a tradition of Mons, an ethnic group of Thai ancestry, to prepare offerings for Brahma when a child is born. In ancient time, when child bearing actually took place at home, the family would unrolled a long, narrow white cloth from the front staircase to the room where the woman in labour lay, which served as a carpet that the Creator would tread upon. Among the offerings placed near the newborn baby was a pencil so that Brahma, the Creator, could write a good map of the child’s life (VAIDURYA, Nov/Dec 2005, Vol.34, Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple Publication).”


Lord Brahma at the Erawan Shrine, Grand Hyatt, Bangkok




Everyday, people from different countries come and offer their pious prayers to Lord Brahma in the Erawan Shrine, Grand Hyatt, Bangkok. Always busy with a flow of people holding incenses, candles and flowers moving in a clockwise direction. Some were there to seek Lord Brahma’s help to fulfill their wish in Career Advancement, Relationship Consummation, Health and Safety, while others are back to return his favors. Very well-known for fulfilling one’s request and comes with a mutual underlying “agreement” that once your request being answered, you must be back there (at the Shrine) to return his favor.


Lord Brahma in the Erawan Shrine is well-know for the power to fulfill sincere devotees with their request. It is not surprise that some of your cloest kin are devotees of Lord Brahma and travel frequently there to offer their respect.




Usually, devotees will pay a small sum of money and get the dancers to dance in front of Lord Brahma as a form of respect. The dancers are all graduates from the Thai Classical Dances at Bangkok’s Dramatic Art College. 







Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”