

Wetlands of the United States are often defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers [USACE or CoE] and the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and many times caught in the interplay of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which is a branch of the Department of Interior, the department which had in frontier days squeezed native American Indians onto smaller and smaller reservations, and which has much to do today with nuclear materials mining for the nuclear war and energy and nuke subs programs of the U.S. For a long list of WETLAND CONVERSION & MITIGATION BANK CONTRACTORS, scroll down further.....

Federal Reserve Board history & how it relates to unlimited duck hunting and the Elite 1% land grab of the public Wetlands of America!

The Jekyll Island off Georgia's coast collaborators knew that public reports of their meeting would scupper their plans. The idea of senior officials from the Treasury, Congress, major banks and brokerages (along with one foreign national) slipping off to design a new world order has struck generations of Americans as distasteful at best and undemocratic at worst -- and would have been similarly received at the time.

So the meeting of the minds was planned under the ruse of a gentlemen’s duck-hunting expedition.

Ducks Unlimited is essentially a Washington DC lobby group that somehow gets entangled with many Army Corps of Engineers wetlands deals, involving unknown secrecy-laced MITIGATION BANKS, and developers. A lot of the ‘duck hunters’ who work in the DC lobby headquarters are rich Republican types whose “ancestors came to America on the Mayflower, at Plymouth Rock”, etc. Remember when Dick Cheney shot up with buckshot [“peppered”] in 2006 his Texas bird hunting friend, Harry Whittington, another privileged white shoe attorney?

Texas lawyer shot in the face by Dick Cheney apologizes to Cheney on national news for stupidly putting his head in the nozzle of the former Freemason Grandmaster's shotgun!

In November 1910, in the space of less than two weeks, a group of government and business leaders fashioned a powerful new financial system that has survived a century, two world wars, a Great Depression and many recessions.

Of course, the Jekyll Island conference, which met that month, was dodgy even by the standards of the Gilded Age: a self-selected handful of plutocrats secretly meeting at a private resort island to draw up a new framework for the nation’s banking system.

Aldrich, an archetype of his age, was a personal friend of Morgan, and Aldrich's daughter was married to John D. Rockefeller Jr. He found in the Rothschild European central banks a useful model. Although the financial system in the U.S. was functional enough to stoke the engines of a growing industrial economy, it was a classic example of the persistence of interim solutions. The models Aldrich found in Rothschild run Europe were more efficient and effective.

What he lacked was a way to graft those characteristics onto the American economy without retarding it.

Hence the duck hunt.

Aldrich invited men he knew and trusted, or at least men of influence who he felt could work together. They included Abram Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the Treasury; Henry P. Davison, a business partner of Morgan's; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; Benjamin Strong, another Morgan friend and the head of Bankers Trust; Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank; and Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a Jewish German citizen. From the 1920s on Warburg intensified his determined interest in Zionism in Palestina.

The men made their way to secretive Jekyll island by their elitist private railway cars and ferries.  Their descendants are today's GOLDMAN SACHS.

Obama's Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell spoke at the Ducks Unlimited [DU] National Convention. She had previously worked 40 years for BIG private industries experience ranging from General Electric and Mobil Oil to the banking industry and REI.

Currently, 45% of Ducks Unlimited special interest lobby national budget comes from the government.

Click below for Interior Secretary for Obama shills at DU convention for Army Corps of Engineers, Big MegaBusiness & Ducks Unlimited for the uber elite wealthy class


Ducks Unlimited’s broader agenda

With its headquarters in a high-rent Washington, DC, commercial district just three blocks from the White House, Ducks Unlimited has resources that dwarf those of most of their opponents. A visit to DU’s website also reveals an organization whose agenda goes far beyond its stated interest of preserving habitat for waterfowl. For example, DU has tied its interests in wetlands to many Mitigation Bank complicated deals, and to the global warming/climate change issues. Wetlands of the United States are often defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers [USACE or CoE] and the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and many times caught in the interplay of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which is a branch of the Department of Interior, the department which had in frontier days squeezed native American Indians onto smaller and smaller reservations, and which has much to do today with nuclear materials mining for the nuclear war and energy and nuke subs programs of the U.S.

Native American Holocaust ... Ducks are today hunted down with much more social correctness concern than picking off native american indians was from 1630 to 1930 in USA -- it is THE NATIVE AMERICANS who deserve a homeland and religious state as much as the Zionists and other illegal occupants of Palestine...

THE QUAKER ELITE SCALPED THE INDIANS FIRST--The United States Union Army slew many Indians at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876, just 100 years after General Washington's Inaugural Address, and only 82 years before the election of John F. Kennedy, JFK. Not much has changed in Washington DC in regards to inalienable rights for native american indians, but billions upon billions of Treasury funds are lavished on illegal settlements in the West Bank and other stolen territories of Palestinians. Trillions have in addition been spent bailing out unregulated big banks and financial firms with trillions that were borrowed from China, making our Treasury bonds in a way, as worthless paper currency as our written inalienable rights.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Do Not Have ALL THEIR DUCKS IN A ROW!

The Army Corps of Engineers “effectively authorized construction of the vast majority of the pipeline in and around federally regulated waters without any provision to ensure against destruction to culturally important sites, in violation of the NHPA,” the complaint says. The tribe is requesting that the government withdraw the permit.

