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--> North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health What you have to know before use Diazepam. Take care about yourself. Here is useful health tips for you..

on Arabic about الشمال والجنوب موجودة في المملكه المتحدة الهضمي الصحة ما عليك ان تعرف قبل استخدام Diazepam.

on Dutch about Noord-zuid kloof bestaat in het Verenigd Koninkrijk spijsvertering gezondheid Wat u moet weten vóór gebruik diazepam.

on French about Fracture Nord-Sud existe au Royaume-Uni la santé digestive Ce que vous devez savoir avant d'utiliser Diazépam.

on German about Nord-Süd-Gefälle gibt es in Großbritannien Verdauungs-Gesundheit Was Sie wissen müssen, bevor Sie es Diazepam.

on Greek about Βορρά Νότου στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο υπάρχει υγεία του Πεπτικού Τι έχετε να γνωρίζουμε πριν από τη χρήση διαζεπάμη.

on Italian about Nord sud esiste nel Regno Unito digestivi salute Cosa dovete sapere prima di usare diazepam.

on Japanese about 北南格差が存在する英国消化器の健康 が何をして使用する前にジアゼパムを知っています。

on Portuguese about Norte Sul existe no Reino Unido digestivo Saúde O que você tem que saber antes de usar Diazepam.

on Spanish about North-South Divide existe en el Reino Unido la salud digestiva ¿Qué usted tiene que saber antes de utilizar Diazepam.

on English about North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health What you have to know before use Diazepam.


North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health

North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health What you have to know before use Diazepam. Diazepam with US shipping Take care about yourself. Here is useful health tips for you.

What you have to know before use Diazepam.

Diazepam: uses Diazepam is used to treat episodes of increased seizures ( e. g. , acute repetitive seizures, breakthrough seizures ) in people who are already taking medications to control their seizures. Diazepam is only recommended for short-term treatment of seizure attacks. It's not for ongoing daily use to prevent seizures. Uncontrolled seizures can turn into serious ( possibly fatal ) seizures that don't stop ( status epilepticus ) .

Diazepam belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which produce a calming effect on brain and nerves ( central nervous system ) . It's thought to work by increasing effect of a certain natural chemical ( GABA ) in brain.

Diazepam: how to use Read Patient/Caregiver Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you use Diazepam and each time you get a refill. If we have questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Diazepam is given rectally by a caregiver trained to recognize symptoms of your seizures and to correctly give product. We and your caregivers must follow all instructions from your doctor and pharmacist exactly. Review all instructions on how to give Diazepam in product package. If we have any questions or feel unsure about using Diazepam, call the doctor or pharmacist before using Diazepam. Get emergency help if person is having a seizure and we don't feel comfortable using Diazepam.

Before using, check syringe for correct dose. Your pharmacist should set correct dose and lock syringe in " ready " position before giving you product. Before leaving the pharmacy, look at each syringe. The dose should be in display window on the side. You should see a green band with word " ready " at the bottom of syringe barrel. Look to make sure we have correct syringe tip ( e. g. , smaller tip for a child ) and that there are no cracks around the syringe tip. Return the product to pharmacist if there's a problem or if we have any questions

Cracks can cause medication to leak out and not provide correct amount of medication. If we see a crack, use a different syringe. Cracks can appear over time, so keep checking your syringes to make sure we have good ones ready to use. Also check expiration date on the package, and refill your prescription before the medication expires.

The dosage is based on age, weight, medical condition, and response to therapy. Be sure we understand when Diazepam should be used, how to use it, and how to check for side effects/seizure control. In some cases, a second dose may be prescribed and given 4 to 12 hours after the first dose. Usually, Diazepam shouldn't be used to treat more than 5 episodes per month and no more than one episode every 5 days. If seizures continue after using Diazepam as prescribed ( e. g. , no change 15 minutes after dose is given ) , or if there's a change in person's breathing, behavior, or condition that alarms you, get emergency help right away.

