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Thailand Amulets


Luang Phor Thuad





Phra Luang Phor Thuad, Wat SaiKow, B.E.2534

Re-made M-16 Batch





Clarification: -


The above Phra LP Thuat, re-made M-16 batch, is not the famous LP Thuat that had saved the life of a Thai driver from the bandits’ M-16 rifles. It is a re-made batch in the same year (B.E.2534) on the 72nd birthday of Archan Nong (Wat SaiKow), using broken fragments of the original M-16 batch.


A Story to Share - The making of the famous Phra LP Thuat amulets Wat Chang Hai B.E.2497: -


Archan Tim and Archan Nong decided to get some amulets to give to all the donors that help to re-build/furbish Wat Chang Hai in B.E. 2490s. They traveled all the way to Bangkok to look for amulets and un-expectedly they met many Guru Monks of Wat Rakang and; were imparted with the knowledge of making scarce amulet. Method of how Somdej Toh (Archan Toh) made his famous and efficacious Somdejs.


They decided to make their own amulets that they wanted to give away to all donors. They traveled to a lot of places that were associated with LP Thuat. Such as where he was ordained, where he used to stay, where he was buried etc. and collected all the holy soils from those places. Most important, they were actively in meditation to ask for approval from LP Thuat to collect the soils for the making of the B.E.2497 LP Thuat amulets. Meditation was conducted in all the holy places that they had traveled to. These make the holy soils even more scarce. Furthermore, they are mixed with many herbs’ materials (108 types).


I was told that the making of efficacious LP Thuat amulet was not “gated” by who chanted them. The most critical of all, among the whole making process, is how the candle was lighted. Native Thai from Southern Thailand told me that during the making of LP Thuat amulets, even in the evening, sky looks like dawn.


The below are some of photos that we have collected on the sky phenomenon during the consecration of LP Thuat amulets.





 An example of how the candle lighting procedure will be.



Point to note: -


Archan Nong was presence when the Guru Monks of Wat Rakang imparted the knowledge of making scarce amulet to Archan Tim. He participated in all the activities in regards to the making of LP Thuat 97 amulets.


Archan Nong made LP Thuat amulets adopted the same method on how Archan Tim consecrated his LP Thuat amulets. One good example will be the inviting of 9 monks to meditate and bless all amulets before the actual day of consecration.







Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”