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016-- An American Indian tribe succeeded Tuesday in getting a federal judge to temporarily stop construction on some, but not all, of a $3.8 billion four-state oil pipeline, but its broader request still hangs in the balance. U.S. District Judge James Boasberg said Tuesday that work will temporarily stop between North Dakota's State Highway 1806 and 20 miles east of Lake Oahe, but will continue west of the highway because he believes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lacks jurisdiction on private land. He also said he will rule by the end of Friday on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's challenge of federal regulators' decision to grant permits to the Dallas, Texas-based operators of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will cross North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois.

Guess which lady worked for one of the world’s LARGEST MITIGATION BANKS

named "Atkins" Mitigation Bank

and also for the US Army Corps of Engineers? MY MY MY, WHY IT WAS a lawyer “liaison” who once "mitigated the loss/harm of land anxieties" of the Standing Rock Indian Tribe in the Dakotas! Her name is Michelle Dippel....

Dakota Access Pipeline Tribal Liaison Formerly Worked For Agency Issuing Permit To Cross Tribal Land

By Steve Horn • Monday, August 29, 2016


At issue here in Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, then, is the alleged lack of thoroughness of the Section 106 review and not the absence of one altogether. Even the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) itself penned a letter in May 2016 to the Corps expressing concern about the lack of rigor in its Section 106 Review. Like the southern leg of TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline and Enbridge's Flanagan South pipelines, the Army Corps and Dakota Access LLC by extension utilized Nationwide Permit 12 as an end-run around a more vigorous and NEPA-oriented environmental review. A review of court documents for the case currently unfolding in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. has revealed that the tribal liaison for Energy Transfer Partners tasked with abiding by Section 106 passed through the revolving door and formerly worked for the Army Corps. The finding also raises key ethical questions in the field of archaeology. That liaison — Michelle Dippel — technically works for a Dakota Access LLC contractor named HDR, a company which helps pipeline companies and other oil and gas industry infrastructure companies secure permits for their projects. Dippel, the South Central Region Environmental Services Lead for HDR, began her career as a project manager for the Army Corps' Fort Worth District and also formerly worked for the natural gas pipeline company Spectra Energy. An archaeologist by academic training and a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, a biographical sketch for Dippel tracked down on the Florida Department of Transportation's website lists her job sub-title as “Project Streamlining” on behalf of the DOT. Dippel lists Section 106 consultation as an area of expertise on her LinkedIn page. Section 106, in turn, serves as a major part of the focus of the lawsuit, the recently completed occupation of a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, and the push by the Standing Rock Indian Reservation for a court-ordered injunction to halt pipeline instruction. “Although federal law requires the Corps of Engineers to consult with the tribe about its sovereign interests, permits for the project were approved and construction began without meaningful consultation.”

This growing Native American standoff with Dakota Access is the last Great Indian War. "This is the first time the seven bands of the Sioux have come together since Little Bighorn," one of the Indian activists said. More than 80 different tribes are camped in the area. On September 9th a watershed decision will be made regarding the Red Warrior Camp and its large number of protesters, the camps growing as spontaneously as Woodstock Music Festival, long ago, but this time for Native Indians and not Vietnamese internally displaced peoples [IDPs]. A federal court will decide if the Dakota Access pipeline should proceed, or be halted for more environmental and archaeological assessments.


free hit counter

The Mythology of Mitigation Banking

Alagood, R. Kyle, The Mythology of Mitigation Banking (March 1, 2016). Environmental Law Reporter, Vol. 46, 2016.

Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2737694

R. Kyle Alagood

Independent Researcher
March 1, 2016
Environmental Law Reporter, Vol. 46, 2016

Ecologically speaking, wetlands in mitigation banks fell short of their goal, which was to replace natural wetlands destroyed by §404 permitted activity. Ohio’s findings should serve as a warning about the presumptions underlying U.S. wetlands policy: Mitigation banking does not replace natural wetlands, even in stable, inland wetlands systems.

Abstract:      The Clean Water Act aims to restore and maintain the integrity of U.S. waters, which include wetlands — those land forms once referred to as swamps, bogs, prairie potholes, or some other negatively connoted term. Wetlands are ecologically and economically important. The federal regime for protecting them, however, has failed its pursuit of “no net loss” of wetlands. Mitigation banking has become the preferred mechanism for mitigating wetlands loss, despite repeated studies showing mitigation banks fail to replace the lost natural ecosystems. This paper explores the complex wetlands protection regime in the United States, then compares results in steady-state Ohio wetlands, a best case scenario for mitigation banking, with the nation’s largest (and most at risk) wetlands — those on Louisiana’s coast. It concludes that mitigation banking on Louisiana’s coast is likely to result in massive destruction and loss of the fragile coastal ecosystem.

Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell spoke at the Ducks Unlimited [DU] National Convention. She had previously worked 40 years for BIG private industries experience ranging from General Electric and Mobil Oil to the banking industry and REI, Currently, 45% of DU’s national budget comes from the government.