Diazepam shouldn't be used regularly. This medication may cause dependence when it has been used regularly for a long time ( more than a few weeks ) or if it has been used in high doses. In such cases, if we suddenly stop Diazepam, withdrawal reactions may occur while use Diazepam. Such reactions can include increased seizures. Report any such reactions to your doctor immediately. When stopping extended, regular treatment with Diazepam, gradually reducing dosage as directed will help prevent withdrawal reactions. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details.

Though it is very unlikely to occur, Diazepam can also result in abnormal drug-seeking behavior ( addiction/habit forming ) . Do not increase your dose, take it more frequently, or use it for a longer time than prescribed.

Dispose of Diazepam properly. Follow directions in Patient Information Leaflet. Do not reuse the syringe.

Do not stop taking your regular seizure control medications when we are given Diazepam.

Diazepam: side effects Drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea, and unsteadiness may occur. If these persist or worsen, notify your doctor promptly.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed Diazepam because he or she has judged that the benefit to we is greater than risk of side effects. Many people using Diazepam do not have serious side effects. Diazepam stays in the body for a long time. Be sure to watch for reactions for at least 4 hours after giving the medication.

Seek immediate medical attention if any of these unlikely but very serious side effects occur:

A serious allergic reaction to Diazepam is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include:

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects. If we notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Diazepam: precautions Before using Diazepam, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to other benzodiazepines ( e. g. , oxazepam, temazepam ) ; or if you have any other allergies.

Diazepam shouldn't be used if we have certain medical conditions. Before using this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have:

Before using Diazepam, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of:

Diazepam may make we dizzy or drowsy; use caution while engaging in activities requiring alertness such as driving, riding a bicycle, or using machinery. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

To minimize dizziness and lightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.

Caution is advised when using Diazepam in elderly because they may be more sensitive to the effects of Diazepam, especially the drowsiness effect.

Diazepam isn't recommended for use during pregnancy. If we become pregnant or think we may be pregnant, inform your doctor immediately. Consult your doctor for more details.

Diazepam may pass into breast milk. Because of possible harm to infant, breast-feeding while using Diazepam is not recommended. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.

Diazepam: interactions Your healthcare professionals ( e. g. , doctor or pharmacist ) may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring we for them. Do not start, stop or change dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.

Diazepam shouldn't be used with following medications because a very serious interaction may occur while use Diazepam:

If we are currently using either of these medications, tell your doctor or pharmacist before using Diazepam.

Before using Diazepam, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products we may use, especially of:

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if we also take drugs that cause drowsiness such as: antidepressants ( e. g. , amitriptyline, nefazodone ) , certain antihistamines ( e. g. , diphenhydramine ) , anti-seizure drugs ( e. g. , carbamazepine, phenobarbital, valproate ) , medicine for sleep or anxiety ( e. g. , alprazolam, kava, zolpidem ) , muscle relaxants, narcotic pain relievers ( e. g. , codeine ) , psychiatric medicines ( e. g. , chlorpromazine, risperidone ) .

Diazepam contains a small amount of alcohol. Tell your doctor if we are taking drugs such as disulfiram or metronidazole that can can cause an unpleasant reaction when combined with alcohol.

Avoid alcohol when using Diazepam because it may increase side effects such as difficulty breathing and drowsiness.

Check labels on all your medicines ( e. g. , cough-and-cold products ) because they may contain drowsiness-causing ingredients. Ask your pharmacist about safe use of those products.

This document does not contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using Diazepam, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all products we use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share list with your doctor and pharmacist.

Diazepam: overdose If overdose of Diazepam is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call the US national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. Symptoms of overdose may include confusion, slow reflexes, clumsiness, deep sleep, and loss of consciousness.

Diazepam: notes Do not share Diazepam with others. It is against the law.

Diazepam: missed dose Not applicable.

Diazepam: storage Store Diazepam at room temperature at 77 degrees F ( 25 degrees C ) away from light and moisture. Brief storage between 59-86 degrees F ( 15-30 degrees C ) is permitted. Keep all medicines away from children and pets.

Properly discard Diazepam when it's expired or no longer needed. Consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company for more details about how to safely discard your product.

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North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health

North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health What you have to know before use Diazepam. Diazepam with US shipping Take care about yourself. Here is useful health tips for you.

