*** Bound By Love ***

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*** Bound By Love ***

Antonstar & MorningStar4

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i kneel at your feet,

eyes down, waiting,

Very gently You touch me under my chin,

i look up at your face,

the love i see in

Your eyes sets my head

spinning with possibility,

You pull me up to you and

hold me so closely i can

feel Your heart beat,

i open my mouth,

and try to relay to You the admiration

and adoration i feel,

but i cannot find words that

possess the strength of my love.

So, i simply hold You closer,

and try to breath You in,

i want to inhale You,

carry You inside me,

feel You, taste You, experience You.

Why do You shape my world,

why are You in my dreams,

why do i feel strange

when i talk to You,

as if i were naked and

You could see into the depths of

my shaded soul.

Tell me, what do You see?

Here is what i have wanted to give

You for awhile.

In this collection of words,

i live; with each line,

i breathe.

my heart no longer dwells

in this body of mine,

i am giving it to You,

please take it.

Now begins the courtship of a lifetime,

You move so swiftly and gracefully,

i hope i can keep up..

Page Built On April 12, 2008

By MorningStar4

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