Interior secretary speaks at DU convention


TERRENE INSTITUTE had been the pioneer in WETLANDS CELEBRATIONS of limitless habitats for America's hungry ducks... before it spun off
into the very first mitigation bank, JT&A, surging on to succeed with the National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conferences

JT&A Steering Committee and the The National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference [NMEBC] founded in 1997

from their webpage: "JT&A prides itself on its public outreach communications. JT&A, inc. is not just another contractor! We are your partner in finding and implementing effective solutions for performance improvement and increased productivity. We plan and manage events of all kinds, small corporate receptions to missile demonstrations for foreign governments. Our clients include corporations, United States government agencies, associations and nonprofit organizations. And we work equally well in many diverse locations -- from Washington to Taipei to Togo."

FORBE’S magazine writes:

“ ‘Mitigation banks,’ are overseen by the Army Corp of Engineers, to finance wetlands restoration. By restoring wetlands, these banks create credits that developers, private and public, can buy to offset damage to wetlands caused by their projects. Because the system speeds the approval process — and time is money — developers are willing, if not happy, to buy mitigation credits. The developer payments in turn repay the private investors who front the money for banks’ restoration work. In the decades since the first commercial mitigation bank application in 1991, more than 1,900 mitigation banks have been established. By 2008, between $1.1 and $1.8 billion was being spent to restore functioning wetlands annually, protecting approximately 24,000 acres per year. Despite these gains, this approach is not a panacea; the loss of wetlands is still occurring at a significant rate. These losses are due to a number of different factors, including large-scale erosion and rising sea levels, particularly along coastal areas. These [mitigation banks] markets have gotten considerably more transaction friendly in their 20-year existence”

Ducks Unlimited’s broader agenda

With its headquarters in a high-rent Washington, DC, commercial district just three blocks from the White House, Ducks Unlimited has resources that dwarf those of most of their opponents.  A visit to DU’s website also reveals an organization whose agenda goes far beyond its stated interest of preserving habitat for waterfowl.  For example, DU has tied its interests in wetlands to many Mitigation Bank complicated deals, and to the global warming/climate change issues.

Wetlands of the United States are often defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers [USACE or CoE] and the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and many times caught in the interplay of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which is a branch of the Department of Interior, the department which had in frontier days squeezed native American Indians onto smaller and smaller reservations, and which has much to do today with nuclear materials mining for the nuclear war and energy and nuke subs programs of the U.S. https://www.doi.gov/ocl/hearings/110/AbandonedMineLands_031208

In the United States, some wetlands are regulated by the federal government under the Clean Water Act. Determining the boundary between regulated wetlands and non-regulated lands therefore can be contentious. In reality, there is no natural boundary between the classes that humans define on these gradients (wetland/upland), and this issue is highlighted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's definition from Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, which defines wetlands as "lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems."

Wetlands America Trust [WAT], is a major supporting entity to Ducks Unlimited (DU). They are in a lawsuit in Virginia in which vintners and grape farmers are quacking like alpha male ducks against Ducks Unlimited/WAT. In a 29-page decision handed down by the Twentieth Circuit Court of Virginia on June 19, 2014, Judge Burke McCahill ruled overwhelmingly in favor of Jennifer McCloud’s Chrysalis winery and AGAINST Ducks Unlimited/WAT.  Since then, using their federal government insider’s expansive and unlimited pull, the Chrysalis’s victory in court is now under challenge by six regional and national land trusts: The Nature Conservancy, The Virginia Conservancy, The Civil War Trust, The Land Trust Alliance, The National Trust for Historic Preservation, and The Piedmont Environmental Council.  In April 2015, the groups petitioned the Virginia Supreme Court to allow them to weigh in on the case and they have filed an Amicus Brief in support of Wetlands America Trust/Ducks Unlimited. 

Ducks Unlimited is essentially a Washington DC lobby group that somehow gets entangled with many Army Corps of Engineers wetlands deals, involving unknown secrecy-laced MITIGATION BANKS, and developers. A lot of the ‘duck hunters’ who work in the DC lobby headquarters are rich Republican types whose “ancestors came to America on the Mayflower, at Plymouth Rock”, etc. Remember when Dick Cheney shot up with buckshot [“peppered”] in 2006 his Texas bird hunting friend, Harry Whittington, another privileged white shoe attorney?

Texas lawyer shot in the face by Dick Cheney apologizes to Cheney on national news for stupidly putting his head in the nozzle of the former Freemason Grandmaster's shotgun!

Old long ago 2005 flash! Even CHEVRON, not well known for eco-friendliness, has opened its own Wetlands Mitigation Bank! Will Mother Nature put on her wedding gown and marry this groom bearing chevrons? http://www.ecosystemmarketplace.com/articles/chevron-opens-mitigation-bank-in-paradis-e/

From the press release: The New American Way

“Despite the multimillion-dollar profit Chevron anticipates from its mitigation bank, corporate involvement remains rare in the numerous ecosystem-service markets that have begun evolving. But in the field of mitigation banking, their ranks are growing. Wetland mitigation banking, which began in the early 1990s, now counts up to 2000 approved banks throughout the United States and an additional 198 in the proposal stage according to an inventory completed last year by the Army Corps of Engineers. Between 20 and 30 percent of them are backed by large corporations, says Rich Mogensen, immediate past president of the Mitigation Bankers Association and director of Mid-Atlantic Mitigation LLC, an EarthMark Company. Corporations dabbling in mitigation banking are predominantly energy or pipeline companies such as Chevron, Tenneco and Florida Power and Light; corporations that are financially secure, have extra land and are looking for ways to diversify. Similar to the Paradis property, the land converted into wetland banks typically had a previous history as a site for oil exploration but no longer has any mineral value.”