More northern women feel bloating and gurgling than their southern counterparts with up to 70% of them likely to experience it at any one time, according to a TNS survey commissioned by Danone ( 1 ) .

Women from West Midlands and Yorkshire and Humberside fared the worst ( 71% ) , with Greater London and South West experiencing the least amount of bloated feelings. And 61% of British women experience feeling bloated, with 85% believing they have a healthy digestive system.

Two thirds of women haven't consulted a doctor or nurse about these feelings - younger women especially, aged 16 - 34, generally don't do anything about these feelings of digestive discomfort.

Today, on World Digestive Health Day, the World Gastroenterology Organisation Foundation ( 2 ) and Danone have joined forces to call for improved education in digestive health in UK.

According to Professor Eamonn Quigley, President, World Gastroenterology Organisation, " This year, we celebrate our 50th anniversary and have chosen to highlight the crucial topic of nutrition and digestive health. Digestive disorders affect a significant percent of population and can lead to serious conditions such as colon cancer. We believe that nutrition is integral to digestive health - and overall health - and within nutrition, proven probiotics can play a major role in improving digestive health. "

44% of British women who experience digestive discomfort say it makes them feel uncomfortable in their clothes or skin; 23% feel bad tempered and 1 in 5 feel less confident. This is a true reflection that British women could take better care of their digestive health, something that can be improved with very easy steps.

Not surprisingly, survey's findings also showed that in areas where most women reported feeling digestive discomfort, they also reported eating more fried and fatty foods. Fried/fatty foods were consumed at least two to three times a week by 25% of British women - highest in the West Midlands ( 31% ) .

Interestingly, in the areas where women reported the lowest levels of feeling bloated, highest consumption of probiotic yogurt was reported. Probiotic yogurt consumption was also found to be highest in UK women aged 55 - 64, the age group least likely to report feeling bloated. Highest yogurt consumption was evident in South West, Greater London and East of England - all areas which correlate to comparatively lower bloated feelings.

Fiona Hunter, independent nutritionist, said: " Digestive health is an excellent indicator of our overall health. Discomfort is not just something women get from time to time and it really is not something that should be ignored. If we do experience it, first check your diet - eat lots of fruit and veg and try a probiotic yogurt that has scientifically proven benefits. Also, try to eat more slowly, make sure we drink plenty of fluids and try and do regular exercise. If things do not improve, talk to your local practice nurse or GP. "

Worryingly, survey also showed that a fifth of British women are skipping breakfast, most important meal for jumpstarting day's digestive process. Within 16-24 year category, this figure increases to an incredible third of young women.

Daily probiotics can play a major role in supporting digestive health. Activia contains the unique culture Bifidus Actiregularis ( TM ) , which increases your good bacteria. It helps regulate support your digestive system by improving slower digestive transit when at least one pot is eaten everyday for two weeks as part of a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. 82% of people with self-reported digestive discomfort said they felt better or much better after having one pot of Activia for two weeks* and 87% reported feeling less bloated. **

For more information, please visit http: //www. activedigestivehealth. com and http: //www. wgofoundation. org.

For readers, more information is available at http: //www. activedigestivehealth. com

( 1 ) The survey was conducted by TNS via an online omnibus panel of 1, 011 adult women aged between 16-64 years in Great Britain. Fieldwork was conducted between 24 April - 1 May 2008. The sample has been weighted to represent female population of Great Britain aged 16 - 64 years.

( 2 ) World Digestive Health Day ( 29 May ) is a WGO Foundation initiative which aims to educate the general public, as well as healthcare professionals, that being aware of, and looking after our digestive health, is an important part of our overall well-being and that taking small proactive steps, can make a big difference.

* Study where 292 consumers ate one or two pots of Activia everyday for 14 days

** As compared to 54% who reported feeling less bloated in the control group in the same study

http: //www. activedigestivehealth. com

Take care about yourself. Here is useful health tips for you.

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North South Divide Exists In UK Digestive Health What you have to know before use Diazepam. Diazepam with US shipping Take care about yourself. Here is useful health tips for you.

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