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Thailand Buddha Gallery












Buddha’s Relics from a good friend many years ago.


I was jobless some years back in Year 2000. A Thai Monk presented me with the above and adviced me to pray piously to them. I got a job and started my career path to what I am today. I am contented and would like to circulate this photo around, especially to those facing obstacles in their life. Pray to Lord Buddha and your prayers will be answered.


May the above Buddha’s Relics bless everybody with Happiness, Health and Wealth. Na Mo Put Ta Ya.




Chinnarat Thammajak Batch, Wat Phrasrirattanamahatat (Original Chinnarat), Pitsanulok ProvinceNawa Base.



Buddha Chinnarat is one of the Thailand major Buddha statutes. The original Chinnarat is placed in Wat Phrasrirattanamahatat, Pitsanulok Province.


The statue is respected by all gurus of old times and the present era. Dry petals of flowers dropped on the Vihar’s Floor are so efficaciously as Magic Medicines.



LP Pian, Wat Krenkathin, Lopburi Province, Ivory Tiger Fang.


“In the terminology of Thai amulets, Khiao Ser is a figure of tiger regardless of what it is been made of. Normally, the materials for making Khiao Ser are tiger’s tooth, bear’s tooth, ivory, wood and even bronze or metal. The most expensive will be those make of tiger tooth mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining one with the diminishing number of tigers in the World.” (source:


Hanuman's top form of great warrior loaded with full scale formidable weapons. The Hanuman's posture is also a popular printed model for real man tattooing.



 Materials: Clay


Hanuman Mahalarp (Great Fortune) was mass chanted and the normal types are those with a copper takrut. Another type which is produced in lesser quantity, are those with a silver takrut.


Copper Takrut    Silver Takrut


Original Temple Box for Hanuman Mahalarp with Silver Takrut


Notice the differences in colors between the 2 Hanumans Mahalarp. The left which is more brownish is the one with silver takrut, while the right is the one with copper takrut.


Luang Phor Thim of Wat SiPhraKao, Ayuthaya.


Luang Phor Thim made many amulets and his Singharaj is well-known to many collectors.



Ivory Singharaj by Luang Phor Thim, Wat SiPhraKao.


Elephant Bone Hanuman made by Luang Phor Thim.




Khom scripts etched by Luang Phor Thim at the bottom of the Hanuman.



Luang Phor Khun (Wat BanRai) takrut. This lead takrut is made in B.E.2530s and comes with 2 temple codes.

His takrut is highly sought after by collectors.


A Thai myth: -


Luang Phor Khun’s takrut is very good for impenetrability and “invisible” when enemy approaching. Miracles happened for those that wear this takrut. Many incidents were reported that wearers escaped unhurt when their enemies approached to take their lives.


There were no more roads for escape and the “prey” just vanished. The “hunter” lost their “prey” in a no through road. Unbelievable, isn’t it?



The above Sarika (Charming Birds) was made by Luang Phor Wat KangLuck. They are very popular for Metta and Maha Saneh. It is also widely believe that water that has soaked with the Sarika can be use for drinking. The purpose is to imbue with mesmerizing verbal power to attract opposite sex.





An old bear tooth fully etched with khom scripts.



LP Pai rian, Wat Aranyikaram, Uttaradit


LP Pai rian, Wat Aranyikaram: as per the info received from some native collectors, the rian was made and blessed in the early 2510s, the same session as the enameled silver rian.  



LP Mui rian (issued at NongBuathong) was made and blessed in BE 2518.



LP Pang, Wat UdomKongkaKiriket, Konkaen province, but issued/distributed at wat Thachang, Rajburi province in BE 2522. The late LP Pang is a famous guru monk of the north-eastern region.  






Luang Phor Pern, Wat BangPhra, Nakon Pathom.

Tiger Skin Takrut