Several online Complaints against DUCKS UNLIMITED [DU]:





Measure 5, which DU is promoting in North Dakota to the annoyance of local farmers
http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/national-resources-conservation-service-defends-ducks-unlimited-work-nd-wetlands “Where’s the plan? This is $4.5 billion of your money, and no one has told you where one dime of it is going. Would you do that? We wouldn’t.” He said money goes to an out-of-state political organization.



DU covers up 130 acres rather than the legal state limit of 5 acres at
former New York State Galeville Air Base

Ducks Unlimited enters mitigation banking business

MEMPHIS – September 18, 2015 http://www.ducks.org/conservation/du-wetland-mitigation/ducks-unlimited-enters-mitigation-banking-business

Alberta Canada experts frown upon transparency and sincerity of DUCKS UNLIMITED

Sept. 2012, Bureaucratic Slippage and Environmental Offset Policies: The Case of Wetland Management in Alberta, Shari Clare & Naomi Krogman --

THE HARBINGER -- Full Service Banks for the Environment -- Developers Buy Credit from Mitigation Banks to Destroy Wetlands --
by Bill Patterson

2016 -- 'Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux, facing both arrest and a financial lawsuit -- for opposing the WETLAND-cidal Texas-based Big Carbon firm DAKOTA ACCESS as it begins construction of its great "Black Snake" of OIL DYNASTY FAMILIES COMBINED greed to carry fracked oil from the Bakken fields through the Dakotas and Iowa to Illinois....This is the real struggle. ' http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/08/15/dakota-access-pipeline-standoff-mni-wiconi-water-life-165470

Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff: WATER IS LIFE! -- Dakota Access pipeline: MANY arrested, including Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II, as protests heat up. INDIANCOUNTRYTODAYMEDIANETWORK.COM

Additional Front Line Coverage by PAUL STREET

It will be quite hard to cut off the head of the Black Snake, protected by Army Corps of Engineers, same agency that built the levies of New Orleans that 'stood up so well' during Hurricane Katrina. The USACE is very invested not only in oil and uranium, but WATER and WETLANDS [in wetlands issues along with their clubby executive level cohorts at 'Ducks Unlimited' NGO--Ducks Unlimited members tend to vote Republican)]. Check out all the smoke and mirrors hidden details of the billions industry of Wetlands Mitigation Banking, it is rarely in the news. http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Regulatory-Division/Mitigation-Banks/

Walla Walla District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWW.USACE.ARMY.MIL

http://www.ecosystemmarketplace.com/articles/bankers-developers-environmentalists-weigh-in-on-new-wetlands-regulation/ Ducks Unlimited [DU], is a world leader in wetlands 'in-lieu-fee' mitigation bank provider related services. There have been lots of cases in the past where money was provided but wetlands were never mitigated. That's a problem with enforcing accountability, a problem with the Army Corps of Engineers." Until now, adds Mr. White from Defenders of Wildlife, "no one was watching the farm."

Bankers, Developers & Environmentalists Weigh In On New Wetlands Regulation -…



Ducks Unlimited [DU] and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [CoE] signed many collaborative efforts in their quite cozy relationships. Partnerships: Partnership Success Stories

Story: On 24 September 2003, Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed a collaborative effort to improve waterfowl management within the Askew Management Area near Arkabutla Lake. Under the new partnership, entitled the Askew Wildlife Management Area Site Specific Agreement No. US-...


Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell spoke at the Ducks Unlimited [DU] National Convention. She had previously worked 40 years for BIG private industries experience ranging from General Electric and Mobil Oil to the banking industry and REI, Currently, 45% of DU’s national budget comes from the government.

Sept. 2012, Bureaucratic Slippage and Environmental Offset Policies: The Case of Wetland Management in Alberta, Shari Clare & Naomi Krogman -- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08941920.2013.779341?mobileUi=0&journalCode=usnr20

Bureaucratic Slippage and Environmental Offset Policies: The Case of Wetland Management in Alberta

Article (PDF Available) in Society and Natural Resources 26(6) · June 2013  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262970479_Bureaucratic_Slippage_and_Environmental_Offset_Policies_The_Case_of_Wetland_Management_in_Alberta
Abstract -- Environmental trading programs are seen as promising tools for fostering sustainable development, yet little is known about how decision-making practices in these emerging policy spaces influence program outcomes. This study quantifies wetland compensation outcomes in Alberta, Canada, and compares these outcomes to statements made in government-issued compensation guidelines. Contrary to guideline intent, we found a strong tendency to skip over wetland avoidance in favor of compensatory payments for wetland loss; that compensation sites are frequently located outside the watershed of impact; and that distances between impact and compensation sites often exceed what is considered reasonable under the guidelines, without commensurate increases in compensation ratios. Agency capture was found to drive these implementation failures, and mechanisms producing capture in this case include overhead governance and organizational goal ambiguity. This study suggests that greater attention must be given to agency context if environmental trading programs are to be effective tools for managing environmental resources.

Chicago-area wetland mitigation banks are bogged down by Global Crash of 2008 http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2009-01-28/news/0901260344_1_wetland-mitigation-banks

January 28, 2009|By Gerry Smith, Chicago TRIBUNE REPORTER




WRA Environmental Consultants

Wetlands Resource Center




The Wetlandsbank Group (TWG)


North State Environmental

Interior secretary speaks at DU convention


Ducks & Wetlands Mitigated/Masticated by "Nature Conservation" Bankers?

Old article from WASHINGTON POST reports on neo-reactionary GW stacked Supreme Court trashing a nearly 35 year old Water Act that formerly protected WETLANDS from parking lot developers and condo building maniacs... click here or DUCK for cover!

DUCKS UNLIMITED ... pls CLICK here now to see how they fit into a major banking empire

click here for .... 

Wetlands Old Victory over Mitigation Banks dating back to Aug 2005, REMEMBERED!!

Eight state and federal agencies were involved in the project, and all called it the largest and most ambitious restoration of coastal wetlands in the history of California, where 95 percent of saltwater marshes have been given over to development. The Bolsa Chica wetlands project is at the fore of a new and evolving science, said Shirley S. Dettloff, a leader of the conservation group Amigos de Bolsa Chica. “Not many wetlands have been restored in the world, especially in an oil field,” Ms. Dettloff said. “Even we locals sometimes forget that this was the second-largest functioning oil field in the state of California for years, since the 1930’s.”


 Developers Buy Credit from Mitigation Banks to Destroy Wetlands,
by Bill Patterson

PALACIO WETLANDS BANK .... click here for helpful details....

CHEVRON is SAVING our Wetlands for us and getting paid well to do it! ... click here to believe! 

Please ... if you are interested or share concern in saving our wetlands, please consult the classic textbook on it, WETLANDS: 5th Edition", by William J. Mitsch & James G. Gosselin, April 2015, John Wiley & Son.

What comes across clear to me after having looked the book over, is that MITIGATION BANKING should be called REPLACEMENT BANKING, in that the wetlands are being replaced much faster than the damages to them are being mitigated..... 

Democracy & Health News #956

Murray Bookchin, 85, Writer, Activist and Ecology Theorist, Dies -- By DOUGLAS MARTIN -- Published: August 7, 2006 https://www.angelfire.com/planet/blacklisting_central/murray-bookchin.htm

Send your angry emails to:

National Mitigation Banking Association, 107 S. West Street #573 Alexandria, VA 22314 USA 202-457-8409 info@mitigationbanking.org Full Members: Full membership comes with a full set of benefits to match. Mitigation Bankers, corporations and larger NGOs enjoy the highest level of services and support with Full Membership. Annual Membership $5,500

Mitigation banking is becoming an instrument of choice for mitigation alternatives. Objectives include:

• Replacement of the chemical, physical, and biological function of wetlands and other aquatic resources.

•Providing flexibility for applicants needing to comply with mitigation requirements.

•Consolidated, cost-effective utilization and protection of resources.

Operating much like a commercial lending institution, bank “credits” exist as acres or a unit that reflects the functional value of that resource. Projects involving wetland impacts require debiting the bank in an amount to compensate for functional losses. Mitigation banking is particularly useful in compensating for small wetland impacts where on-site mitigation is difficult to achieve and may not be an economical option. By concentrating resources into large and potentially more valuable areas, functional benefits can be realized, increased management control can be gained, and costs can be reduced.

In November 1995, EPA, the Corps of Engineers, FWS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's [NOAA] National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Department of Agriculture's [USDA] Natural Resources Conservation Service released the final Federal Guidance on the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Mitigation Banks. The guidance gave state agencies, local governments, and the private sector the regulatory certainty and procedural framework they needed to move forward on seeking approval to operate mitigation banks. Following its issuance, banks proliferated across the country and became a mainstream compensatory mitigation option.5 With the passage of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) in 1998, banking became the preferred compensatory mitigation alternative for impacts involving the federal funding of transportation projects. Since 1998, conferences have been held annually devoted to sharing and encouraging advances in mitigation banking policy and practice.

Largest WATER FOULS of the mitigation banker BIG BIRDS

since 1995:

[just a few below, the list is long, now almost 2000 mitigation banks]

·         ATKINS Mitigation Bank www.atkinsglobal.com/northamerica

·         Pineywoods Mitigation Bank. Largest in Texas

·         Bear Creek Mitigation Bank, North Carolina

·         Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank -- the largest mitigation bank in California at more than 4,000 acres

·         Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank (KPSMB)-- the largest permitted stream mitigation bank in the United States.

·         Mitigation Marketing, the first and largest firm specializing in marketing support for mitigation banks in Florida-- The mitigation bank is owned and operated by Miami Corporation, headquartered in Chicago.

·         Farmton Mitigation Bank

·         Greens Bayou Wetlands Mitigation Bank-- In 2014, a new Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) significantly changed the bank's service area for all subdivisions, while permitting additional mitigation credits in the newest Subdivision C. The new MBI also incorporates a new credit calculation.

·         Rockin' K on Chambers Creek Mitigation Bank (RKMB)

********************************* LIVE YOUTUBE COVERAGE! 80 Native American Indian tribes and sympathetic university students from around USA stand-off with US Army Corps of Engineers, policemen, and Dakota Access LLC Oil Pipeline [for Fracked Oil] --corporate partners include Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., Sunoco Oil, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP-Southern Union Company, Lone Star NGL LLC, Phillips Oil) ... and the indigenous movement and protest is growing bigger than WOODSTOCK Rock concert in the 1960s. Indian Braves believe that the Native American standoff with Dakota Access is the last Great Indian War. "This is the first time the seven bands of the Sioux have come together since Little Bighorn," one horseman said. "Now, we have no weapons, only prayers." . "We are here for what our ancestors fought and died for. We have endured 250 years of betrayal by the white man."

Ducks Unlimited Should Probably Find New Leadership For North Dakota because their Political Agenda Is Bad For North Dakota

November 26, 2014 | by Rob Port

https://www.sayanythingblog.com/entry/ducks-unlimited-probably-find-new-leadership-north-dakota/ If groups like Ducks Unlimited were smart, they’d move personnel like Steve Adair far from North Dakota where their ill-advised activism has made them pariah’s with North Dakotans. Few ND policymakers are interested in continuing any sort of a policy discussion with the likes of Steve Adair. To allow the federal government to use these DUCKS UNLIMITED employees as their “boots on the ground” in the state of North Dakota is unfair to every farmer, and the entire agricultural industry, in North Dakota. Even more discouraging is Ducks Unlimited’s support of Measure 5. Currently, 45% of DU’s national budget comes from the government. If Measure 5 passes, North Dakota DU will now have the opportunity to apply for even more grants!

Legal Resident WORKERS displaced and replaced, just like Ducks Unlimited & Native Indigenous American Indian Tribes ... with the help of PR firms and campaigns and Social Engineers of the 1% Elite....

Well Over 1/3 of Teamsters Union members are illegal immigrants

This has been the reality for over 25 years now.

For the Teamsters, an undocumented worker and a blue-collar worker are often the same thing. Over a third of its members are illegal immigrants. The union, which represents a variety of workers, from truck drivers to airline employees, doesn’t ask about immigration status, but president George Miranda estimates many of them are undocumented.


History of US government breaking INDIAN TREATIES

The first Quaker and Huguenot and Sephardic European Jewish and Mormon settlers in USA, 1600s to WW1, many of them slave-traders and/or slave owners, did NOT embrace the native indigenous Indian races in Colonial America. In fact they were quite the opposite and many of them believed in the DOCTRINE OF DIVINE DISCOVERY. The myth of THANKSGIVING DAY and shared cookouts and love fests is just ONE BIG TURKEY. The oldest standing Mormon chapel in the world is Gadfield Elm Chapel near the village of Pendock in Worcestershire, England, dated 1836.

The native tribes numbered around 60 million at the time of the Mayflower bringing Puritan extremist pilgrims to the shores of the Native Tribes Continent. By the end of the 1800s that number had been reduced to under 750,000, and as a character declared in Coppola’s APOCALYPSE NOW, it was done “with extreme prejudice”.

· 8 Million Aroaks alone were exterminated by Columbus and his descendants in the New World. Even by 1650 “New Englanders” were scalping and slaughtering native peoples.

· Much like the Mongolian Golden Hordes of Genghis Khan, and like the Viking Savage Raids in Dark Ages Europe, the settlers of America supported a large subgroup of brutal exterminators of both Native Indians and their buffalo herds. In 1862 was the notorious MANKATO MASSACRE of Native family villages, en masse. The Gold Rush of 1849 was in large part a PR stunt, to drive away and/or wipe out millions more natives from their lands.

· 1868 – just two years after the end of the Civil War in the States, the 2nd TREATY OF FORT LARAMIE was drafted. 1871 was the beginning of the extensive Buffalo Slaughter Campaign to starve out the Indians (it was common practice to kill all the horses of captured Indian villages also, those which could not be used by colonial Rangers). In 1873 already, huge mountains of buffalo skulls poxed the New American West, more than 1.5 million buffalos massacred in one year alone. In 1874 General Custer began his PR “run” of “Gold discovered in Sioux Black Hills Territories!” Col. McKinsey soon declared afterwards a TOTAL WAR against indigenous peoples. Many Indian chiefs joined Freemason lodges just to survive, taking orders from their new Brothers and often becoming Grand Master of a new native lodge.

· 1880s—both dominant Protestant and minority Catholic efforts to steal and raise Indian children into Christianity.

· 1887 – The General Allotment Act of Congress, very anti-Indian.

· 1903 – the U.S. Supreme Court gives Congress unlimited authority to break all Indian treaties.

· 1960s – Sterilization of Lakota Indian Women Program followed by Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee uprisings.

LABOR HISTORY OF U.S. around this same time as Pine Ridge Uprising ….

* 1962 – Federal Employees win first time COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, signed by JFK into law. Legal to “bargain” but illegal to “strike”.

* 1968 – Memphis Black Sanitation Workers Strike (AFSCME)

* 1970 – The Great Postal Strike in 15 US states

* 1979 – Wage DECLINES begin and persists till today, 2018

* 1981 – PATCO Air Traffic Controllers Strike, obliterated by Reagan

* 1984 – Minnesota Nurses Strike

* 1991-95 – The Teamsters Ron Carey acquired a fair amount of influence within the AFL-CIO, since they had readmitted the Teamsters in 1985. Carey was close with the new leadership elected in 1995, particularly Richard Trumka of the United Mine Workers of America, who became Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO under John Sweeney. Carey had also swung the Teamsters support behind the Democratic Party, a change from past administrations that had supported the Republican Party. The new Teamsters administration set out to break from the past making energetic efforts to head off a vote to oust the union as representative of Northwest Airlines' flight attendants, negotiating a breakthrough agreement covering carhaulers, and supporting local strikes, such as the one against Diamond Walnut, to restore the union's strength.

* 1997 – UPS strike (with Teamsters assistance just before they sold out to recruiting illegal immigrants)

* 1999 – AFL CIO defends illegal immigrant labor replacing resident farm laborers

* 2005 – Teamsters and SEIU split from steaming stench of AFL-CIO corruption despite all had ties to now sanitized organized crime and lobbies and NED & State Dept. agents

The time is now ripe for #BLACK LIVES MATTER to hook up with #NATIVE AMERICANS LIVES MATTER and form a Pow Wow with #PART TIME & UNEMPLOYED WHITES MATTER to save their mutually common scalps and skins!

from Wikipedia: "A significant number of African Americans have some Native American ancestry. African slaves brought to the United States have a long history of intermarriage with Native Americans. Most interaction took place in the Southern United States, where the largest number of people were enslaved. Intermarriage between enslaved African and Native Americans began in the early 17th century in the coastal settlements. In 1622 Native Americans attempted to overrun the European colony of Jamestown. They killed the Europeans but brought the African slaves as captives back to their own communities, gradually integrating them. Interracial relationships occurred between African Americans and members of other tribes in the coastal states. Several colonial advertisements for runaway slaves made direct reference to the connections which Africans had in Native American communities. "Reward notices in colonial newspapers now told of African slaves who 'ran off with his Indian wife' or 'had kin among the Indians' or is 'part-Indian and speaks their language good.' Colonists in South Carolina felt so concerned about the possible threat posed by the mixed African and Native American population (arising due to runaways) that they passed a new law in 1725. This law stipulated a fine of 200 pounds for persons bringing a slave to the frontier regions. In 1751 South Carolina passed a law against holding Africans in proximity to Native Americans, which was deemed detrimental to the security of the colony. South Carolina under Governor James Glen (in office 1743-1756) promoted an official policy that aimed to create in Native Americans an "aversion" to African Americans in an attempt to thwart possible alliances between them. Europeans and European-Americans actively tried to divide Native Americans and African Americans against each other. "Whites sought to convince Native Americans that African Americans worked against their best interests." Europeans considered both races inferior and made efforts to make Native Americans and Africans enemies."



Chinese say to ISRAEL, "Liquify Me!!"

Founded in 1993 and backed by prominent partners and investors such as the China Development Bank and Clal Industries, Infinity Group has a solid reputation as a leading platform for fund management with an impressive track record for sharing the added value of know-how and technology cooperation which has resulted in notable exits from companies such as Galileo, Saifun, Shopping.com, ShellCase, Scitex Vision, Digital China and Oberon Media, among others. Infinity Group has also made successful investments in tens of leading Chinese companies including WLCSP, I-China Security, United Water, Ya’an technology, Anxin Security, THT, China Medicine, Jiupai Pharmaceutical, Xinbai Pharmaceutical, Harbin 1st Tool and Ningbo Eston Technology. Infinity is considered the world’s leading cross-border, Chinese focused management group with over 1.5 billion USD under management through 23 funds in China. Infinity focuses on creating mutually beneficial relationships that combine ingenuity in a wide variety of industries with the Chinese business acumen and its fast growing market. Infinity manages and invests in advanced Chinese-Israeli-North American companies seeking to enhance their existing business activities in China. Infinity looks for Chinese operational enterprises that display well established entrepreneurial, sales and production skills, and which are seeking cutting-edge technology and knowhow. The management team, located in China, Israel and the U.S., consists of talented and globally connected professionals who have extensive experience in investment, management, private equity, venture capital and incubation. Our team leverages its knowledge, connections, network and support to assist our partners and portfolio companies in seizing new opportunities for substantial growth.

How U.S. university students are financially massacred much like the indigenous native peoples before them ..... SALLIE MAE-NAVIENT aka SLM Corp--
TRILLIONS DOLLARS SWINDLE BUBBLE Just Waiting to Burst same as the Home Loan Mortgage Fannie Mae Swindles that created CRASH OF 2008!

U.S. universities have morphed into ONE BIG ATM CASH MACHINE mega-business SEEKING foreign students, to the detriment of US students and future engineers and computer programmers and IT specialists and software designers and nurses and Physician Assistants, emerging from the giant womb of US legal resident citizens and not recruited nor imported in from external factors OUTSIDE of the domestic reality.
* U.S. Student loans that originate from Sallie Mae or Navient are not federal loans. They are private loans. Sallie Mae and Navient offer few to no options for repayment and do not offer any kind of income-based repayment plans.
* Navient is Sallie Mae "rebranded": don't be fooled by this PR stunt.
* No student loan is protected by bankruptcy—not private loans, not federal loans, none of them. If you attempt to discharge your loans in bankruptcy, there is a very high chance that your efforts will be unsuccessful.

On September 17, 2010, it was announced that Sallie Mae will acquire federally insured loans from Citigroup-owned Student Loan Corporation worth $28 billion. On Feb 25, 2014, Sallie Mae (aka SLM Corp) announced the new name for the student loan side which will be called "Navient". Navient now manages nearly $300 billion in student loans for more than 12 million customers, the company was formed in 2014 by the split of Sallie Mae into two distinct entities, Sallie Mae Bank and Navient. It seems around this time Sallie Mae sold off all her student loan assets and then bought them back again under their new business name change to Navient, and thereby avoided many lawsuits and prosecutions and it is the same ole same ole Sallie Mae swindle and rake off that it was, but now with a face lift and name change to NAVIENT. Already by In August 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sent Navient a letter telling its executives that the agency's enforcement staff had found enough evidence to indicate the company violated consumer protection laws. On May 28, 2015, the United States Department of Justice announced that nearly 78,000 military service members would begin receiving $60 million in compensation for being charged excess interest on their student loans by Navient.

National student loan debt has climbed to $1.4 trillion as of 2017

In June 2016, stockholders filed a class action lawsuit against Navient. The plaintiffs included Chicago police officers and retired city employees in Providence, Rhode Island. Up to 2017, already "tens of thousands" of complaints were filed against Navient. In 2017, 6,708 federal complaints were filed about the company, in addition to 4,185 private complaints – more than any other student loan lender in the history of the world.

The Crony Capitalism of Sallie Mae, July 2013


How SALLIE MAE (aka SLM Corp) College Loans Got So Evil, a video


July 2018 -- Navient, the Delaware-based student loan management corporation formerly known as Sallie Mae, is being sued by California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra. In a suit filed Thursday, Becerra accused Navient, the nation’s largest student loan servicer, of cheating thousands of borrowers and forcing them to repay more than they owed. Becerra’s suit alleges that borrowers were steered toward repayment plans that exceeded their income levels, and that in some cases, Navient misrepresented how much borrowers owed. When forced to pay more than they owed, many borrowers then defaulted on their student loans. “By taking Navient to court, we’re sending a very strong message that these practices will not be tolerated,” he said before the filing, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

National student loan debt has climbed to $1.4 trillion as of 2017

In February 2007, New York Attorney General’s office launched an investigation into deceptive lending practices by student loan providers, including The College Board, EduCap, Nelnet, Citibank, and Sallie Mae.. On October 10, 2007, documents surfaced showing that Sallie Mae was attempting to use the Freedom of Information Act to force colleges to turn over students' personal information to unfriendly predatory hands. The university involved was SUNY, State University of New York, which declined the request and was forced to defend its position in court. In December 2007, a class action lawsuit was brought against Sallie Mae in a Connecticut federal court alleging that SALLIE MAE discriminated against African American student loan applicants by charging them much higher interest rates and fees. The lawsuit also alleged that Sallie Mae failed to properly disclose profit gouging terms in student loans to unsuspecting students. Finally, under the terms of a settlement, Sallie Mae agreed to make a $500,000 donation to the United Negro College Fund and the attorneys for the plaintiffs received a whopping and handsome $1.8 million in attorneys' fees for being the erudite middlemen. (Wikipedia)


Welcome to PARADIS!

CHEVRON OIL best business Buddies with US Army Corps of Engineers,
especially regarding Mitigation Bank Benefits and Land Acquisition,
since 2005 and Mitigation Bank PARADIS!

Over a decade ago, citing just one example, under GW Bush (2005)--CHEVRON-TEXACO sucked out all the oil from over 7000 acres in Louisiana, mostly because Developers building on wetlands can buy Mitigation Bank credits, or shares, from mitigation banks, to offset the ecological damage they are causing to priceless watersheds. By turning the sucked out land into yet another "swap" by a mitigation bank, Chevron has, in a sense, struck oil once again!! In 8 years Obama did nary a nod in this direction of reforming the mitigation banks, which have almost no oversight nor regulators looking into their transparency.
"Chevron Wetlands Mitigation Bank Receives Final Approval", NEW ORLEANS, LA (11/30/05) headlines-- Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company has received the final approvals for their Paradis Mitigation Bank. The 7,100 acre wetland mitigation project is located in St. Charles Parish, approximately 23 miles southwest of New Orleans. The Paradis Mitigation Bank was designed by a team of wetland ecologists, soils experts and a Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT) from the New Orleans District U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

click here for DUCKS UNLIMITED part 2

3-1/2 hours C-Span on Goldman Sachs FRAUD hearings regarding 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE

Three INCREDIBLE links below, not to miss!
SYSTEMIC RISK: FANNIE MAE, FREDDIE MAC and the role of OFHEO, February 2003 FULL Global Report online from OFHEO fed agency... click here

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black interview | PBS April 2, 2009

Perhaps the best TED video, ever in the history of TED, "William Black: How to rob a bank (from the inside, that is) and get away with applause and billions, rather than (from the outside} for just $50k, and get life in prison!"

Here are some highly recommended sites:

The REAL HISTORY of TED and TED-x conferences and videos .... click here to open your eyes and stop sleeping.....

< ***


"ANONYMOUS" recommended websites:



Reimportation of Drugs, PhRMA & Tea Party







How Illegal Immigration & Fannie Mae Set Us Up for the CRASH of 2008


Trump’s Chabad/Hasidic Stetson Hat Backers


Rachel Maddow Rockets for Israel family


Synthetic Telepathy & Elon Musk




click here for the "real dope" on who funds NPR




3-1/2 hours C-Span on Goldman Sachs FRAUD hearings regarding 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE

bryan adrian